Lets Play - Falcon 1: Renegade Lord

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Post by SlyJohnny »

Power of Will. I think Jedi mind-tricks are the way to go here, as opposed to "stand and watch the situation deteriorate" or "potentially raise the alarm".

Also, god damn, Jamie Thompson REALLY doesn't like asians, huh.
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Post by SGamerz »

Power of Will
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'm pretty sure that with how racist these portrayals of Mongolian people are they're most susceptible to Power of Will.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You realise that controlling two others will be difficult, but bend your thought to the task. Luckily they are drunk on Koumiss fermented mare's milk. One of them removes a strip of raw meat from his sandal and begins to chew on it. The other laughs and says drunkenly: 'Now that you've pressed the blood out of it, can you not be bothered to dry it in the sun ?' Make a Power of Will Roll, as the smell of their unwashed bodies hits you.
If you score 7-12...rolled a 6 an 4, so I did.

With a great effort you manage to dominate their wills, holding them under control. You walk up to them and order them to take you to Ogedai Khan and to pretend you are a messenger. They walk across the Palace courtyard with a rolling, bandy-legged gait and you follow. At the palace door, two more guards stare at you impassively. One of the guards, controlled by you, speaks listlessly at your command. 'We bring a messenger whose message is for the ears of Ogedai Khan and no other.' The door-guards step aside and usher you in. The doors open into a banqueting hall, the walls of which are lined with gold, the plunder of half the world. It is full of mongols, eating and drinking. To your surprise there are no tables, but a great fire has been lit in the centre of the hall. Musicians are playing fast, rhythmic music and some of the mongols strut around the fire, showing off the splendour of their leather coats, decorated and lined with fur. Others are still gorging themselves, tearing chunks of meat from whole carcasses with their hunting knives. As the music quickens some begin to whirl and leap around the fire, dancing wildly. Your guards lead you up a wooden stairway just to the left of a store-room door.

At the top of the stairs is a landing leading to a door with gold panels. A blackened staff with a tuft of horsehair hanging down from its top has been driven into the floor before it. A member of the Imperial Guard, dressed immaculately in gold and black lacquered armour is talking to an older man he refers to as 'Noyan' or general, who wears the long wraparound cloak of leather lined with fur called a del, that the mongols wear when not at war or if they cannot afford armour. Your guards repeat their words, but the general insists that he must hear what you have to say to the Khan of Khans. You know your voice will sound like a robot voice if you speak through the Translator. What will you do?
Speak, saying 'I am a demon from the ice-wastes'?
Use your blaster on them?
Force your controlled guards to attack them?

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Speak, since robot voice goes well with claiming to be a demon.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Go down in history as the inventor of demon-speak.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your voice sounds flat and mechanical, unlike anything they have ever heard, as it comes via your Translator. Shocked, they exchange glances. You have the chance to take them by surprise. Do you:
Use your blaster on both of them?
Force your controlled guards to attack them?
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Are both the references different to before, or just one?
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Post by Thaluikhain »


There are new section numbers to go to.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Sic our guards on them. I think either approach is going to make noise and raise the alarm, and we want to be able make a beeline for the khan as soon as we go active, to cut off his escape.
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Post by SGamerz »

Use the guards. They're more likely to expect a direct attack from the "demon" itself.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Taken by surprise, the general and the Imperial Guardsman are swiftly cut down. You manage to keep your guards under control and order them to lead the way through the door. Inside is a bedchamber, and sitting on a large litter, swaddled in silks and furs, is Ogedai Khan, still weak from his illness. He looks up, his narrow eyes questioning your purpose. Golden statues, chests of treasure and tapestries line the walls. Silken awnings close off the balcony at the back of the room. Do you:
Order the two guards under your control to kill Ogedai?
Order them to guard the door and kill Ogedai yourself?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

As tempting as it is to assassinate a major historical figure, it's probably better for the time stream if Ogedai is killed by people who were native to the same era as him. Anyways, we want to be ready for the renegade Lord (or the agents of the same) who's bound to show up and try to stop us.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SlyJohnny »

I have a nasty feeling that the guards will get a Will save for being asked to kill their king, even though that corsair was happy to fry the ambassador. But sure, let's send them in and keep ourselves in reserve.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You order the guards to slit Ogedai's throat. He is too weak to resist but, faced with the prospect of murdering their Khan, their wills revolt against yours and your control is thrown off. One of the guards draws his sword and runs at you, his face a mask of rage, whilst the other rushes to the door and gives the alarm. You turn to meet your attacker. There is no time to draw your blaster, and you must use unarmed combat. Make an Attack Roll.
If you score 7-12...rolled 2 and 6.

You twist and side-kick your attacker in the throat, and he collapses, unconscious, his head striking the floor with a thump. The second guard runs at you from the door and Ogedai, recovering, shouts for help. In desperation you draw your blaster and fire at the guard before he runs you through with his sword. Make an Attack Roll.
If you score 5-12, turn to 390
If you score 2-4, turn to 378

Rolled 2 and 2.

Your hand was shaking with fatigue and you have missed your target, blowing a hole in the wooden wall. The mongol crashes into you and buries his sword in your stomach. Death is swift. You have failed and the Space Federation will never be.

So...go back and Falcon killing him himself, or further back and try something else? Also, I think that should cost the letter codes up til now.
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Post by SGamerz »

If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Commit the regicide with Falcon's own hands!
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Post by Mr Shine »

Thaluikhain wrote: Also, I think that should cost the letter codes up til now.
I think the idea is that if you play through the same choices in exactly the same way you do get all your letter codes back. The only difference being the addition of another Q given on reference 1.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Mr Shine wrote:
Thaluikhain wrote: Also, I think that should cost the letter codes up til now.
I think the idea is that if you play through the same choices in exactly the same way you do get all your letter codes back. The only difference being the addition of another Q given on reference 1.
Re-reading that, yeah, that sounds right.

[score a T]
Knowing what must be done and hoping to make his death seem natural, you place a silken cushion over Ogedai's face and press down. His hands scrabble feebly at yours, but he is too weak to resist. The guards' wills seem to grow stronger, battling with yours, at the sight of you murdering their Khan. You must make another Power of Will Roll to see if you can maintain your control.
If you score 7-12...rolled 5 and 4.

The mental effort has made you lose 3 Endurance points, but you manage to keep them under control. You continue until you are sure Ogedai is dead, and then you order the mongol guards to lead you back through the banqueting hall to the palace gate. In the hall the dancing goes on and you slip unnoticed out into the night. Outside the city gates you tell them to kneel and then knock them out with a couple of deft blows to the neck; before returning to your flyer, amazed at your good fortune at killing the Khan of the mongol horde and living to tell the tale.

You hurtle away from Karakorum and soon see a greyness on the horizon ahead of you. When the flyer slows down near Vienna you are in daylight once more, but the sun is low in the sky. The flyer descends gently into Falcon's Wing and the launch doors open automatically and the crash couch swivels and slides down into position before the instrument console. CAIN greets you with the information that the flyer you sensed leaving Karakorum as you arrived there returned to the Time Machine that you located near to your own. This machine then winked out, but another has recently arrived. Next CAIN flashes up a camera shot of the ground outside Falcon's Wing and you see Special Agent Bloodhound, focussing his holo-detector. You descend to the frost-rimed ground, greeting him. Bloodhound's news is that Yelov summoned him after he had returned to the Eiger Vault and reported you dead. When Bloodhound arrived, Yelov was deep in thought, studying a map of Borodino, a battle that took place on Earth in the year 1812 AD. As the doors slid open to allow Bloodhound in, Yelov had covered the map over, hut not before the agent had caught sight of it. He entrusted Bloodhound with a message capsule, instructing him to open it in the hovrail on his way back to the Eiger Vault and then asked him how it was, if he had killed you, that Falcon had been reported as being alive in Earth's past at the time of the Golden Horde. Bloodhound feigned innocence and threw the message capsule away, after checking it, and finding that it was a bomb designed to kill him. He travelled straight to the time of the Golden Horde in the hope of meeting you and suggests you both travel to Earth, 1812 AD, where there is a Timehole situated conveniently close to Borodino, making it easy for the Renegade Lord to change the past. Do you:
Do as he suggests and go forward to Borodino?
Counter his suggestion and persuade him to come back to Earth in 3033 AD with you to confront Yelov?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Follow Bloodhound.

I suspect human Time Lords are in the clear if the plan includes "make racist Asian caricatures set Earth civilisation back a thousand years" - too much risk of not even having been born if their plans work. So it's Silvermane or Creche.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, agreed.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, agree on both.

Personally, I'm quite certain it's Creche, sticking to my "the only person you can't track at the beginning is probably the real bad guy" theory.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

[score a T]
You may lie in your Autodoc during the journey and gain up to 12 Endurance points. Falcon's Wing rematerialises at the same instant as Bloodhound's Machine, Hunter. The digital readout shows the date: 7th September, 1812. You are at the edge of some woods and, once again, the hologram generator disguises the machine in the form of a group of fir trees. The outside camera shows an amazing sight: two colourful armies face each other along a line three miles long. It is early morning, but already the battlefield is becoming shrouded in the smoke of a thousand cannon. You ask CAIN for a historical report. CAIN replies, The French Emperor, Napoleon I, has conquered most of Europe and has invaded Russia with a large army. Today, the Russian commander in chief, Kutusov, has decided to give battle, here at Borodino. The French will win a victory, but it will not be the crushing victory that Napoleon needs to force the Russians to give in before the awful Russian winter kills the Frenchmen for them.' Thanking CAIN for his brief history, you ask him what could be done to change the Timelines at this battle. CAIN responds quickly, 'Marshal Ney will win an advantage for the French, but Murat's cavalry fail to exploit this. Napoleon, unwell, will not send in his best troops, the Imperial Guard, to support Ney at the critical moment. If he were persuaded to do so he would win a crushing victory. The same might occur if Murat's cavalry were used to better effect. The Russians would be forced to surrender and Napoleon would remain master of Europe. In this case, Europe would continue to be ravaged by wars for several decades. Countless more people would die and there would be great changes in the year 3033. I do not have enough data to outline these with any great probability of being correct.' You nod and are preparing to leave Falcon's Wing when CAIN chimes again, unbidden, 'You will remember of course, Falcon, that one of your ancestors is an Aide-de-Camp, carrying messages for Marshal Ney.' 'Of course, CAIN,' you smile and ask him to activate the Molecular Converter. CAIN programmes a uniform into the Converter and you are soon dressed in the most stylish uniform imaginable. A short, white jacket, fronted with gold braid, red trousers with a black stripe down the side, a short black cape trimmed with gold, called a Pelisse, and your Psionic Enhancer has become a bearskin helmet with a white plume. Leaving Falcon's Wing, you are amused to see Bloodhound dressed as lavishly as yourself in scarlet and blue. He suggests that you acquire horses and this you manage to do, finding the horses of some French scouts picketed nearby. Bloodhound shows you a map of the battlefield he has had printed by his own version of CAIN. The nearest troops to you are some French and Polish, commanded by the Polish Count, Poniatowski. As you ride towards the battlefield your holo-detector bleeps. There is a Time Machine nearby. Do you:
Investigate the Time Machine?
Search the battlefield for the Renegade Lord?

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Search the battlefield.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

The French have begun to launch an attack on the great earthen ramparts which the Russians are defending, and along the left-hand end of the Russian line. Great columns of blue-coated soldiers toil uphill towards their green-jacketed enemies. The guns roar and belch smoke and the crackle of musket fire begins. Both sides have magnificently dressed cavalry. Some of these, called Cuirassiers, after the metal breastplate they wear, are big men mounted on what are almost cart-horses. Your own horses, bays, are much nimbler and more fleet of foot, and resemble those nearest to you, a battalion of Polish lancer sunder Prince Poniatowski's command. Their lance pennants, blue and white, flutter in the wind. Bloodhound asks whether you think it would be better to split up in order to search the battlefield more quickly or to stay together in case of danger. Do you:
Decide to split up?
Stay together?
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