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Post by Krusk »

Krusk wrote: Thats the thing. Even if it has always been shitty, we are reviewing a new edition. This is the opportunity to make it not shitty. Not keep it shitty and say "But the last guy also made it shitty".
I said this, and your response was "the last guy also made it shitty, so sont complain".

Why would you do this?

Everyone else, its seriously not a big deal. Just a weird thing i noticed and thought was worth pointing out.
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Post by erik »

Krusk wrote:your response was "the last guy also made it shitty, so sont complain".

Why would you do this?

Everyone else, its seriously not a big deal. Just a weird thing i noticed and thought was worth pointing out.
Nooo, he didn't say "the last guy also made it shitty". He noted that as a quirk of how monsters were named that is just how it has been (as did others). So far nobody else thought it was shitty that the alphabet is not fairly distributed in usage.

I think we're cool with moving on; it's even okay to note that yeah, monster manuals have a disproportionate amount of content on the letter D and before H. But that's not shitty. It just is.
Now get back from the deep end and get back to reviewing!

You're shitty, English alphabet. You aren't equally used. Why don't you X more?

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Post by TiaC »

erik wrote:You're shitty, English alphabet. You aren't equally used. Why don't you X more?
That's what Welsh is for. It's affirmative action for letters.

Edit: See?
Rydych yn cachu, wyddor Saesneg. Nid ydych yn cael eu defnyddio yn gyfartal. Pam na wnewch chi X mwy?
Dyna beth y Gymraeg ar gyfer. Mae'n gweithredu cadarnhaol ar gyfer llythyrau.
Last edited by TiaC on Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mean_liar »

I feel like Welsh is always attempting to summon Cthulhu.
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Post by erik »

mean_liar wrote:I feel like Welsh is always attempting to summon Cthulhu.
I have a tendency to read bottom upwards on threads/posts and that is exactly what I thought was happening here at first.
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Post by DSMatticus »

Huh. I had no idea Welsh was the Lovecraftian Celtic.
Last edited by DSMatticus on Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kjdavies »

DSMatticus wrote:Huh. I had no Welsh was the Lovecraftian Celtic.
Who could tell? The elder language can only be approximated by the human vocal system anyway, and after that spelling is anyone's guess.
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Post by Krusk »

Fair enough.

Nagas are in tons of fantasy settings, but still rare enough that they make a great filler monster. No one complains when you don't include them, but if you've got time, no one is shocked. 5e gives us 3. I think we could have gotten by with 1 or 2, and 3 seems a little excessive. In DND nagas are intelligent serpents that guard magic. Or something. It talks about how they were made by some humanoid race forever ago and used to guard magic and treasure and magic. Its interesting, but nothing that makes you want to use them in a plot. Just sort of a drop in dungeon and ignore monster. Apparently they are also immortal now, and there is no method to destroy them. It just says they reform in a new body in a matter of days. Not even a vague 5e "Magic powers can stop it". The bits about how they have a rivalry with Yuan-ti not only doesn't make sense, but is totally unexplained. I'd have had the Yuan-ti be the ones who make them, as it totally seems like what they do. Instead it says they are long-standing foes because they disagree about who is the better snake monster. This doesn't really make sense considering all the yuan-ti variants. Some of which look like Naga. The last random bit about Naga is that even though they guard a thing, they also apparently consider themselves the absolute rulers of their domain. Which seems weird for someone created by another dude and forced into doing a task for all eternity. 3 types of Naga. You've got Bone Naga, Guardian Naga (somehow they are not all guardians?), and Spirit Nagas. CR 4, 8, and 10 respectively. All Nagas are pretty beast too. They are large with a nice list of immunities and also a list of decent spells. The bone naga's spells are weird. It asks the DM to decide on the spot if it was a spirit or guardian naga in life. Then, it picks a different spell list and casting stat. It means when a DM uses these guys like you expect (Randomly rolled on a table for a dungeon), he starts the encounter, and then has to improvise tactics based on a decision that probably isn't realized until init is rolled. Spirit and Guardian Naga stat lines have a mention that wish spells prevent their ressurection, but Bone don't. I guess the impication is that they don't respawn, but it doesn't say that anywhere. I like that the Nagas all have a special notation that they only need verbal components. Its one of those things I'd expect them to forget about, and it turns out they just can't cast.

Nightmares are a classic and badass. The art on this one is pretty solid, and looks exactly like you'd expect. I'm a little disappointed you don't see a return of the cauchmare, but its not the end of the world. Prior editions, nightmares were intelligent monsters that hunted people, and also looked like horses. In this edition, they heavily emphasize that its a horse first and monster last. There is a bit about how you can summon them, but no mention of how you can do it. It also says they don't naturally occur and instead they are made from a ritual where they cut a pegasus wing's off. Thats badass and brutal, but I wish they had thrown a spell or some tactical advice on how to do it. Its CR 3, basically sucks now as anything but a mount. It gives its rider fire resistance which is cool. It can also transport itself and willing creatures into the ethereal plane. Thats about it. Nothing about astral projection, or smoke powers or anything. Its basically here for your NPCs to use as a mount. Also of note, even though they emphasize that you (or someone) can make them mounts pretty heavily, there is no method to purchasing it, raising it, training it, or anything.

More filler really. This is a weird dude with a giant eye. No one is concerned if they are cut from the book. Its a CR 2 monster that hides in the shadows and creeps on people. Its got a bunch about how Vecna made them from cursed arcanists, but nothing about what they do with this, why they care about vecna or how they interact with him. Its just sort of thrown out there. Basically they just creep around wizard schools creeping everyone out. If you try to fight it, it asks you to make a DC 12 con save (you will not fail this), or take some damage. Then you run over and kill it. Nothing interesting about them anywhere, and they look stupid.

The 5e nothic. Way more excited to see you than you are to see him.

This is a monster you expect to see. They actually get a solid 2 page entry which is pretty legit. That said, for a 2 page entry you usually get multiple stat blocks, and these just have a single CR 2 dude. Ogres are a giant, but don't interact with that other giant stuff mentioned. It talks about how they are super lazy scavengers, not very bright, and super easy to antagonize. The bits about how it can eat anything is nice, but I'd have liked to see a stat reflecting this somehow. But a different dude wrote that, so you don't. Instead its a generic "big dude who hits stuff" foe. The weird part is that it talks about how dumb they are with an int of 5, wis of 7, and cha 7. Whats weird about that is that this is less smart than a displacer beast. Reading stats and the fluff entries, you would think the opposite. It says ogres can count and speak. You'd think displacers would get that? Its just a running theme in the "no one looked at stats and set benchmarks for what Int means" problem this book has. Half Ogres also get stats here, and they are the same thing, just scaled down to CR 1. It does break down that a half ogre is also called an Ogrillon and can be a combo of Human, hobgoblin, bugmear, or Orc. Even though it has that list, it then slips in a second paragraph letting you know that an ogre+orc is called an Ogrillion. It doesn't seem to make sense, but potentially they are implying that the Ogrillon name is only for ogre+orcs? Thats probably the case, but you've got to read it a few times to get that. Art wise they didn't bother to put many pictures of ogres here, even if the main one is badass. Instead they drew pictures of an axe, a pick, and a ball on a chain. I don't know what weapon that is supposed to be, as it isn't mentioned and has no stats.

Oni should probably come into the main line now, its worth it. They are apparently not Ogres anymore. They are distantly related, but different species. They are called Ogre Mages, and are giants though. Art wise you get a pretty creepy looking Japanese inspired demon in a cloak and the hulks pants. I'm for it. Its got a bunch of fluff on how they turn into people and scare kids and shit which is cool. In combat, they resemble trolls a lot more. They have claw attacks and regeneration. They also can 1/day charm person, cone of cold, gaseous form, and sleep. The cone of cold seems random, but the rest seem handy for getting kids while they sleep. It can also at will darkness and invis. Its got a fly speed for some reason, but I can't think of what it would do with it. Lastly, it wears chainmail which seems counter productive for someone who sneaks around. It doesn't mention his stealth modifiers, but since stealth is all MTP anyway he can probably just do it fine.

its basically just this + Spells.

This is a lot of people's favourite monster. We start with a picture that is a huge pet peeve of mine. Gelatinous Cubes are clear. In fact, the problem is that you don't notice them, and then they are on top of you. For some reason, artists love to draw them green. Even better is the idea that there is not a green ooze in this book. I'm not sure why they drew it green, but they should stop. You know all the fluff, but this book brings Jublex to the forefront. Luckily she has no motivation, and no real interest so its just an aside that you can skip. Of note, is that only the Ochre jelly and Black Pudding have resistance to weapons anymore. And even they only get slashing immunity. Everyone else can just use arrows and clubs.

Black Pudding
This is your big bad ooze at CR 4. They split, and become easier to kill, but probably can swarm you. If you hit them it dissolves you. Its slow so I'm not sure why people don't just shoot it with arrows and walk away? It has no special immunities to anything but slashing damage, so arrows work fine. Its also blind outside of 60ft, so it can't even chase all that well. One gem with its stats? It only splits when it takes slashing damage or lightning. Its also immune to slashing. The obvious intent is "instead of taking damage it splits" but that isn't what they wrote. LAstly, if you hit it, or it hits you with an attack somehow, it lessens your damage or AC until the weapon or armor breaks. Which is shitty. But it doesn't work on magic stuff, so thats nice of them.

Gelatinous Cubes
The third sentence (of its 4 sentence description) says its all but transparent. Thats really not too much effort to read right? The second cube picture shows it an icy snow blue. Still not clear but closer. I mean, you'd still be blind to walk into it, but its not neon green. Even when in plain sight, this neon green cube takes a DC 15 wisdom check to notice. Thats actually pretty hard at CR 2, so there is a good chance this guy kills your rogue or whoever is in front. If you enter its square it engulfs you. It can also spend its action to engulf you (DC 12 dex save). Being engulfed sucks for level 2 PCs. Round 1 does 10 damage, but round 2+ does 21. You can escape with a DC 12 str check. You may or may not make that.

Gray Oozes
There is a variant Gray Ooze 3 pages prior if you happened to catch it, but you probably won't. The variant gives it an int score and the ability to blast people within 60ft for psychic damge. DC 10 int check to save for half. This doesn't increase CR for some reason, even though it makes it way harder to fight. Otherwise, Grays are the weakest at CR 1/2. Anyone who hits them has their weapons destroyed, and if they hit you it breaks your armor. Really who cares though, because these have the "Fuck you Hide" power if they are motionless, and can psionically blast you with their mind. That by definition in this book requires no motion. If you find one of these it will eventually kill you with brain powers. If your DM saw the variant 3 pages ago you are fucked. If not, these are a waste to include.

Ochre Jelly
These are CR 2, and just suck. They have nothing interesting about them except for a split power if they take slashing or lightning damage. They have the same "Immune to slashing damage" power so I don't know what thats supposed to do. Other than that its just a generic bruiser enemy with a low AC and move speed.

Basically Oozes got fucked and aren't interesting at all.

For some people this is the entry. I'm still genuinley shocked this isn't a PC race yet. Drow got in. Their worship of Gruumsh is explained and you still only sort of care. It talks about how they are raiders and scavengers, who don't settle permanently. They just roll in, savage what they want, and move on. The art on the main page is pretty classy. Its got a snow covered castle high in the mountains and some orcs marching for war. The more you study it the more interesting little details you notice (like the one guys eye patch), and its a really solid piece. Orcs get 4 pages of fluff, and most of it is skippable. I summed it up previously, and you basically get the gist. Its got a little fluff story about king Obould Many Arrows who you don't care about, but apparently he is a big deal in FR. So I know you don't care. Orc war chiefs get mentioned, orc eye of gruumshs get mentioned, Orogs get mentioned, but no mention of half orcs seems weird. It does say that Luthic, the orc goddess of fertility and wife of gruumsh mandates that the orcs have lots of indiscriminate babies. It says sometimes if the parents are orc/other the kid is a half orc, but sometimes its a full orc. It also mentions the Ogrillion bit agian. Orogs are apparently subterranean orcs who are smarter and stronger. It basically comes off as "Drow for orcs" and doesn't really add a whole lot. We are then treated to two more orc drawings. "Typical Orc" and "Typical Orog". both of these are big let downs, especially after the previous orc art. They look like brown (and blue respectively) Warcraft orcs, and thats probably on purpose. The Orc is CR 1/2, and basically a generic greataxe dude. thats what you expect, and his "Free move action" power if he sees a foe is actually pretty good for getting out of ranged attacks and gives the "orc horde" feel to them when you play. The War Chief is CR 4, but really sucks for the CR. He can 1/day give his buddies within 30ft a free attack, but otherwise just sort of greataxe fights. Which is fine for the CR 1/2 orc, but not when we are CR 4. The eye is supposed to be a cleric, so he is CR 2 and gets some really shitty spells, bless and spiritual weapon (Spear). The spiritual weapon is cool and these can probably mix up a battle enough. At least he doesn't have healbot spells. The orog is a CR 2 orc who is a traditional melee greataxe fighter. It seems weird that they are worse than warchiefs and only equal to the Eye given that their entire entry if fapping over how special and badass they are. Kind of seems like they just aren't. No rules for half orcs, or orcs as PCs. Yes half-orcs are in PHB but you'd think it should get a mention. Or at least not contradict the PHB, which says half orcs are humans/orcs. This book says it might be a dwarf/orc, or Undefined/orc.

This is something I'm always a big fan of, and the pic makes the monster seem pretty fun. This is one of those monsters that helps a dungeon ecosystem seem believable. They basically sit in dungeons and the underdark and the book actually uses the term grabage disposals. Stat wise these are kind of neat. The telepahty is new (I think), and random. Otherwise its got a bite that spreads disease and you might actually fail (DC 15 con), a tentacle that has a grapple that gives a chance to resist. It can then slam people it has grappled to stun them. Overall it seems fun to play and fight. This can be my number 7.

Owlbears are purple now. This hits the point where you might consider throwing the artists purple away. It gets used a lot and often times for things that aren't usually or traditionally purple. They give you a really good fluff entry on the habits, and lifestyle of the owlbear which is nice. The bit about how you can tame them would be cool if it had stats to support it somehow. It also brings up the origin and says "its a debate. maybe a wizard did it, or maybe not". I'm fine with that answer. Stat wise they are CR 3 and probably should be 4 just from numbers. They have a 40ft speed so you can't run away, and do ~24 damage a round with a decent chance to hit. I would expect them to hold their own and maybe even drop someone. I think this was done because they have always been killer monsters.
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Post by Username17 »

Ogres have a big ball on a chain because of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. The old cover looked like this:


There are three kinds of Half-Ogres (not counting the setting specific groups of Half-Ogres like the N'djatwa): Orogs, Ogrillons, and Half-Ogres. They proliferated because it's an obvious concept and just got written up repeatedly in various monster manuelles. And because D&D never throws anything away, rather than just combine the fucking things we got complicated epicycles to explain why there were different versions all running around at the same fucking time.

Anyway, it's weird that they call out Half-Ogres as including Goblinoids, because as of 3rd edition that shouldn't be possible. Goblinoids are no longer related to Orcs (and by extension to Humans and Elves), so there really shouldn't be any Ogre/Bugbear crosses if there are Ogre/Orc crosses. But there should be Elf/Ogre crosses like the N'djatwa.

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Post by ACOS »

Krusk wrote: Nagas are in tons of fantasy settings, but still rare enough that they make a great filler monster. No one complains when you don't include them, but if you've got time, no one is shocked. 5e gives us 3. I think we could have gotten by with 1 or 2, and 3 seems a little excessive.
Under pre-5e, 3 is appropriate for representing the Threefold Goddess.
But 5e has, evidently, completely thrown out that whole concept; and that strikes me as being incredibly dumb.
In my personal campaigns, Shekinester has actually seen more use than any non-core deity other than the dragon pantheon - I've always found Her to be quite interesting. This apparent dumbing-down makes me sad.
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Post by Starmaker »

The Oni has cone of cold because the Ogre Magi had cone of cold in 3E.
Otyugh telepathy is at least 25 years old.
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Post by rasmuswagner »

Starmaker wrote:The Oni has cone of cold because the Ogre Magi had cone of cold in 3E.
Otyugh telepathy is at least 25 years old.
Ogre Mage had the same collection of spells back in 2E.
Every time you play in a "low magic world" with D&D rules (or derivates), a unicorn steps on a kitten and an orphan drops his ice cream cone.
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Post by Lago PARANOIA »

Oni/Ogre Magi have to be my 2nd-favorite monster that everyone recognizes but nobody uses, next to Abeil. They are pretty face-wrecklingly hardcore for their CR in 3E and 5E D&D and they're no slouches in 4E D&D either.

I like them in 3E D&D because they function as an impressively teachable gateway monster. They're challenging, but not unmanageably difficult for a reasonably min-maxed party that keeps up to date on elementary spell tactics, perception, and ranged attacks -- yet they're a PITA for parties that are lagging on any of these areas. Which is good, because your success at level 8+ completely depends on being competent in these core functionalities.
Last edited by Lago PARANOIA on Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Josh Kablack wrote:Your freedom to make rulings up on the fly is in direct conflict with my freedom to interact with an internally consistent narrative. Your freedom to run/play a game without needing to understand a complex rule system is in direct conflict with my freedom to play a character whose abilities and flaws function as I intended within that ruleset. Your freedom to add and change rules in the middle of the game is in direct conflict with my ability to understand that rules system before I decided whether or not to join your game.

In short, your entire post is dismissive of not merely my intelligence, but my agency. And I don't mean agency as a player within one of your games, I mean my agency as a person. You do not want me to be informed when I make the fundamental decisions of deciding whether to join your game or buying your rules system.
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Post by fectin »

3.5 core had 4 nagas: dark, guardian, water, and spirit.
Vebyast wrote:Here's a fun target for Major Creation: hydrazine. One casting every six seconds at CL9 gives you a bit more than 40 liters per second, which is comparable to the flow rates of some small, but serious, rocket engines. Six items running at full blast through a well-engineered engine will put you, and something like 50 tons of cargo, into space. Alternatively, if you thrust sideways, you will briefly be a fireball screaming across the sky at mach 14 before you melt from atmospheric friction.
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Post by Krusk »


Looks a little different, but thats probably the source Frank. Wish someone had maybe included some stats or a name for what it is? Some sort of shaft-less flail?
Anyway, it's weird that they call out Half-Ogres as including Goblinoids, because as of 3rd edition that shouldn't be possible. Goblinoids are no longer related to Orcs (and by extension to Humans and Elves), so there really shouldn't be any Ogre/Bugbear crosses if there are Ogre/Orc crosses. But there should be Elf/Ogre crosses like the N'djatwa.
I think with 5e they just seriously didn't research anything. Instead they went with a Xanth model where everything breeds true.
Last edited by Krusk on Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Krusk »

Burning some vacation days before end of year means I can get some of these done.

5e DMing advice

Another classic that basically has to be in here. I'm not against it, but like normal they could have done a better job. The perspective on the art is way off on its back legs. It looks like its mid-leap starting a flight, but also twisting its lower half so you can make sure it isn't a dude pegasus. This seems like an instance where another hour or so on the piece could have really helped a lot. It spends most of its time talking about how they are perfect mounds, but at least the author points out the dichotomy of their Int 10, wis 15, cha 13 stats. This thing is more of a sentient being than your fighter. Forcing it to be a mount would be a pretty bad idea. Instead you have to persuade them to serve you, and only if you are good aligned. After this its a lifelong bond. No real rules on how to do this, but maybe a persuasion check? I'd hope it isn't a single roll and done, maybe some sort of "Spend a week bonding over tea" or something. No insight into what that check includes. Its CR 2, but I think thats just because its got seriously bloated HP. It does decent melee damage, but thats its only real power. This is another monster where flyby attack or something would be cool.

Another skippable, but cool monster. Your DM isn't going to be crafting an adventure around these, and he probably isn't going to remember them unless he rolls on a random encounter table and mistakes them for pterodactyls. Which this book calls pteranodon. According to Wikipedia this is the genus from which Pterodactyls belong, so it kind of comes off as an attempt to be pretensious and actually just being wrong. But this thing. This thing is a hawk with a wolf head and antlers. Its badass looking and cool, and I'd like to see some energy spent making this into an iconic DND monster. Mearls does not do this. The fluff claims its the head of a stag, but it looks like a wolf to me. The whole fluff entry is about how evil women are which seems weird considering the 5e deliberate push to "Non-WASPy non-Men" as a target demo. Basically a dude cheated on his wife, and so she killed his mistress. The woman was killed for her crime when her villainy was exposed, and it turned her into one of these things for some reason. DUde just sort of goes home I guess. Now they are a race that breeds true, but need the heart of a human to be consumed by the female before it can reproduce. These are CR 2, but are way stronger than most other CR2 foes. Its HP And AC kind of suck, but it basically kills everyone in one shot at that level, so it doesnt matter. Its got that flyby attack I keep complaining nothing has. It has a move of 60ft fly. It sits 60ft up and dives onto a foe. When it does it makes 2 attacks for 16 and 17 damage. That drops basically anyone, and then it flies back up and repeats. This is mostly due to its "Dive attack" power. If it dives at least 30ft at a target, it gets an extra 9 damage on a successful melee weapon attack. Ill assume it treats its gore and talon as melee weapons because otherwise this does nothing.

You open the page to this and you find the most disappointing monster to ever be printed. The pic makes it look super unthreatening. Apparently they just sit on a roof of a cave with their "Fuck you hide" power. Then they drop on you. This drop does 3 damage per 10ft it falls. Thats about it. It gets a single attack and is done. These are a trap, not a monster. They have a 5ft move speed, and can only attack by falling onto you. Best part? It calls out that they take 1/2 normal falling damage on a miss. Nothing about reducing damage on a hit though. So I guess when they fall on you, they could very likely kill themselves? No one will use this except to troll your players at the start of a game.

The fluff on pixies is decent. It talks about how they love to meet people but are afraid of being caught. It then gives a reason anyone would want to catch them, which is a suprise for 5e. It says their pixie dust is magical and "might grant flight". Maybe. This highly sought out magical ingredient should include a price so we know how rare it is but Fuck you. It spends a good bit talking up their chaotic nature, and how they like pranks and shit. So of course these are NG. They are also CR 1/4 and the only reason they aren't a TPK is their 1 HP. Even still, its bad. They have flight, AC 15, advantage on all saves vs "spells and other magical effects" whatever that means, superior invisability allowing them to be invisable even when casting at will, 1/day entangle, polymorph and sleep. For whatever reason they apparently don't carry weapons, which is why their CR is so low. RAW they can't actually kill you, but they totally could carry weapons. The only reason they don't is because it says so. As in the fluff has a line saying they abhor violence and don't carry weapons. But whatever, give them some daggers or something and this could very easily wipe a low level party.

This has always existed simply so that wizards can have a small dragon familiar. Same in 5e, where there is a variant. You can have one as your familiar and if you do, you get its Magic Resistance trait. Giving advantage on all saves vs spells or magical effects. So this is a high contender compared to anything from the PHB. It does throw a line about how if the DM decides he doesn't like you, your familiar can go away, but thats par for the course for 5e. Its also got a lot of fluff about how it can bond to anyone, not just casters but no rules for it. The pic is kind of fun.

Purple Worm
Another Iconic, the P's have a lot of those. This one is famous for being a big deal, having a giant CR, and generally sucking for what it does. The 5e version sure has a lot of hit points. Thats what Ill give it. So you know this fight will take forever unless you save or die it, or fly away. Basically the same as always. Fluff on this one is interesting. It talks about how they live in the underdark and are giant pain in the asses. Every pic I've seen, and encounter I've played them in have had them act as sand worms from dune. Thats probably cooler fluff, and I'm not sure why WoTC doesn't co-opt that. I don't think anyone would complain. In combat this basiclaly hits a person, who then has to make a DC 19 dex save or be swallowed. DOn't worry though, because that just means it does 21 damage a turn until you die, or hit it for 30 before it vomits you back up. Its still poisonous, and now has multiattack, so it might actually use its stinger. THats actually pretty potent too. DC 19 con save for 42 save for half poison damage.

From the pic, and its a cool looking pic, you'd assume these are some sort of Yeti variant. In reality they live in the underdark. The history on these is worth mentioning. The used to not be dicks and live on the surface. Then "When elves appeared in the mortal realm, they clashed with the quaggoths, eventually driving them to near extinction. Only by fleeing deep into the underdark did the quaggoths survive". Yes that makes the elves the bad guys. Its not written with that implication with the rest of the fluff about them being vicious murderers, but it says that living in the underdark did this to them. Now they are cannibal freaks. Also, some are psionic because The Underdark. Thats a variant which increases the CR by 1 and fgives some SLAs. Enlarge/reduce, heat metal and mirror image aren't bad selections. Otherwise they are CR 2 brutes that aren't particulalrly impressive.

This art looks really solid. Its got all the details from the fluff, and the guy looks like a pimp. The only downside is his left hand looks unfinished and not unfinished because of Art, unfinished because of Forgot. The fluff plays them up as masterminds behind being evil for evils sake and I can buy it. It also talks up how they love to eat people. It if is killed it begins respawning in the 9 Hells, but the stats don't mention this. So when you fight one, maybe its immortal. Maybe not. Stat wise they are CR 13, and just arbitrarily immune to all spells of 6th level or lower unless they want to be affected. No rhyme or reason for that. Its got a whole host of unexplained damage immunities, and also a vulnerability to "Piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures". Fight with your DM long and hard over what that means. Its also got a slew of spells, most of which are pretty solid. It does have melee claw attacks that can curse you after the rest. If this thing gets in melee its dead. It doesn't have a magic constant damage either. Its basically the perfect DM Penis NPC. Its immune to all your spells and damage types. It can do arbitrary spells, and then when you kill it it just comes back. If only it could solo every fight for you, this would be it.

The scan takes away some of the fine detail, but its pretty solid. Can't wait for actual art to come out.

You get two stats for Remorhazes which is kind of neat, a young and normal. The fluff for these is almost perfect. You get one paragraph for the DM to read when you see one. One for telling the DM where they live, what they eat, and how they hunt. Lastly a bit about how frost giants steal their eggs and train them. I'd like to see some egg or training prices but thats a broken record at this point. Stat wise, they are relatively similar. If you touch them, you get burnt. They have decent but not awesome AC but good HP. They have a bite that does fire damage. The big one can swallow you, but its not a big deal. It only gets 1 attack a round, and at CR 11 that might not be enough to keep up.

At first guess this is another ghost, based on the name. In reality its a ghoul but Different. Its a ghost that coninutally possesses corpses and keeps coming at you. It gets 1 year to exist and then is done. It says they are excellent hunters and this is because they have arbitrary "I know the distance to direction to anything I want" powers. But seriously, its CR 5 and anyone worth anything just locks their door and ignores it. Its attacks include "Fist" and "vengeful Glare". The glare requires a dc 15 wis save or you are paralyzed until it hits you. And only if you are in 30ft. It has a multiattack power but its two fists. There is a variant but it basically says "Maybe they have spells or weapons and armor". No stat changes for that, and no insight into how that interacts with its multiattack power. Two spell attacks? Two great sword swings? What about dual daggers? Whatever.

Rocs open up their description making sure you know how big they are. They have a 200+ft wingspan. They are big. In fact, so big they are gargantuan.

Or this big.

The rest of the fluff is basically copied and pasted from wikipedia's entry on Hawks, with any sort of action scaled up to be big. It preys on Whales, not fish. In melee they have a sweet grapple talon attack where they grab you and fly off to drop you on rocks. It doesn't specify that, but its heavily implied and I'm sure your DM will house rule something about it.

If it seems weird to get roper larva before ropers it is. Especially after just seeing that the Remorhaz gets its larva on the same page. 5e Ropers lose their language, and interbreeding with dwarves, which is all probably a good thing. They are still relatively intelligent with an Int of 7, and basiclly just wander around eating stuff. They could benefit from an int reduction, or a "These are hopelessly insane" line explaining that. It says their digestive stuff sells for a high price, but it doesn't mention what that may be. Its got a fuck you hide power, and basically makes a ton of attacks. Ropers have always been a terrible closet troll that can't even run away and they still are.

Rust Monster
It wouldn't be 5e without this iconic Fuck You. YOu know the fluff. Its nothing new, and probably copied word for word from something else. Anything that hits it begins corroding and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 to damage. If it goes to -5 it just breaks. At least its only non-magic weapons now. If only they weren't CR 1/2 so we could maybe have magic weapons when we fight them. Its attack just destroys your armor, weapon or shield just like its defense trait. Also, they got 40ft move speed so fuck your dwarf.

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Post by ishy »

Krusk wrote:There is a variant but it basically says "Maybe they have spells or weapons and armor". No stat changes for that, and no insight into how that interacts with its multiattack power. Two spell attacks? Two great sword swings? What about dual daggers? Whatever.
It doesn't specify that, but its heavily implied and I'm sure your DM will house rule something about it.
5e, the whatever edition.
Gary Gygax wrote:The player’s path to role-playing mastery begins with a thorough understanding of the rules of the game
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Post by Korwin »

Krusk wrote:Fair enough.

Apparently they are also immortal now, and there is no method to destroy them. It just says they reform in a new body in a matter of days.
The bone naga's spells are weird. It asks the DM to decide on the spot if it was a spirit or guardian naga in life.

Red_Rob wrote: I mean, I'm pretty sure the Mayans had a prophecy about what would happen if Frank and PL ever agreed on something. PL will argue with Frank that the sky is blue or grass is green, so when they both separately piss on your idea that is definitely something to think about.
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Post by rasmuswagner »

Krusk wrote: Rakshasa
Stat wise they are CR 13, and just arbitrarily immune to all spells of 6th level or lower unless they want to be affected. No rhyme or reason for that. Its got a whole host of unexplained damage immunities, and also a vulnerability to "Piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures". Fight with your DM long and hard over what that means.
Man, this edition is Mearls old notes for 2nd AD&D.
Every time you play in a "low magic world" with D&D rules (or derivates), a unicorn steps on a kitten and an orphan drops his ice cream cone.
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Post by Krusk »

Korwin wrote:
Krusk wrote:Fair enough.

Apparently they are also immortal now, and there is no method to destroy them. It just says they reform in a new body in a matter of days.
The bone naga's spells are weird. It asks the DM to decide on the spot if it was a spirit or guardian naga in life.

I skipped over some of the stuff, and I guess its important so Ill fill in some blanks.

Here is the entirety of the entry on Bone Nagas.
5e wrote: In response to the long history of conflict between the yuan-ti and the nagas, yuan-ti created a necromantic ritual that could halt a naga's Resurrection by transforming the living naga into a skeletal undead servitor. A bone naga retains only a few of the spells it knew in life
So when the yuan ti off screen kill some nagas, they can maybe or maybe not off screen revive them as bone nagas. I would be suprised if there were more than say 5-6 of these creatures in a setting. Which seems like a weird thing to make as a side entry for a CR 4 monster. Its not like the yuan ti ride these into battle or something. These are transformed immortal guardians created by a long lost race. There aren't many Nagas. The idea that the Yuan-ti hunt and kill enough of these to ever have 1 seems unlikely.

Also, being that its entirely done by NPCs off screen, you could just straight up say "Bone Nagas are created by foul sorcery involving a 3 hour casting of the animate dead spell performed by Yuan Ti. They make these out of boa constrictor skeletons and they call them bone naga to piss their rivals off. They make tons of them". At least that sort of makes sense.

I honestly think someone drew a sweet skeletal snake thing in their notes, and fell in love with the idea. Then when writing the book forced it in.
Last edited by Krusk on Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Schleiermacher »

Except the Bone Naga is from way back in AD&D, and was also in 3E (I want to say the Fiend Folio but maybe it was the MM2 or There's Snakes Outside. Or more than one of those places.)
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Post by Krusk »

The S Chapter is super long at 23 pages. Its also got a couple big entries in it.

The Sahuagin are sort of the red headed step child of DND. Frank seems to love them judging by his posts and Tome, and I agree they are pretty cool (and easily the best underwater humanoid race). That said, they never get an appearance in anything mainstream as anything but a joke. 5e continues that tradition. Their new look for 5e is that of a green leech man. More octopus than anything else. It really does a good job of making you immediatley not care. I've always seen them as having skin like a shark and big shark grin mouths. In this they have the same fish head thing as the Kua-Toan. They are just really disappointing. The first pic also looks like his right shoulder is dislocated, but the 4 armed one is an alright drawing of a stupid concept. Sahuagin dwell in the deepest trenches of the ocean and raid the shores. That doesn't really seem to make logistical sense, but alright. In reading the older entries, apparently they used to dwell on the shallows. that makes a lot more sense. The next bit is about how they view themselves as the rulers of the oceans. A brief wikipedia reading on their history along with a glance through my 3.5 MM shows no sign of that in prior editions leading me back to my theory that someone in the 5e design process read the tomes. Now instead of having an ordered society that raises sharks as war dogs they worship a shark god, Sekolah who is given no motivations or description other than the idea that only female Sahuagin can be priestesses. Then its got a bunch on how they hate elves, and honestly thats a reoccuring theme in this book. I'm starting to think the 5e elves are just assholes. Statwise the CR1/2 Sahuagin can compete on land, and will own you under water. It can come on land for 4 hours, or just long enough to raid. Otherwise its a standard brute, who can also throw a spear. It should probably buy some armor though, as its AC is only 12. A Sahuagin priestess is a CR 2 foe with the same powers, but some cleric spells. They aren't a bad choice, but have a really low DC (12). Bless, hold person, spiritual weapon, mass healing word, etc. Lastly, we have stats for the Sahuagin Baron. Not sure why we don't get a king or leader, or something, but random court noble works too. He is the same stats as the main one, only with bigger numbers and CR 5. They make a big deal about how there are 4 armed mutants, but those don't get stats. Thats upsetting because the rest are all just the stock sahuagin with bigger numbers or spells. I'd like to see how the 4 armed dude fights. Even one of their shitty variants in a sidebar saying "Some have 4 arms, it gets twice as many attacks and is CR 1" or something.

This would be cool

Salamanders are a classical fantasy foe. 5e does a really bad job defining them. When they hatch from eggs they are a big snake, and then once they are a year old, they grow arms and jump 4 CR. The implication is that the CR 1 foe is straight up a baby. The rest of the book discusses the society of the salamanders, but nothing is said about the fire snakes again. Apparently just sometimes you find their babies, and you've got to kill them. Big bits on them also being slaves of the efreet after the azers rebelled. For some reason the salamanders hate the Azers for breaking free and not the efreeti for being slave holders. In addition to being efreeti slaves, they also have their own strict society with nobles and shit. The irony being that I can't see the efreeti respecting that and not asking His Holiness the Great King Fire Snake not to come hose off the orgy pillar or anything. So sure they have an elaborate society. I just don't see it ever coming into play. The fire snake has the exact properties you'd expect. If you hit it you take fire damage, and if it hits you same deal. The actual salamander looks pretty sweet and has some wicked moustaches. He has 2. He has the same powers, but has a free grappling tail.

Satyrs have a great tradition in fantasy of being horny drunks. 5e continues this and expands on it. Its all the classical stuff, and their description then goes into how they will "Sneak through a well-defended garden to gaze upon a beautiful lad or lass". So now ontop of being world class hedonists, they also jerk it in the bushes outside your window. Fun monster mearls. He also spells out that they give no consequences of the hedonism they incite in others. Just in case you'd think "wait maybe they have some self control and realize that jerking it in the bushes isn't social acceptable". Stat wise, they are just a shitty fighter who randomly has magic resistance and is CR 1/2. So when he pulls this shit on your PC (because you know the DM will), you can just kill it and be done. These hilareous rape beasts are also CN aligned, because why not. Its the "I don't mean to be racist but..." excuse. I don't have evil intents, I just really need to watch you shower that makes me a decent dude right? Its got as much text devoted to telling the DM how to fuck you with these as it does to a variant. The variant gives him his satyr pipes, which you'd think would be iconic to the monster. You'd think wrong. These give it the ability to charm, scare, or put people to sleep. In case you didn't get that they were rapists. THis doesn't increase the CR for some reason. It doesn't mention what happens if you steal the pipes, but presumably they don't work because Fuck You. This is probably the worst monster in the book, because its just one long "And then your animal companion rapes you" joke. This is one of the first that makes me mad out of "Fuck you" and less out of "This is the worst thing ever".

Apparently this was popular enough to keep being reprinted. Its just another animated object, but this one is CE and has a terrifying glare power. Its got the Fuck You hide power, but it only looks like a normal scarecrow. So if you know about them, you light it on fire anyway. Basically it works once. Its terrifying glare power forces 1 person to make a DC 11 wis save and be frightened and paralyzed until its next turn. They are CR 1, but I can't see how it would be a challenge for anyone. Also, no info on how to make them. Also, the art makes it very clear that this is the scarecrow from batman, but only the most modern looks for him.

This one. He even has the finger claw spikes

Another ghost, this one is opne created by a shadow killing another someone and spawning one. No insight into how the first one was made, but thats kind of OK. They are CR 1/2, but have so many immunities and resistances you actually have a hard time unless you have a cleric. No flight speed seems weird. Its melee attack actually drains your strength which is suprising for 5e. If that str drain kills you and you are non-evil a new shadow arises 1d4 hours later. This is pretty solid overall. Ill make it #9 in ones I don't hate. The pic is cool too. My only real gripe is that it doesn't fly for some reason.

Shambling Mound
Another classic, this is always welcome and always problematic. The fluff on this spends a good time making them seem creepy, destructive on purpose, and "Ever-hungry Horrors" and so of course the book says they are unaligned. Its fluff also mentions the ability to feign death and regenerate quickly, but the stats don't. So unless your DM read all the fluff you only have to fight it once. Otherwise its a pretty solid CR 5. Lots of HP, but slow speed means you can probably just kite it. Being a swamp monster means that might actually be hard. It can engulf people for damage that at this level is decent.

Shield Guardian
This is yet another set of animated armor. Because we needed more. Basically these are created by mages, who use them as an extra HP pool. They wear an amulet and the construct takes half their damage. Its actually new for the "animated armor" monster in this book. Crafting them takes 1 week and 1000gp which was shocking information to find in this book. It makes no mention of who can craft one, if you have to be a wizard, or what the materials are but shit this is a start. I'd also ask that every PC i played with 1000gp to start just arbitrarily start with one. The fluff is lame and mostly an explanation of how the amulet works, but the bit about transfering ownership to whoever physically holds the amulet is cool. Their example is even killing a dude and stealing his amulet. Exactly what the PCs actually want to know.

Also not a template. Instead we get stats for 3 types of skeleton, and I guess you are supposed to match what you want to one of these 3 things? By their prior definitions of unaligned and constructs you'd think that things animated to do a task would be unaligned. But because they were animated by evil dudes with evil magic to do an evil task, they are LE. This is sort of a traditional problem with but a new edition is the time to fix it. The bits on habitual behaviors are nice. Apparently if left alone they pantomime actions from their past life. That really drives home the Unaligned alignment to me, but somehow they landed on CE. I think just out of tradition. The stats are for Skeleton (medium sized and CR 1/4), Minotaur Skeleton (Large sized with charge powers and CR 2), and Warhorse Skeleton (Large sized and CR 1/2). If you want a skeletal anything else, fuck you. No skeletal birds or wolves, or dragons, or giants, or sharks, anything. They don't spend a lot of effort on skeletons and there isn't a lot more to discuss. Just mostly, Fuck You.

Slaad are always fun. Unless 5e wrote them. Its full of fun as 5e explains the chaotic alignment. You get things like this "Slaadi are undisciplined and have no formal hierarchy, although weaker slaadi obey stronger ones". That sounds like a hierarchy to me. Here they bring Primus back and explain that long ago he made some prisim with the power of low. He threw it into limbo thinking that would do something. It got corrupted by chaos and became the Spawning Stone which started to make Slaadi for no reason. Its got a bit on birth and reproduction and they still implant with eggs which is sweet. You've also still got to learn the awkward Red slaadi spawn blue and green slaad cycle thing which is still annoying. Each color slaad gets a paragraph talking about how they spawn, but the only one of note is Death Slaad, which echos the themes of Chaos is another flavor of Evil. These are suffused with negative energy and "exemplify evils corruption of chaos" which I think means it shows how evil has co-opted chaos to mean the same thing. I don't really know though, thats the sort of half concepts that make L vs C hard to discuss in DND. It throws a variant on this page giving them a magic control gem, that sits in their brain. If you get it, they have to obey you which seems like a Lawful trait to me. If you can bind one and incapacitate it, you can make a DC 20 medicine check. I had to check and apparently medicine is the new name for the heal skill FYI. Failure does 22 damage, but other than that go at it until success. Meaning, you can probably succeed eventually without training. The weakest one has 93 hit points. Its very believable that your PCs could have some slaad paling around with them, but I'd expect your DM not to mention this variant rule, or not to play with it. Next page is pics of red/blue/green and gray slaadi. They are all really well drawn but the green one looks dumb. Its got a frog on his shoulder and a staff making it look like he is sane enough to sit and do stuff. the third slaad page gives us a B&W picture of a tadpole bursting from a dudes chest. This is important because it reminds DMs thats a thing, and I've had plenty forget about it until I bring it up mid fight. All Slaadi are dumb melee dudes with regeneration (makes it easier to extract that gem) a bunch of arbitrart resistances and a magic resistance. The slaad get 5 pages, which is a lot for 5e, so I'm going kind of quick really, but stat wise they are all basically the same. Of note, Green get some spells, but shitty ones. They can shapechange at will to medium or small creatures, cast 2 fears, 2 invis, and 1 fireball. This is probably the best one in the list honestly, as its spells give it some different ability. Also it can hurl flame 60ft. The Gray Slaad has the same shapechange at will power, and has 1/day planeshift, and then 2/day fear, fly, fireball, tongues. Basically once its done its spells its done, and since they are /day its relatively lame. Also its got a greatsword. This is super disappointing as I'd want them to be so insane they can't think of using a weapon or training in a martial one. The Death slaad gets his own page, and his art is probably the coolest. He also has the same spells + cloudkill. He also has a greatsword, and is also disappointing.

Another ghost. This one wins points for being the second ghost to start with S. Its a humanoid that was prevented from entering the afterlife, but not a zombie or ghost or anything else covered already. Really the fluff is just "Ghost". Its CR 1, which is lower than a ghost, but how ghostly can it be if its less than CR 4? Lets find out. Its incorporeal and flies, and has a whole host of immunities. Basically the only way to hurt it is to hit it with magic weapons, but you are level 1. So fuck you. its attack does damage and reduces your maximum if you fail a DC 10 con check. YOu probably have a bonus to con so you shouldn't fail this. They throw a half page entry in here for a variant. The variant has its own monster name "Poltergeist" and its CR 2. Its changes are that its invisible, with no action and it has a telekinetic thrust power. THis lets it throw shit at shit. These, by virtue of being flying, invis, and having a ranged attack, will probably TPK at CR 2. I love that someone saw how similar these two monsters are and made them variants, but we still got 15 different types of ghosts in this book. Like somehow someone broached the idea of consolidating like monsters to make room for other ones, and Mearls said yes. Then once he saw what that actually entailed (writing more stuff) he shut it down. So you got some consolidation, but not much. I hear occasionally that I'm too harsh on him directly for this book, but as the king of 5e, he is ultimately responsible. If someone does something stupid either he gave his blessing, or he let someone who gives bad blessings, give their blessing.

You'd think there was one type of thing. The sphinx. But this is DND and someone once wrote up 500 variants on everything, and so someone consolidated "The core types of sphinx" into this entry instead of just giving stats for a sphinx and saying there aren't variants. Basically their fluff is the same as nagas except they guard stuff for gods, not some long lost race. Other than that its basically "They sit in a dungeon and guard a thing for gods, and ask riddles to see if you are worthy of getting the thing the guard." They give 2 types in 5e. Androsphinx's and Gynosphinx's. One is a dude on a lion and the other is a woman on a (Unspecified, but the pic looks like a lion). Other than that there isn't a lot of difference. Aside from some vague "The dude is about being gruff and valorous and courage" and "the lady is about looking deep in her eyes, and seeing how hot she is". Its the kind of sexist stupid shit that comes along with making a male and female version of a race different races. Reading either entry, you get no insight that they have wings. So when you look at the pic afterwards its a surprise. Sphinx's also have lairs, which kind of makes sense. We haven't seen a monster with a lair in a while, and I wonder if they were simply forgotten about. Its lair forces init rerolls, ages and deages (but never younger than 1, so you don't die, you just can't be a PC), moves time froward or backwards years, or it can planeshift the entire lair. Basically, its an excuse to introduce time travel into your game. This generally is a sign that you actually just want to end your game though, so who knows. Maybe Mearls has never played in a game where the DM had you go back in time and watched it just fall apart. Its not impossible, just super super hard. Stat wise, the dude has an int of 16 and the girl an int of 18. So you could very well be smarter than them, especially considering its a CR 17 (dude) or 11 (Girl) foe. The dude has spells which is nice, unfortunatly they are for healbots. So its not particularly effective. Its only 6th level spell is heroes feast. WTF is that? Its got roar powers that are kind of cool, blasting everyone in 500ft and forcing wisdom or con saves DC 18. So some people are probably affected. The girl has less spells but they are also shitty in the same vein. She also can't roar. At least these arent Good aligned out of some sort of "Godliness is goodness" thing.

The sprite art is cool, in that its a dude sprite. You don't see that often.Then you read and you realize these are dude pixies and you hit the same problems I just described for sphinxes. All pixies are girls and they hate violence and love giggling. All sprites are boys and they are warriors. You can make the assumption that they are the same race because the entire sprite description is erither the same as pixies, or a contrast with pixies. (Unlike pixies...) Stat wise these are CR 1/4, but can go invisable. They also have poisoned arrows. So basically what I described about how to make pixies a TPK? These guys do. Also they have 2 HP, not 1. Because boys are tough. For those asking about saves that arent con/wis they have a Charisma 10 save power that lets them learn your "Current emotional state" on a pass and they get your alignment too if you fail.

Stirges don't get a whole page. They are on a half page with the next monster. It makes their entry seem cramped. It gives no insight into where they are found, where they came from or anything other than "These are mosquito but bigger and grosser". Its CR 1/8 and has a blood drain power. If it hits it auto grapples and you take damage. Once attached you can spend your action to unattach them. Apparently it also unattaches after it does 20 damage and then it presumably latches onto someone else. This seems like a bad tactic.

These are split between 1.5 pages. The half page shared with a stirge is fluff, about how they live on the lower planes and are not demons or devils anymore. Now they simply serve devils, demons, night hags, rakshasas and yugoloyhs. Interesting bit of info. Any succusbus and become an incubus and vice versa. So enjoy that surprise with your succubus harems. It makes a big point that they don't actually sleep with people anymore though. Instead they sneak into your room and watch you sleep and give you dreams about your desires. The picture is just a hot goth chick in lingerie with bat wings, but its also got an incubus. She looks like some sort of potential dominatrix, but he looks like he is the submissive in the relationship. Thats cool and all, but not really what I've gathered incubuses are about. Stat wise they are CR 4, but you shouldn't fight them. They will die immediatly in a combat, but can charm people for a day DC 15 wisdom save or die. This means it might snag your fighter or whoever does lots of damage. Then the fight is a lot harder. Although if you hit the target they get another save. If it has you charmed, it can kiss you forcing Con saves that could be lethal and it seriously drains your max HP. But it seems worthless if it only works on someone who is charmed.
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Post by Daniel »

Amazing how much 5th gives of the same vibe as 2nd edition/gazetteer era basic D&D. I remember the days few people on the internet admitted liking that stuff.
It is almost like the designers made a list of all the stuff in the old editions that was ignored in the last 2 editions and made sure it got rebooted into this one. On top of that they added the notion that dragging along a posse of soldiers is a good idea, an old D&D notion that was abandoned prior to the release of the first Unearthed Arcana.
infected slut princess
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Post by infected slut princess »

Krusk wrote: Succubus/Incubus
... It makes a big point that they don't actually sleep with people anymore though. Instead they sneak into your room and watch you sleep and give you dreams about your desires. ...
Fucking 5e. Not only is it the "blow your DM all night long" edition, it is the Disney G-rated edition made for whiny little babies.

D&D needs sex with succubi. That's just the natural order of the universe. 5e is spitting in the face of what is natural.
Oh, then you are an idiot. Because infected slut princess has never posted anything worth reading at any time.
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Post by Emerald »

infected slut princess wrote:
Krusk wrote: Succubus/Incubus
... It makes a big point that they don't actually sleep with people anymore though. Instead they sneak into your room and watch you sleep and give you dreams about your desires. ...
Fucking 5e. Not only is it the "blow your DM all night long" edition, it is the Disney G-rated edition made for whiny little babies.

D&D needs sex with succubi. That's just the natural order of the universe. 5e is spitting in the face of what is natural.
Why have succubi that fit with myth and previous editions when you can instead have creepy stalker Edward-from-Twilight succubi? :roll:
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