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Post by wotmaniac »

A Man In Black wrote:I am seeing more evidence for the idiot/ asshole theory I posted before.
Well then, I don't know WTF to tell you.
It might help if you could actually be bothered to articulate your specific objections. Because that would be more helpful and productive than simply resorting to post-after-post-after-post of literally nothing more than name-calling.
Just puttin' that out there.

zugschef wrote:
Chamomile wrote:No one is saying that rape is worse than murder.
The whole argument is a pointless exercise. If rape leads to the victim committing suicide or suffering from severe mental issues, I'd say you can totally argue that killing the victim could have actually been less cruel. The actual point is though, that it's seriously wrong to compare these kinds of crimes because it leads to relativism. I don't think that a rape victim is seriously comforted by the fact that s/he is still alive. "Don't cry, other people get killed!"
In which case you're now getting in to the whole "healing/recovery process" discussion.
Which ..... yeah .... that's for the MPSIMS forum.
Last edited by wotmaniac on Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chamomile »

zugschef wrote:
Chamomile wrote:No one is saying that rape is worse than murder.
The whole argument is a pointless exercise. If rape leads to the victim committing suicide or suffering from severe mental issues, I'd say you can totally argue that killing the victim could have actually been less cruel. The actual point is though, that it's seriously wrong to compare these kinds of crimes because it leads to relativism. I don't think that a rape victim is seriously comforted by the fact that s/he is still alive. "Don't cry, other people get killed!"
That things could hypothetically be worse is one of the go-to things that never ever cheer anyone up, even in cases when it is indisputably true, so the fact that rape victims are not comforted by the fact that they're still alive is evidence of nothing. Please consider that the conclusion of the viewpoint you are pushing is that the best therapy for rape victims is execution, and then consider whether you want to continue pushing that viewpoint.

EDIT: I want to point out that this is a serious request: I very much doubt that this is what you thought you were advocating when you started this, and am very much convinced that both of us would be happier if you just walked away from this conversation rather than entrenching yourself in the "most rape victims are better off dead" position.
Last edited by Chamomile on Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A Man In Black
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Post by A Man In Black »

Pretty much all of your posts? But especially this.
wotmaniac wrote:Creative License it a thing. I don't go to movies to get a history lesson -- there are plenty of other avenues for that. Unless the work has the "True Story" stamp on it, then "genre emulation" trumps "historical accuracy" (there are some edge-case exceptions to this; but they're basically irrelevant here).
That being said, I do know that grimdark depictions of brutal-as-fuck societies (real or fictional) need to be grimdark and brutal-as-fuck. And as with any emulation, there are certain elements that all need to be included in order fully paint the picture that you're trying to paint. And don't make the mistake of constructing a false dichotomy here -- there is quite a bit of intervening space between "vital" and "gratuitous", as well as varying magnitudes of each.
You want rape because you think it's necessary, and you think it's necessary because you want it. This is asshole territory! It doesn't matter if rape is appropriate or historical or makes any sense whatsoever, it's gotta be there, because you need it.

This is dumb and you are an asshole.
Point being -- I'm not buying this business of "victim is assaulted everywhere from all sides" business .... that particular paradigm just doesn't exist anymore -- anyone saying different either haven't been paying attention to the progress of the last few generations, or they're trying to sell you something.
This is not true. This isn't even true in the US, where victim blaming is common as hell, and it's especially not true worldwide.

This might be idiot, maybe you just don't know better. It could also be asshole, since you are willfully ignoring or discounting all the times when victims are blamed.
Does there exist a manner in which rape can be included in a work of fiction (regardless of medium) that does not fall in to one of the "Big 4" tropes? This only requires a "yes" or "no". If yes, please list them (can discuss as necessary). (I think all of 2 of you have actually addressed this ... sorta. So far, it appears that the no's have it)
who cares
Is every inclusion of rape in a work of fiction considered "lazy"?
No, but if you're asking this question it is almost certainly true for every work of fiction you create.
What is more horrific?
who cares
Point of order: hiding behind "personal connectedness" or some such shit really is a cop-out in this -- I fully understand the various nuanced subjective elements; but I'm trying to look at this objectively.
Interesting fact! "Political correctness" is a term almost exclusively used by assholes to complain about being oppressed when people tell them not to be an asshole.

Anyway, tl;dr: stop posting forever.
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Post by Kaelik »

Hey wot, remember when you made fun of PL by saying that he was the only one that thought your posts came of as disgustingly monstrous?

And remember how subsequently every post you made made everyone else talk about how disgustingly monstrous you are?

There is a lessen to be learned from that.

By the way, when you try to paint yourself as morally superior to people who enjoy playing D&D on a D&D forum because of your strong moral stance on talking about rape without "victim-apotheosis" you are going to run into some pushback.

Or I mean, you would if we weren't all too busy noticing that you are a disgusting monster who straightfacedly implies that people are making too big a deal about rape victims. When, and this is the sticking point that everyone else but you and cyberzombie agree on (and possibly him):

No one anywhere in the world is making too much of a big deal about rape victims. We are not at "victim-apotheosis" in anything but the crudely historical sense that 400,000 BCE was also technically victim-apotheosis. But it wasn't enough then, and it isn't enough now. No one is making too big a deal about rape victims except assholes like you who love to bring up (the false issue of) how much rape victims are overly X, where X is different based on the kind of asshole you are.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by wotmaniac »

A Man In Black wrote: You want rape because you think it's necessary, and you think it's necessary because you want it.
No. I've never said that -- you're putting words in my mouth that were never there. You've, for whatever reason, completely twisted what I've been trying to say in to some crude, fucked-up parody of what was intended.
Point being -- I'm not buying this business of "victim is assaulted everywhere from all sides" business .... that particular paradigm just doesn't exist anymore -- anyone saying different either haven't been paying attention to the progress of the last few generations, or they're trying to sell you something.
This is not true. This isn't even true in the US, where victim blaming is common as hell, and it's especially not true worldwide.

This might be idiot, maybe you just don't know better. It could also be asshole, since you are willfully ignoring or discounting all the times when victims are blamed.
As I've explained already, this runs counter to many observations that I have made over the past years.
That being said -- no, I don't willfully keep my head buried in the sand; but by the same token, I've also not gone out of my way to fully immerse myself into the activist movement. So ... ?
Does there exist a manner in which rape can be included in a work of fiction (regardless of medium) that does not fall in to one of the "Big 4" tropes? This only requires a "yes" or "no". If yes, please list them (can discuss as necessary). (I think all of 2 of you have actually addressed this ... sorta. So far, it appears that the no's have it)
who cares
I do -- otherwise I wouldn't have asked the questions; or even started this thread, for that matter.
Obviously a few somebodies else did as well, otherwise there wouldn't have been multiple inter-linked blog posts, complete with walls of comments.
If you don't care, find another thread.
Is every inclusion of rape in a work of fiction considered "lazy"?
No, but if you're asking this question it is almost certainly true for every work of fiction you create.
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
What is more horrific?
who cares
way to keep your blinders on there, buddy.
Point of order: hiding behind "personal connectedness" or some such shit really is a cop-out in this -- I fully understand the various nuanced subjective elements; but I'm trying to look at this objectively.
Interesting fact! "Political correctness" is a term almost exclusively used by assholes to complain about being oppressed when people tell them not to be an asshole.
Interesting fact: "personal connectedness" and "political correctness" are completely unrelated. Learn to read.
Kaelik wrote:Hey wot, remember when you made fun of PL by saying that he was the only one that thought your posts came of as disgustingly monstrous?
At the time, he was. And I wasn't the first to point out that he jumped immediately to his normal strawmanning.
And remember how subsequently every post you made made everyone else talk about how disgustingly monstrous you are?

There is a lessen to be learned from that.
There is -- nothing productive can come from a discussion where one or more of the participants argue from a position of emotion. Especially when that discussion was initiated for the sole purpose of trying to understand things from an explicitly non-emotional perspective.
(that's not to say that I have no emotions about the topic in general -- as a matter of fact, (from what I see in this thread) those emotions are generally in line with much of those expressed here by others; but those emotions are irrelevant to my query)
By the way, when you try to paint yourself as morally superior to people
I've not done that.
What I did do was make a sarcastic rhetorical remark aimed at pointing out that neither am I morally inferior.
because of your strong moral stance on talking about rape without "victim-apotheosis"
I've taken no moral stance here.
I made a (slightly) hyperbolic characterization about an edge group of over-the-edge activists who happen to get a disproportionately large amount of face time -- a small group of people that have another agenda who like to exploit and piggy-back on actual legitimate issues. And those people are stupid, irresponsible, dishonest, and they muddy the waters and poison the well. Ignoring their existence is an insult and disservice to the issues they exploit.
Or I mean, you would if we weren't all too busy noticing that you are a disgusting monster who straightfacedly implies that people are making too big a deal about rape victims.
I haven't implied anything. I've been very explicit about my thoughts, and have made it a point to not leave anything to implication. If it's not explicitly stated, then it's not there for implication. If you, or anyone else, have inferred anything else, that's a function of your own bias(es).
Look, I've come here in a position of admitted ignorance -- and have said as much several times. And, again, I started this thread as an exercise in trying to alleviate that ignorance -- and simply trying to demonize me does absolutely nothing towards that end.
Buy that same token, I know what I know; and trying to tell me that I don't simply isn't gonna fly.
Yes, I have developed some theories; and if you'd like to disabuse me of those, then I'm all ears. But in order for this thread to even start to serve its purpose, you're gonna have to engage me intellectually, not emotionally.

If you want to talk about the RL issue, then let me know when you to start/resurrect a MPSIMS thread. However, I've been very explicit about the very pointed purpose of this thread.
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Post by A Man In Black »

Oh yeah. The purpose of this thread. To answer the question in the thread title:

You don't. It's not a big loss, because you don't have anything interesting to say about rape anyway.
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Post by Kaelik »

wotmaniac wrote:If you want to talk about the RL issue, then let me know when you to start/resurrect a MPSIMS thread. However, I've been very explicit about the very pointed purpose of this thread.
If you don't want to talk about the real issue, then don't fucking bring up how you hate people who make rape such a big deal, or "victim-apotheosis" which is not something that I have ever heard anyone use, but if I googled it, I would almost certainly find in some shitville like Men's Rights sites or something.

You brought that shit up, not me. No one is demonizing you for asking about rape in gaming. They are demonizing you for your regularly thrown in shitty comments that demonstrate your shittiness.

The problem is not that people are being too overly emotional, it is that you are asking questions that are perfectly fine to ask, and then expanding on how you think that the real reason for the financial collapse is the filthy Jews. No one cares about your stupid questions about credit default swaps when you start bringing up your crazy anti-semitic theories, and no one cares about your rape in media questions when you start whining about "militant feminists" making too big a deal about rape. So if you want to talk about rape in gaming, the first thing you have to do is never ever bring up how you think evilbad feminazis are ruining rape in gaming by making too big a deal about rape.

But you know what you did? You brought it up, and then you kept bringing it up, and you did it against last post:
You wrote:I made a (slightly) hyperbolic characterization about an edge group of over-the-edge activists who happen to get a disproportionately large amount of face time -- a small group of people that have another agenda who like to exploit and piggy-back on actual legitimate issues. And those people are stupid, irresponsible, dishonest, and they muddy the waters and poison the well. Ignoring their existence is an insult and disservice to the issues they exploit.
There are none of those. There is no one who is exploiting the issue of rape to... get women paid the same as men? I don't even know what the fuck you think they are exploiting rape for. They are exploiting the horror of rape to try to stop rape. Or get rape victims treated better. That is basically it.
Last edited by Kaelik on Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Pseudo Stupidity »

Wot, you are a monster. If you start a thread in MPSIMS I'd gladly explain in-depth why you're such a monster. I don't have the energy to gather up all the deeply terrible things you've said and form a coherent argument against it right now and won't start such a thread. All I can ask is how the fuck does a monster like you exist and not recognize the pure evil you represent? I have to agree with Kaelik's wording here, you've said absolutely disgusting and monsterous things. Then, after being called out on it, you rushed to defend them by saying people don't understand you.

What the hell do you think people aren't understanding? You said rape victims aren't harassed, and when presented evidence to the contrary you said "oh that's terrible but not what I was talking about even though I was quoted talking about it."

Explain the things you were called out on. I'm wondering how you can come off as a normal person.
sandmann wrote:
Zak S wrote:I'm not a dick, I'm really nice.
Zak S wrote:(...) once you have decided that you will spend any part of your life trolling on the internet, you forfeit all rights as a human.If you should get hit by a car--no-one should help you. If you vote on anything--your vote should be thrown away.

If you wanted to participate in a conversation, you've lost that right. You are a non-human now. You are over and cancelled. No concern of yours can ever matter to any member of the human race ever again.
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Post by codeGlaze »

Pretty sure this was 'resolved' on page 1.
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Post by wotmaniac »

codeGlaze wrote:Pretty sure this was 'resolved' on page 1.
*sigh* I think you're right.

Last edited by wotmaniac on Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PoliteNewb »

Chamomile wrote: That things could hypothetically be worse is one of the go-to things that never ever cheer anyone up, even in cases when it is indisputably true, so the fact that rape victims are not comforted by the fact that they're still alive is evidence of nothing. Please consider that the conclusion of the viewpoint you are pushing is that the best therapy for rape victims is execution, and then consider whether you want to continue pushing that viewpoint.
What? No he isn't. He's saying that one might sometimes consider people to be better to be killed instead of being raped, not in addition to it.

Yeah, being raped and then killed is worse than just being raped OR just being killed. News fucking flash there. It says nothing about whether it is better to be raped or killed...because that depends a great deal on the circumstances of either, and (more importantly) because both are horrible fucking things to have happen, so arguing about which one is worse is honestly kind of disgusting.

Once things get far enough into the "BAD THINGS" zone, trying to rank them (as to "which is worse?") accomplishes nothing except to sometimes trivialize someone's suffering. That is pretty much never a useful exercise.
I am judging the philosophies and decisions you have presented in this thread. The ones I have seen look bad, and also appear to be the fruit of a poisonous tree that has produced only madness and will continue to produce only madness.


believe in one hand and shit in the other and see which ones fills up quicker. it will be the one you are full of, shit.

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Post by Chamomile »

PoliteNewb, your first point is wrong for reasons that I wrote up an entire post on, but then I deleted that post, because your second point is spot on so I'm going to drop it.
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Post by Dean »

@Kaelik: This thread has gone a lot of places but this is the quote that turned things political and explosive.
wotmaniac wrote:The only reason that rape has become such a hot-button taboo in recent years is because the silencing hammer of Militant Feminism. Every time you have a group that feels offended/marginalized/whatever, there pops up activists that demand that nobody can even discuss the issue unless such a discussion indulges the attitudes of said activists.
I am willing to defend the broad strokes of that claim.

Most of my female friends and sex partners are from the all-women's college's that are in my area and as a result the amount of time I spend in social interactions with feminists talking about feminist issues is unusually high. I would agree with the sentiment that contemporary feminism definitely does spread the message that to be a "good feminist" you should shut down conversation about rape that doesn't tow the party line. My most common experience with this is the "1 out of 4" statistic. Factually one out of 4 women are not raped and the study that claimed that has been known to be wrong for longer than I've been alive and the more correct 17% figure has been repeatedly found by basically all other research. So while my views are very liberal/progressive I don't need to use false information to support my beliefs and I can't TELL you how many times I have been called a rape apologist for correcting someone else on that figure in a discussion. The sheer number of times I have been called a misogynist and a sexist and dozen other things for correcting factual mistruths is astonishing. Less than two weeks ago I made that correction in a discussion about how to best teach people about feminism and I was told I was using ghost statistics and bad reasoning and when I could cite the sources off hand and direct to the links online I was told I was being disrespectful towards women, a bigot, and showing off my privilege. When I argued that it should be common sense that we teach people things that aren't wrong I was told that I was trying to put feminists in their place.

Just because we agree with the goals of sexual egalitarianism doesn't mean that the feminist movement doesn't try to frame non party line talk as morally evil. Because it definitely does.
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Post by Kaelik »

If by "the broad strokes" you mean something completely different than was said, you should tell me what the thing you are arguing is.

But if you are telling me that rape would be less of a big deal if it weren't for "the bad kind" of feminists, then you are full of shit. Rape is a big fucking deal, and the people I know didn't have to have that "indoctrinated" into them by "bad feminists" because they fucking experienced it. So yes, when someone says "The only reason that rape has become such a hot-button taboo in recent years" or "victim-apotheosis" or "those women who are raped are being exploited by the bad feminists who are stealing their cause in order to.... underpants ??? profit" I am going to call those things fucking wrong.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by DSMatticus »

deanruel wrote:I am willing to defend the broad strokes of that claim.
I wish you wouldn't. Radical feminists exist, but it is also very common to shutdown debate about feminist issues by playing the radical feminism card and then pretending everyone on the feminist side is crazy no matter what they are actually saying. And while there is a time and place to make fun of radical feminists for the stupid and crazy things they say, wotmaniac is not doing that. Wotmaniac is doing the other thing, and using the buzzword of militant feminism to claim rape isn't really a valid social issue and if people would just calm down it wouldn't be such a big deal. But 1 in 6 women being raped is a huge fucking deal, and a totally valid social issue, and being dismissive of that is stupid and monstrous. You could stake out a position in this thread about how radical feminists are assholes, but it would be a puzzling non-sequitur and not at all a defense of wotmaniac, who has long since crossed the line and is indefensible.

P.S. if you are still wondering why you should not include rape in your game, the answer is statistics, you moron. I mean, there are plenty of other reasons that have nothing to do with feminism, but the fact that in terms of landmines taking the shape of personally humiliating and traumatic experiences of victimization, the one you are most likely to step on is rape.
Last edited by DSMatticus on Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dean »

Kaelik wrote:But if you are telling me that rape would be less of a big deal if it weren't for "the bad kind" of feminists, then you are full of shit.
At least in the quote I'm referencing it wasn't said that it wasn't a big deal but that it had become much more taboo to speak about recently. No sane person could declare rape as "No biggy" but you could completely correctly say that talking about rape issues has become a much more explosive and divisive conversation in the last 5 years.

Also I'm unsure what victim apotheosis is, could you explain it? I tried googling it and I got this thread.
DSMatticus wrote:there is a time and place to make fun of radical feminists for the stupid and crazy things they say, wotmaniac is not doing that. Wotmaniac is doing the other thing, and using the buzzword of militant feminism to claim rape isn't really a valid social issue and if people would just calm down it wouldn't be such a big deal. But 1 in 6 women being raped is a huge fucking deal.
I should probably admit I haven't really followed the thread for a few days. Obviously I think the incidence of rape in our country is a monstrous failing of our society because clearly it is. But the thread seemed to jump on the comment of his I quoted and I don't think it's an incorrect statement. I don't mean this to be a burning of the radical feminist effigy because I don't think I am talking to radical feminists, I believe I am talking to regular old feminists and I think it's accurate to say that one big problem of contemporary feminism is that it strongly encourages people to make moral indictments against anyone who doesn't instantly agree. If wotmaniac said that rape would be fine if it weren't for all the dirty feminists then obviously he's a crazy person but if his claim was that the feminist response to even talking about rape has turned increasingly hostile so that even discussing the topic is now newly taboo then I think that's correct.
DSMatticus wrote:Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I am filled with an unfathomable hatred.
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Post by tussock »

PoliteNewb wrote:arguing about which one is worse is honestly kind of disgusting.
No, dude. You were just horribly wrong.

Do not ever insinuate to a survivor of sexual crimes that they might arguably have been better off dead. M'kay. Never. Because that person being there at all is infinitely better for them and if anyone else feels different they are just horribly wrong.

M'kay. Traumatised people should not be told they maybe should have died instead. If they happen to think that, you are not free to agree with them. Not even momentarily. No.
PC, SJW, anti-fascist, not being a dick, or working on it, he/him.
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Post by Dean »

No tussock, Politenewb is right. Arguing over which is better is purposeless and gross and unless you have some sort of christian belief in life above all I don't see where you're coming from.

I mean take a case like Josef Fritzl. If I was a young girl locked in a basement as a rape slave for 24 years I don't think you have the right to tell me I can't reasonably wish for death. If someone offered me death as an alternative to spending 2 dozen years in a rape camp I would take it.
DSMatticus wrote:Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I am filled with an unfathomable hatred.
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Post by Pseudo Stupidity »

Dean, the thing you're defending by going off on an unrelated tangent is not all of wot's dickery. I'd say it's not even the most offensive thing he's said.
wotmaniac wrote:Point being -- I'm not buying this business of "victim is assaulted everywhere from all sides" business .... that particular paradigm just doesn't exist anymore -- anyone saying different either haven't been paying attention to the progress of the last few generations, or they're trying to sell you something.

This shit makes me see red. He's saying "anyone who says rape victims get slut shamed into killing themselves is lying and trying to advance a political agenda." What a disgusting bag of fetid shit.
sandmann wrote:
Zak S wrote:I'm not a dick, I'm really nice.
Zak S wrote:(...) once you have decided that you will spend any part of your life trolling on the internet, you forfeit all rights as a human.If you should get hit by a car--no-one should help you. If you vote on anything--your vote should be thrown away.

If you wanted to participate in a conversation, you've lost that right. You are a non-human now. You are over and cancelled. No concern of yours can ever matter to any member of the human race ever again.
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Post by Mistborn »

Holy fucking fuck, Politenewb/deanrule you could have let this thread die without outing yourselves as complete douchebags. Why didn't you do that? Rape is a sensative topic because our culture handles rape poorly and if you put rape in your RPG game and their is at least one woman at the table you have a minimum 1 in 6 chance of stepping on a major personal landmine. So you probably shouldn't do that.

Also deanrule, using the "radical feminist" card in most arguments is going to make most decent human beings suspect you're the worst kind of scumbag. Using it in an arguement about rape leaves no room for doubt. You should seriously rethink your life choices, ditch the fedora, and just generally stop being so terrible.
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Post by wotmaniac »

"We don't need no stinking new MPSIMS thread -- we'll just co-opt this one"
Fuck it -- I can roll with that.
First, I want to thank dean for doing a masterful job of articulating some of the thoughts that have been in my head but that I've failed horribly to translate effectively to my keyboard.
wotmaniac wrote: 2) I've already admitted to poorly communicating my thoughts -- apparently, it was poorer than I realized. It's not on purpose, and for that, I am sorry,
I only point this out to this extent because what's being thrown back at me bears absolutely zero resemblance to the ideas that I'm trying to express. Seriously -- it's like I'm watching 2 different halves of 2 completely different and unrelated conversations. If I actually thought the way that y'all think I do, I'd shoot myself -- but my heart's still beating; so ... ???

Alright, let's see what all I need to unpack ....
DSMatticus wrote: Radical feminists exist, but it is also very common to shutdown debate about feminist issues by playing the radical feminism card and then pretending everyone on the feminist side is crazy no matter what they are actually saying. And while there is a time and place to make fun of radical feminists for the stupid and crazy things they say, wotmaniac is not doing that. Wotmaniac is doing the other thing, and using the buzzword of militant feminism to claim rape isn't really a valid social issue and if people would just calm down it wouldn't be such a big deal.
Fucking wrong. If you're going to get that hung up on semantics and specific verbiage as an excuse to demonize me, then you're probably too obtuse to have anything of value to offer.
P.S. if you are still wondering why you should not include rape in your game,
That was never, ever in question. Learn to read, and you might not be compelled to say stupid shit like that.
1) That was never part of my initial query, nor have I questioned that since -- learn to read.
2) I finally did break down and list some of my long-standing categorical fucking imperatives -- apparently you derped that one too.

Kaelik wrote: But if you are telling me that rape would be less of a big deal if it weren't for "the bad kind" of feminists, then you are full of shit. Rape is a big fucking deal, and the people I know didn't have to have that "indoctrinated" into them by "bad feminists" because they fucking experienced it. So yes, when someone says "The only reason that rape has become such a hot-button taboo in recent years" or "victim-apotheosis" or "those women who are raped are being exploited by the bad feminists who are stealing their cause in order to.... underpants ??? profit" I am going to call those things fucking wrong.
3 things (and I'm fucking shooting straight with you here):
You know what Kaelik? I'm actually going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one here -- but you're gonna have to allow me an honest opportunity to clarify:
I wasn't trying to say that rape isn't a big deal -- I've actually straight-out stated that 3+ times already. But I'll take the hit for that, because now that I've gone back and read what I typed, I see that I left out a key phrase: "the discussion of", as in "the discussion of rape". And the act of trying to have a discussion has become taboo -- and I don't think that I am at all comfortable with that kind of precedent. Seriously -- I've been told flat-out more than once "you don't know what it's like, so you don't have a right to talk about it". And I've seen several other people spout that same sentiment. That's not "don't judge me", that's not "don't talk like you understand", that's literally "not allowed to speak any words on the topic" -- and that's seriously fucked up (never mind that they apparently knew nothing of my personal history; but that's neither here nor there). And these people really are becoming more and more prevalent -- and that shit ain't good.
I didn't say "victim-apotheosis" -- I said "victimhood-apotheosis". It has nothing to do with the victims themselves, and everything to do with the status of being a victim. The difference is subtle; but it is an important distinction, nonetheless. And it's related to the previous point.
No, you're not going to find that on a google search, because it's my own personal characterization. It's a characterization of this emerging idea that victims (regardless of whatever tragic events they've endured) should be somehow completely insulated from the rest of the world; and non-victims should stand in literal awe of a victim because of their plight. It also endorses the idea that a victim, based on that status, is somehow owed "something" by society as a whole. It's fucking weird; it's counter-productive; and it ain't right.
Yes, there is profit in disingenuously co-opting and exploiting victim advocacy:
* Certain media outlets blow the proportions out of the water (I've seen "reports" that claim as many as 50% of all women are raped) so that they can drum up ratings vis-a-vis sensationalism. Ratings = money.
* there are people everyday who simply want to make a name for themselves by getting on T.V., so that they can pump-up their careers. That's not to say that that's even the majority. But it is there, and in non-insignificant #s.
* Some people just like the attention -- and for them, that's motive enough.

And Great Caesar's Ghost -- me saying this in no way diminishes victims nor their tragedies. To the contrary -- it's (in part) these hucksters who are the ones doing the damage ..... and that's why I have such a deep and unabiding hatred for them. It's fucking disgusting.

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:Dean, the thing you're defending by going off on an unrelated tangent is not all of wot's dickery. I'd say it's not even the most offensive thing he's said.
wotmaniac wrote:Point being -- I'm not buying this business of "victim is assaulted everywhere from all sides" business .... that particular paradigm just doesn't exist anymore -- anyone saying different either haven't been paying attention to the progress of the last few generations, or they're trying to sell you something.
This shit makes me see red. He's saying "anyone who says rape victims get slut shamed into killing themselves is lying and trying to advance a political agenda." What a disgusting bag of fetid shit.
Stop.Right.Their. No, that's not what I"m saying -- and if you'd get off your high horse and stop jumping to conclusions so quickly, you might accidentally realize that.
I can only speak on what I'm able to observe -- and I simply don't see this society-wide denigration of rape victims. What I see, in a given instance, is a handful of dirtbags hatin' to hate -- and then the entire rest of everybody else descends upon them in a nuclear-fucking-shitstorm. And deservedly so.
Now, that being said, there are a few types of cases where things get a little more complicated:
1) "slut-shaming" -- as I understand the term, this seems to be a woman-on-woman thing(?); and I must admit that I'm completely dumfounded by it. However, I do believe that that is actually a symptom of the larger woman-vs-woman phenomenon. Which, again, I can't even pretend to understand.
2) kids-vs-kids -- I think that it's fairly noncontroversial to say that kids can be really fucking cruel to each other. Again, I think that this is a symptom of the larger kids-vs-kids issue; which has been severely compounded and complicated in resent years with the advent of social media. That particular kettle of fish is much bigger in scope than this thread (not copping out -- just trying to stay on point)
3) Police/authority figures dropping the ball -- I think that the bulk of this is symptomatic of the much larger issue of a more general systemic-deficiency breakdown. Bureaucracy is a motherfucker; and yet we keep re-electing these same bureaucracy-making sacks of shit. WTF?
4) Then there's the issues of the aforementioned hucksters muddying the waters and poison the well. Yes, that shit really does exist.

And despite those 4 problems, I still see an improving situation overall. Fuck -- the people hatin' the haters get more attention than the haters themselves (which is a positive sign, I think)
Lord Mistborn wrote: using the "radical feminist" card in most arguments is going to make most decent human beings suspect you're the worst kind of scumbag.
Except that it's a real fucking thing that needs to be fucking addressed.
It may not always be relevant; but it's certainly not never relevant.
Last edited by wotmaniac on Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mistborn »

wotmaniac wrote:Except that it's a real fucking thing that needs to be fucking addressed. It may not always be relevant; but it's certainly not never relevant.
It certainly doesn't need to be addressed in this thread, and the fact that you brought it up does you no favors. Like I said to deanrule, I'd advise you to ditch the fedora and rethink your life choices.
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Post by Kaelik »

deanruel87 wrote:At least in the quote I'm referencing it wasn't said that it wasn't a big deal but that it had become much more taboo to speak about recently. No sane person could declare rape as "No biggy" but you could completely correctly say that talking about rape issues has become a much more explosive and divisive conversation in the last 5 years.
He didn't say that talking about rape is more taboo. He said that the inclusion of rape in your fucking gaming game is so taboo because "militant feminists" insist that before you include rape in your games you should "indulge" the "attitudes" of anti-rape "activists."

Now, you'll note that is not actually in any way related to reality where the inclusion of rape is taboo because all feminists, and plenty of not feminists insist that before you include rape in your games you should think about and respond appropriately to the feelings of rape victims, and frankly, anyone else who does not want to deal with that shit.

But further more, the specific ways he is wrong are all indicative of being a shitbag who is okay with rape, and when it was pointed out to him that those things are wrong, he doubled the fuck down again and again on being even more of a shitbag.

Continue reading for more examples of him whining about how he shouldn't have to stop talking about rape just because it horribly hurts rape victims he is talking to.
wotmaniac wrote:because now that I've gone back and read what I typed, I see that I left out a key phrase: "the discussion of", as in "the discussion of rape". And the act of trying to have a discussion has become taboo -- and I don't think that I am at all comfortable with that kind of precedent. Seriously -- I've been told flat-out more than once "you don't know what it's like, so you don't have a right to talk about it". And I've seen several other people spout that same sentiment. That's not "don't judge me", that's not "don't talk like you understand", that's literally "not allowed to speak any words on the topic" -- and that's seriously fucked up (never mind that they apparently knew nothing of my personal history; but that's neither here nor there). And these people really are becoming more and more prevalent -- and that shit ain't good.
If people don't want to talk about rape, they damn well get to not talk about rape. If someone brings up rape in a way that offends them, and then they point that out, and that person decides to defend any and every comment they ever made about rape over and over like you are doing in this thread, but in real life where walking away might be harder, they can then say "No, let's not talk about the horrible shitty thing that you know nothing about that hurts me to talk about." And if they don't word it fucking perfectly you can suck a barrel of cocks, because you do nothing but call "let me clarify" over and over, but they don't want to say that, because they want to stop fucking talking about it.

On the other hand, if someone on a forum, or everyone on a forum, tells you that you are being a shitbag, and that the things you are saying are offensive as fuck and wrong, then you should either not double down and keep defending yourself as totally right, or not be surprised when people keep calling you a shitbag.
wotmaniac wrote:I didn't say "victim-apotheosis" -- I said "victimhood-apotheosis". It has nothing to do with the victims themselves, and everything to do with the statusof being a victim. The difference is subtle; but it is an important distinction, nonetheless. And it's related to the previous point.
No, you're not going to find that on a google search, because it's my own personal characterization. It's a characterization of this emerging idea that victims (regardless of whatever tragic events they've endured) should be somehow completely insulated from the rest of the world; and non-victims should stand in literal awe of a victim because of their plight. It also endorses the idea that a victim, based on that status, is somehow owed "something" by society as a whole. It's fucking weird; it's counter-productive; and it ain't right.
It is a distinction without a difference, because that offensive shitty shit there is exactly what I thought you meant. No one anywhere ever is insisting that rape victims are owed anything but common fucking decency we provide to all sorts of other people. For fucks sake most people understand that concept that you don't go around talking about people's mother's dying in car accidents because it might upset them, and the only differences between that and rape is that being reminded of rape probably hurts more and you are less likely to know if someone has been raped so you should be more circumspect.

When you talk about how there is an emerging idea that victims need to be insulated, you are genuinely hurting victims. Because as I have said before, absolutely no one anywhere is over protecting victims, so you characterizing that as a thing demeans and undermines all the people who are actually trying to protect victims the correct amount, which is more than anyone does.
wotmaniac wrote:Yes, there is profit in disingenuously co-opting and exploiting victim advocacy:
No there isn't, and you whining about it undermines actual victim advocacy, which is fucking necessary.
wotmaniac wrote:* there are people everyday who simply want to make a name for themselves by getting on T.V., so that they can pump-up their careers. That's not to say that that's even the majority. But it is there, and in non-insignificant #s.
And the way you tell them apart from people who just actually want to help victims is that they talk about rape victims, and treating women better, where the good honest people talk about how you can keep going on in your day and not give a shit about rape victims.

Let me be clear, you are decrying some unspecified unidentifiable number of frauds with no evidence because you perceive that it must be a problem, and in so doing are hurting the actual non frauds, and not hurting any frauds that might exist.

No, bad wot. Don't advocate for voter ID laws to stop minorities from voting because you feel like there is voter fraud when there isn't, and don't decry victim advocacy because you feel like there are frauds even though there aren't.
wotmaniac wrote:* Some people just like the attention -- and for them, that's motive enough.
Yeah, I agree, all those damn rape victims are clearly liars who are doing it for attention. Hey, why are people getting mad at you again? Couldn't possibly be because you say stupid offensive shit that is literally identical to the defenses used by actual rapists or anything.

By the way, rapists use those defenses because people like you make them socially acceptable by promoting the idea in the first place. So stop doing that.
wotmaniac wrote:And Great Caesar's Ghost -- me saying this in no way diminishes victims nor their tragedies.
YES IT FUCKING DOES. Those things you keep saying greatly fucking diminish victims and their tragedies, and their less tragic but still shitty having to deal with people in real life who are not rapists, but are just generally assholes to rape victims.
wotmaniac wrote:I can only speak on what I'm able to observe -- and I simply don't see this society-wide denigration of rape victims.
No, you can also choose to not speak about something when you know nothing about it, and wait until you do know something about it before you open you big fat mouth.

Or hey, when you say something, and people point out that you are wrong, and possibly even provide links showing you are wrong, you can stop repeating the wrong thing you said without any knowledge in the first place, and instead you can fucking just back the fuck off your wrong and offensive comments.

For example:
wotmaniac wrote:1) "slut-hating" -- as I understand the term, this seems to be a woman-on-woman thing(?); and I must admit that I'm completely dumfounded by it. However, I do believe that that is actually a symptom of the larger woman-vs-woman phenomenon. Which, again, I can't even pretend to understand.
You don't fucking understand it. It is primarily about men, and in fact, society, hating women in general. For example, when anyone makes any derogatory comment about women for dressing sexily and/or sleeping around, which many men do constantly all the time, that is slut hating/shaming. And when any woman who has previously been accused of being a slut by anyone (primarily male) their claim to being raped is treated as being suspect by society. Including by men and women on the news, and men and women in the courtroom.

And when you, in total ignorance, say that slut-hating is just about women hating women, you are fucking defending these shitty practices and making them easier. What you should do instead is say, "Oh, I didn't realize that was such a big problem, now I will stop whining about how everyone over protects rape victims."
wotmaniac wrote:3) Police/authority figures dropping the ball -- I think that the bulk of this is symptomatic of the much larger issue of a more general systemic-deficiency breakdown. Bureaucracy is a motherfucker; and yet we keep re-electing these same bureaucracy-making sacks of shit. WTF?
And you are fucking wrong, and speaking in total fucking ignorance. The laws on rape are in many cases somewhere between extremely good and acceptable. The problem is that police officers who are not elected, choose to disobey those laws and deliberately drop the ball on rape cases because of a prevailing cultural belief that rape victims are hucksters, or that rape victims are over protected. You know, they things you keep fucking saying. Police officers often see a rape case and discourage the victim from pressing charges by asking questions that imply they think the victims was "asking for it" because she "is a slut" and "really wanted it, but is now just trying to punish the guy" and other extremely offensive things because of the cultural belief that rape victims are over protected and rape isn't as big a deal as people say it is.

SO STOP SAYING THE THINGS THAT ENFORCE THAT BELIEF. And don't try to shift blame to elected officials who have nothing to do with this just because elected officials are unpopular and they are a convenient scapegoat.
wotmaniac wrote:4) Then there's the issues of the aforementioned hucksters muddying the waters and poison the well. Yes, that shit really does exist.
Then there is the aforementioned issue of them not existing any more than evil bad voter fraud, but the fact that people deliberately bring it up in every single conversation makes everyone feel like their are actually a lot, and that shit is offensive to actual victims and actual victim advocates so STOP DOING THAT.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by wotmaniac »

I have never in my life seen such a twisted, butchered interpretation of anything ever. You're just flat-out fucking stupid. Stupid.Stupid.Stupid.

Before my last post, I was trying to give you and everyone the benefit of the doubt about any miscommunication. But now, this is nothing but willful and intentional. I literally feel like vomiting over the idea that people actually have this kind of attitude. The general hypocrisy, and all-round intellectual bankruptcy is indescribably.

Also, if someone doesn't like a thread -- it's super easy just to ignore the thread -- so cry me a fucking river, you fat fucking baby.

Fuck off.
wotmaniac out, motherfuckers.
Last edited by wotmaniac on Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cyberzombie »

A Man In Black wrote:
Cyberzombie wrote:And you can see it especially in the retcons with half-orcs especially where it's fine to have orcs as pillaging murderers, but having the products of rape exist in your game is taboo.
There's also the fact that the idea that orcs are essentially evil has also fallen out of vogue over time.

But seriously, nobody at all is arguing that there isn't somehow a double standard. The point, rather, is that you're an asshole if you know you're doing something objectionable and persist anyway. Why the hell does your game really need rape anyway?
Well if it bothers your individual group, then sure, you shouldn't do it. Some groups inevitably are there for a casual experience where the darker parts of fiction are overlooked. So you don't run into dilemmas with parentless orc children or any kind of true look at the dramatic horrors of evil. A lot of groups just don't want to deal with that stuff and want more World of Warcraft style violence, where monsters are just soulless pixels that you go around and kill for loot, and they don't want to consider the ramifications of ending the life of a sentient being so you can steal its candle and a few copper pieces.

However, some groups enjoy adding those moral grey areas and added drama to the game. So I'm opposed to trying to set broad rules about not using rape in games. It should be something that DM and the group agree on for setting the tone of the game. Especially if you're running a horror setting like Ravenloft, I think it's almost essential to focus on the true horrors of evil and get a little bit more mature in the nature of the game.

But it's all about knowing your group.