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Post by Username17 »

It's important to remember that all of the major factions in the Ukraine are bad in different ways. While the Russians are occupying a portion of Ukrainian soil, remember that that portion of soil also had an election and voted to secede from Ukraine. In fact, they've had several elections and always voted to leave Ukraine and been put down by force repeatedly. The first prime minister of Crimea had to flee the country, and the forces occupying Kiev refuse to recognize the last election as well.

The guy heading the interim government in Kiev did not win an election. The guy who they forced out, the pro-Russian one, actually did. For all the talk about respecting the Ukrainian national integrity or whatever the fuck the G7 are going on about today, the reality is that it is the Russians and not the Westerners who have won every major election in the last four years. The Russian troops in Ukraine have a democratic mandate to be there from the Ukrainian people, while the "interim government" in Kiev is in power because they were placed there by armed thugs who took over in violation of a truce they had signed.

The pro-Russian faction is corrupt and brutal and all that and condemning them for this is fair. But democratic principles are on their side. The actual majority, as represented by people who cast votes rather than throw rocks, are on their side. The head of the Ukrainian navy has declared allegiance to the Crimean secessionist leader on the grounds that he's the legitimate authority because he's the only leader who actually won an election and has a democratic mandate to do anything. This is actually true!

The West's condemnation of Russian intervention in the Ukraine is completely hypocritical. Not just because the NATO members send troops into countries that are pissing them off all the time, but because Russia's causus belli is actually pretty fucking good. The legitimate authorities of the actual region they are occupying really did request their presence to defend them from a junta that has members who have threatened to murder them. That is a thing that really happened.
For some reason, when the head of Svoboda says that he thinks that all the Russians should be burned and ejected from the country, the ethnic Russians in the country get upset.

You or I may question the sanity of people wanting Putin to provide them security. But the people of Crimea and Kharkiv do actually want that. The Russian forces have a democratic mandate to be there, and the Ukrainian army fucking doesn't.

Last edited by Username17 on Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red Archon »

I just feel the need to underline how very correct the above post is. If you want a very simplistic view to take home, it's this: The East Ukraine is pro-Russia and has a lot of Russians in it, and when their wish to move closer to Russia was fucked with, Russia stepped up to say that their friends in the Ukraine have a powerful friend and that the non-Democratic Westerners need to back the fuck off. Russia's essentially protecting their people abroad, and no matter what you think about Russian politics, that's a fairly reasonable thing to do.

I'm personally all pro-EU, but the East Ukrainian people have sent a clear message and have their big brother closely watching over them and what we, the West, need to do is back the fuck off. So what if it's a fiscally and socially terrible idea to secede? It's their choice.
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Post by Koumei »

People are also free of course to point out that the reason the Crimea is full of ethnic Russians is that Stalin was no idiot and basically planned for this kind of thing, by deliberately displacing people and making sure [leader of Russia] could at any time go "Hey, we have heaps of people there, we NEED to intervene and help out and maybe kick other people around!" That's basically what happened in the Ukraine, and in Georgia, and probably all the other neighbouring areas. To the extent that, when those places stopped being part of the USSR, it would have made more sense for the "full of Russians" parts to gain autonomy and just be part of Russia.

You can point that out. Putin didn't actually do that, though he's taking advantage of it, and that doesn't change the fact that those countries have people born in them who are of Russian descent and have some weird loyalty to Russia, as dumb as that sounds. Unless you propose "Fuck em, Russia made that mess, I say we eject all the ethnic Russians back to Russia and let the nationals reclaim their proud land!" that argument means nothing. And nobody is going to make that argument, because not only does that make you an asshole, it most probably means wherever you live, you need to start packing your bags (see: white Australia, the Falklands, most of the USA, Belgium...)

Sometimes, just letting countries split into multiple smaller, shittier countries might actually be the best option. Then at some point they might form some kind of stupid union and then they basically are the same country anyway except everyone's happier about it. Or they get absorbed by their respective neighbours and nobody gives a shit. Had that splitting actually happened when the USSR collapsed, things might be looking a whole lot better right now.
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Post by ishy »

Red Archon wrote:I'm personally all pro-EU, but the East Ukrainian people have sent a clear message and have their big brother closely watching over them and what we, the West, need to do is back the fuck off. So what if it's a fiscally and socially terrible idea to secede? It's their choice.
Is it a fiscally terrible idea to secede?
I thought the financial situation before the riots was awful, can't see it being any better after the riots.
Gary Gygax wrote:The player’s path to role-playing mastery begins with a thorough understanding of the rules of the game
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Post by Username17 »

ishy wrote:
Red Archon wrote:I'm personally all pro-EU, but the East Ukrainian people have sent a clear message and have their big brother closely watching over them and what we, the West, need to do is back the fuck off. So what if it's a fiscally and socially terrible idea to secede? It's their choice.
Is it a fiscally terrible idea to secede?
I thought the financial situation before the riots was awful, can't see it being any better after the riots.
The Ukraine has spent more than twenty years being ping ponged between broadly pro-Russian and broadly pro-German kleptocrats. The East always vote pro-Russian, the West always votes pro-German, and the middle of the country always votes against whoever is currently in power because the people in power are always corrupt bastards. Ukrainian growth has been poor considering its fundamentals, mortality is tragicomically high, inequality is absurd, the economy is deeply depressed, and while government debt is not particularly high it is unclear how they can possibly repay any of it.

It is however, totally unclear how splitting the country would address any of those issues. Economic regionalism is pretty intense in Ukraine. Without the West, much of Ukraine's higher tech manufacturing is gone. Without the center, most of the agriculture vanishes. Without the East, the oil fields and refineries disappear. There is a lot of internal trade in the Ukraine, and drawing an arbitrary line down the middle of it - especially one covered with guns and blood - would be expected to hurt or kill a lot of industries and make the people even poorer.

But it's actually worse than that. Lviv does a lot of trade with Poland. Donetsk does a lot of trade with Russia. People in Donetsk can sell their products in Poland and receive goods made in the EU because they are in the same country as Lviv. People in Lviv can sell their products in Russia and get heating fuel from Gazprom because they are in the same country as Donetsk. With a line of hostility drawn across the country it's not especially clear how the people of Donetsk will eat food or the people of Lviv will heat their homes in the winter.

Of course, Germany's plan with the whole thing was to force open Russia's market. By getting the right to sell stuff in the Ukraine while the Ukraine had the right to sell stuff in Russia, they could bypass Russian tariffs and quotas and increase their exports. If Ukraine is divided that obviously won't work - since while the Western Ukrainian government may well sign whatever the EU asks them to, they won't have any sort of customs union with Russia anymore. So of course Germany is going to sputter about how dividing the country is impossible and stuff long after it becomes accomplished fact.

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Post by virgil »

http://fightland.vice.com/blog/brazilia ... protestors

Aside from the amusing idea of jiu-jitsu police squads in an After Sundown game, I'm confused by some people's responses to this...
Random Schmuck wrote:What? Brazil is a Communist-Socialist-Progressive country. Why are people rioting in a "people's paradise"?

I thought everyone would be happy once the evil capitalists were forced to be subservient to an all-powerful state? Like the capitalists are in Venezuela and China, and now under Obama's USA.
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Post by Swok »

I would assume that that person doesn't know shit about Brazil, or is actively lying.
Last edited by Swok on Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bigode »

Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Red Archon »

My Russian is shitty and I'm having a lot of trouble writing Cyrillic with this keyboard, so I'm struggling to find any good sources as to how much of Ukraine is actually seceding? Crimea is a given, but is there a credible approximation as to how many oblasts might be joining it?
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Post by Username17 »

Red Archon wrote:My Russian is shitty and I'm having a lot of trouble writing Cyrillic with this keyboard, so I'm struggling to find any good sources as to how much of Ukraine is actually seceding? Crimea is a given, but is there a credible approximation as to how many oblasts might be joining it?
Russian flags are now flying over government buildings in Donetsk and Kharkiv. I would assume that would mean that Luhansk is going as well, because otherwise it would be physically cut off from the rest of Ukraine.

Good chance that other oblasts will go. Odessa has similar Russian speaking percentages as Crimea. But right now I only get news reports of Russian sympathizers having reflagged three oblasts: Crimea, Donetsk, and Kharkiv.

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Post by Redshirt »

Redshirt: given the riots were sufficient that the actual president fled the country, of course Russia is putting people in there:
Yanukovych fled the country because Ukraine's parliament, including wide swathes of his own party, voted overwhelmingly to impeach him and then ordered his arrest, not because there was a torchbearing mob on his lawn. The mob showed up later, unopposed.

The whole "but democracy!" line of Russian apologia is a bit rich, honestly. Yanukovych won an election, true, but he consolidated power undemocratically, by forcing out unfriendly judges and then having the constitution changed judicially, without a vote. He then used his new powers to concentrate even more power That he failed to run Putin's playbook of creeping authoritarianism because he was impeached by parliament has got to be the most attenuated defeat democracy has ever suffered.

The government of Ukraine, just like the governments of most democracies, is not solely the executive branch. The parliament is full of people who won elections. The Prime Minister was elected by the parliament, so he won an election too. The interim president did not win a national election, but as the elected speaker of parliament he was in the legal line of succession after the impeachment of the previous president.
The actual part neighbouring Russia has a lot of Russians (or descendants thereof) as citizens, and that's the part that voted in the actual legitimate leader who was chased out, so if anybody is going to protect their interests (by which I mean "prevent out-of-control mobs from killing them")
That is not, and was not a credible threat in Crimea. Majority populations with police backing don't get slaughtered by mobs of scary minorities. They certainly don't need a foreign military power to protect them.
But no part of that would have happened if, in response to a pro-Russia government being elected who then decided to accept a Russian gas deal rather than a get-fucked-by-Merkel deal, Merkel hadn't pushed riots into action.
The idea that this was all just German astroturfing at the outset is both wholly unsupported at this point and in this thread, as well as being highly unnecessary to cause the Euromaidan protests. People who were brutalized by centuries of Russian imperialism don't need foreign machinations to demonstrate and demand the removal of a Russian stooge who just had his hated interior ministry police brutally suppress a fairly small, non-violent protest.

"Merkel pushed riots into action" and "the whole mess was apparently caused by German agents provocateur" are extreme claims that require unimpeachable evidence. I mean seriously, where is this footage Frank talked about? The only results I'm getting when I search for it are from presstv and fucking infowars. When I asked for a link you gave me a forum post, from this forum, with no footage, just a wikipedia page that made almost none of the claims Frank made, and a German page he apparently couldn't read very well.
Russian flags are now flying over government buildings in Donetsk and Kharkiv. I would assume that would mean that Luhansk is going as well, because otherwise it would be physically cut off from the rest of Ukraine.
The Russian flag was put up by a Russian "tourist". The population of Kharkiv Oblast is maybe 50% Russian speaking, and as of the last census (admittedly awhile ago) the population was 70% ethnic Ukrainian. Don't get too excited.
Last edited by Redshirt on Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Redshirt wrote:That is not, and was not a credible threat in Crimea. Majority populations with police backing don't get slaughtered by mobs of scary minorities. They certainly don't need a foreign military power to protect them.

That is simple unmitigated bullshit. Self-identified Ukrainian Banderists are in control of the ministry of defense. There is a credible threat to every non-ethnic Ukrainian in Ukraine. The OUN-B's "minority policy" is and was:
wikipedia wrote:the removal of hostile Poles, Jews, and Russians via deportation and the destruction of their respective intelligentsias
I don't think it's actually possible for Poles, Jews, or Russians living in Ukraine to over react to this. Svoboda sponsored actual torch wielding mobs to commemorate the birthday of Nazi quizzling Bandera. And now they have positions of power in the government. It's a really scary time for minority populations in the Ukraine. Even if they are locally majority populations.

The pictured man led a paramilitary unit that murdered 70,000 Poles during an ethnic cleansing campaign that was partially sponsored by Hitler. The people leading that mob include the newly appointed minister of defense and the newly appointed deputy prime minister.
Bandera wrote:Moskali, Poles, Jews are hostile to us must be exterminated in this struggle, especially those who would resist our regime: deport them to their own lands, importantly: destroy their intelligentsia that may be in the positions of power ... Jews must be isolated, removed from governmental positions in order to prevent sabotage, those who are deemed necessary may only work with an overseer... Jewish assimilation is not possible.
What, exactly could the Russian speaking people say they were afraid of that would be an over reaction? The new government in Kiev already moved to delegalize their language.

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Post by Nachtigallerator »

Frank pointed to UDAR's wikipedia page as proof that the party is a partner of the german conservative party CDU, which has been the gouverning party both through the longer part of german history and is again in government since 2005. The citation on wikipedia is solid because it goes to this page on which the CDU itself says that UDAR is their partner.

That does not, in itself, substantiate the claim that they have been giving UDAR money, but Klitschko was a guest at CDU meetings and has talked with Merkel on other occasions. Given their partner status, it is pretty likely they have some mutually beneficial deal going on. I guess I could dig up material on CDU geopolitical strategy if I felt like it, but I usually don't read papers of parties I despise in my free time.

That being said, I checked the german page Frank linked to. The claims are sourced, but I can't check them very well - the CDU politician they reference does not actually have a working news archive on his page, another site appears to have paywalls installed. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung did hold a seminar in cooperation with UDARs youth organisation (record on their site, appears to have been about the EU treaty) and invited their actual parlamentarians for a study trip to Berlin. I can not, on any site, find the actual text that this german page put in quotes, but that may be because they refuse to link exact pages instead of just the main page. It is very clearly a layman's take on reporting whatever news and perspectives he thinks are worth sharing - laudable, but time-consuming to check and probably not quoteable.

Anyway, here's a reputable german journalistic source talking about the same thing: Ukraine: Merkel wants to make Klitschko president"

PS: Just because it's the kind of thing you find on those kinds of webpages: The advert in the top right corner of that other german page is for a livestream called "Ein Meylenstein der Physik" (pro tip: If germans deliberately mess up their orthography, they want to be funny or really alternative, but are usually not to be taken seriously) about "Skalarwellen, Potentialwirbel, und Alternative Energie", which I hope sounds as kooky to you english-speaking people as it does to me. It has a professor who claims to have found a unified field theory by rejecting Maxwell's equations and extrapolating from an older equation by Newton. Also, cellphones have health hazards related to electromagnetic scalar waves. Which apparently are faster than light.
Last edited by Nachtigallerator on Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

For fuck's sake, Tyahnybok is also on wikipedia, and has been for quite some time. Wikipedia's POV is not remotely N, and even then,
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleh_Tyahnybok wrote:wikipedia[/url]]On July 20, 2004, Tyahnybok was expelled from the Our Ukraine parliamentary faction[9][12] after he made a speech in the Carpathian Mountains at the gravesite of a commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.[12] In the speech, which was aired on television in the summer of 2004, he made comments like:[13]

"[You are the ones] that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most"[12]


"They were not afraid and we should not be afraid. They took their automatic guns on their necks and went into the woods, and fought against the Moskali, Germans, Kikes and other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state."[11]

In his defence Tyahnybok said he had not offended Russians by calling them an occupying force as this was based on historical fact. He also denied that he was anti-Semitic, saying he was rather pro-Ukrainian.


In April 2005, Tyahnybok co-signed an open letter to President Yushchenko calling for a parliamentary investigation into the "criminal activities of organized Jewry in Ukraine."[4][16]
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Post by Redshirt »

That is simple unmitigated bullshit. Self-identified Ukrainian Banderists are in control of the ministry of defense. There is a credible threat to every non-ethnic Ukrainian in Ukraine.
No, it is not. The Bosniaks represented a whopping 9 percent of Yugoslavia's population, and even in Bosnia-Herzegovina they only had the biggest plurality. Ethnic Russians are around double that percentage, and an overwhelming majority in Crimea. Most importantly, as has been so amply demonstrated, they have a huge gorilla in their corner, and everyone in power in Ukraine knew that without the Russians seizing territory.

Svoboda is the fourth-largest party in Ukraine, and that's only on the strength of its anti-incumbant, anti-oligarch image--the hard core that might actually be willing to engage in ethnic cleansing is much, much smaller. The notion that there was an imminent threat of military or paramilitary forces swarming and killing Russians in Crimea is a delusional fantasy.
The new government in Kiev already moved to delegalize their language.
It did not delegalize their language, it removed it as a language of government business. That is not the same thing, and it didn't make it past a veto anyway. Further, Crimea retained its status as an autonomous region with its own language rules. Your hysterical portrayal of the current Ukrainian government as a bunch of bloodthirsty Nazis is unwarranted and unsupported. It has rightist elements, but they do not have the electoral or military power to meaningfully threaten the lives or property of Crimeans.
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Post by Kaelik »

Starmaker wrote:For fuck's sake, Tyahnybok is also on wikipedia, and has been for quite some time. Wikipedia's POV is not remotely N, and even then,
WTF are you talking about. I don't mean, you are wrong and dumb, I mean WTF are you talking about? Are you saying that the things on Wikipedia are false? Irrelevant? How is Wikipedia not N, not N implies baised in some direction, so please tell me what specifically they are biased for or against and why, since this is apparently such common knowledge that you didn't even bother mentioning it in your last post it should be easy to explain.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Username17 »

Kaelik wrote:
Starmaker wrote:For fuck's sake, Tyahnybok is also on wikipedia, and has been for quite some time. Wikipedia's POV is not remotely N, and even then,
WTF are you talking about. I don't mean, you are wrong and dumb, I mean WTF are you talking about? Are you saying that the things on Wikipedia are false? Irrelevant? How is Wikipedia not N, not N implies baised in some direction, so please tell me what specifically they are biased for or against and why, since this is apparently such common knowledge that you didn't even bother mentioning it in your last post it should be easy to explain.
Wikipedia English has a demonstrable "pro-Western" bias in current affairs, which is unsurprising because most of English Wikipedia's news sources are in English, which necessarily elevates American and British points of view above Russian and Chinese points of view. For example, let's look at the wikipedia page for the Budapest Agreement. As of the time of this writing it says:
wikipedia wrote:Following the 2014 Crimean crisis, the US stated that Russian involvement is in breach of its obligations to Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum, and in clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Now that piece has been edited dozens of times in the last two days, and it's way more neutral than what it said this weekend, which is that Russia had violated the agreement. But in any case, even now the Russian position that the country has not violated the terms of the agreement does not appear in the summary while the US position that it has does.

This doesn't make wikipedia a bad source, but it means that wikipedia isn't neutral, especially on issues where most of one side of a disagreement is published in a language other than English. It's an unavoidable consequence of opinion aggregation - opinions in the used language simply count for more than opinions in other languages. If you really want to see crazy, check out non-English wikipedia pages, where the represented opinions are even more limited in scope. Czech wikipedia spouts popular local conspiracy theories as fact all the time.
Redshirt wrote:No, it is not. The Bosniaks represented a whopping 9 percent of Yugoslavia's population, and even in Bosnia-Herzegovina they only had the biggest plurality. Ethnic Russians are around double that percentage, and an overwhelming majority in Crimea. Most importantly, as has been so amply demonstrated, they have a huge gorilla in their corner, and everyone in power in Ukraine knew that without the Russians seizing territory.

Svoboda is the fourth-largest party in Ukraine, and that's only on the strength of its anti-incumbant, anti-oligarch image--the hard core that might actually be willing to engage in ethnic cleansing is much, much smaller. The notion that there was an imminent threat of military or paramilitary forces swarming and killing Russians in Crimea is a delusional fantasy.
You are a stupid person. The Bosnia situation completely destroys your argument. The Croatian situation completely destroys your argument. The Kosovo situation completely destroys your argument. The breakup of Yugoslavia destroys your argument three times. Being a local majority and a national minority has historically been no protection at all from ethnic cleansing that had the support of the national government. You know there were Tutsi majority regions in Rwanda, right? You know that there are regions in Myanmar with majority Shan and Kachin populations, right? You know that a majority of people in South Sudan are Nilotic people, right?

Yes, only one in three of the parties in the government has explicitly and publicly endorsed the ethnic cleansing of Russians, Poles, and Jews from the Ukraine. But you know what? They are in the fucking government, and they could start bringing the hammer down on ethnic Russians at any time. You know, like the anti-Russian language law that they already proposed and passed in parliament. That's how it begins. It has already begun. The Russians of Ukraine are right to be afraid.

Yes, the ethnic Russians have a gorilla in their corner. But that gorilla only counts if it acts. Which is why the elected leader of Crimea asked for and received action from that gorilla.

Putin is a bad guy. Putin's Russia is regressive in a lot of ways. But there are people in the current Ukrainian government who are explicitly advocating the mass deportation and ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians. The ethnic Russians turning to Putin for protection is regrettably, a perfectly reasonable course of action for them.

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Post by Starmaker »

Kaelik wrote:
Starmaker wrote:For fuck's sake, Tyahnybok is also on wikipedia, and has been for quite some time. Wikipedia's POV is not remotely N, and even then,
WTF are you talking about. I don't mean, you are wrong and dumb, I mean WTF are you talking about? Are you saying that the things on Wikipedia are false? Irrelevant? How is Wikipedia not N, not N implies baised in some direction, so please tell me what specifically they are biased for or against and why, since this is apparently such common knowledge that you didn't even bother mentioning it in your last post it should be easy to explain.
1. There are editors with an agenda. Wikipedia has no means to detect those, even if they wanted to. They can detect policy breaking and assorted vandalism by first-time editors, they cannot possibly distinguish between an academic editing articles pertaining to a certain field and a paid (or determined) editor doing the same.

2. Most actual content is generated by sporadic, typically anonymous editors. Most # of edits are generated by established wikipedos who know fuck all about the subject. Guess who gets to call the shots?

3. "Controversial" articles are written to "teach the controversy", and people attempting to edit out the bullshit are accused of breaking :npov.

4. The common underlying assumption of what constitutes npov is not apolitical. Only things that seem plausibly neutral to passive-aggressive self-selecting hivemind of about 1000 30 established wikipedos per topic pass :npov.
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Post by Kaelik »

Starmaker wrote:
Kaelik wrote:
Starmaker wrote:For fuck's sake, Tyahnybok is also on wikipedia, and has been for quite some time. Wikipedia's POV is not remotely N, and even then,
WTF are you talking about. I don't mean, you are wrong and dumb, I mean WTF are you talking about? Are you saying that the things on Wikipedia are false? Irrelevant? How is Wikipedia not N, not N implies baised in some direction, so please tell me what specifically they are biased for or against and why, since this is apparently such common knowledge that you didn't even bother mentioning it in your last post it should be easy to explain.
1. There are editors with an agenda. Wikipedia has no means to detect those, even if they wanted to. They can detect policy breaking and assorted vandalism by first-time editors, they cannot possibly distinguish between an academic editing articles pertaining to a certain field and a paid (or determined) editor doing the same.

2. Most actual content is generated by sporadic, typically anonymous editors. Most # of edits are generated by established wikipedos who know fuck all about the subject. Guess who gets to call the shots?

3. "Controversial" articles are written to "teach the controversy", and people attempting to edit out the bullshit are accused of breaking :npov.

4. The common underlying assumption of what constitutes npov is not apolitical. Only things that seem plausibly neutral to passive-aggressive self-selecting hivemind of about 1000 30 established wikipedos per topic pass :npov.
Okay, now explain to me how that makes Wikipedia pro Russia, which is what you seemed to be complaining about.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Redshirt »

Being a local majority and a national minority has historically been no protection at all from ethnic cleansing that had the support of the national government.

If that was the entirety of my argument, you'd have a point. It isn't though, so you don't. Ukraine is not Rwanda or Yugoslavia or Sudan--the numbers are different, the resources are different, and the geopolitics are wildly different.
They are in the fucking government, and they could start bringing the hammer down on ethnic Russians at any time.
There are extreme anti-choice Republicans in the national government, they could illegalize abortion at any time! There's a socialist that caucuses with the majority party in the Senate, he could nationalize the healthcare system at any time!

Give me a fucking break. The nationalists hold one tenth of the seats in parliament. If they actually are so reckless that they'd commit national suicide by exterminating Russians, (which they are not) 9 tenths of the government is perfectly capable of throwing up necessary roadblocks.
Yes, the ethnic Russians have a gorilla in their corner. But that gorilla only counts if it acts.
This is demonstrably false. As long as we're talking about things that haven't happened yet--and let's be clear, ethnic cleansing has not--a massive dangerous variable like the Russian military counts. The idea that the only way you can provide a deterrent is by preemptively attacking is laughable.[/i]
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Post by Starmaker »

Kaelik wrote:
Starmaker wrote:
Kaelik wrote:
Okay, now explain to me how that makes Wikipedia pro Russia, which is what you seemed to be complaining about.
For fuck's sake, get a dictionary already.

[US] Wikipedia is pro-US and it calls out Tyahnybok as a fucking Nazi anyway. Above, Koumei complained about the lack of reliable news sources; in this particular case, a casual reader of wikipedia with at least half a brain should understand this particular fact about Tyahnybok is highly likely to be true, even though wikipedia is not neutral and not reliable.
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Redshirt wrote:Give me a fucking break. The nationalists hold one tenth of the seats in parliament. If they actually are so reckless that they'd commit national suicide by exterminating Russians, (which they are not) 9 tenths of the government is perfectly capable of throwing up necessary roadblocks.
They already passed a bill in parliament delegalizing the use of minority languages in court. That is a thing they did. I don't know about you, but that's a fucking red line for me. If I was a minority who was legally allowed to get legal representation in my language and the government took that away, it is time to take to the hills and become a bandit. Because if the government tells "my people" that they are not allowed to seek redress through legal means, the social contract is fucking over.

Now, that bill did get vetoed by the interim president. But it got vetoed because the response of the Russian minority was to ask for and receive military assistance from Russia.

Remember what the European Union said when they passed that law?
The European Parliament has approved a resolution on Ukraine, which among other things calls on the country’s MPs and the new government to respect the rights of minorities, particularly when it comes to the use of languages.

Ukraine’s new leaders should distance themselves from extremists and avoid any provocation that might fuel "separatist moves,” MEPs said, the parliament’s press service reported. MEPs said that the new government should respect the rights of minorities in Ukraine, including the right to use Russian and other minority languages.

The resolution, proposed by six political groups in the European Parliament, urges Ukraine to ensure that its new legislation complies with the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

The Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) abolished the 2012 law “On State Language Policy” the day after it voted to dismiss President Viktor Yanukovich. The law allowed the country’s regions to use more official languages in addition to Ukrainian if they were spoken by over 10 percent of the local population. Thirteen out of Ukraine’s 27 regions, primarily in Eastern Ukraine, then adopted Russian as a second official language. Two Western regions introduced Romanian and Hungarian as official languages.
Four days after that, masked gunmen surround military bases throughout Russian speaking Ukraine, the day after that the language bill repeal was vetoed. If you outlaw a language, everyone who speaks that language will become outlaws. That is how it fucking works.

The interim government in Ukraine is frantically trying to put that genie back in the bottle, but it is probably too late. The interim government went over the line and now their minorities have become separatists who have armed themselves. And Putin has made it abundantly clear that the Russian Federation has their back, and NATO has made it abundantly clear that it fucking doesn't have the government in Kiev's back.

The Ukrainian Russians are angry, they have a right to be angry. They have stood up, and they will not sit down without getting concessions. Today Yatsenyuk floated the idea of enhanced autonomy for Crimea to try to placate the protesters. That might be enough, but I'm guessing it probably won't be.
Kaelik wrote:Okay, now explain to me how that makes Wikipedia pro Russia, which is what you seemed to be complaining about.
You're an idiot. Oleh Tyahnibok is the head of the Svoboda party, which is the most anti-Russian of the anti-Russian parties in the coalition in Kiev's interim government. A year or two ago he was persona-non-grata in English speaking news because he is a neo-Nazi and an anti-semite (indeed, before a name change in 2004, his party was literally named the "social-national party" with the similarity to "national socialism" being entirely intentional). But since the start of the Maidan, he's been getting lots of good press in the English speaking media. The BBC ran a picture of a bunch of Svoboda demonstrators putting up the Ukrainian neo-Nazi salute, and the caption of that picture was "'Svoboda' means freedom."

So naturally, as the English speaking media attempts to memory hole the fact that we were all supposed to hate this guy before he started holding hands with John McCain in public, we can expect Wikipedia to memory hole those facts somewhat as well. Nevertheless, wikipedia hasn't been completely scrubbed on this issue and still contains some of his inflammatory comments about Russians and Jews.

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Post by Kaelik »

Starmaker wrote:
Kaelik wrote:
Starmaker wrote:
Okay, now explain to me how that makes Wikipedia pro Russia, which is what you seemed to be complaining about.
For fuck's sake, get a dictionary already.

[US] Wikipedia is pro-US and it calls out Tyahnybok as a fucking Nazi anyway. Above, Koumei complained about the lack of reliable news sources; in this particular case, a casual reader of wikipedia with at least half a brain should understand this particular fact about Tyahnybok is highly likely to be true, even though wikipedia is not neutral and not reliable.
It looked like you were responding to Nachtig, not Koumie from 800 posts ago. The statement "and even then" only makes any sense at all if you know the bias you were assuming, you know, the one that I didn't know and you didn't even tell me about.

Frank told me about the bias of Wikipedia, but I couldn't tell whether you agreed or not, because you continued to answer my question in ways that only make sense if you already know the answer to my question, IE, explaining that Wikipedia has a bias of a kind I don't know by telling me their editors have a bias that I still don't know because you didn't say it.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Redshirt »

Frank, your understanding of Ukrainian language law is just really thin, honestly. Repealing the 2012 law was a symbolic gesture more than a practical one, which isn't surprising, since the 2012 law was itself mostly symbolic--it just ratified that status quo.

Ukraine is a signatory to multiple treaties and conventions which guarantee rights to education, legal representation, and addressing the government in minority "national" languages. Further, it already had a complex web of laws protecting minority language rights. Crimea itself has a parallel system because of its status as an "autonomous republic." Characterizing the repeal as "delegalizing" minority languages is just wrong.

The fundamental problem that the 2012 law sought to address wasn't just, or even mainly, an ethnic one. In fact, it was designed to separate language from "nationality," because ethnic Ukrainians might be the majority, but the Ukrainian language is not the "mother tongue" of a majority of people--IE, a lot of people who identify as Ukrainian primarily speak Russian.

The previous hodgepodge of contradictory laws was based on a notion of homogenous "nations," and the protection of the right to use local languages in official business was based on membership in a given nation, not normal use. That said, local polities did pretty much whatever they wanted, regardless of what the "official" language was.

TL/DR: This:
They already passed a bill in parliament delegalizing the use of minority languages in court.
and this:
If I was a minority who was legally allowed to get legal representation in my language and the government took that away
Are not really things that happened. The 2012 law was not the only protection for Russian speakers. It wasn't even the main one.

There was never an imminent threat of ethnic cleansing. There still isn't.

http://www.bbk.ac.uk/law/downloads/bowr ... icyukraine
Last edited by Redshirt on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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