Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage2

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Summoning all your reserves of concentration you cast the terrible spell known as Tanglevines. There is no counterspell known even to the most puissant mages that can bar the effects of this spell. Read the following to your opponent:

"My arms are spread wide as I cast the direst dweomer from which there is no protection. The vines that festoon the tree behind you come to life and grow until they are entwined around you. You struggle but there is nothing you can do and I shall do with you whatever I desire. You are pinned helplessly."

Your brow knits with the concentration it takes to cast the righteous spell. Holding aloft the Sacred Relics you pour yourself heart and soul into the summoning of the Archangel:

'Holding aloft the Sacred Relics, I speak the Ritual of Summonng and before you can do anything a bright figure starts to take shape before you. It is a powerfully built man with the wings of a great eagle, an Archangel. The Archangel is blindingly-light and it flies forward to attack you with a cross-shaped silver hammer.'

Your opponent cannot resist. (Oddly enough someone who can cast a counterspell is allowed to chose not to and thus instantly die)

"I quail in terror before the god-like power of the Archangel. It flies up above me and its presence alone sears my soul. I gibber and plea with it but to no avail - my soul departs my body. I am slain. You have won."

our opponent is slain. you are the surviving Duelmaster and the people of the Rainbow Land salute you. When you return to the Council of Wizards you will take your place on the Excellent Seat of All-Seeing Glory and be hailed as the greatest mage of your time. There is little you cannot do. People will travel to seek your advice from all the lands, both near and far, many bearing exotic and sumptuous gifts in exchange for the few crumbs of knowledge that you let fall from your table. You may travel wherever you wish in the Rainbow Land and no one dare gainsay you. Rather everybody seeks to befriend you. Your name will go down in the annals of history and the bards will echo your exploits through the centuries.

But beware, you cannot halt you quest for knowledge and power, for the time will come when another, younger mage will dare to challenge you for your position on the throne and undertake the ritual duel in the Rainbow Land.
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Out of curiosity, what happens if you choose the "it means everything" option when asked about the ruby? Obviously it's not something I would ever try in-game now the "it's so pretty" response is the clearly correct one.
Posts: 6233
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:30 pm

Post by Thaluikhain »

"The crystal warriors stop moving, as if they had turned back to statues of glass. You walk boldly between them and reach out to take the Eye of Flame. It feels warm to the touch. You spin on your heel, intent of leaving the cavern before the warriors can reanimate. "

(Which is the same beginning as you got, but from there it gets different)

"They remain as still at stone, but the expression on your face is that of a man doomed beyond all redemption. You have lost everything: your home, your wealth, your magic - even your soul.

You run from the cavern, your screams echoing through the cave. When at last you reach the flatness of the sea of glass again the feeling that you have lost everything passes but you are still very troubled. Lose 4 CPs. Clutched in your hand however is the Eye of Flame. You wander across the crystal sea until you reach the point where you can Invoke the Portals."

So, yeah, you get the thing 2 out of 3 ways, and only lose 4 CPs getting it the wrong way. As opposed to getting the Bones of the Earth where you really want to pick the right one of three choices.
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