tzor wrote:Are there some executives whose salaries and benefits are insanely gross and downright immoral? Damn straight there are. But they are not everyone; hell they are not even the majority. They are the minority.
That's the whole point. Thats what the whole "99%" business is about.
I gotta say. That was one of your most spectacular falling flat on your face in the first paragraph events you've ever managed. And you have managed some doozies.
Government cannot pull the weeds without pulling out the wheat. Government cannot punish those few people whose salaries are exceptionally gross without punishing all thsose others CEO's out there who'se salaries are excetionally justified and those who actually take a lower salary because they actually do care for their workers.
That isn't just speculation it's pure fantasy land lalalalala level bull crap.
Tax the rich. It isn't hard. It is also something provably done in the past. Quite recently. Even fucking Reagan did it. You can totally tax people for having or earning lots of money. It's really, really, really simple.
Your weed parable isn't just insanely circumspect it's outright contradictory of reality. Your weed parable is appropriate for
regressive taxation but NOT for the
progressive taxation that you just see no evil monkied into never having existed in your weird alternative dimension alternate history fantasy.
because the 53% who are paying taxes don't agree with them.
A lot of your "no jobs" and "53%er" recylced brainless conservative talking points are wrong. But that's the one that was most wrong as clearly explained by others already.
Even if it were somehow reasonable to ignore the concerns of the jobless
during a massive unprecedented employment crisis or the concerns of the lowest income earners
during a massive unprecedented period of income inequality. Even if it were OK to claim that an income bracket
that pays a larger portion of it's income in taxation than any other bracket is somehow "lucking out" by not paying a
single specific form of tax. Even if all that were true... actually a lot more than just those guys are fucking pissed with the recent failings and blatant greed or our incompetent and child like aristocrats.
Yes, they are the BASKET WEAVERS, who are complaining that they should be allowed to take USELESS FEATS and... SCREW THEM
That's not how a massive unemployment crisis works.
Even if it was that's not how humanity and compassion works either, but mostly, that's not how a massive unemployment crisis works.
For added bonus points it's also not how income inequality works.
Like homeless veterans?
What? No really. Stay focused, have some attention span here Tzor. LOOK A UFO!
No but really? Homeless veterans are a distraction from an employment crisis and massive social inequality? Do you even know how a "distraction" is
supposed to work?
edit: A distraction works by using
something different rather than
something the same.
For instance, going of on a provably, even laughable, false troll post about a tangential issue to distract from the relevant fact that you are repeatedly being caught out using the same disproved talking points about abortion.
You should try that!