In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

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In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Lago_AM3P »

So, Iowa. A red state.

Hillary, who came in third place of the democratic runners, got more votes than any two GOP contenders combined.

I wish we had a malicious snicker smilie. Serves you right, you jerks.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by MrWaeseL »

Fucking Obama
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Crissa »

What, we have a populist, a centrist, and a progressive - and the populist also is the fresh face.

People want to show that we've definitely changed, so that gives the fresh face a boost.

Honestly, I don't care who we get as long as it isn't a Republican. We need to seriously get rid of them. I'm worried, though, who to choose for VP if we nominate Obama, as he's the most qualified for the VP job. Clinton won't do it, Edwards is too valuable a legislator, Biden won't do it, Dodd is too valuable a legislator, and Richardson can't seem to step out of his state without sticking his foot in his mouth so I really don't want him.

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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Lago_AM3P »

Dodd is too valuable a legislator

Dodd for new Senate majority leader in '09. Or right now.

Fuck Reid and Pelosi for taking impeachment off the table.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by tzor »

Crissa at [unixtime wrote:1199442980[/unixtime]]Honestly, I don't care who we get as long as it isn't a Republican.

Not that I want to be a contrarian (but I do like to be one on occasion) but it was that sort fo short term shit ass thinking that caused the Palistinians to elect a terrorist organization over their other corrupt and then bloated political option. And for that reason it was the "Anyone but the Liberally Divine Gore" that caused almost half the people to vote for Bush in 2000. History has shown us, when people have this sort of attitude, Irony insists that they all be hoisted by their own pietards.

Fortunately, I don't see that problem in the current Democratic frontrunners. I may not like them, I may not agree with them, but I don't see them as being insanely radical and potentially dangerous like ... well that Not Gore Guy in 2000.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Lago_AM3P »

Fortunately, I don't see that problem in the current Democratic frontrunners. I may not like them, I may not agree with them, but I don't see them as being insanely radical and potentially dangerous like ... well that Not Gore Guy in 2000.

According to Frank, Obama has a high chance of getting assassinated shortly in for racist reasons. That'd probably make the destructiveness and diiviseness of his campaign sky-high.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by tzor »

Being dangerous and being "in danger" are two completely different things. I have been hearing the conserative talk about Obama. It's the racist card that is being played, but not the one you think it is. Obama is, or so the Insane Right would try to tell people, a secret mole for Al-Quaedia.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Crissa »

Yeah, that crazy Gore guy. It's not like Edwards hasn't pushed legislation that's tons more liberal than Gore's, or that even Clinton's plan was endorsed by Gore... We wouldn't want to, you know, know anything about the issues involved.

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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by tzor »

Gore wasn't crazy because he was "liberal" - He was crazy because he was a part of the "liberal elite" the liberal version of the neo-cons and in their own ways as fanatical as any neo-con or terrorist. In fact the liberal elite are as much liberal as the neo-cons are conservative. Case in point, one of the greatest ideas of the British conservative Margaret Thatcher has become Gore's ticket to sainthood. Yes blaming global warming on CO2 which was first promoted by the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher in order to get the nation off of coal and into nuclear and avoiding oil in the process.

Every time Al Gore makes a so called scientific fact God kills a cat-girl. Think of the cat-girls Crissa!

(Sorry, that's an old Nation States joke we used often in UN discussions. That and "This resolution CURES CANCER!")

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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by JonSetanta »

Lago_AM3P at [unixtime wrote:1199454996[/unixtime]]
Fortunately, I don't see that problem in the current Democratic frontrunners. I may not like them, I may not agree with them, but I don't see them as being insanely radical and potentially dangerous like ... well that Not Gore Guy in 2000.

According to Frank, Obama has a high chance of getting assassinated shortly in for racist reasons. That'd probably make the destructiveness and diiviseness of his campaign sky-high.

I've been worrying about this possibility too.
And it makes me really angry that the world is still semi-retarded despite the hype of progressing into the 'modern era' and the 'information age'.
Medieval thinking hasn't changed, and most of the world is still dominated by religious zealoutry; makes me want to go 'evil villain' and begin a campaign of imperialistic dominance across the world just to remove religious, racial, and national borders, really.
Give people something to hate just to stop killing each other for stupid, stupid little reasons, like skin color.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Neeek »

Lago_AM3P at [unixtime wrote:1199429637[/unixtime]]So, Iowa. A red state.

Hillary, who came in third place of the democratic runners, got more votes than any two GOP contenders combined.

Iowa isn't that red.

That said, there are any number of possible VP candidates for Obama (should he get the nom), most of whom aren't running for President. Senators Feingold and Webb, for example, would be worth considering. I wouldn't be too sure Biden wouldn't do it, though I'm guessing he'd rather be Sec. of State.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by cthulhu »

I'd prefer hilarily got up over obama, she seems to have policies whereas obama seems to have just said 'I am for CHANGE yo!' and then forgotten the policies part. I am willing to stand corrected on this, I am too busy worrying that a republican will win to really look at the dems.

For reference my Australian local news paper just ran a piece today called 'Snakes Alive! The Republican presidential nominees' then called them all a pack of crazies, and insulted Mormons, making jokes about Mormons divine revelations about how what they are doing is wrong just before the feds crack down on it. Seriously funny.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by tzor »

While the most obvious zealot is the religious one, not all zealots are religious. People died to Madame Guiotine under the non religious zealots of the French Revolution. Yet it would be wrong to say that everyone who believes in reason must be feared because while there were zealots who worshiped the "goddess" reason, not all those who believe in reason were zealots.

There are a lot of zealots around us, some are milder than others, some are more open about it (even to themselves) and others keep it secret even to themselves.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Neeek »

cthulhu at [unixtime wrote:1199509653[/unixtime]]I'd prefer hilarily got up over obama, she seems to have policies whereas obama seems to have just said 'I am for CHANGE yo!' and then forgotten the policies part. I am willing to stand corrected on this, I am too busy worrying that a republican will win to really look at the dems.

Really? Obama is best described as a policy wonk who happens to be pretty good at speaking (and, I should note, he's the only candidate I know of who writes his own speeches). Policy (and getting it enacted) is his strong suit. Hell, he's the only major Democratic candidate who doesn't have to run screaming away from their record. I get the feeling he'd rather write policy and skip the press conferences. He's probably better suited to being a Supreme Court Justice than the President, but whatever.

Hillary, on the other hand, seems to be trying to make an art form out of avoiding giving a straight answer. I know where she stands on health care, but it strikes me as horrible way to get the desired result.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by PhoneLobster »

wrote:We wouldn't want to, you know, know anything about the issues involved.

You forget however that Tzor is a scientist.

A super duper divine scientist from fucking Mars where his uninformed trash talk on global warming is in fact worth more than every mere mortal earth scientists life time of work on the topic added together.

For like the millionth time. Reality meet Tzor, Tzor meet... Tzor? Damnit TRY and pay attention here...

Really. Making utterly moronic baseless statements against Gore and you know, all of human science, you are NOT the one who gets to throw around zany STFU graphics.

And really what mind set exactly do you need to call the anti global warming movement part of an evil conspiratorial cabal of "Liberal Elites!!!!11!!1!"?

I mean, what is every scientist on the planet in on this? The majority of the Earth's population? Are anti global warming Republicans members of this "Liberal Elite"? Neo Nazis? WTF? Am I? Where the hell is my Nuclear Power plant and my free money?

And fuck, there is no way on Earth the tiny minority of discredited scientists and studies in favour of your insane position could be anything to do with utterly blatant and traceable links to a powerful and wealthy big oil lobby. But the vast majority of independent science on the topic is part of a Liberal Pro nuclear lobby with no monetary or even POLICY links?

Bloody hell man, come the revolution...
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Koumei »

PhoneLobster at [unixtime wrote:1199523196[/unixtime]]
I mean, what is every scientist on the planet in on this? The majority of the Earth's population? Are anti global warming Republicans members of this "Liberal Elite"? Neo Nazis? WTF? Am I? Where the hell is my Nuclear Power plant and my free money?

Fuck, you mean you didn't get yours? That was an error. Don't worry, it should arrive soon. I currently have a death ray satellite, and earn a zillion kabillion hojillion dollars per second just by being Grand Supreme Vice Arch-Duchess of the Australian branch of the secret organisation of the Liberal Elite.

The also train you how to do a proper evil laugh.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Username17 »

Yeah man, that's why I'm a member of the Liberal Elite. It makes me almost forget that I live in a four person flat in Central Europe on borrowed money.

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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by Koumei »

On the other hand, you get to meet girls with good sultry Eastern-European accents. That has to count for something, right?

You know, this whole "Global Warming isn't caused by people!" thing is kind of funny. I could swear that they were certain it was, back when I was in grade 4 or something. Like, people accepted it as a fact, the same way they accept that bacteria causes disease.

Maybe it was just a generic "Pollution - even that coke bottle you just threw on the side of the road - destroys the Ozone layer, and you get cancer AND DIE!" thing, though. But I'm fairly sure global warming was involved.

All of a sudden, there are people desperately trying to assure us it's not the case, and I have no idea what happened in between these two points.
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Re: In lighter news, 2008--where elephants go to die.

Post by fbmf »

[The Great fence Builder Speaks]
This is quickly devolving. I'm not going to delay the inevitable.
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