Revised Tome Armors

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Revised Tome Armors

Post by Sigil »

I thought the tome armors could use some tweaking, since the cool abilities don't come online until you pass sweet spot of 8th to 10th level, which is where most games I participate in exist. Please forgive the lack of formattin, the only internet connection I currently have is my phone.

These are just the mundane armors, the quasi magical "fantastic“ armors will be put up as soon as I type them out.

I feel like I fell flat on some of the abilities, as I tried to make all the mundane ones somewhat believable. So suggestions are welcome.

New Tome Armors
Revision 2

The entries for the armors are given in a standardized format.

Mundane Armor

Cost: The maket price of the armor or shield for small or medium creatures

Armor/Shield Bonus (AC): Each type of armor or shield grants a bonus to the AC of the creature wearing it. Armor bonuses from armor do not stack with armor bonuses from other sources, likewise shield bonuses from shields do not stack with shield bonuses from other sources.

Maximum Dexterity Bonus (Max Dex): This number is the maximum dexterity bonus to AC that a creature wearing the given type of armor can apply to their AC. Dexterity bonuses to AC in excess of this amount are reduced to the amount given for the purpose of determining the creature's AC. A creature wearing armor or a shield that they are proficient with can treat the armor or shield's max dex as being 1 point higher for every 2 points their BAB exceeds the armor check penalty of the armor or shield. For example,a character with a BAB of +4 would treat the max dex of a chain shirt (ACP -2) as being +6 instead of the normal +5.

Armor Check Penalty (ACP): All armors and shields have an ACP, though sometimes that penalty is -0. A character applies the ACP of the armor and shield they are wearing to all Strength and Dexterity based skill checks they make other than Stealth checks (Or hide and move silently, whatever man). ACP from armor stacks with ACP from a shield. If the combined ACP of the armor and shield a character is wearing exceeds their BAB they move at reduced speed, if the ACP is 4 points greater than their BAB they cannot run, if the ACP is 10 or more points greater than their BAB they can only stagger around and require a full-round action to move 5 feet.

Arcane Spell Failure Chance: Armor and shields interfere with most arcane spells. When casting an arcane spell with a somatic component, a character suffers a 5% chance of spell failure for every point of ACP their armor and shield imposes on them.

Armor Stealth Penalty (ASP): All armors and shields have an ASP, though it can be as low as -0. A character applies the ASP of the armor and shield they are wearing to all Stealth checks they make. A creature wearing armor or a shield they are proficient with can treat the armor or shield's ASP as being 1 better (minimum -0) for every 2 points their BAB exceeds the ACP of the armor or shield.

Armor Nonproficiency: A creature that wears armor or a shield that they are not proficient with treat the ACP and ASP of that armor or shield as being 4 points worse. In addition, a character takes a -1 penalty to all attack rolls for every point by which the armor or shields ACP exceeds their BAB.

Weight: The weight, in pounds, of the armor or shield for a medium creature. For every size category smaller, halve the weight. For every size category larger, double the weight.

Specific Armor Benefits: Every armor and shield grants its wearer a set of unique benefits. One benefit for simply wearing it, one benefit for being proficient with it, one benefit for having a BAB of +5 or 5 ranks in a specific skill, and one benefit for having a BAB of +10 or 10 ranks in a specific skill.

Enhancement Adjustment (EA): Fantastic armor and shields are magical by their very natures, and as such have an extra quality. A fantastic armor or shield that is made magical has its cost increased as if it already had an enhancement bonus equal to its enhancement adjustment, and its total enhancement bonus cannot exceed +10 including its EA. (If you're using Tome armor qualities this shit doesn't even matter).

Masterwork Armor: Armor can be made masterwork, increasing its cost by 150 gold. Masterwork armor has its ACP reduced by 1. Armor must be masterwork before it can be made magical.

Nonarmors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Camoflage +0 +8 -0 -0 1 lbs. 1g
Fancy Clothing +0 +6 -1 -2 4 lbs. 30g
Functional Clothing +0 +8 -0 -0 2 lbs. 1g
Light Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Brigadine +5 +3 -4 -3 30 lbs. 125g
Chain Shirt +4 +5 -2 -4 25 lbs. 100g
Cord Armor +2 +4 -1 -0 10 lbs. 20g
Leather Armor +2 +7 -1 -0 15 lbs. 15g
Padded Armor +1 +8 -0 -0 10 lbs. 15g
Still Suit +2 +5 -3 -1 15 lbs. 30g
Studded Leather +3 +6 -1 -1 20 lbs. 25g
Wicker Armor +3 +7 -1 -6 15 lbs. 15g
Winter Gear +2 +4 -4 -4 20 lbs. 30g
Medium Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Breastplate +5 +4 -4 -2 30 lbs. 200g
Chainmail +5 +3 -3 -5 40 lbs. 150g
Chitin Carapace +5 +4 -3 -1 30 lbs. 500g
Elaborate Gown +1 +3 -5 -8 25 lbs. 300g
Hide Armor +3 +4 -4 -4 25 lbs. 15g
Lamellar +4 +4 -4 -4 35 lbs. 190g
Lobster Mail +5 +2 -5 -3 50 lbs. 350g
Ringmail +4 +4 -2 -3 30 lbs. 100g
Scale Mail +4 +3 -5 -2 30 lbs. 50g
Heavy Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Full Plate +8 +1 -6 -6 50 lbs. 1500g
Great Armor +7 +2 -7 -6 60 lbs. 2000g
Half Plate +7 +2 -5 -7 50 lbs. 800g
Hoplite Armor +6 +1 -8 -5 50 lbs. 500g
Stone Plate +10 +0 -9 -11 70 lbs. 1750g
Shields AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Buckler +1 - -1 -0 5 lbs. 15g
Steel Shield +2 - -1 -0 15 lbs. 20g
Wicker Shield +1 - -1 -0 5 lbs. 15g
Wooden Shield +1 - -1 -0 10 lbs. 15g
Great Shields AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight Cost
Kappa Shell +3 - -12 -5 40 lbs. 500g
Kite Shield +4 - -5 -2 30 lbs. 120g
Tower Shield +4 - -10 -2 40 lbs. 100g

Breastplate (Medium Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine
Proficient: You negate the first 5 extra damage from a sneak attack, critical hit, or other precision effect.
+5 BAB: You gain Light Fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).
+10 BAB: DR 6/Adamantine

Brigadine (Light Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 2/Adamantine or Piercing
Proficient: Opponents must succeed a Perception check (DC 15+your ranks in Disguise or your BAB) to notice you are wearing armor.
+5 BAB: You incur only half the normal ACP from brigadine.
BAB: You incur only half the normal ASP from brigadine.

Buckler (Shield, Light)
Material: Metal
Worn: You cannot shield bash with a buckler, but may attack with a weapon using the same arm you are wielding your buckler with by accepting a -1 penalty to the attack roll. After this attack, you lose the bucklers shield bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Proficient: You have a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Feint attacks.
+5 BAB: The bucklers shield bonus now applies to your touch AC.
+10 BAB: You no longer take a penalty to attack rolls or lose your shield bonus to AC when attacking with the same arm you are wielding your buckler with.

Camouflage (Nonarmor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: Camouflage clothing is designed to make the wearer harder to notice in one specific environment. The special armor benefits of camouflage only work when used in that environment. Possible environments that camouflage can be designed to work in include: Dim Lighting, Rocky, Sandy, Snowy, Vegetation, or any specific plane other than the Material Plane. When wearing camouflage in the appropriate setting, opponents do not get a +4 bonus to Perception checks made to notice you using sight for knowing what to look for.
Proficient: The DC of any Perception check made to notice you using sight is increased by +2.
5 Stealth: You gain the benefits of Hide in Plain Sight in the appropriate setting.
10 Stealth: You gain concealment (20% miss chance) in the appropriate setting.

Chainmail (Medium Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Piercing
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against Grapple attacks.
+5 BAB: You incur only half the normal ACP from chainmail.
+10 BAB: Slashing damage from any source is halved.

Chitin Carapace (Medium Armor)
Material: Bone
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Bludgeoning
Proficient: The ACP of this armor does not apply to Climb checks.
Climb 5: You gain a climb speed equal to your land speed.
Climb 10: You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed.

Cord Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Rope(Cloth)
Worn: DR 1/Adamantine, Slashing, or Piercing
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
Acrobatics 5: You can make unarmed Disarm and Trip attacks without provoking opportunity attacks at a reach 5 feet greater than your natural reach.
Acrobatics 10: Once per round, as an immediate action, you can replace your AC against one attack with the result of an Acrobatics check. You may not do this if you are flat-footed.

Elaborate Gown (Medium Armor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Perform checks.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks.
Diplomacy 5: You can use Sleight of Hand to hide a weapon or other object of the same size as you without penalty.
Diplomacy 10: You can perform a Bluff or Diplomacy check as a standard action without penalty.

Fancy Clothing (Nonarmor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks in civilized settings.
Proficient: You may demand room and board from peasants at any time. No check required.
Bluff 5: You may make a bluff check as a free action to convince someone that you belong wherever you happen to be.
Bluff 10: Once per round, you may perform a Feint as a free action.

Full Plate (Heavy Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 5/Adamantine
Proficient: You negate the first 5 extra damage from a sneak attack, critical hit, or other precision effect.
+5 BAB: You negate the first 3 energy damage from any source.
+10 BAB: DR 10/Adamantine

Funtional Clothing (Nonarmor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: You calculate your carrying capacity as if your Strength score was 2 points higher. This does not increase the maximum amount of weight you can drag, lift, or push.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to Escape Artist and Sleight of Hand checks.
Sleight of Hand 5: You may retrieve a stored item as a free or immediate action once per round.
Sleight of Hand 10: Your carrying capacity is increased by 50%. This does not increase the amount of weight you can drag, lift, or push.

Great Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 4/Adamantine
Proficient: You negate the first 5 extra damage from a sneak attack, critical hit, or other precision effect.
Intimidate 5: You can reroll any Intimidate check once. You must decide to do this before the result of your check is declared and must accept the result of the second roll even if it is lower.
Intimidate 10: Allies that can see you gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls. This is a fear effect.

Hide Armor (Medium Armor)
Material: Leather
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Piercing
Proficient: The DC to track you by scent is increased by 5.
Survival 5: You can disguise yourself as the type of creature whose hide this armor was made from at no penalty if it is within one size category of you.
Survival 10: DR 6/Adamantine or Piercing

Half Plate (Heavy Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 4/Adamantine
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Grapple attacks.
BAB +5: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against Grapple attacks.
BAB +10: DR 8/Adamantine

Hoplite Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 5/Adamantine
Proficient: You negate the first 5 extra damage from a sneak attack, critical hit, or other precision effect.
+5 BAB: You incur only half the normal ACP from hoplite armor.
+10 BAB: You gain Moderate Fortification (50% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).

Kappa Shell (Great Shield)
Material: Bone
Worn: Wearing this shield does not occupy any of your hands, but all of your attacks are made at a -2 penalty
Proficient: You cannot be flanked by anyone who does not have the edge on you.
+5 BAB: As an immediate action, you can negate one ranged attack made against you.
+10 BAB: You no longer suffer a penalty to attack rolls when wearing a kappa shell.

Kite Shield (Great Shield)
Material: Wood
Worn: Your mount gains the same shield bonus to AC that your kite shield grants you.
Proficient: Your mount gains evasion.
Ride 5: You gain a +5 bonus to ride checks made to negate attacks against your mount.
Ride 10: Your mount gains improved evasion.

Lamellear Armor (Medium Armor)
Material: Leather
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Slashing
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against Grapple attacks.
+5 BAB: For each point of BAB you have, you can treat a fall as being 5 feet shorter, but you land prone.
+10 BAB: As an immediate action, you can reduce the amount of physical damage you take from any source by an amount equal to your BAB, and take an equivalent amount of nonlethal damage.

Leather Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Leather
Worn: DR 2/Adamantine or Slashing
Proficient: The ACP of this armor does not apply to Acrobatics checks.
Acrobatics 5: You gain energy resistance against Acid and Fire equal to half your ranks in Acrobatics.
Acrobatics 10: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against Acid and Fire effects.

Lobster Mail (Medium Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: By spending a full-round action to flap your arms up and down, you can pump one minutes worth of air into the suits stores, up to a maximum of one hour. You can begin breathing from these reserves at any time. The air stored is the same as the air pumped into it.
Proficient: Each empty hand you posses can be used as a primary natural pincer attack that deals 1d6 damage for medium creatures. These claws have an enhancement bonus equal to the armors enhancement bonus.
Swim 5: The ACP of this armor is reduced to -0 when submerged.
Swim 10: You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed, and can act as if affected by a freedom of movement effect in regards to water.

Padded Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: DR 1/Adamantine, Piercing, or Slashing
Proficient: You take 1d6 less falling damage.
Acrobatics 5: DR 3/Adamantine, Piercing, or Slashing
+Acrobatics 10: You take 3d6 less falling damage.

Ringmail (Medium Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Piercing
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
+5 BAB: You have a further +2 armor bonus to AC against ranged weapons that deal bludgeoning damage
+10 BAB: DR 8/Adamantine or Piercing

Scale Mail (Medium Armor)
Material: Metal
Worn: DR 3/Adamantine or Bludgeoning and Piercing
Proficient: Falling and constriction damage dealt to you is reduced by an amount equal to the AC bonus this armor provides you plus your BAB.
+5 BAB: Falling and constriction damage dealt to you is halved.
+10 BAB: DR 8/Adamantine or Bludgeoning and Piercing.

Steel Shield (Shield, Heavy)
Material: Metal
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Bullrush attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush attacks.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
+5 BAB: You gain a bonus to your CMB against Grapple attacks equal to the shield bonus this shield grants to your AC
+10 BAB: You can throw your shield, allowing you to perform a Disarm or Trip attack out to twice your natural reach.

Still Suit (Light Armor)
Material: Leather
Worn: You require only a fourth of the normal water needed to survive.
Proficient: You do not need to make checks to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
Survival 5: You gain Fire resistance 5.
Survival 10: you no longer require any water to survive.

Stone Plate (Heavy Armor)
Material: Stone
Worn: DR 5/Adamantine
Proficient: You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).
+5 BAB: DR 10/-
+10 BAB: You are immune to critical hits.

Studded Leather (Light Armor)
Material: Leather
Worn: DR 2/Adamantine or Piercing
Proficient: When you successfully deal damage in a grapple, you can add the armor bonus to AC that this armor provides as a bonus to that damage.
+5 BAB: You gain energy resistance against Acid and Fire damage equal to ½ your BAB.
+10 BAB: You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).

Tower Shield (Great Shield)
Material: Wood
Worn: At the start of your turn you can claim partial cover, giving you a +2 cover bonus to your AC and a +1 cover bonus to Reflex saves, but you have a -2 penalty to all attack rolls. This lasts until the start of your next turn.
Proficient: As an immediate action, you can negate one ranged attack made against you.
+5 BAB: The cover bonus increases to normal cover, giving you a +4 cover bonus to AC and a +2 cover bonus to Reflex saves. You still incur a -2 penalty
+10 BAB: You no longer incur a -2 penalty to attack rolls when claiming cover with your tower shield.

Wicker Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Wood
Worn: DR 2/Adamantine
Proficient: You take 3d6 less falling damage.
Jump 5: Your jumps are always considered to have a running start.
Jump 10: You take no falling damage.

Wicker Shield (Shield, Light)
Material: Wood
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Bullrush attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush attacks.
Proficient: You can use this shield's shield bash as a weapon that has the trip property, and gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing trip attacks with this.
Sleight of Hand 5: An opponent that misses you with a melee attack provokes an attack of opportunity from you, this attack must be a Trip or Disarm attack using this shields shield bash.
Sleight of Hand 10: You have a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Grapple attacks.

Winter Clothing (Light Armor)
Material: Cloth
Worn: You gain a +4 bonus on saves to avoid taking damage from cold environments.
Proficient: You treat cold environments as if they were 10 degrees (Fahrenheit) warmer than they actually are for every rank you have in survival (minimum 10 degrees). This may prevent you from needing to make any saves at all.
5 Survival: You gain cold resistance 5.
10 Survival: You gain a +2 bonus to saves against all cold effects

Wooden Shield (Shield, Light)
Material: Wood
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Bullrush attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush attacks.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
+5 BAB: You gain a bonus to your CMB against Grapple attacks equal to the shield bonus this shield grants to your AC
+10 BAB: You can throw your shield, allowing you to perform a Disarm or Trip attack out to twice your natural reach.

Fantastic Armor

Enhancement Adjustment (EA): Fantastic armor and shields are magical by their very natures, and as such have an extra quality. A fantastic armor or shield that is made magical has its cost increased as if it already had an enhancement bonus equal to its enhancement adjustment, and its total enhancement bonus cannot exceed +10 including its EA. (If you're using Tome armor qualities this shit doesn't even matter).

Material: Fantastic armor and shields are always made out of a specific kind of material, and cannot be made out of any other kind of material.

Creation: Fantastic armor and shields are magic items in their own right, and have requirements that must be met in order to craft them.

Masterwork: Fantastic armors are all already masterwork quality.
Nonarmors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Magic Clothing +2 +10 -0 -0 3 lbs. +4 8000g
Light Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Darkleaf Armor +4 +6 -1 -0 15 lbs. +2 750g
Gray Armor +3 +8 -0 -0 15 lbs. +3 1000g
Mithril Shirt +5 +6 -1 -0 12 lbs. +3 1000g
Shadowsilk Clothing +4 +6 -1 -1 5 lbs. +0 300g
Medium Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Adamantine Breastplate +7 +3 -3 -2 30 lbs. +3 5000g
Animal Spirit Armor +4 +3 -3 -3 25 lbs. +4 800g
Bone Armor +3 +4 -3 -5 30 lbs. +1 450g
Dragonscale Shirt +6 +5 -4 -2 25 lbs. +5 1400g
Gith Armor +5 +4 -2 -5 0 lbs. +3 950g
Mithril Suit +6 +5 -2 -1 15 lbs. +5 5000g
Rime Hauberk +5 +3 -5 -3 40 lbs. +2 1200g
Heavy Armors AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Adamantine Carapace +11 +2 -4 -4 50 lbs. +6 9000g
Coral Armor +5 +2 -6 -6 40 lbs. +2 1300g
Demon Armor +9 +5 -3 -3 40 lbs. +7 10000g
Dragonscale Suit +9 +4 -2 -2 40 lbs. +5 3000g
Elukian Clay Armor +6 +3 -5 -5 60 lbs. +2 4000g
Mechanus Armor +12 +0 -8 -8 70 lbs. +6 10000g
Silksteel Armor +7 +3 -1 -1 35 lbs. +2 4500g
Sunplate +9 +6 -8 -8 40 lbs. +6 6000g
Shields AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Adamantine Shield +3 - -0 -0 15 lbs. +3 2000g
Dragonscale Shield +3 - -1 -5 15 lbs. +2 450g
Force Screen +3 - -0 -0 0 lbs. +3 1800g
Mithril Shield +2 - -0 -0 60 lbs. +2 1020g
Vine Shield +1 - -1 -0 4 lbs. +1 300g
Great Shields AC Max Dex ACP ASP Weight EA Cost
Bone Wall +4 - -10 -2 35 lbs. +1 400g
Crystal Shield +4 - -3 -1 30 lbs. +4 2000g
Ice Aegis +5 - +5 +3 60 lbs. +2 1600g

Adamantine Breastplate (Medium Armor)
Material: Adamantium
Worn: DR X/- where 'X' is your BAB (minimum DR 3/-)
Proficient: You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).
BAB +5: You gain medium fortification (50% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).
BAB +10: You negate an amount of energy damage from any source equal to ½ your BAB.
Creation: Soften Earth and Stone

Adamantine Carapace (Heavy Armor)
Material: Adamantium
Worn: DR X/- where 'X' is your BAB plus 2 (minimum DR 5/-)
Proficient: You gain medium fortification (50% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack).
BAB +5: You negate an amount of energy damage from any source equal to ½ your BAB.
BAB +10: As long as you are not denied your Dexterity bonus, you are immune to critical hits and other precision effects.
Creation: Soften Earth and Stone

Adamantine Shield (Shield, Heavy)
Material: Adamantium
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Bullrush attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush attacks.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
+5 BAB: You gain a bonus to your CMB against Grapple attacks equal to the shield bonus this shield grants to your AC
+10 BAB: You can throw your shield, allowing you to perform a Disarm or Trip attack out to twice your natural reach.
Creation: Soften Earth and Stone

Animal Spirit Armor (Medium Armor)
Material: Bone
Worn: DR 4/Adamantine or Bludgeoning
Proficient: You deal +2d6 damage on a charge attack. This is a supernatural ability.
Survival 5: You gain a secondary natural weapon that deals 2d6 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for a medium creature. This natural weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to ½ your ranks in Survival.
Survival 10: You can use Beast Shape I at-will, as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your ranks in Survival
Creation: ???

Bone Armor (Medium Armor)
Material: Bone
Worn: DR 3/Bludgeoning
Proficient: Unintelligent undead ignore you, just as if you were also undead. This is a supernatural ability.
Knowledge(Religion) 5: You take half damage from positive or negative energy from any source. You may deactivate or activate this ability as a free action. This is a supernatural ability.
Knowledge(Religion) 10: Any time you kill a living creature, you regain 1d4 hit points per HD of the creature killed. This is a supernatural ability.
Creation: Animate Dead

Bone Wall (Great Shield)
Material: Bone
Worn: You gain a bonus to saving throws against death effects equal to the shield bonus to AC this shield provides you.
Proficient: You may cast necromancy spells without supplying material components that have a cost of 1 gold or less.
Knowledge(Religion) 5: This shields shield bonus to AC applies against incorporeal touch attacks. This is a supernatural effect.
Knowledge(Religion) 10: You may hold the charge on up to two touch spells simultaneously, one of which must be a Necromancy spell. If you cease wearing this shield while holding two touch spells, one of them is discharged harmlessly.
Creation: Animate Dead

Coral Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: Living Coral (Stone)
Worn: DR 5/Bludgeoning. This armor has armor spikes and spiked gauntlets.
Proficient: The ACP of this armor does not apply to Swim checks. You gain a swim speed equal to ½ you base land speed.
BAB +5: Creatures damaged by the armor spikes or spiked gauntlets of this armor must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Constitution modifier) or take 2 Dexterity damage. This is a poison effect.
10: -
Creation: Neutralize Poison

Crystal Shield (Great Shield)
Material: Gemstone (Stone)
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to saves agains spell-like abilities.
Proficient: The DC of any spell-like ability you cast is increased by +1.
Perception 5: As an immediate action you can make an opposed Perception check against the attack roll of a Ray targeting you. If you succeed, you may redirect the Ray, making a ranged touch attack and choosing new targets as if you were casting it.
Perception 10: You are immune to gaze attacks.
Creation: ???

Darkleaf Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Darkwood
Worn: The leaves grow into any living creature that wears this armor, granting them fast healing 1 while in normal or bright light.
Proficient: DR 3/Percing
Knowledge(Nature) 5: You gain Hide in Plain Sight while within 5 feet of any vegetation.
Knowledge(Nature) 10: The fast healing provided by this armor improves to ½ your ranks in Knowledge(Nature).
Creation: Must succeed a DC 20 Craft(Alchemy) check in addition to the normal crafting requirements.

Demon Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: A Live Demon (Leather)
Worn: DR 6/Cold Iron and Good
Proficient: Your attacks are Evil and Chaotically aligned.
Intimidate 5: You gain Soulsight out to 120 feet, allowing you to see living and undead creatures regardless of lighting or cover. You gain a +8 bonus to Perception checks made to detect creatures you could see with soulsight. This is a supernatural effect.
Intimidate 10: Opponents that approach within 60 feet of you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Will saves until they successfully attack you, after which they are immune for 24 hours. This is a supernatural fear effect.
Creation: Lesser Planar Binding

Dragonscale Shield (Shield, Heavy)
Material: Dragon Hide
Worn: You gain energy resistance against the same kind of energy the dragon it was made from was immune to equal to the shield bonus to AC this shield provides you. This bonus stacks with energy resistance provided by a dragonscale shirt or dragonscale suit.
Proficient: The shield bonus to AC this shield provides you applies against supernatural abilities
BAB +5: You gain a bonus to Intimidate checks made against creatures with the Dragon type equal to ½ your BAB.
BAB +10: You gain evasion. If you already have evasion you gain improved evasion instead.
Creation: Requires the hide of a dragon one size smaller than the size of the creature the shield is made for, or larger.

Dragonscale Shirt (Medium Armor)
Material: Dragon Hide
Worn: DR 4/Piercing
Proficient: You gain energy resistance against the same kind of energy the dragon it was made from was immune to equal to the armor bonus to AC this armor provides you. This bonus stacks with energy resistance provided by a dragonscale shield.
BAB +5: DR 8/Piercing
BAB +10: Your energy resistance improves to energy immunity.
Creation: The hide of a dragon the same size or larger than the size of the creature this armor is made for.

Dragonscale Suit (Heavy Armor)
Material: Dragon Hide
Worn: DR 5/Piercing
Proficient: You gain energy resistance against the same kind of energy the dragon it was made from was immune to equal to the armor bonus to AC this armor provides you. This bonus stacks with energy resistance provided by a dragonscale shield. Also, the ACP of this armor does not apply to Acrobatics checks.
Acrobatics 5: DR 10/Piercing. You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed with a clumsy maneuverability.
Acrobatics 10: Your energy resistance improves to energy immunity.
Creation: The hide of a dragon larger than the size of the creature this armor is made for.

Elukian Clay Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: Elukian Clay
Worn: The ACP of this armor is -0 in water.
Proficient: You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed.
Swim 5: You can breathe water as easily as air.
10: You can planeshift to the Elemental Plane of Water, or from the Elemental Plane of Water to the Prime Material Plane as a standard action. This is a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your ranks in swim.
Creation: Control Water

Force Screen (Shield, Light)
Material: -
Worn: The shield bonus to AC this shield provides applies against incorporeal touch attacks, and you can shield bash with this shield as if with a Ghost Touch weapon.
Proficient: You negate an amount of force damage from any source equal to the shield bonus to AC this shield provides.
Perception 5: You gain a +2 cover bonus to AC any time you are not denied your Dexterity bonus to AC.
Perception 10: You can now claim cover (+4 cover bonus to AC, +2 to Reflex saves) any time you are not flat-footed.
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, CL 5th, Shield.

Gith Armor (Medium Armor)
Material: Astral Driftmetal
Worn: You receive +2 bonus on Concentration checks.
Proficient: You suffer no Arcane Spell Failure chance because of this armor.
Spellcraft 5: You receive a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells.
Spellcraft 10: You can Planeshift to the Astral Plane or to Limbo, of from the Astral Plane or Limbo to the Material Plane, as a standard action. This is a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your ranks in spellcraft.
Creation: Telekinesis

Gray Armor (Light Armor)
Material: Slaad Skin (Leather)
Worn: DR 5/Lawful
Proficient: You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack)
BAB +5: You gain heavy fortification (75% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack)
BAB +10: You can emit an aura of Raw Limbo out to 10 feet. This aura can have one of the following effects, and can be changed as a standard action: black tentacles, cloak of chaos, reverse gravity, or zone of silence. Creatures entering the area may attempt a Will save (DC 10+½ your level+your Charisma modifier) to remain unaffected. This is a supernatural ability with a caster level equal to your level.
Creation: Dispel Law

Ice Aegis (Great Shield)
Material: Never Melt Ice
Worn: You gain fire and cold resistance equal to the shield bonus to AC this shield provides.
Proficient: If the ambient temperature is cold or colder (40 degrees Fahrenheit or less), the shield bonus this shield provides increases by +1.
BAB +5: You gain immunity to Cold.
BAB +10: You gain immunity to Fire.
Creation: ???

Magic Clothing (Nonarmor)
Material: Mageweave (Alright, I made that shit up)
Worn: DR 2/Magic
Proficient: You gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC.
Spellcraft 5: You gain a +3 bonus on Concentration checks.
Spellcraft 10: You gain a +5 defection bonus to AC.
Creation: ???

Mechanus Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: The Very Gears of Mechanus (Adamantium)
Worn: You gain DR 6/Chaos
Proficient: You gain moderate fortification (50% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack)
Knowledge(Engineering) 5: You gain a bonus to your Strength equal to 1/3 your ranks in Knowledge(Engineering) (round up).
Knowledge(Engineering) 10: You size category increases by one, including all the attendant benefits and penalties. You can activate or deactivate this ability as a full round action.
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, CL 5th, 5 ranks in Knowledge(Engineering.

Mithril Shield (Shield, Light)
Material: Mithril
Worn:You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Bullrush attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Bullrush attacks.
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Disarm attacks.
Sleight of Hand 5: You gain a bonus to your CMB against Grapple attacks equal to the shield bonus this shield grants to your AC
Sleight of Hand 10: You can throw your shield, allowing you to perform a Disarm or Trip attack out to twice your natural reach.
Creation: ???

Mithril Shirt (Light Armor)
Material: Mithril
Worn: DR 4/Bludgeoning and Piercing
Proficient: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against Grapple attacks.
BAB +5: Slashing damage from any source is halved
BAB +10: You gain light fortification (25% chance to ignore extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack)
Creation: ???

Mithril Suit (Medium Armor)
Material: Mithril
Worn: DR 5/Bludgeoning
Proficient: You do not incur a miss chance when averting your eyes from a gaze attack.
Acrobatics 5: The ACP of this armor is reduced to -0.
Acrobatics 10: If you would normally have concealment, you have total concealment instead.
Creation: ???

Shadowsilk Clothing (Light Armor)
Material: Silk (Cloth)
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus on Climb checks and a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Grapple attacks.
Proficient: You can pass through webs and similar effects without impediment.
Stealth 5: You gain a Climb speed equal to your land speed.
Stealth 10: You gain concealment in darkness, even when observed with darkvision.
Creation: Web

Rime Hauberk (Heavy Armor)
Material: Never Melt Ice
Worn: DR 5/Bludgeoning
Proficient: You gain energy resistance against Cold equal to the armor bonus to AC this armor provides. This stacks with any Cold resistance granted by an ice aegis.
BAB +5: As a swift action, you can emit a burst of frost that deals 1d6 cold damage per 2 points of BAB you have to everything within 10 feet if you. This is a supernatural effect.
BAB +10: You gain immunity to cold.
Creation: ???

Silk-Steel Armor (Heavy Armor)
Material: Silk
Worn: DR 5/Slashing or Adamantine
Proficient: You negate the first 10 points of penalty for moving quickly while using Stealth.
Stealth 5: The ACP of this armor is reduced to -0:
Stealth 10: You take no penalty for moving quickly while using Stealth.
Creation: Craft(Alchemy) 5 ranks

Sunplate (Heavy Armor)
Material: Gold
Worn: DR 5/Evil. Evil creatures that wear sunplate gain a negative level until it is removed.
Proficient: You radiate bright light out to 60 feet. This light deals 2d6 damage to undead and evil outsiders that enter it, and at the start of your turn. This is a supernatural light effect with a caster level equal to your level.
Sense Motive 5: You sprout wings, granting you a fly speed with good maneuverability equal to double your land speed.
Sense Motive 10: Once per day, when you would be brought below 0 hit points, you immediately heal 100 hit points. This is a supernatural ability.
Creation: Daylight

Vine Shield (Shield, Light)
Material: Living Vines (Wood)
Worn: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing Grapple attacks, and a +2 bonus to your CMD against Grapple attacks.
Proficient: Any time you deal damage to a creature in a grapple, you deal +2d6 extra bludgeoning damage.
Knowledge(Nature) 5: You can use this shield's shield bash as a reach weapon that has the trip property, and gain a +2 bonus to your CMB when performing trip attacks with this.
Knowledge(Nature) 10: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against all special attacks.
Creation: Control Plants
Last edited by Sigil on Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Did you check out any of the previous threads about revising Tome armors? You might be able to mine some abilities from those.

My Simplified Tome Armor project

Josh's Revised Tome Armor rules

Also, you typed all that from your phone? Yikes...
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Post by Sigil »

I actually really like the idea of greatly simplifying the abilities of the armors, and it's what I'm going for with my Fantasy Heartbreaker, but that's not what I was going for with this. These armors were made for a group that actually likes the complexity of the tome armors, but pretty much never really get to use the cool abilities.

That said, no, I hadn't seen either of those threads, and I predict they will be immensely useful to me, so thanks for that.

I also have real computer access now and will format the original post properly and post the fantastic armors in a bit.

Edit: It's also worth mentioning that the armors, obviously, were made to work with the CMB/CMD system for maneuvers that Pathfinder uses. Even though my group doesn't actually play pathfinder, we do use some elements from the combat section. It should be fairly easy to convert on the fly.
Last edited by Sigil on Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

I have never seen a character wearing armor they are not proficient with, so I question the usefulness of having separate abilities for worn and proficient. It seems they could be rolled into one. Then you have one ability for wearing the armor, one for level 5 and one for level 10. Which is exactly what the existing Tome armors give you. The fact there is another level of abilities balanced for 16th level characters doesn't really matter if you don't play characters that powerful.

I don't really get how this is different to the normal Tome armors.
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Post by Sigil »

The "Worn" abilities are usually DR, which you get by virtue of just wearing it. Its admittedly not going to come up often, but you could in theory stuff a VIP into a suit of full plate at low levels to protect him.

Also, most of the 15th level tome armor abilities Are kind of lame by thr time you get them. On the whole, these are meant to be greatlY different than the tome armors. Just, well, revised. I originally started this because I noticed the armors didn't have listed weights or creation requirements. Oddly, many of them still don't have creation requirements.
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Post by Chamomile »

Honestly, anything that doesn't do away with ASP has my skepticism. It just doesn't come up often enough to justify the extra bookkeeping.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Whilst there are a few things here that stand out as instantly problematic, like giving out static DR making low levels insane (Hoplite armor is available at level 1 and gives DR5, have you seen the damage CR1 monsters do?) or Great armor costing 500gp more than Full Plate despite being worse in every way, the main problem here is the expectation (carried over from the Tome) that every armor will scale infinitely.

I did a fair amount of thinking about the armors when I did my revision and one of the things I realised is that armor has a shelf life. You will never, ever get a level 10 character wearing cord armor, for a start it gives 3 points less AC than a mithril shirt. The only way to make that competitive is to give Cord armor abilities that are better than mithril at that level, at which point verisimilitude goes out of the window and the players scoff at you. So there is literally no point in writing level 10 abilities for Cord armor or Hoplite armor, noone is going to use them. You alluded to the fact you struggled to come up with realistic abilities for the mundane armors at high levels that were competitive with the magic armors, which had no such requirement. It's the old wizard-fighter argument again, you can't balance "has restrictions" with "no restrictions". Similarly, who is going to get Adamantine Carapace at level 1?

This is the thinking that lead me to my "one ability" revision, and honestly you have run into a lot of the problems I came across.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Red_Rob wrote:The only way to make that competitive is to give Cord armor abilities that are better than mithril at that level, at which point verisimilitude goes out of the window and the players scoff at you.
Um, the other way is the one actually used in the Tomes: giving different armors different bonuses. Trading a protective ability for a movement or stealthy or whatever ability is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, even if the benefits are not particularly equal.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Even then, the temptation to make the fantastic armors have better movement or stealth abilities than the mundane equivalents is pretty strong. There are just too many armor types for every one to have it's own niche, and whenever there is overlap the mundane version generally loses.
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Post by RobbyPants »

Why do the skill bonuses come online three levels earlier (or are you using variant house rules where your max ranks equal your level)?

I haven't read all of these, but lobster mail jumped out at me as weak. Getting swimming/FoM in water at level 10 seems a bit late.
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Post by Red_Rob »

I assumed they were using the Pathfinder skill rules, like they're using the Pathfinder combat rules. It would have been handy if this had been mentioned, however.
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Post by Sigil »

Yeah, we are using the Pathfinder skill rules (or something similar to it), so maximum ranks are equivalent to level. Sorry for lack of clarity.

The advice was helpful, and I'm probably going to end up re-revising things. Thanks.
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