Kaelik Cleric [Tome of Virtue]

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Kaelik Cleric [Tome of Virtue]

Post by Kaelik »

Kaelik Cleric

"Give a man a cure spell, and he will live for a day, teach a man to cure spell, and he shall live for eternity."

The Kaelik Cleric is that guy in the party who heals all debuffs, and gives all the buffs. Sometimes he hits people in the face during combat, sometimes he casts the spells that makes people fall down. Also he does other nice things, because he’s a nice guy, sometimes an evil nice guy, but always nice. Also he has control over undead, for legacy reasons.


Hit Points: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4ths
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Proficiencies: Clerics are proficient with all simple weapons, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and with shields (except tower shields). Additionally, Clerics are proficient with one martial weapon that their god likes.
Class Skills: The cleric’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Table: The Cleric
01Being a Cleric, Spellcasting, Domains, Turn or Rebuke Undead, Divine Energy, Aura, Orisons2--------
02Domain Skills and Abilities3--------
20Why Didn't You Prestige Class?444444444

Class Features

Being A Cleric (Ex): Clerics are oftentimes Clerics. Which means they worship something or other. When a character takes their first level in Cleric, they pick a God or Cause to worship, and their belief in that Cause grants them spells. If the God wants to he can totally let them know at any time that he’s pissed off, and that means the Cleric will not have sufficient belief to get their spells until they feel like they have atoned. Unless of course, the God’s disfavor prompts a crisis of faith or retributory opposition, in which case the Cleric may no longer worship the God in question.

A Cleric can decide, for any number of reasons, to stop worshiping a god or cause. If they do so, then they might make an enemy of a previous god (or those dedicated to their previous cause) and that can be bad. Usually the process of completely forsaking your purpose in life is not an easy or quick one. A cleric in the middle of the process can’t prepare or cast spells for two weeks, after which they have a new driving purpose in life, because the types of people who are Clerics are quick to latch on full force to whatever purposes they come to. At this point they may (and perhaps even must) choose new domains that are in line with their new God or Cause.

Spellcasting: A cleric casts divine spells, which are drawn from the cleric spell list provided below. A cleric must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).

To prepare or cast a spell, a cleric must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a cleric’s spell is 10 + 1/2 Character Level + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a cleric can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Cleric. He does not receive any bonus spells from having a higher Wisdom Score. A cleric also gets three domain spell slots. When a cleric prepares a spell in a domain spell slot, it must come from one of his two domains (see Domains).

Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. A Cleric cannot prepare spells if he has done so within the last 24 hours. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a cleric can prepare spells. A cleric may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation. Preparing spells ends the duration of any Primary Effects currently ongoing.

The most unique thing about Cleric spells is that they all have a casting time of one full round action, and duration of 24 hours. However, their remaining duration can be expended to produce an effect, usually as a standard or swift action, though occasionally as an immediate action or a longer action. Doing so ends the Primary Effect, and triggers the Secondary Effect.

Domains (Ex): A Cleric specializes his worship, granting him two Domains. These Domains each grant him a spell at each spell level. Additionally, the Cleric gains 3 domain slots. Each Domain Slot can be used to prepare a domain spell of any level the Cleric can cast.

Turn or Rebuke Undead (Su): A cleric chooses to be able to turn or rebuke undead when he chooses his god or cause. In either case, he gets a number of uses per day equal to his Wisdom Modifier +3.

If a cleric turns undead, then he can either force a Will Save or be destroyed on single Undead within Close Range. If he succeeds, the Undead is now Dead. Or, alternatively, the cleric can Pulse an AoE of energy that causes a 40ft radius burst of energy that forces a will save from all undead in the area. Undead with CR less than the cleric’s character level are frightened, undead with equal or greater CR are shaken. These fear effects last for 1 minute, bypass all immunities to fear effects, and are not mind affecting. In either case, Turning Resistance provides an untyped bonus to saves against this check.

If a cleric chooses Rebuke Undead, then his single target effect acts as the spell Control Undead, and his Burst effect grants all undead +10 Turn Resistance that stacks with other turn resistance. Both of these effects last 1 minute. Additionally, the Cleric may spend 5 daily uses over three consecutive full round actions on any currently Controlled Undead to make that duration permanent, so long as the collective CR of these undead is less than the Cleric’s long as none of them has a CR greater then the Cleric's level -4.

Divine Energy (Su): A cleric gains a pool of Divine Energy equal to his Wisdom Modifer times his Character level times 2. This energy can be used to channel positive or negative energy (any cleric can channel either one) with a touch or touch attack in this amount. As a swift action a Cleric can channel up to his character level, or as a standard action, he may channel any amount he wishes. In either case, a successful Will save negates the damage (DC 10+Half Character level+Wisdom mod).

The pool refills whenever a cleric prays to refresh spell slots.

Aura (Ex): A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details). Clerics who don’t worship a specific deity but choose the Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law domain have a similarly powerful aura of the corresponding alignment.

Orisons: A Cleric picks 4 Orisons (level 0 spells from the PHB Cleric list or any other Cleric list) aside from Cure Minor Wounds each time he prepares spells. He may cast those 4 Orisons at will until the next time he prepares spells.

Domain Skills and Abilities (Ex): At level 2 a Cleric gain domain abilities and each domain grants max ranks in a skill associated with that domain. These skills are considered class skills, and always have max ranks as you level.

Why Didn't You Prestige Class?(Ex): You are so dumb you didn't prestige class at all. All the way to 20. You are clearly completely resistant to any kind of influence. As such you are immune to Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickened, Nauseated, Staggering, Turning, and all Mind Affecting and/or Fear effects.


Team Player
Benefit: By preparing a spell with a Primary effect of Single Touched Creature/Object in a slot 3 levels higher, you can turn it into a Party [Separate] spell.
Special: By preparing a spell with a Primary effect of Personal in a slot 4 levels higher you can do the same to it.

Ritual Caster?
I have no idea how to make this work, but I want a feat that allows you to make some of your effects permanent, but like 1) None of the buffs, because obviously, 2) I want it to emulate making permanent skeletons and aombies (and later undead) and vermin, sure, but also I want it do things like let you make a Control Water effect permanent, or permanently obscure an object. Maybe I just have to line item include how it ineracts with each spell it interacts with? Maybe this shouldn't be feat either, but like a Cleric Permanency spell, not really sure.
Cleric Spells:

All Cleric spells require Verbal and Somatic Components on casting. However expending the primary effect to obtain the secondary effect requires simplified physical motions that, while visible and identifiable by spellcraft check, can be performed with a item held in each hand. Expending a spell for a secondary effect requires verbal components only (and always) if the action requires a standard action to expend the effect. All Cleric spells are “Spell Resistance: Yes.”

Almost all Primary Effects have a duration of 24 hours. Preparing new spells ends all Primary Effects active.

Here is an explanation of a spell entry:

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind Affecting]

Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: +1 AC
Secondary Target: All Enemies within 50ft.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 30 minutes.
Secondary Effect: Each enemy misses their next attack roll.

And here is an explanation of each part:


School (subshool) [descriptors]

Primary Target is almost always either “Party” which means any 8 creatures touched at the time of casting, “Touch” in which case it is a single touched creature at the time of casting, or “Personal” in which case the spell can only target the Cleric. Occasionally areas may be affected. The tag [Weapon] indicates that the Party or Touch applies to eight or one weapon(s) respectively.

Primary Effect: Describes the effect on the Primary Target(s).

Secondary Target: Describes the targets of the Secondary Effect. This uses all the normal spell targeting rules. Unless specifically described otherwise, all rules regarding line of sight and line of effect apply based on the Cleric. Additionally, many spells activate on a single person wearing the Primary Effect or on all of them, these are labeled as “Single User” or “Party” respectively.

If a Secondary effect targets a touched creature, and the touch attack misses, the the Primary effect does not end and the Secondary effect can be triggered later on a successful touch attack using the appropriate action.

Finally, some spells have the special tag [Separate]. A [Separate] spell’s Secondary can be triggered on between one and all different creatures or objects effected by the Primary Effect at the same time, however, doing so does not end the Primary Effect on any member who has not had the Secondary Effect triggered. The Secondary Effect can be triggered later on those individuals.

Secondary Action: This describes the action required by the Cleric to terminate the Primary Effect, and activate the Secondary Effect. Doing so permanently expends the Primary Effect.

Saving Throw: This is the save all targets, either primary or secondary receive, though of course, primary targets are probably just going to deliberately fail the save.

Secondary Duration: The duration of secondary effects.

Secondary Effect: The effect of the spell on secondary targets.

Level 1
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: +1 Morale Bonus to AC
Secondary Target: All Enemies within 50ft.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 30 minutes.
Secondary Effect: Each enemy misses their next attack roll.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: +1 Morale Bonus to Hit
Secondary Target: Single User.
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute.
Secondary Effect: The target automatically hits on their next attack.

Bless Water
Transmutation [Good]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: Creates a flask of holy water at each character’s belt/pack/ect.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: Causes each flask to appear in each party members hand if they choose. If they do not choose, the created Holy Water disappears without use.

Cause Fear
Necromancy [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: Immunity to Fear
Secondary Target: One Living Creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: Target is Frightened on a Failed Save, Shaken for one round on a Successful save.

Comprehend Languages
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In either case, you must touch the creature or the writing. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. This effect enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it.
Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic (such as the secret page and illusory script spells). It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 30 minutes
Secondary Effect: This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The subject can speak only one language at a time, although it may be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable the subject to speak with creatures who don’t speak. The subject can make itself understood as far as its voice carries. This spell does not predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way. Also you can totally write a message in any language you can speak.

Curse Water
Transmutation [Evil]
As Bless Water, but Unholy Water.

Undead Senses
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The entire party has the Deathwatch spell active on them. This only provides knowledge of creatures you can already see.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 hours
Secondary Effect: The party is invisible to undead as the spell Invisibility. If any character breaks the invis, it only breaks for that character.

Divine Favor
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: +1 luck bonus per 3 caster levels (maximum +3) to attack and damage rolls.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level (which may give additional attacks), you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, and you gain +1 hit point per CL. You retain the Luck Bonuses until this effect ends.

Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves. The creature’s equipment is likewise protected. Endurance doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: The targets are cured of any fatigue or exhaustion afflicting them.

Entropic Shield
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: Ranged attacks have a 20% miss chance.
Secondary Target: Personal and Single Enemy Who Attacked You
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: A ranged attack, after you roll the miss chance, regardless of what you rolled, does not affect you and instead is reflected striking the person who attacked you. Use the original attack roll.

Magic Weapon
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: Provides a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls with that weapon for each 3 Caster levels, round up.
Secondary Target: Creature Struck
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: 2 rounds
Secondary Effect: A Creature struck by the weapon is Stunned.

Obscuring Mist
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The target is under the effect of a Sanctuary spell except that attacking only suppresses the effect for 1 minute.
Secondary Target: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high and 20ft down.
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 30 minutes
Secondary Effect: A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary once created. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). In Water this creates an ink effect instead.

Protection from Alignment
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Alignment, Language Dependent, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: You must choose an Alignment when you cast the spell. This spell blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from evil effect. If the protection from evil effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. Additionally, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures of the alignment chosen at the time of the casting. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Good summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.
Secondary Target: Creature within Close Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 5 Rounds
Secondary Effect: If a creature fails the save, it suffers a Compulsion effect for the duration, depending on the alignment you choose when casting the spell:

Evil: The creature must drop and remain prone.
Good: The creature must drop anything it is holding, and may not pick up anything else or draw anything from belt/pouches/ect.
Chaos: The creature must either move away from you as quickly as possible each round or move towards you until it is adjacent each round. Roll 1d2. If the creature ends an action adjacent to you, it may use the rest of it's actions to do whatever it wishes, so long as it stays adjacent to you.
Law: The creature must stand still, not moving from its current location.

Remove Fear
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: +4 Morale bonus to saves against fear effects.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: Any Fear effect is cleared, and the target becomes immune to fear for one minute.

Shield of Faith
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: Grants +2 Deflection to AC +1 per 6 CL, maximum +5.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: Blocks Line of Effect for any attack or ability used by an enemy, protecting the target and (unless it is AoE) wasting the attack.
Level 2

Align Weapon
Transmutation [Alignment]
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: Align weapon makes a weapon good, evil, lawful, or chaotic, as you choose. A weapon that is aligned can bypass the damage reduction of certain creatures.
Secondary Target: Enemy Struck
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: If an enemy has a subtype opposite the alignment of your weapon or has alignment DR penetrated by the alignment of your weapon, then when struck you can expend the buff to force a Fort save. If they save fails, the target dies. This is a Death Effect.

Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: Gains 5+Caster Level Temp Hit Points. These points can be healed if damage reduces them.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: By expending the buff, the Cleric uses the energy to obtain the effect of the Augury spell in the PHB.

Bear’s Endurance
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Constitution.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: If the buffed creature fails a Fortitude save, the buff is expended, and he instead makes the Fortitude save.

Bull’s Strength
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: Ref Half
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: The creature gains a Trample attack. However, it is treated as a creature as big as it’s natural reach, so a medium creature tramples as a huge creature. This Trample does 4d6+1 and ½ times strength modifier of the creature doing the trample, but the Reflex save for half is based on the Cleric’s save DC. You retain your strength bonus until this effect ends.

Cat’s Grace
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: If the buffed creature fails a Reflex save, the buff is expended, and he instead makes the Reflex save.

Evocation [Good]
Primary Target: 20ft Radius Emanation centered on a location within close range.
Primary Effect: Creates the effect of the Consecrate PHB spell.
Secondary Target: A 100ft Emanation centered where the Consecrate was cast.
Secondary Action: Standard; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: When a Consecrate area is in effect, any person can trigger the secondary effect by spending a standard action praying to the altar or shrine, or otherwise acknowledging the Cleric’s Deity or Cause. If this occurs, then all undead within the area of the Emanation must make a Will Save. If they fail, then they a -10 penalty to all actions and rolls for as long as the altar has line of effect to them. Any new undead entering the area must make a similar saving throw.

Evocation [Darkness]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The subjects gain Darkvision 60ft.
Secondary Target: Object Touched
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: The object touched radiates magical darkness in a 20ft radius which provides total concealment to everything in the area, and everything on the other side of the area, unless you can see through magical darkness (Darkvision doesn’t help).

Death Knell
Necromancy [Death, Evil]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: This spell provides no primary effect when cast, except the ability to trigger the Secondary effect. Unlike other spells, triggering the Secondary Effect does not end the Primary Effect.
Secondary Target: Touched Living Creature with 3 or higher intelligence that is Unconscious or has -1 or fewer HP
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: The Creature Touched is killed by a Death Effect, and you gain 1d8 Temporary Hit Points, a +2 Death bonus to Strength, and a +1 Death Bonus to Caster Level. Killing more than one creature does not increase the bonus, but does add an additional 2 hours of duration to the effect up to a maximum of the full duration of 24 hours.

Defeat Poison
Conjuration (Healing)
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: Creature is immune to poison.
Secondary Target: Touched creature who is poisoned
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: Creature touched does not suffer any secondary poison effects, and any current poison effects are cured.

Evocation [Evil]
Primary Target: 20ft Radius Emanation centered on a location within close range.
Primary Effect: Creates the effect of the Desecrate PHB spell. The penalty to turning checks is treated as Turn Resistance for the purpose of a Kaelik Cleric’s turning.
Secondary Target: Personal; Consecrate or Desecrate effect in Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard; see text
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 24 Hours
Secondary Effect: The caster can absorb the Desecrate area and carry it with him. It provides none of the Primary effects. But it can be used as a Standard action to counter and dispel any Consecrate or Desecrate effect within medium range. This ends the Secondary Duration.

Eagle’s Splendor
Enchantment (Charm) [Language Dependent, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma
Secondary Target: Any Number of Creatures
Secondary Action: Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 2 hours
Secondary Effect: The current wearer of the buff can trigger it to effectively cast the Enthrall spell with a DC based on the Cleric’s DC.

Fox's Cunning
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Intelligence
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 hours
Secondary Effect: User gains Arcane Sight as the spell.

Find Traps
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can totally detect traps like a Rogue with Trapfinding.
Secondary Target: Trap within Medium Range.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant; 1 minute
Secondary Effect: If a trap triggers within Medium Range, you can suppress it’s activation and prevent it from activating for one minute.

Gentle Repose
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You totally don’t age today. At All. Hey, You could cast this again tomorrow too! Also, because time isn't passing for you, you don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe either.
Secondary Target: A Corpse
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: One week.
Secondary Effect: The body just doesn’t decay. Also this magically extends the time which a character can be raised from the dead. You can also target body parts, and that makes it at least theoretically possible to reattach them with some specialized ability that does that.

Hold Person
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: DR 1/-
Secondary Target: One Humanoid Creature in Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: If the target fails the will save, they are paralyzed for one minute.

Make Whole
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: The wielder receives a +10 bonus against attempts to sunder the weapon.
Secondary Target: Object Touched
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: The spell completely fixes a mundane object, or fixes all non magical aspects of magical objects.

Owl’s Wisdom
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Wisdom
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: If the buffed creature fails a Will save, the buff is expended, and he instead makes the Will save.

Remove Paralysis
Conjuration (Healing)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: +4 Divine bonus on saves against effects that paralyze.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: Creatures effected by Paralysis are cured of their Paralysis. Even though it’s not Paralysis, this also works on slow effects.

Silence and Noise
Evocation [Sonic]
Primary Target: Object or Creature Touched
Primary Effect: Object or Creature radiates a 20ft radius emanation that completely negates all sound within the area.
Secondary Target: see text
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: see text
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: You cast the Shatter spell, as from the PHB.

Shield Other
Primary Target: Personal and Touch
Primary Effect: Half of all hit point damage that the touched creature receives it does not receive, and you do instead.
Secondary Target: Close Range 10ft Burst
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: When both the Cleric and the touched creature take damage from the same attack, you can expend the connection to channel the damage back in the direction of the original attacker. Neither you, nor the original touched creature take any damage. The buff is expended. And you create a Burst of damage that does 8 untyped damage to everyone in the burst. Anyone taking damage must make a Fort save or be stunned.

Conjuration (Healing)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: You obtain the effects of the Status spell from the PHB on those the spell is active on. Additionally you know about any ability damage they have incurred or any penalty affecting their stats, and the amount.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: You dispel any magical effect reducing one of the subject’s ability scores and cures 4 ability damage points, divided as you like across any damaged abilities.

Truth and Lies
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The alignment of a creature or object is concealed from all forms of divination.
Secondary Target: 20ft Radius Emanation
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 30 minutes
Secondary Effect: Creatures within the emanation can’t speak deliberate and intentional lies. Affected creatures are aware of this effect.
Level 3

Animate Dead
Necromancy [Evil]
Primary Target: A Bunch of Corpses You Touch
Primary Effect: Creates Zombie or Skeletons as the Animate Dead PHB spell, though the duration is only 24 hours, as all (most) Primary Effects. If the duration expires without the zombie or skeleton either being exploded (below) or being destroyed by HP damage, then you can refuse the corpse as a target of this spell in the future.
Secondary Target: Created Zombies and Skeletons [Separate]
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Half
Secondary Duration: Instant
Secondary Effect: Your undead explode for 1d6 per Caster Level damage in a 20ft radius Burst around them. This damage is half cold and half negative energy. If a creature is inside the radius of more than one undead exploding at the same time, they take damage from only one burst.

Bestow or Remove Curses
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: All curses are removed, and the character is immune to curses going forward.
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Permanent
Secondary Effect: You expend the buff to Curse a touched target as the Bestow Curse spell.

Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The creature is immune to Blindness and Deafness
Secondary Target: Single Creature within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: Permanent (D)
Secondary Effect: Target is Blinded or Deafened at your choice. Alternatively, creature is cured of Blindness or Deafness.

Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The creature is immune to Disease.
Secondary Target: Single Creature within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Subject is infected with one of the diseases as the Contagion spell.

Bright Lights
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Object or Creature Touched
Primary Effect: The object or creature emits light like a torch. It looks neat, like they are on fire, but produces no heat, uses no oxygen, and doesn’t interfere with the vision of creature that is the target. This spell counters darkness spells and effects of equal or lower level without being ended.
Secondary Target: Glowing Object
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: The previous effect is now a daylight spell. It still doesn’t go away when it dispels darkness effects.

Dive and Surface
Transmutation [Water]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: Creatures can breathe water freely.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: As the Water Walk spell.

Stone Manipulation
Transmutation [Earth]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can Meld into Stone at will.
Secondary Target: Touched Stone
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You shape stone, as the Stone Shape spell, except that any creature adjacent to the shaping can choose to end away from the stone if they want, to avoid say, being locked in a coffin, or trapped on the other side of a wall from you, provided they make a reflex save.

Darkness of Death
Necromancy [Darkness, Language Dependent]
Primary Target: Object or Creature Touched
Primary Effect: The object radiates magical darkness out to 60ft. This cannot be seen through by darkvision, unless used on a creature, in which case only that creature’s darkvision can see through it.
Secondary Target: One Dead Creature Touched.
Secondary Action: 10 minutes of casting.
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes.
Secondary Effect: You speak with dead, as the Speak with Dead spell.

Negate Magic
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: A sphere of power with a radius of 5ft per caster level emanates from you and negates all forms of invisibility. Since this isn’t called Invisibility Purge, that applies even to special bullshit effects that say they aren’t negated by Invisibility Purge like Superior Invisibility. Also you Detect Magic, as the Detect Magic spell.
Secondary Target: One Object, Creature, or Spell within medium range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous or 1 minute.
Secondary Effect: You pick one of these things to do:

End A Spell Effect: A specific spell that you can see stops being a spell and instead becomes not existent. Unless that spell was cast with Caster Level 10 points greater than yours.

Make an Object Really Mundane: All spells currently effecting an object cease. The object itself becomes mundanely non magical for one minute.

Make an Enemy For Life: A spellcaster can no longer cast spells for 1 minute if they fail a will save. This also applies to SLAs.

Really Annoy Someone: You target a creature, and name one magical spell. If that spell is on them, it ends. Additionally, regardless of the outcome of the named spell you roll a Caster Level check of 1d20+your Caster Level against a DC of the Caster level of the lowest Caster Level of the spells currently effecting the targeted creature. If you succeed you end one random spell as if the duration expired. For each 5 points you exceed the DC, you end an additional spell.

Abjuration [Light]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: You grant Resist Energy as the spell to the Party. With 1 minute of holding hands, you can the party can change the resisted energy type.
Secondary Target: One or more creatures in Medium Range [Separate]
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: For each Party Resist Energy expended, you fire off one Searing Light effect. No two effects activated with the same standard action can target the same creature.

Magic Vestment
Primary Target: Party [Objects]
Primary Effect: Up to 8 objects gain a +1 Enhancement Bonus per three Caster Levels to Armor Class. These can be shields or armor. Non Armors are just armors that grant +0 AC. Caps at +6.
Secondary Effect: Wall within Medium Range [Separate]
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: Creates a Wind Wall.

Magic Circle Against [Alignment]
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Alignment, Mind Affecting] or Abjuration [Alignment]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: This acts as the Kaelik Cleric spell Protection from Alignment, but Party wide.
Secondary Target: 10ft Radius Burst in Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: As per the Kaelik Cleric spell Protection from Alignment, but on the whole area.

Special: This spell can also be used to create a diagram that acts as the alternate version of Magic Circle Against [Alignment] and lasts for 1 month. If a creature breaks free of the circle by winning on a Charisma check or Spell Resistance Check, you can expend the circle to create the Secondary Effect as dictated by the spell with no save or spell resistance on the creature that was in the circle and broke free.

Object Mastery
Abjuration and Divination
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can pick up any hand shaped object (such as a glove, or someone else’s former hand) and turn it into a Helping Hand as the spell. Additionally once per casting, without expending the spell, you may cast Glyph of Warding as the spell.
Secondary Target: Object Touched or Long Range Circle.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (object)
Secondary Duration: 8 hours
Secondary Effect: You either cast Locate Object or Obscure Object. Yes, that means that you can Locate Object better than other casters (or at least, longer).
Level 4

Call and Banish
Conjuration (Calling)
Primary Target: Called Outsider.
Primary Effect: You call an Outsider as the Lesser Planar Ally spell, except that you need not pay for services, and the duration is 24 hours at the end of which the outsider returns to where it came from.
Secondary Target: One Extranplanar Creature within Close Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: If the creature fails a will save then it is returned to the plane it came from. It takes a penalty to the saving throw equal to the amount that your Caster level exceeds it’s HD.

Control Vermin
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: Vermin are repelled from the Cleric as the spell Repel Vermin. Additionally, the Cleric can use his Verminness to touch people as a standard action and poison them as the Poison spell.
Secondary Target: Up to 3 Vermin in Close Range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You turn some smaller vermin into giant vermin, as the Giant Vermin spell.

Know and Speak Truth
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can emulate the effect of Discern Lies whenever you want, by concentrating on a subject. Also you can, once per day, emit a Sending as the spell.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You ask a question like Divination and you get an answer one like too.

Protection From the Dead
Primary Target: Single Creature Touched
Primary Effect: The target has a Deathward effect.
Secondary Target: Touched Creature
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You restore a target like Restoration the spell.

Free and Trap
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: The creature gains Freedom of Movement.
Secondary Target: Single Creature or Object within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You fire a Ray, and if you hit with a ranged touch attack, the subject is under the effect of a Dimensional Anchor spell.

Spell Manipulation
Primary Target: Creature Touched
Primary Effect: Designate 3 spells you have cast, so long as the target is within medium range of you, they can trigger the secondary effects of those three spells with their own actions. This spell can be one of them.
Secondary Target: Creature Touched
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: Spell Immunity

Control Air
Transmutation [Air]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The touched creature can Levitate as the spell
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: Touched Creature can Airwalk, as the spell.

Control Water
Transmutation [Water]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can emulate the effects of the Control Water spell at will.
Secondary Target: Single Touched Creature
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: If the target fails a save, they are stunned for 1 minute. They get additional saves each round to end this effect. This only functions on creatures with water inside them in some form or another, Undead and Constructs are often immune even if they would not otherwise be immune to stunning. If an Elemental has the [Water] subtype, their type based immunity to stun does not apply.
Level 5
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric sees the Truth, as True Seeing.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 round per level.
Secondary Effect: You ask your god or cause about stuff, and get answers like the Commune spell.

Primary Target: Personal (40ft Emanation)
Primary Effect: You detect scrying sensors like the Detect Scrying spell
Secondary Target: Magical Sensor
Secondary Action: 1 Hour
Saving Throw: Will negates; See text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You scry on someone, like the Scry spell.

Weapon of Life
Primary Target: One Touched Weapon
Primary Effect: Any undead creature with CR equal to or less than your caster level or any mindless undead must succeed on a Will save or be destroyed utterly if struck in combat with this weapon.
Secondary Target: A dead creature touched
Secondary Action: 1 minute
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You can Raise the Dead, as the Raise the Dead spell. But only if you cast the spell on a Magic Weapon, and it will destroy the Magic Weapon in question.

Dispel [Alignment]
Abjuration [Alignment]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to saves.
Secondary Target: Touched Target
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: See text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You can perform any of the actions of Dispel [Alignment] except that if the save or spell resistance prevents the dispel, the primary effect is not lost.

Protection from Spells
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: Creature has Spell Resistance equal to 12+Caster Level.
Secondary Target: Up to one creature per level all within 30ft of each other
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You break enchantments like the Break Enchantment spell.

Symbol Creation
Enchantment (Compulsion or Charm) or Necromancy [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: This spell allows you to create Symbol spells. The Primary Effect is not expended, as long as an existing Symbol is in operation, the Primary Effect will not end, and you can’t prepare another spell. In the worst case scenario, where you lose one of your symbols, you can clear this spell slot with an Atonement effect that renders all existing Symbols non functional.
Secondary Target: An Object or 16.
Secondary Action: 10 Minutes
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes per Caster Level after triggering.
Secondary Effect: You can craft 2 Symbols of Sleep and 2 Symbols of Pain. These are just like the spell, except they don’t cost money and you can’t make them permanent. When you gain access to 6th level spells you can also craft 2 Symbols of Fear and Persuasion. When you gain access to 7th level spells you can also craft 2 Symbols of Stunning and Weakness. When you gain access to 8th level spells you can also craft 2 Symbols of Insanity and Death.

Righteous Might
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You get Big, gaining all the effects of the Righteous Might spell.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You temporarily get REALLY BIG. Instead of the effects you did have you now grow two size categories, gain a +16 size bonus to Str, +6 size bonus to Con, +5 enhancement to Natural Armor, DR 20/[alignment], you gain base land speed of 70ft, and you gain both Rock Catching(Ex) and Rock Throwing(Ex) of a Giant of the same size Category (2d8+1 and ½ Str Modifier for Huge Giants).

Wall of Stone
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain Hardness equal to 1/3rd your Caster Level
Secondary Target: Medium Range Stone Wall Effect
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast the Wall of Stone spell.

Special: Okay this one isn’t effected by SR.

Flame Strike
Evocation [Fire]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can Call forth Divine Flames within Medium Range that do 1d6/per two caster levels of fire and divine damage within a 5ft Radius Sphere, Ref Half. Alternatively he can do an extra 1d6 regular fire damage on all his attacks.
Secondary Target: A 40ft Radius Cylinder 40ft High
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Half
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: A Cylinder of Divine Flame does 1d6 per caster level damage, half divine and half fire, and anyone within the area who fails the save is On Divine Fire which is exactly like being on fire, except that it does 2d6 damage, half fire and half divine, and that you take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, skill rolls, ability checks and saving throws for every round you are On Divine Fire. Creatures that are Mindless or that do not feel pain may ignore the penalty.

Slay Living
Necromancy [Death]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: If you die from HP damage, you don’t die instead. You are under the effect of the Delay Death spell and you get Die Hard, but you are always rendered unconscious if you have a negative HP value greater than your Constitution Score, even if you otherwise wouldn’t be.
Secondary Target: Creature Touched
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: If the creature fails a Fort save, it dies. If it succeeds, it takes 3d6+Caster Level points of Death damage. Both of these are [Death] effects.

Planar Energy
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric channels one of the 4 Elemental Planes to give him a minor buff. He can change which he channels as a swift action.

Fire: +10ft Move Speed.
Air: Constant Featherfall.
Earth: +8 against Bullrush, Trip, and to oppose a grapple check.
Water: Swim speed 60ft.

Secondary Target: Touched Creature or Creatures
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The Cleric employs the Planeshift spell.

Unholy Power
Evocation [Evil]
Primary Target: 40ft Radius Emanation from touched point
Primary Effect: You create an Unhallow effect that lasts for 24 hours. You can also imbue one of the approved spells into it. Special: Using the Secondary action does not end the Unhallow or the tied in spell. But it can still only be done once.
Secondary Target: 20ft Radius Spread within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Partial; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous (1d4 rounds); see text
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Unholy Blight except that the damage is 2d6 per CL to outsiders and 1d8 per CL to good creatures that are not outsiders. Damage still halved for successful save or being neutral, quartered for both.

Special: You can pay the money to make your Unhallow Permanent, but you still only get the one Unholy Blight that day, and none tomorrow unless you prepare the spell again.

Holy Power
Evocation [Good]
Exactly like above, except delete all the “Un”s (Also technically, replace Blight with Smite.)

Chaotic Energy
Evocation [Chaotic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can totally use the Chaotic Energies to cause Instantaneous changes in other people by touching them for an hour. You can emulate any effect of the Atonement spell at will on a willing target. Special: Using the Secondary action does not remove your ability to Atone people. But it can still only be done once.
Secondary Target: 20ft Radius Spread within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Partial; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous (1d6 rounds); see text
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Chaos Hammer except that the damage is 2d6 per CL to outsiders and 1d8 per CL to lawful creatures that are not outsiders. Damage still halved for successful save or being neutral, quartered for both.

Lawful Energy
Evocation [Law]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can inflict a Mark of Justice on one creature for each casting of this spell at any time after you have casted it before the 24 hour duration of the Primary Effect is up. The Mark is permanent and exactly like Mark of Justice. Special: Using the Secondary action does not remove your ability to Mark a creature. But it can still only be done once.
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Chaos Hammer except that the damage is 2d6 per CL to outsiders and 1d8 per CL to chaotic creatures that are not outsiders. Damage still halved for successful save or being neutral, quartered for both.
Level 6

Life Energy
Abjuration then Transmutation
Primary Target: 10ft Radius emanation centered on you.
Primary Effect: You bring into being a mobile, hemispherical energy field that prevents the entrance of most types of living creatures.

The effect hedges out animals, aberrations, dragons, fey, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, oozes, plants, and vermin, but not constructs, elementals, outsiders, or undead.

This spell may be used only defensively, not aggressively. Forcing an abjuration barrier against creatures that the spell keeps at bay allows them to pass through.
Secondary Target: One small object per level within Medium Range; See Text
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 Minute; See Text.
Secondary Effect: As the Animate Objects spell.

Special: You can burn away the spell slot used to cast this spell to make the Secondary effect Permanent. Burning away a spell slot prevents you from preparing or casting any spell in that slot for one week and cannot be healed faster in any way. When you do, you cannot change the targets at any point after casting, and after 1 minute, the Objects become uncontrolled lose their previous command, and roll randomly on the table below to see what command guides their existence from now until the end of time.

Roll 1d6: Effect:
1: Attempt to find and kill creator (gains magical memory of creator).
2: Destroy everything you detect.
3: Kill all creatures you detect.
4: Guard current location against all change (will attack any creature that moves object, including opening doors, will attempt to preserve status quo and “fix” any changes, gains a single perfect memory of current location that will guide all actions).
5: Travel in random direction and defend self.
6: Go inert, and then accept and obey next command regardless of who issues it forever.

Death Energy
Necromancy [Evil]
Primary Target: One corpse
Primary Effect: Creates an undead of your choice based on your Caster Level, 11 or lower, Ghoul, 12-14, Ghast, 15-17 Mummy, 18 or higher Mohrg. Also if there is a rule saying “monster X can be created with Create Undead at Caster Level Y” then also those. These creatures last 24 hours, and are under your control.
Secondary Target: Several undead creatures within a 40ft Radius Burst within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: A circle of energy destroys 1d4HD of undead per Caster Level, creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among those with equal HD, the closest to the origin of the Burst are effected first.

Special: You can burn away the slot used to cast this spell (as Life Energy’s burn away) and “expend” the Primary effect to make a single Primary Effect casting of this spell or Animate Dead “Permanent” by Instantaneously giving the creatures Unlife. This frees them of your control, prevents activation of the Secondary effect from ending their life, and generally makes them inimical to all life, especially living creatures. But hey, maybe you have a way to Control them.

Path Magic
Divination then Transmutation [Air]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: Touched creature has Find the Path active on them, and the location can be changed just by thinking about a new location for 3 rounds. The effect does not end when you reach the location. Leaving a Maze Spell requires a new location, so you have to take 3 rounds to change location, then one round to leave.
Secondary Target: Single User and one touched creature per 3 levels
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Secondary Duration: 12 hours
Secondary Effect: The target and some creatures being touched by him or holding hands in a circle get to walk the wind, as the Wind Walk spell.

Greater Call and Banish
Conjuration (Calling)
Primary Target: Called Outsiders or Elementals totaling no more than 12HD.
Primary Effect: You call some Outsiders or Elementals as the Planar Ally spell, except that you need not pay for services, and the duration is 24 hours at the end of which the outsider returns to where it came from.
Secondary Target: One or more Extraplanar Creatures, no two of which can be more than 30ft apart within Close range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: As the Banishment spell. Hope you have a holy symbol of every single god that exists in your setting. Add in some demon/angel hunting organization logos.

Heroes’ Feast
Conjuration (Creation and Teleportation)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: You create a feast that takes 30 minutes to consume and can feed 8 creatures. Each creature consuming the feats is cured of all diseases, poisons, sickness, nausea, ability damage, and ability drain. Creatures also become immune to Poison, Disease, and Fear for as long as the Primary Effect lasts as well. They also gain a +2 Morale Bonus to Attacks and Will saves, and 30 Temporary HP.
Secondary Target: Party[Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: When this effect is activated on a member of the Party, they are instantly teleported back to the location at which they ate the Feast.

Necromancy (Healing)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: Grants Fast Healing 3.
Secondary Target: Party[Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Ends any and all of the adverse conditions affecting the subject of: Ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned. Also heals anything else that says it is healed be the Heal spell.

Special: When activated on yourself, also restores your Divine Energy pool to it’s maximum.

Forbid Magic
Primary Target: 60ft cubed per level (S) within Medium Range.
Primary Effect: You make a Forbiddance effect with a 24 hour duration. Special: This lasts 24 hours even if you trigger the secondary effect, but you can still only trigger the secondary effect once.
Secondary Target: Two Objects, Creature, or Spell within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous or one minute.
Secondary Effect: You pick two of these things to do, you can pick the same one twice on different subjects.

End A Spell Effect: A specific spell that you can see stops being a spell and instead becomes not existent.

Make an Object Really Mundane: All spells currently effecting an object cease. The object itself becomes mundanely non magical FOREVER. It gets a will save to negate. Even if it succeeds the save, it becomes non magical for 1 minute.

Make an Enemy For Life: A spellcaster can no longer cast spells for 1 minute if they fail a will save. This also applies to SLAs.

Really Annoy Someone: You target a creature, and name two magical spells. If that spell is on them, it ends. Additionally, regardless of the outcome of the named spell you roll a Caster Level check of 1d20+your Caster Level against a DC of the Caster level of the lowest Caster Level of the spells currently effecting the targeted creature. If you succeed you end one random spell as if the duration expired. For each 5 points you exceed the DC, you end an additional spell.

Special: You can make the Forbiddance effect Permanent by using up the secondary effect as you create the Primary, and also burning up holy water and rate incenses worth the amount that is the material component of Forbiddance.

Blade Barrier
Evocation [Force]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: Wall of whirling blades ringing Cleric up to 5ft away per two levels up to 20ft high that grants cover and does 1d6 Force damage per three Caster Levels to anyone passing through it or attacking through it with a non reach melee weapon. You can force a hole for someone to pass through for 2 rounds by spending a move action directing it.
Secondary Target: Either a point in space, a single object, or a group of creatures within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates or none.
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes or Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The secondary effect can be triggered in one of three ways:

Whirling Sphere: The blades form a sphere of blade attached to a point in space or an object with a radius of 5ft per two caster levels. The sphere is empty of blades. Anyone passing through the wall takes 1d6 force damage per caster level, reflex half. When you trigger the effect, anyone within the wall can make a reflex save to appear on either the inside or outside, as they choose.

Whirling Wall: A wall 20ft long per level 20ft High of whiling blades forms. This has the same effect as the sphere.

Attacks: Blades fly at one or more enemies. One Blade for every four Caster levels flys out and makes an attack with your Wisdom Mod as its Strength mod, and BAB equal to your Caster level, doing 4d6+1.5 Str mod Force damage.

Quest Trap
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You feel so motivated to complete your quest that you get a +3 moral bonus to saves, attack rolls, and damage.
Secondary Target: Object Touched or up to 5 square feet per level.
Secondary Action: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: Permanent
Secondary Effect: You create a glyph as Greater Glyph of Warding, except that one additional effect you can put into it is a Geas/Quest spell. Also this spell starts at 3d6 damage a day, and scales up 1d6 more damage each day with no cap. If you resume and then cease the task, it starts with the damage it left off at.

Special: This has no material component.
Level 7

Scry and Die
Divination (Scrying) then Necromancy [Death]
Primary Target: Effect: Magical Sensor
Primary Effect: The Primary Effect is a casting of Greater Scrying. If the save fails, you probably aren’t worried about what you lose expending the primary effect to get the Secondary effect.
Secondary Target: One Creature within Close Range OR the subject of the Magical Sensor of the Primary Effect.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; See Text
Secondary Effect: You can do one of two things:

Destruction: This targets one creature within close range, and acts as the Destruction spell in all respects.

Delayed Destruction: This targets the subject of the magical sensor. You trigger the effect as a standard action. They immediately know that a magical effect is has been triggered on them. A DC 22 spellcraft check tells them what the effect is. They also radiate a Strong Necromancy Aura that a spellcasting viewing with Detect Magic can identify with a DC 27 Spellcraft check. One minute after you trigger the effect, they are subject to a Destruction spell. Your Primary Effect ends shortly after they attempt the save, just long enough to determine whether or not they died or not either from failed save or damage.

Ethereal Jaunt
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The Blink spell, but with 24 hour duration.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: As the Ethereal Jaunt spell.

Lucky Break
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Primary Target: Conjured Stone
Primary Effect: You Conjure a Lucky Stone, which gives a +2 luck bonus on Saves, skills, and ability checks for whomever has it in their possession. After 24 hours, the stone remains, but all the luck is used up. Also you pick either “abode” or “self” and a command word when you cast the spell.
Secondary Target: Person who breaks the stone or you.
Secondary Action: Standard action.
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The Lucky Stone also functions as Refuge item with whichever choice you made, on casting, and can be broken and perform the appropriate transportation.

Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The subject gains immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, and ability damage or ability drain (regardless of the source).
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast Greater Restoration on the target.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: A 10ft Radius aura surrounds you and prevents creatures from approaching you. Any creature outside the field must attempt a Will save to approach you or attack you with a melee or Reach weapon. You gain a +5 Deflection Bonus to AC. The save is repeated once each round, failure indicates the action is wasted and the approach or attack is denied. Success grants the enemy immunity to the spell for the remainder of it’s duration.
Secondary Target: 100 ft AoE burst centered on you.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The Aura bursts outward to a Radius of 100ft, pushing all creatures who fail the save to the maximum distance. If a creature is stopped by hitting a wall before then, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 5ft that it does not travel. Any creature that is immune to the Primary Effect because of a made save is immune to this effect as well.

Control Weather
Transmutation [Air, Cold, Earth, Electricity, Water]
Primary Target: 2 mile radius circle, centered on you.
Primary Effect: You control the weather around you, as the Control Weather spell. You can choose to target the local area, or carry the spell around attached to you.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: See text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes.
Secondary Effect: Over the next 10 minutes, you may use each of the following effects one time. Doing so is a Standard action for each, and they can be activated out to long range:

Air: A single target on the ground must succeed on a Reflex save or be knocked Prone, or a single target in the air must make a Reflex save or immediately descend 300ft. If they hit the ground, they take falling damage as if they fell from their height.

Cold: A single target must make a Fortitude Save or be Frosted for 1 minute. Treat this like Nausea, but the only creatures immune are those immune to the Fort save (since it doesn’t effect objects) and those with the Immunity to Cold.

Earth: A hand of stone grows out of the ground and grabs the legs of a target touching the ground. That Target is immobilized until it teleports away, or does something else that would make a stone hand let go (Freedom of Movement, Stone Shape, ect.) There is no Save.

Electricity: You call down lightning from the sky, doing 1d6 per Caster level electricity damage, reflex half to a single target.

Water: You create a Sleet Storm effect within Long Range.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain Regeneration 5 that can be pierced by Acid, Fire, or Silver.
Secondary Target: Personal or Touch
Secondary Action: Immediate or 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: Your Regeneration increases to 40, and cannot be pierced by anything. This has no effect on lethal damage you suffered before activation. This is an immediate action to activate

Alternatively, you can cast the Resurrection spell. This takes 10 minutes and burns the spell slot away for one week.

Evocation [Evil, Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +3 Divine bonus to Attack.
Secondary Target: 40ft radius spread centered on you
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Blasphemy.

Holy Word
Evocation [Good, Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +3 Divine Bonus to saving throws.
Secondary Target: 40ft radius spread centered on you
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Holy Word.

Word of Chaos
Evocation [Chaotic, Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +3d8 Divine Bonus to damage on all your attacks.
Secondary Target: 40ft radius spread centered on you
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Word of Chaos.

Evocation [Lawful, Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to the DC of all saving throws you force other characters to make.
Secondary Target: 40ft radius spread centered on you
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast the spell Dictum.
Level 8

Greatest Magic Negation
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You are surrounded by an Antimagic Field as the spell. As a standard action you can suppress or renew this effect.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: 2 hours
Secondary Effect: As Greater Spell Immunity but on the party.

Create Greater Undead
Primary Target: Created Undead
Primary Effect: You can create any creature you could create with the spell Create Greater Undead It exists for 24 hours under your control, and at the end of that time is destroyed.
Secondary Target: Living Creature
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The living creature, on a failed Fort save, dies and becomes a creature you could create with Create Greater Undead at the next sunset. They lose all their previous knowledge and abilities, but the occasionally get flashbacks to their previous life. Also they hate you with good reason. If they succeed on the Fortitude save, they instead are cursed, taking a -8 penalty to Str and Con, and radiating a special aura that only undead and those with lifesight can see. This aura makes them a preferred target for all undead that see them. Uncontrolled undead, or undead that can attack them while following orders do so, and prioritize them as a target. This effect can be removed by anything that would remove a curse, except the Remove Curse spell.

Greatest Call and Banish
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Up to three called elementals or outsiders, totaling no more than 18 HD
Primary Effect: You call Outsiders or Elementals to your aid, as the Greater Planar Binding spell, except that you need not pay for services, and the duration is 24 hours.
Secondary Target: 20ft radius emanation within medium range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None and Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 1 day per Caster Level
Secondary Effect: You cast Dimensional Lock as the spell, except that you can force any outsider within the emanation to make a Will save and on failure, they are banished to their home plane and cannot leave that plane for as long as the Dimensional Lock continues to exist.

Cloak of Chaos
Abjuration [Chaotic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: As the Cloak of Chaos spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that attacks you.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will, Fort, and Ref; see text.
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; See text
Secondary Effect: A single creature that strikes you, after they attempt the saving throw against confusion, must make 3 saving throws, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
If the Fortitude save fails, they take 1d6 per caster level of untyped chaos damage. If the Reflex save is fails, they take 1d6 per caster level damage of a random element (1d4, fire, acid, cold, electricity). If the Will save is failed, they are stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Unholy Aura
Abjuration [Evil]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: As the Unholy Aura spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that attacks you.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will, Fort, and Ref; see text.
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; See text
Secondary Effect: A single creature that strikes you, after they attempt the saving throw against Str damage, must make 3 saving throws, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
If the Fortitude save fails, they die. This is a [Death] effect. If the Reflex save is fails, they take 3d6 Dexterity damage. If the Will save is failed, they are panicked for 3 rounds. This is a [Fear] Effect.

Holy Aura
Abjuration [Good]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: As the Holy Aura spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that attacks you.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will, Fort, and Ref; see text.
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; See text
Secondary Effect: A single creature that strikes you, after they attempt the saving throw against Blindness, must make 3 saving throws, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
If the Fortitude save fails, they are stunned for 2 rounds. If the Reflex save is fails, they are paralyzed for 2 rounds. If the Will save is failed, they are shaken for 3 rounds.

Shield of Law
Abjuration [Lawful]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: As the Shield of Law spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that attacks you.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will, Fort, and Ref; see text.
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; See text
Secondary Effect: A single creature that strikes you, after they attempt the saving throw against being slowed, must make 3 saving throws, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
If the Fortitude save fails, they are stunned for 2 rounds. If the Reflex save is fails, they are entangled for 5 rounds. If the Will save is failed, they are Dazed for 2 rounds.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric is under the effect of the Analyze Dweomer spell at all times.
Secondary Target: One Creature or Object within unlimited range.
Secondary Action: Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You know the location of one creature or object as the Discern Location spell.

Divine Firestorm
Evocation [Fire]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric may cast Fireball at will, except that the range is medium.
Secondary Target: Two 10ft cubes per level (S) out to long range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Ref half
Secondary Duration: 3 Rounds
Secondary Effect: You do 1d6 per caster level damage within the area every round for the next 3 rounds. This damage is Divine Fire, which bypasses resistance and immunity. You may choose to exclude objects and plants from the damage if you wish. Anyone that fails the save against the damage is On Divine Fire, as the Flamestrike spell.

Mastery of Earth
Transmutation [Earth]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The touched creature has Earthglide as the Earth Elemental ability.
Secondary Target: 80ft radius spread (S) out to Long Range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: 3 rounds
Secondary Effect: You cast the Earthquake spell, but with a duration of 3 rounds instead of 1.
Level 9

Astral Projection
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: You are all subject to the Astral Projection spell with a duration of 24 hours.
Secondary Target: Party[Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You can, as an immediate action, return the subjects of this spell to their bodies. If you do so, they are capable of riding the Astral Energies back to the exact location their Astral Body left as soon as they return. In this case, they arrive in the Astral at the beginning of your next turn.

Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The entire party gains the ability to shift from the Ethereal to the Material, or the Material to the Ethereal as a standard action for as long as the duration continues to run. When this effect ends, each creature remains on the plane it is then currently on.
Secondary Target: Up to 1 creature per Caster level within Long Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Creatures you designate who fail a Will Save are transported to the Ethereal Plane or the Material Plane, at your choice, as the Plane Shift spell. A single location is chosen and rolled for all targets.

Storm of Vengeance
Conjuration and Necromancy
Primary Target: 360ft Radius Storm
Primary Effect: You create a Storm of Vengeance as the spell, but you don’t have to concentrate on it.
Secondary Target: Single Creature killed in the area of the storm.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Permanent
Secondary Effect: A creature killed in the area of the storm is bound as the Soul Bind spell.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can concentrate on any corporeal creature within Close Range and that creature must make a Fort save or collapse in on itself and be destroyed. This is not a [Death] effect. The Cleric may only target a creature once per casting of the spell.
Secondary Target: 1 Creature or Object per 2 Caster levels within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates (Object)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: A Cleric may designate a number of creatures or objects, all must attempt a Fort save or be crushed into a ball and destroyed. This effect even works on gaseous creatures or on incorporeal creatures, though with a 50% chance to fail to affect them.

Energy Drain
Primary Target: Single Creature Touched
Primary Effect: Each attack by the creature that hits gives 1 negative level to the recipient.
Secondary Target: Single Creature within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: A creature struck with a ray fired when this spell is triggered takes 3d4 negative levels.

Conjuration (Calling)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric becomes capable of casting the Travel version of Gate at will.
Secondary Target: Called Creature
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: You may attempt to call a creature. If you do, that creature gets a saving throw, and spell resistance check to avoid being called if they choose (they usually do). If your Gate attempt fails, then your Primary Effect is not expended and you may attempt to expend it to gate in another creature or set of creatures instead. You may not try to gate in the same particular being more than once with a single casting of the spell.

Mass Heal
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The party gains Fast Healing 10. Additionally, you can heal anyone affected by this spell with your Divine Energy pool as an immediate action. Finally, you can use your Divine Energy pool as a ranged touch attack out to 30ft as long as it remains in effect on you.
Secondary Target: Party[Separate] + Additional Creature[Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Each time you activate a part of this spell you invoke the secondary effect of the Heal spell above, however it can be invoked on two creatures at once for each party buff expended, the party member you are stripping the buff from, and a creature within 30ft of them.

Primary Target: Target of spell.
Primary Effect: When you begin the Primary Effect casting, you Trigger a Miracle, as the Miracle spell. If used to emulate a spell, it changes that spell’s duration to 24 hours as you cast it, and that spell becomes the Primary Effect of the spell.
Secondary Target: One unambiguously identified deceased creature
Secondary Action: 1 minute
Saving Throw: None; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You replicate a True Resurrection] spell, except it can also raise from the dead any creature that would otherwise require a Miracle effect.
Last edited by Kaelik on Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:56 am, edited 42 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »


Each Domain has:

Granted Ability: This is the ability granted to a Cleric taking this Domain at level 2.
Skill: This is a skill which a Cleric gains max ranks in starting at Cleric level 2. These ranks continue to increase with more levels.
Spells: Each Domain has 9 spells. These spells may be prepared in Domain Slots only, and the Cleric may only prepare spells up to the spell level he has access to from his regular spell slots.

Spells with * are not off the Kaelik Cleric list and will be provided in Kaelik Cleric form below.

PHB Domains:

Granted Ability: You can Rebuke Creatures with the [Air] subtype and Turn Creatures with the [Earth] subtype in addition to undead using your Turn undead pool.
Skill: Balance
1- Obscuring Mist
2- Magic Vestment
3- Gaseous Form*
4- Control Air
5- Control Winds*
6- Chain Lightning*
7- Control Weather
8- Whirlwind*
9- Elemental Swarm* (Air only)

Granted Ability: You may speak with animals, as Speak with Animals at any time.
Skill: Knowledge (Nature)
1- Calm Animals*
2- Hold Animal (Hold Person, but the secondary effect triggers on Animals only)
3- Dominate Animal*
4- Control Vermin
5- Commune with Nature
6- Life Energy
7- Animal Power*
8- Animal Mind*
9- Shapechange*

Granted Ability: You cast Chaos spells at +1 Caster level
Skill: Use Magic Device
1- Protection from Law
2- Silence and Noise
3- Magic Circle Against Law
4- Chaotic Energy
5- Dispel Law
6- Life Energy
7- Word of Chaos
8- Cloak of Chaos
9- Storm of Vengeance

Granted Ability: Once per day, you may touch a creature, and if it fails a Fort Save, it dies. This is a [Death] effect.
Skill: Move Silently
1- Cause Fear
2- Death Knell
3- Animate Dead
4- Protection From Dead
5- Slay Living
6- Death Energy
7- Scry and Die
8- Create Greater Undead
9- Energy Drain

Granted Ability: You may use Turn or Rebuke Undead attempts to Smite, This grants you a +4 Divine bonus to attack, and a +10 Divine damage bonus on all attacks for the next round.
Skill: Disable Device
1- Bane
2- Silence and Noise
3- Disease
4- Slay Living
5- Righteous Might
6- Blade Barrier
7- Disintegrate*
8- Earth Mastery
9- Implosion

Granted Ability: You can Rebuke Creatures with the [Earth] subtype and Turn Creatures with the [Air] subtype in addition to undead using your Turn undead pool.
Skill: Cimb
1- Magic Weapon
2- Shield Other
3- Stone Manipulation
4- Evard's Black Tentacles* (But the tentacles are earthy, and it can't be triggered on water)
5- Wall of Stone
6- Stoneskin*
7- Earth Mastery
8- Iron Body*
9- Elemental Swarm* (Earth only)

Granted Ability: You cast [Evil] spells at +1 Caster Level
Skill: Listen
1- Protection from Good
2- Deathknell
3- Magic Circle Against Good
4- Unholy Energy
5- Dispel Good
6- Create Undead
7- Blasphemy
8- Unholy Aura
9- Implosion

Granted Ability: You can Rebuke Creatures with the [Fire] subtype and Turn Creatures with the [Cold] subtype in addition to undead using your Turn undead pool.
Skill: Intimidate
1- Magic Weapon (But the weapon is also Flaming)
2- Fire's Grace (Cat's Grace)
3- Energy (Resist Cold or Fire only)
4- Flamestrike
5- Planar Energy
6- Incendiary Cloud
7- Divine Firestorm
8- Storm of Vengeance (But Fire)
9- Elemental Swarm* (Fire Only)

Granted Ability: You cast Good spells at +1 Caster Level
Skill: Diplomacy
1- Protection from Evil
2- Augury
3- Magic Circle Against Evil
4- Holy Energy
5- Dispel Evil
6- Blade Barrier
7- Holy Word
8- Holy Aura
9- Miracle

Granted Ability: Your Divine Energy is equal to your Wisdom Modifier x Character Level x 3.
Skill: Heal
1- Endurance
2- Status
3- Bestow or Remove Curses
4- Protection From the Dead
5- Heal
6- Shelter
7- Regenerate
8- Discernment
9- Mass Heal

Granted Ability: You gain +1 Caster Level of Divination spells, and you detect all secret doors within 60ft.
Skill: Knowledge (Arcana)
1- Augury
2- Detect Thoughts*
3- Know and Speak Truth
4- Scrying
5- Truth
6- Path Magic
7- Scry and Die
8- Discernment
9- Foresight*

Granted Ability: You cast Law spells at +1 Caster Level
Skill: Spot
1- Protection From Chaos
2- Truth and Lies
3- Magic Circle Against Chaos
4- Lawful Energy
5- Dispel Chaos
6- Quest Trap
7- Dictum
8- Shield of Law
9- Gate

Granted Ability: After you roll, after you know the result, you may reroll as an immediate action by expending a turn attempt. You can do this as many times as you have turn attempts.
Skill: Tumble
1- Entropic Shield
2- Augury
3- Energy
4- Free and Trap
5- Protection From Spells
6- Lucky Break
7- Mislead*
8- Moment of Prescience*
9- Miracle

Granted Ability: You can activate spell completion of spell trigger activation as a Wizard of your Cleric Level. Also you can Identify any item, like the spell, by holding and inspecting it for 1 minute.
Skill: Spellcraft
1- Magic Aura*
2- Owl's Wisdom
3- Negate Magic
4- Spell Manipulation
5- Protection from Spells
6- Forbid Magic
7- Greatest Magic Negation
8- Supreme Resistance*
9- Mage's Disjunction*

Granted Ability: You can use your Turn and/or Rebuke undead abilities on Plants as well as undead.
Skill: Knowledge (Nature)
1- Entangle*
2- Barkskin*
3- Plant Control*
4- Tree Stride*
5- Thorns*
6- Wood Control*
7- Plant Energy*
8- Spellstaff*
9- Shapechange*

Granted Ability: By spending a turn undead attempt, you can grant a creature a resistance bonus to saves equal to the higher of your Wisdom Modifer and your Cleric Level. This bonus lasts for 1 hour, and is expended on their next saving throw, ending the effect.
Skill: Concentration
1- Shield of Faith
2- Shield Other
3- Energy
4- Protection from Dead
5- Protection from Spells
6- Shelter
7- Greatest Magic Negation
8- MindBlank*
9- Astral Projection

Granted Ability: By spending a Turn Undead Attempt, you gain an insight bonus to Strength equal to the higher of your Wisdom Modifier or Cleric level. Activating this ability is a swift action, and it lasts for 1 minute.
Skill: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)
1- Enlarge Person*
2- Bull's Strength
3- Magic Vestment
4- Free and Trap
5- Righteous Might
6- Stoneskin*
7- Hand
8- Greatest Call and Banish
9- Gate

Granted Ability: You can use the single target version of your Turn or Rebuke attempts against undead as an AoE instead.
Skill: Spot
1- Endure
2- Bright Lights
3- Energy
4- Sun's Grace (Cat's Grace on the Party)
5- Divine Flamestrike
6- Heal
7- Divine Firestorm
8- Sun Energy*
9- Prismatic Sphere*

Granted Ability: You are totally immune to effects that inhibit your movement, like the Freedom of Movement spell, all the time.
Skill: Survival
1- Endure
2- Object Mastery
3- Longstrider*
4- Free and Trap
5- Teleport*
6- Path Magic
7- Greater Teleport*
8- Discernment
9- Astral Projection

Granted Ability: You gain max ranks in Search and Disable Device in addition to below Hide, and you get Trap Finding like a Rogue
Skill: Hide
1- Disguise Self*
2- Invisibility*
3- Non-Detection*
4- Confusion*
5- False Vision*
6- Mislead*
7- Screen*
8- Time Stop*
9- Etherealness

Granted Ability: You gain Martial Weapon Proficiency, and you are treated as having BAB equal to your character level for the purposes of all feats, whether this means Pre-Reqs (You can take Weapon Focus at level 1) or using feats as if you had full BAB (You can power attack for more than your BAB).
Skill: Intimidate
1- Magic Weapon
2- Align Weapon
3- Magic Vestment
4- Divine Favor (Party)
5- Divine Flamestrike
6- Blade Barrier
7- Regenerate
8- Power Word Stun*
9- Miracle

Granted Ability: You can Rebuke Creatures with the [Cold] or [Water] subtypes and Turn Creatures with the [Fire] subtype in addition to undead using your Turn undead pool.
Skill: Swim
1- Obscuring Mist
2- Shark's Endurance (Bear's Endurance)
3- Dive and Surface
4- Control Water
5- Ice Storm*
6- Heroes' Feast
7- Control Weather
8- Mastery of Water*
9- Elemental Swarm*
PHB Domain Spells:

Gaseous Form
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: Target can turn into a Gaseous Form and float around whenever it wants.
Secondary Target: 20ft radius within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 Minute
Secondary Effect: You create a Stinking Cloud effect as the spell.

Chain Lightning
Evocation [Electricity]
Primary Effect: This as Flame Strike, except that your energy is electricity and divine
Secondary Target: One primary target, plus one secondary target/level (each of which must be within 30 ft. of the primary target) out to Long Range
Secondary Effect: You cast Chain Lightning as the spell.

Control Winds
Transmutation [Air]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can cast Gust of Wind at will.
Secondary Target: 40ft per level radius Cylinder 40ft high.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fort Negates (Objects)
Secondary Duration: 2 hours
Secondary Effect: You cast Control Winds the Druid spell.

Evocation [Air]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The creature is surrounded by circle of winds that provides the effect of windwall to all attacks aimed at them.
Secondary Target: Cyclone 10ft wide at base, 30ft wide at top, 20ft tall, within Long Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: You make a Whirlwind as the spell

Elemental Swarm
Conjuration (Summoning) [Air, Earth, Fire, Water]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: The spell summons a host of diminiuative elementals that swarm around the target, providing a different benefit, depending on the elementals summoned by the spell.
Earth: DR 20/-
Air: 100ft Perfect Fly Speed.
Fire: Enemies that attack you with a melee weapon take 20d6 fire damage.
Water: There is a 50% chance that any spell that targets a creature or group of creatures will be targeted on one of the elementals instead of you.
Secondary Target: Elementals Summoned
Secondary Action: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 Hours
Secondary Effect: The Elementals surge together to create two Elder Elementals and 4 Greater Elementals, who obey you for as long as the spell lasts.

Calm Animals
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric gains a +10 enhancement bonus to Handle Animal.
Secondary Target: Animals within 30ft of each other within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You cast the Calm Animals spell, and you retain your +10 bonus to Handle Animal in checks against any create calmed by the spell.

Dominate Animal
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: One Animal
Primary Effect: You gain control of the animal, like Dominate Animal if it fails a will save.
Secondary Target: Dominated Animal
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Concentration
Secondary Effect: You basically control the animal completely, making it take any actions it is capable of, you lose your own senses and the ability to control your own body, but you gain all the senses of the animal. Your body concentrates until you choose to stop or are forced to stop by a failed concentration check.

Animal Power
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
Secondary Target: See text
Secondary Action: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Secondary Duration: See text
Secondary Effect: You gain one use of each of the three triggered abilities, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, and Cat's Grace. You retain all three insight bonuses until you use all three abilities.

Animal Mind
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Secondary Target: See text
Secondary Action: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Secondary Duration: See text
Secondary Effect: You gain one use of each of the three triggered abilities, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, and Owl's Wisdom. You retain all three insight bonuses until you use all three abilities.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: As the Shapechange spell, but for 24 hours!
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: Remainder of the 24 hours
Secondary Effect: You revert to your natural form, and someone else starts shapechanging.

Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can cast Pass Wall at will.
Secondary Target: Ray out to Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (object)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You cast Disintegrate.

Evard's Black Tentacles
Conjuration (Creation)
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: Touched target grows two tentacles. These can either be used to attack as secondary natural weapons with half strength score, or they can be used to grapple and provide a +4 bonus. Additionally, by taking a -20 penalty to it's grapple check, the creature can use the tentacles to grapple without being considered grappling themselves.
Secondary Target: 20ft Radius Spread within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: You cast Black Tentacles as the spell.

Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: You cast Stoneskin on a target, but with a duration of 24 hours.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: Even if the block amount has been used up, they gain the DR 10/Adamantine for the next 2 minutes with no cap, and further they can, at will, turn to stone for a brief moment as an immediate action to render themselves invalid targets for spells that don't effect objects or to benefit from hardness 8 instead of DR 10. While you can turn to stone against attacks, you probably don't want to, since hardness would be less than DR, and any HP damage you take in stone form will carry over on your return.

Iron Body
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain Hardness 10, and become immune to fortitude saves that don't effect objects and electricity. Also your fists become a slam attack that does 1d8+1.5(Str mod) damage.
Secondary Target: Creature punched.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Fort Negates (Object)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: When you punch a creature, you can transmute them into a solid iron statute. If they fail a fort save, they are iron. This doesn't kill them, their soul is just in their, but they can't take any actions, mental or physical. This does not work on incorporeal creatures.

Detect Thoughts
Divination [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain Telepathy 100ft.
Secondary Target: 60ft cone shaped emanation
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates; see text.
Secondary Duration: Concentration up to 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: As the Detect Thoughts spell.

Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: You gain all the effects of the Foresight Spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that is about to attack you in any way.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The creature is given extremely specific knowledge of it's future death. So specific, that it thinks the death is happening right now. If it fails the Will Save, it dies. If it succeeds, it is stunned and dazed for one round you know about the attack it was going to make, allowing you to respond. The death is a Mind Affecting Death Effect. If a creature is immune to those, treat them as if they succeeded on the save.

Illusion (Glamer, Figment)
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: The touched creature benefits from the Displacement spell.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None; Will Negates; see text.
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: The creature subject to displacement teleports 10ft in a direction of your choice and becomes subject to Greater Invsibility, and is replaced by a Major Image of themselves, which you can direct with concentration, or it remains in place. Any attack currently directed hits the image, possibly provoking a save for interaction.

Moment of Prescience
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric gains a +1 Insight bonus to ever roll they make for any reason.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Special Non-Action as part of any roll.
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The Cleric gains a +25 insight bonus to any roll made. This can be activated on any roll, regardless of if you are flat footed, already used an immediate action, or otherwise couldn't take actions.

Magic Aura
Illusion (Glamer)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: All magical auras emanating from you because of spells cast on you are undetectable with Spellcraft checks, Detect Magic, or Arcane Sight. Greater Arcane Sight and Analyze Dweomer can still detect them.
Secondary Target: One Touched Object
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: One day per caster level.
Secondary Effect: You altar an item's aura so that they are undetectable with Spellcraft checks, Detect Magic, or Arcane Sight. Greater Arcane Sight and Analyze Dweomer can still detect them. This even applies to aura from spells cast on the object, including this one. If the object bearing magic aura has identify cast on it or is similarly examined, the examiner recognizes that the aura is false and detects the object’s actual qualities.

Supreme Resistance
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: You gain a +8 Resistance bonus to all saving throws.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Once for each saving throw (Fort, Ref, Will), when you fail a saving throw, you instead make the saving throw. The Primary effect is not expended until the third use.

Mage's Disjunction
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: Your spells can't be dispelled by Dispel Magic or Greater Dispel Magic, or anything that dispells like those spells (such as dispelling screens), this doesn't apply to effects that end spells as dispel magic, such as a Mage's Disjunction spell.
Secondary Target: All magical effects and items within a 40ft radius burst out to close range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will negates (object); see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; 12 hours
Secondary Effect: All magical effects except those you carry or touch are disjoined. Even antimagic field. All unattended magic items make a will saving throw or become normal items for 12 hours. All attended magic items are rendered normal items for 12 hours if their possessor fails a Will Save. There is just one save for all their attended items.

Primary Target: Single Wooden Weapon Touched
Primary Effect: The weapon benefits from Magic Weapon and also deals damage as a weapon two size categories larger.
Secondary Target: 40ft radius within long range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Partial; see text;
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: As the Entangle spell.

Primary Target: Single Touched Creature
Primary Effect: Provides a +1 bonus +1 per 3 caster levels Natural Armor Bonus to a maximum
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Swift Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: The target gains DR 10/-. This increases to DR 20/- at level 11.

Plant Control
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can mimic the effects of Diminish Plants at will.
Secondary Target: See Text
Secondary Action: See Text
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: The Cleric casts Plant Growth.

Tree Stride
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can walk through trees as the Tree Stride spell. He may move from one tree to another caster level times, though they need not be consecutive, and he can spend any amount of time outside trees in between transports.
Secondary Target: Party (Willing, Touch)
Secondary Action: Full Round Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: All targets can be transported to any tree the Cleric has transported to or from with this casting of Tree Stride.

Conjuration (Creation)
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: The Touched creature grows giant thorns that do 1d6 per two caster levels of damage to any creature attacking it in melee.
Secondary Target: Wall of thorny brush, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S) within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 hours.
Secondary Effect: You cast Wall of Thorns as the spell.

Wood Control
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You may cast Wood Shape and Warp Wood at will.
Secondary Target: An ironwood object weighing up to 5 lb./level
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Permanent
Secondary Effect: You turn wood into Ironwood as the Ironwood spell but with a Permanent Duration.

Plant Energy
Abjuration then Transmutation
Primary Target: 30ft Radius Emanation centered on you.
Primary Effect: You bring into being a mobile, hemispherical energy field that prevents the entrance of plants and plant byproducts. This includes many poisons, spore, and any weapons made of wood or incorporating wood. There is not save. This spell may be used only defensively, not aggressively. Forcing an abjuration barrier against creatures that the spell keeps at bay allows them to pass through.
Secondary Target: One small object per level within Medium Range; See Text
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 Minute; See Text.
Secondary Effect: As the Life Energy Cleric spell, except that you make plant creatures out of wood or brush, and you can choose which of of the 6 permanent effects the plant chooses to perform.

Primary Target: A Staff Touched
Primary Effect: After casting this spell on a Quarterstaff, you may cast any single spell with a Personal or Touch target into this quarterstaff. Anyone holding the staff can cast the spell from the staff as if you cast it, and can trigger the secondary effect of that spell with their own actions. If the secondary effect is triggered, you can cast another spell into the staff if you choose.
Secondary Target: Staff
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 12 hours
Secondary Effect: The Staff turns into a Huge Treant as the Changestaff spell. If the staff currently has a spell in it, the Treant benefits from the Primary Effect and can cast the spell with it's own actions.

Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: The creature is protected by Mindblank.
Secondary Target: Some creature attempting to divine or mind read or mind influence the target.
Secondary Action: Immediate action by the creature the spell was cast on "after" the spell is foiled.
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the Cleric and the touched creature know exactly what spell was cast or ability used, the casting ability of the person casting it (caster level, Arcane/Divine/SLA/Supernatural, highest spell level) and there exact current location, both in reference to you and you get a rough idea of the location, such that you might be considered familiar with it for the purpose of teleport. Technically, since this is an Abjuration effect that is not a Divination, Mindblank doesn't prevent this information.

Enlarge Person
Primary Target: Touched Creature
Primary Effect: The Creature is Enlarged as the Enlarge Person spell.
Secondary Target: Single User
Secondary Action: Swift
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: The target creature and his equipment becomes huge if you want, but either way they get a +8 Even More Size bonus to Strength and a -2 Dex penalty that stacks with the Enlarge Person. The Enlarge effect continues and only runs out at the end of this duration.

Sun Energy
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You radiate light like the sun. This allows everything within line of sight of you to light up like it was outside during the day. This might kill some vampires or dazzle some orcs or whatever, in addition to allowing you and others to see.
Secondary Target: 80ft Radius Burst in Long Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You evoke the effects of the Sunburst spell, but without a save.

Prismatic Sphere
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: A shifting prismatic field covers your body, this does give off light like a torch. Each round, at then beginning of your turn, the field changes from one color to the next, in the order outlined in the Prismatic Wall spell. If the enemy has the ability to surprise you, and knows what they want, they can surprise you with any color active. If you are surprising an enemy, you can choose what color effect is up when you attack. If neither of you is surprising the other, roll 1d7 to determine which effect is active. (roll 1d6 if you really have to.)
Secondary Target: 10ft Sphere within Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: See Text
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: You can place a Prismatic Sphere spell anywhere within medium range, including around someone else. This is in all ways identical to a Prismatic Sphere for interactions and effects. No save is granted to avoid the sphere if you place it around another creature, but if you place the sphere so that another creature is inside the walls, they can attempt a Reflex save to end on either side of the sphere at their choice, before attempting the 7 saves for attempting to travel through the sphere.

Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The Party gains a +10 enhancement bonus to all movespeeds.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None (Willing)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You can teleport any member of the party to any square adjacent to you as an immediate action. You don't need line of sight or a specific distance, you just need to be on the same plane.

Conjuration (Telportation)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You can Teleport up to your move speed as swift action so long as you have line of sight to the destination.
Secondary Target: You and up to one willing medium or smaller creature per level or equivalent.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (object)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You Teleport as the spell.

Greater Teleport
Conjuration (Telportation)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: As above Teleport but everyone in the Party.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will Negates (object)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: Each party member may trigger their own effect to Greater Teleport as the spell.

Disguise Self
Illusion (Glamer)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You benefit from the Disguise Self spell, and you can change your disguise as a standard action.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 hour
Secondary Effect: The party benefits from Disguise Self, but you can't change what they are disguised as after the initial trigger.

Illusion (Glamer)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You are invisible half the time. This is like the spell Invisibility in that it goes away if you attack anything. You are invisible for 10 rounds, and then visible for 10 rounds. If you want to, you can do anything you can accomplish with ten rounds of invisibility. If you or your party are surprised, roll 1d20 to find out where you are in the invisibility. If the effect ends because you attack it returns 10 rounds later.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Swift Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: You are greater invisible for 1 minute. Your invisibility doesn't end when you do anything.

Non Detection
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: Everyone benefits from the spell Nondetection. You are the caster, so far as that effects the DC of caster level checks.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: In response to a defeated Caster level check by a Divination effect, you can trigger Mindblank on the target and any number of other party members for one minute.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric can make a melee touch attack that forces a Will save. If the save fails, they are confused, as the spell for one minute.
Secondary Target: All creatures in 20ft radius bust out to Medium Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Will partial
Secondary Duration: 1 minute or 1 round
Secondary Effect: A failed will save causes creatures to be confused for one minute. A successful save still confuses them for one round.

False Vision
Illusion (Glamer)
Primary Target: Either yourself or a location.
Primary Effect: You can create a False Vision effect, as the spell. Either in a location, or centered on you.
Secondary Target: Anyone in that False Vision.
Secondary Action: Immediate.
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: The remaining 24 hour duration.
Secondary Effect: You attach the False Vision to a scryer, so that for the rest of the 24 hours, you can dictate what they see, either through scrying, or in their own world. This doesn't give you any information about them, just lets you Major Image them for several hours. There is no saving throw, even for interacting with this image, but True Seeing negates it as usual.

Illusion (Glamer)
Primary Target: 30ft cube per level (S)
Primary Effect: You cast the Screen spell.
Secondary Target: Creature that Scries on the Screened area.
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: You can drag a character that scries on your Screen effect through the sensor, and they appear inside the screened area, where they scryed. This can definitely end badly for them. If you have a Dimensional Lock or other effect that would prevent a teleport arrival, they don't arrive.

Time Stop
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You are under the effects of the Haste spell. You also get two move actions and two swift actions each turn. Still only one standard action.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: Immediate
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: an instant.
Secondary Effect: Roll 1d4+1, you gain that many standard actions, also you get two times that many swift and move actions. You cannot interact with other creatures with these actions, like the Time Stop spell, except that you can activate any buff you have previously cast with a swift action or immediate activation, though the activations will only effect the creatures they were cast on.

Power Word Stun
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You know exactly how much HP an enemy has. You can trigger Power Word Stun as a standard action out to close range on anyone with less than 50HP without expending this effect.
Secondary Target: Single Creature within close range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: See text
Secondary Effect: You trigger Power Word Stun on the creature.

Ice Storm
Evocation [Cold]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: The Party grows Ice Spikes on all their armor, providing an enhancement bonus like GMV. These are also Armor Spikes that are buffed as if Magic Weapon was cast on them. They also do a free retaliation damage to anyone stricking with a non reach melee or natural weapon of 1d8+Magic bonus damage, no save no attack roll no miss chance.
Secondary Target: Cylinder 20ft radius 40ft high within Long Range
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 rounds
Secondary Effect: Mimics the effects of the Ice Field spell, but for two rounds.

Mastery of Water
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: The Cleric gains a 80ft swim speed, water breathing, is always under the effects of Freedom of Movement when under water, and can change the direction of the currents within medium range as a standard action to go in any one direction (If you don't have current rules, treat like Windstorm level wind in whatever direction he directs).
Secondary Target: 120ft wide and 60ft deep whirpool within Long Range.
Secondary Action: Standard
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates: see text
Secondary Duration: 2 minutes
Secondary Effect: Anything that fails a reflex save and is within 50ft is sucked in, anything already in the area gets no save. Once sucked in, no escape is possible except with magic. Creatures and objects within the whirlpool take 3d8 points of bludgeoning damage every round.
Last edited by Kaelik on Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:17 pm, edited 22 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Kaelik »

Reserved for eventually more spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

I love this as a new way of doing Vancian daily spells. Primary / Secondary don't evoke the feeling of a buff that gets expended for a spell effect though. Not high priority, but maybe Imbue / Exhaust are better substitutions?

I don't like the idea of a daily pool for his healing / damage effects, because it seems annoying to track. Most of the time you'll probably track it in per-level increments, so I feel like it would be fine to just make it a daily usage. The other thing I don't like is the option to dump a gazillion damage into a touch attack. Most of the time that's going to be a trap option, and in other cases it seems like a dumb way to win a fight, so why does it exist? If you want massive healing, just make players spend multiple turns healing for +lvl.

Will Domains be rewritten to follow the same format?

For Entropic Shield, does the secondary ability redirect the attack at its old attack roll, or force a new attack roll, or auto-hit?

For Protection from Alignment, does the secondary Chaos effect allow affected creatures to take other actions after they've accomplished running towards you? Like if it only takes a move action to close the distance, can they attack after?

Endurance is called Endure Elements in the description.

Will Summon Monster make an appearance on the Cleric list?

Closing thought: I love that these encourage players to pick different buffs instead of just preparing the same effect 4 times.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

...You Lost Me wrote:Primary / Secondary don't evoke the feeling of a buff that gets expended for a spell effect though. Not high priority, but maybe Imbue / Exhaust are better substitutions?
Yeah, I feel like lots of parts of the buff/Expend are poorly written right now, I was planing to crowdsource it :).
...You Lost Me wrote:I don't like the idea of a daily pool for his healing / damage effects, because it seems annoying to track. Most of the time you'll probably track it in per-level increments, so I feel like it would be fine to just make it a daily usage.
Uh what? I mean, we have 16 years of people playing Paladins, and they always track it on an individual point number basis, because that way you are always efficiently used. I made it a point pool so that it's an easy decision when to use it (whenever) to reduce that accounting.
...You Lost Me wrote: The other thing I don't like is the option to dump a gazillion damage into a touch attack. Most of the time that's going to be a trap option, and in other cases it seems like a dumb way to win a fight, so why does it exist? If you want massive healing, just make players spend multiple turns healing for +lvl.
I mostly expect the save negates aspect to encourage people to use it as healing, but I don't know. The reason it's not just +level is because it's also supposed to be in combat healing.
...You Lost Me wrote:Will Domains be rewritten to follow the same format?
Domain spells not already rewritten? Yeah.
...You Lost Me wrote:For Entropic Shield, does the secondary ability redirect the attack at its old attack roll, or force a new attack roll, or auto-hit?
Good point, will have to say that. Presumably just same attack roll.
...You Lost Me wrote:For Protection from Alignment, does the secondary Chaos effect allow affected creatures to take other actions after they've accomplished running towards you? Like if it only takes a move action to close the distance, can they attack after?
The intention is that leaving is always going to be like a double move or full round run, but closing can be a move then standard.
...You Lost Me wrote:Will Summon Monster make an appearance on the Cleric list?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

Looks pretty awesome. A while ago I had started on a rewrite of my "Cleric for people who want more mandatory class features to lose when you Prestige out and don't like the limitless spell access", but honestly, seeing this, you've saved me the effort there.

It's a cool concept. The occasional Instant spell they have can just be shifted to a secondary effect (so Flamestrike is presumably a spell with Primary: your attacks are all half-divine Flaming weapons, Secondary: a cylinder explodes into fiery death hit point damage) and they're not the main spells Clerics typically use anyway, other than "Save or Actually Die" or status-ending things.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Looks fun, functional, and easier to remember than the regular cleric spells. The aura expending mechanic feels like something from MTG

You could use MTG terminology, a charge that lasts 24 hours can be sacrificed for an effect.

A party of 8 clerics can do some silly stuff together.
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Post by Kaelik »

2nd level spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by OgreBattle »

I'm hassling you to finish this class
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Post by PhoneLobster »

Don't get me wrong, I have no interest one way or another in the content of the class itself.


Why is this class not called something like the Kaelerik?

Just seems like a shockingly obvious missed opportunity.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

A good point Phonelobster, but it's [Kaelik says so].

I really like how turning undead has an easy to grok mechanic; because looking up how turning... actually works, ends up being a pain when the campaign has any amount of undead, even if the party can destroy them thanks to turning equipment & specialization among the party.

The 3e rules for turning are almost the same as those that I recall in 2e. However, they were so obscure that we had to look up the rulebook each time we interacted with the mechanic.

Even playing as part of a party where half the party specialized in generating a large turning undead score (that would destroy, not fear, undead; a tiny amount, thanks to Sun Domain; then more often with Radiant Servant of the Sun); I can't say that I definitively recall just how 2e/3e undead turning mechanics work.

It was basically a Charisma + Cleric Level check, to determine how high, compared to your own Cleric Level; an Undead you could affect. Already I want to throw up and jump out a window.

Then, you have to roll... a bunch of d6s (wargaems. @_@), to determine how many HD (total) you can affect.

The first step makes the mechanic involve epicyclic mechanics, and the second makes the amount of targets affected to always be in doubt.

On the other hand, that might be the point. OD&D was envisioned as a horror-comedic gorefest where PCs died like characters in Sword & Planet pulp action series.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

Divine Energy doesn't actually say what the healing/damage per point is. It just skips to Save for Half.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Kaelik »

Mask_De_H wrote:Divine Energy doesn't actually say what the healing/damage per point is. It just skips to Save for Half.
It's just 1 to 1. Whatever your Divine Energy Pool is, that's how much HP you can heal or damage do. Not sure what specific way to right that better, but agree it is slightly missing something.

All methods seem equally crass in terms of 1 to 1.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Kaelik »

Added 3rd level (PHB) spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

The spells are really solid without being overpowered. Thanks for making this.
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Post by Kaelik »

Level 4 (PHB) spells mostly done.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

Level 5 Spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by radthemad4 »

This looks fun to play. I'll have to try it out some time.
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Post by Koumei »

It's a little weird that Atonement is a [Chaotic] effect. Not a big deal, because I don't recall ever seeing someone cast that in a game, but it does stick out as weird.

With Flamestrike's primary effect, do you choose when you cast the spell, or can you have one then swap to the other?
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Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:It's a little weird that Atonement is a [Chaotic] effect. Not a big deal, because I don't recall ever seeing someone cast that in a game, but it does stick out as weird.
I actually made a joke about that while I was writing it to tenngu/rad/acid, because it amused me that all the spells that sort of fit in the same category of hallow/unhallow/mark of justice/atonement and holy/unholy/chaos/law smite/blight/hammer/whatever all fit together perfectly, except that atonement was left over and had to go with chaotic :D
Koumei wrote:With Flamestrike's primary effect, do you choose when you cast the spell, or can you have one then swap to the other?
It's supposed to be "He can do either one whenever" thing, probably should find a better word than alternately, like additionally.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

6th level spells
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

6th level spells
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

7th level spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

8th and 9th level spells.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by DenizenKane »

Really cool class, nice job finishing it up. One of my players might be playing this is my coming campaign.
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