Current owner of Judges Guild is a Neo-Nazi

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Post by Quasinatural »

This is straight-up out-and-out white supremacy, seasoned with heresy and general whites-only anti-Americanism.
ETortoise wrote:I feel there are a lot of dog whistles in the section on anti-semitism that I’m missing.
infinitederpgeneration wrote:I can point out a few.
Tags in.

I Have Traditional Christian values.
Poor people can and should die and the actual words of Christ mean less than nothing.
My family crest attests to 3 European Crusades, and I regard that as a calling.
Murdering Muslims good, doing Christlike stuff is bad.
I believe in Free Speach: I understand that being offended comes with that freedom.

I should be allowed to escape consequences of my speech.
I have my Views and unless asked, or in my home, I keep them to myself.

My family fought the Revolution; the two Rutledges who drafted and Signed the Constitution
and Delcaration of Independence, so I do take American Politics personally.
When I demand immoral and evil public policies, I should escape criticism for these policies.
Politically, I am an Independent Libertarian. I Voted for Perot, and Paul, but do support what Trump has managed to do for America, despite being labeled Hitler.
I support Tinyhands Shithole specifically because he is a white supremacist.
I do have relatives and friends in Government with Top Secret Clearances.
Prior to 9/11 I also did some private work for the Government, no tin-foil here.
I am wearing a tin-foil hat right now. Everything I’m about to say is bullshit.
Today's Conspiracy often proves to be Tomorrow's Truth. Mud is everywhere, and they revel in getting us to throw it on each other.
Emphasis added to point out a term that is only not ambiguous or puzzling in the context of self-indulgent rightwing conspiracy theory.
I have been accused of being a Racist. I am not. I have made and keep friends of all races.
Do I need to say it?

Do I need to say it?

* A.k.a., lying about the point of racism, which is being able to choose who is worthy and who is not due to an immoral privilege.
I am not pure white; being part Cherokee, Dutch, and Romanian.
I am obviously white, employing white privilege, invoking white supremacy, and cannot be held responsible for the same because the Rules of Racism say otherwise.**
** Lying about the point of racism again. White supremacists pretend that white supremacy is a superficial and exactingly specific cartoon xenophobia that has nothing to do with reality. Thus, if you have anything other than some arbitrarily white-themed background, you can argue that you aren’t white enough to be a white supremacist, ignoring the fact that whites define whiteness in a self-serving manner since the moment they invented whiteness and that people who don’t fit into whiteness can be white supremacists.
My family came to America in 1643, and by 1665 owned Slaves, sold to us by Jewish Slave Merchants.
I am glad we owned people, but the moral responsibility for slavery falls upon Jews.
I personally would not own anyone.
I want to own people and commit all manner of atrocities as someone who didn’t want to do these horrible things would never bring them up.
When they first started bussing blacks to my school in the 60's, two were introduced to my class, Renee and Tony.
I was the first white boy to make friends with Tony, and we are still friends to this day.
A black person tolerates me. I am unaware that non-bigoted persons do not think that associating with non-whites eliminates the possibility of bigotry. Someofmybestfriendsareblack.
He knows I do not hate blacks, but knows I am just as capable of racial humor as he is.
I want to say the n-word without consequence. Someofmybestfriendsareblack.
the idea that children be separated so, as was common then, bothered me a lot because I have 6 children on my own.
If it doesn’t affect me or directly inform my personal life, murder, assault, and enslave who you like; I have no moral center.
I respect people based on their behavior, not what they are, or think they are.
Do I feel shame for the actions of my ancestors? No. My ancestors walked in a different time.
Christianity doesn’t mean shit, morals and ethics don’t mean shit, raping and murdering doesn’t mean shit (and I’d be kind of into it — see above) but my whiteness is the entirety of my identity and it is unassailable.
Do I feel a kinship with the Black Bledsoes? Yes. We share a common bond, of having walked together in that time. My home is open to them, as it is to all people. That does not sound very racist.
Anything short of murdering a person of color in the streets cannot be racist so long as the action benefits me and mine.
I have worked for Jewish Causes several times, and donate yearly to MDA, which benefits Ashkenazim Jews.
Woooooooooaahhhhkaay, so I’ve done a sub-mediocre job of staying in-character as this shitstain’s inside voice, but I’m going to have to break even that thin theming because I can’t give a terse, snappy response to this to someone who hasn’t dealt with a good bad amount of white supremacists brainpus.

So in order to defend themselves against charges of white supremacy, white supremacists do what many racists do and insist that they aren’t personally bigoted because they are not arguing for a specific, arbitrary and unnatural race-based ordering of resources and rights in society. That is, they’re not saying that whites are at the top of a hierarchy in all things, and are then asserting that a racist would be arguing for such a hierarchy, and that they are therefore Not A Racist. They tell themselves this and often forget, especially nowadays with the internet giving them convenient echo chambers, that the rest of the world does not operate on BigotSpeak and does not accept their definition in the first place, so unless they’re talking to establishment centrists, this doesn’t fly.

Which brings us to the Jews — specifically, the Ashkenazi (“Ashkenazim” as this guy put it) Jews.

Because white supremacists want to attack brown people with public policy and want an excuse to do so, they assert that a) IQ is a valid means of evaluating intelligence, b) IQ results and intelligence in general is a function of genetics more than anything else, c) race and races as white supremacists would define them are accurate ways of determining genetic makeup, and d) IQ scores are a justification for establishing public policy for a group — and (d) is complete underpants gnomes territory because they don’t establish a criteria linking IQ to said policy but it doesn’t matter because this is obviously an attempt to steal from and attack black people anyway; they’re not pushing these policies in areas with poor white people with low IQ scores. So this is basically the Bell Curve again; here’s a takedown of that.

I told you that story so that I could tell you this one: recall that white supremacists want to wiggle out of that classification. To that end, they rate Ashkenazi Jews to be “teh smartest” because of high-IQ scores and therefore claim that they aren’t white supremacists at all. AlsoblackIQscoresarelowsoweshouldrobthem. This also is meant to deflect charges of anti-semitism; both attempts ignore the fact that non-bigots find this deflection transparent. Thus, this particular group of Jews comes up in weird places that aren’t weird if you hang out with white supremacists so white supremacists forget that this is weird.

Ahem; back to it.
I think All Paths Lead eventually to God, and there is good to be found in All People and Religions, I have studied several of them.
As for the religious aspect, I do not believe in Judaeo-Christianity.
I know nothing of religion and am pompous in my ignorance, otherwise I’d know that Judaeo-Christian is political cant made up to bolster white claims. Further:
My views do not come from studying the Scriptures from Hebrew, but from the original Aramaic.
I am not a Christian and it doesn’t matter because I’m white and privileged and my bullshit will never be challenged. (Also see two quotes below.)
I do not believe Christ was a Jew
I despise Jews and all that love stuff Christ said means absolutely nothing to me.
I suggest they study the Books of Moses in Aramaic, as it was the language of Christ
I have never done any serious scholarship or even casual study; instead, I read books that indulge my bigotry and encourage me to find worth in whiteness.

Okay, so this one is a bit inside-basebally but it’s come up in my experiences more than once. So here’s the thing: the New Testament is in Greek. The Old in Hebrew, because obviously. Greek was the lingua franca of the Mediterranean at the time of the former’s writing, so it made sense to write it in that language. Aramaic was spoken by people in the areas and times at issue, but the scriptures weren’t written in it.

But because the commercial cultural christianity is devoid of rigor, there are lots of sources in that demographic that get the idea that everything was in Aramaic because They Spoke Aramaic. I’ve had arguments with people claiming that the New Testament was written in Aramaic while I was holding a copy of its original Greek. People not only believe this, they heard this sort of thing from trusted sources, so they feel authentic claiming it.

If you needed yet another reason why Mel Gibson is a piece of shit (you don’t), here’s one. He made his Torture Porn White Jesus in Aramaic, unaware or uncaring of the more complex linguistic situation of the day. I even had a discussion/argument with a pastor’s family over that (and the fact that the Italians killed Jesus in the story but Gibson when out of his way to hire the lightest-skinned Italian to play Jesus in a world were everyone else was more brown and the Jews had full responsibility for his death, but I digress). This bit of ahistoricity adds to the weird otherness that permeates interactions with superficial cultural christianity.

What this tells us is that the quoted white supremacist has lived quite comfortably in his bubble, either mostly unchallenged or willfully ignoring any challenges to his blinkered, self-indulgent worldview. He’s taken effort to tone down his more violently bigoted inclinations in the interests of self-preservation — and he’d like a cookie for that work. The problem is, he’s so far down his comfortable rabbit hole that he can’t talk to normies anymore.

I can’t imagine how he must sound to someone from outside the U.S.

This went long. Apologies.
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Post by Prak »

For some reason, I'm thinking that part of the reasoning for those christian quacks was to reduce masturbation? Am I remembering/reasoning right? I mean... obviously it doesn't work, but then, neither do graham crackers or corn flakes reduce masturbation, so.
Last edited by Prak on Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Quasinatural »

Prak wrote:For some reason, I'm thinking that part of the reasoning for those christian quacks was to reduce masturbation? Am I remembering/reasoning right? I mean... obviously it doesn't work, but then, neither do graham crackers or corn flakes reduce masturbation, so.
It was argued as a hygiene issue -- it reduced disease. You could also reduce disease by washing your penis correctly.

It's important to note that circumcisions weren't being performed in the modern day by loads of fundamentalists; it was standard practice in the U.S. and didn't have a religious overtone at all. Hell, for many of us, it was argued as a hygiene issue, then its hygiene concerns were dismissed and the practice (successfully) charged with discontinuation, and then the religious angle -- and rejections and support thereof -- came in. The history wasn't even reviewed or known by good number of Americans before the practice came and (mostly) went.
Last edited by Quasinatural on Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by phlapjackage »

I am not pure white; being part Cherokee, Dutch, and Romanian.
Is Dutch not considered "white"? Or in his language, "white" = "white American" ?

Awhile ago there was an episode of Adam Ruins Everything about circumcision, not sure how accurate it was but it was entertaining (I can't watch it at work to refresh my memory)
Last edited by phlapjackage on Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Koumei: and if I wanted that, I'd take some mescaline and run into the park after watching a documentary about wasps.
PhoneLobster: DM : Mr Monkey doesn't like it. Eldritch : Mr Monkey can do what he is god damn told.
MGuy: The point is to normalize 'my' point of view. How the fuck do you think civil rights occurred? You think things got this way because people sat down and fucking waited for public opinion to change?
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Post by Grek »

To be honest, I read the 'self-mutilation' thing as anti-trans rather than anti-circumcision, given that it came after he claimed to be anti-abortion and anti-gay.
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Post by infinitederpgeneration »

Grek wrote:To be honest, I read the 'self-mutilation' thing as anti-trans rather than anti-circumcision, given that it came after he claimed to be anti-abortion and anti-gay.
That was my take on it too. The Trifecta of Christian Values is being anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, and anti-trans. Because God forbid those women and gays and queers get to have rights like decent God-fearing folk. Just unnatural, they is.
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Post by Quasinatural »

Grek wrote:To be honest, I read the 'self-mutilation' thing as anti-trans rather than anti-circumcision, given that it came after he claimed to be anti-abortion and anti-gay.
I agree with this. Fundies don't generally care about circumcision.
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Post by Koumei »

Oh that's what I read it as. I just wanted to bring up "I'm pretty sure their god explicitly tells them to chop a bit of their dick off" in response to that.
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Post by deaddmwalking »

Koumei wrote:Oh that's what I read it as. I just wanted to bring up "I'm pretty sure their god explicitly tells them to chop a bit of their dick off" in response to that.
If I were going to suck a barrel of cocks, I'd want them to be circumcised.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

deaddmwalking wrote:If I were going to suck a barrel of cocks, I'd want them to be circumcised.
You're a monster.
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Post by ETortoise »

Gruppenfurer Bledsoe wrote:I have been also accused here of being Anti-Semitic. The answer to this is more complex because it addresses both Race and Religion. As for Race, I have and keep friends who are Jewish; as I stated, we are All Children of God, but I am not a Zionist, nor do I believe they are any better than anyone else. I have worked for Jewish Causes several times, and donate yearly to MDA, which benefits Ashkenazim Jews. As for the religious aspect, I do not believe in Judaeo-Christianity.

As I said, I am a Traditional Christian, therefore I embrace one or the other. My views do not come from studying the Scriptures from Hebrew, but from the original Aramaic. I do not believe Christ was a Jew, but I do not expect
others to hold that opinion. I suggest they study the Books of Moses in Aramaic, as it was the language of Christ, and would give them a different perspective. I will always oppose things which to me seem anti-Christian, but I have friends of many faiths, and Love them all as brothers. I do not try to change them.
This is the section I was mostly talking about. The rest is a mix of standard American fascism with the twist of out-and-out anti-semitism replacing the fetishization of Israel because of biblical prophecy or islamophobia.

Why are certain words capitalized? Does “Jewish Causes” mean something specific to new-nazis? By MDA, does he mean the muscular dystrophy association? Is he trying to claim good-boy points for donating towards research that benefits European Jews. Is the M in “Ashkenazim” a dog whistle? The bit on Judeo-Christianity is a bit easier to understand, since the term was coined specifically to get white Christians to be less anti-Semitic.

It’s the stuff on reading the Bible in Aramaic that I feel is a window into a big house full of crazy. Why would reading the Pentateuch in Aramaic change people’s opinion on Jesus’s Jewishness? Unless there is a group of racists using that to try and make American evangelicals anti-semites. I could certainly see American Christians being tempted to “read the Bible in Jesus’s language” and being led on by unscrupulous grifters. Their core characteristics involve listening to authority and not thinking critically. It’s not like they’re actually going to learn Aramaic.
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Post by rasmuswagner »

Libertad wrote:More news continues.

And the aforementioned Neo-Nazi Bob Bledsaw II makes an official statement on the Judges' Guild Facebook profile to "clear the matter" on his views:
Holy shit did he ever "clear the matter".
Every time you play in a "low magic world" with D&D rules (or derivates), a unicorn steps on a kitten and an orphan drops his ice cream cone.
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Post by Iduno »

The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:Wow, people still post that shit on Facebook?
There is anything that isn't that on Facebook?

Koumei wrote:Hang on a minute, he said he's a Christian but is against self-mutilation. Aren't Christian men required to cut a bit of their dick off to show how much they love their god? I thought that was as important as the war over the Jesus Wafer.
Nah, that's Judaism.

Christians do it to make little boys afraid of their dicks, because a weird pervert said that was a good idea. He also suggested food with no texture or flavor (and those cereals are still selling today), so people don't get too excited and start feeling sexual desires, which are bad because religion.
Last edited by Iduno on Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Korwin »

Koumei wrote:Hang on a minute, he said he's a Christian but is against self-mutilation. Aren't Christian men required to cut a bit of their dick off to show how much they love their god? I thought that was as important as the war over the Jesus Wafer.
Honestly first time I heard, that I should have an circumspected dick (--> technically roman catholic, still paying taxes to the church...)
Red_Rob wrote: I mean, I'm pretty sure the Mayans had a prophecy about what would happen if Frank and PL ever agreed on something. PL will argue with Frank that the sky is blue or grass is green, so when they both separately piss on your idea that is definitely something to think about.
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Post by Quasinatural »

ETortoise wrote:It’s the stuff on reading the Bible in Aramaic that I feel is a window into a big house full of crazy. Why would reading the Pentateuch in Aramaic change people’s opinion on Jesus’s Jewishness? Unless there is a group of racists using that to try and make American evangelicals anti-semites. I could certainly see American Christians being tempted to “read the Bible in Jesus’s language” and being led on by unscrupulous grifters.Their core characteristics involve listening to authority and not thinking critically.
The following is opinion -- keep that in mind.

a) Gish Gallop is not only an acceptable form of argumentation within fundamentalist circles, it is preferred.
b) Grifters in fundamentalist cultures aren't all hard-nosed con artists; fools with no scholarship or rigor repeating gibberish from other fools also make up their ranks.
c) The hardest persuasive task in the world is to convince a conned, prideful dipshit that they've been conned.
d) People will place a profound emotional investment in large-scale intellectual infrastructure.
• Gish Gallops are by definition, large.
e) A lot of this intellectual infrastructure is self-indulgent: it's designed to make you feel good about whiteness, patriarchy, and contempt for people who are not you. One can develop a personal dependency on this.

So if "it's all written in Aramaic" is part of the mass of self-indulgent tripe, you end up with people obsessing over this stuff. They can't get rid of it anymore than they can let chemtrails or floride go.

This is moving into cult-level cultural isolation, btw: there's not necessarially any love-bombing or any of that, I'm not saying there's actually a cult at play, but that just the depth of the rabbit hole pushes your language and idioms shockingly far from the mainstream. And you'll argue about the weirdist things.
ETortoise wrote:It’s not like they’re actually going to learn Aramaic.
They're not going to learn Greek or Hebrew either.

Jesus not being Jewish is just the explicitly white supremacist heresy part of this entire mess. It's the quiet part loud; in those rare times where the establishment touches upon fundamentalist issues, the non-whiteness of Jesus is the part they must NEVER ADDRESS. It's one of those (rightwing) centrist/liberal concessions to the mask-off rightwing that keeps the latter in power; if people saw the rightwing freakout over White Jesus, it would cause a backlash. Don't you all recall the Santa Claus is White controversy not a few years back with Meagan Kelly before MSNBC tried to clean her sub-worthless ass up? Establishment press ran from that whenever they could.

I was listening to a podcaster talk to a fascist a few days ago; the latter described loving the poor as "female thinking." This seemed to shock the commentators on the video; I didn't find it unexpected.

These assholes have been around for a long time; you don't hear about them because the one of the missions of the establishment press is to make sure that they get cleaned up and the label CHRISTIAN whenever they're in the spotlight. Meanwhile, if you're brown and have orthodox and/or benevolent Christian views, I can garauntee you that your Christianity will never be treated as either a boon or -- and this is most important -- a tribal signifier.
Last edited by Quasinatural on Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hyzmarca »

Libertad wrote:More news continues.

My fucking god man! Don't use a company account to post personal messages, ever. At no point should a post from a company account contain the word "I." Use your own fucking account to defend yourself. Use your company account for company statements. Statements that use "We" as a pronoun.

That's like the least professional use of a corporate communication account that I've ever seen. And I've seen people use corporate accounts for kinky sex roleplay.
Last edited by hyzmarca on Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Prak »

The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
deaddmwalking wrote:If I were going to suck a barrel of cocks, I'd want them to be circumcised.
You're a monster.
Yeah, honestly, uncircumcised is better.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by phlapjackage »

ETortoise wrote:Why are certain words capitalized?
Is he German? Either that, or it seems like dumb people (prime example: Trump) tend to randomly capitalize words they think are signifcant
Koumei: and if I wanted that, I'd take some mescaline and run into the park after watching a documentary about wasps.
PhoneLobster: DM : Mr Monkey doesn't like it. Eldritch : Mr Monkey can do what he is god damn told.
MGuy: The point is to normalize 'my' point of view. How the fuck do you think civil rights occurred? You think things got this way because people sat down and fucking waited for public opinion to change?
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Post by Whatever »

ETortoise wrote:Why are certain words capitalized? Does “Jewish Causes” mean something specific to new-nazis? By MDA, does he mean the muscular dystrophy association? Is he trying to claim good-boy points for donating towards research that benefits European Jews. Is the M in “Ashkenazim” a dog whistle? The bit on Judeo-Christianity is a bit easier to understand, since the term was coined specifically to get white Christians to be less anti-Semitic.
He capitalizes Important Words because when you write Things that way people can feel like you're making Significant Points and Hidden Connections when you're really really not doing that. I doubt he's doing it on purpose, but I imagine the people he's cribbing from were.

Jewish Causes is a weird one, seems like he wanted to go for the "I'm nice to SOME Jews" defense. But see below.

MDA in a "Jewish Causes" context should be Magen David Adom, ie the Israeli version of the Red Cross. But he's clearly not giving them money, so probably it's Muscular Dystrophy? That's not particularly related to Ashkenazi recessive genes tho. But maybe he doesn't know that.

And yeah, he's going for good-boy points here.

The M in Ashkenazim is actually just an uncommon pluralization. But for him to use the term unprompted shows that he talks about Jewish people almost exclusively with other white supremacists, as Quasinatural noted.

Judeo-christianity has always and only ever meant "christianity". It's a fig leaf of religious pluralism to disguise christian theocracy. that he's not willing to play along is really quite extreme.
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Post by souran »

That was quite a load of bullshit.

The part that I find astounding is the "I don't believe Jesus was Jew."

There is no reading of any version of the bible that would make sense with. If Jesus is not the promised messiah of the Hebrew people then the entirety of the gospels make no sense.

That said, the Gospels were written first and Mark and Mathew are written by individuals who were not only obviously more fluent in Greek than Hebrew but were probably cult of Christianity converts who had not been raised Jewish. The Jesus of Mark and Mathew is seemingly uninformed about Roman era Jewish culture and religion.

This is not to denigrate anybodies religion. It actually makes a kind of sense because the early cult of Christianity would have been unlikely to draw any members of the priestly class who would have had a vested interest in suppressing messianic cults. It does, however, mean that the messiah of the Gospels doesn't appear understand the religion to which he is supposed to be bringing salvation in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew. However, Matthew and Mark are not written for Jewish audiences. One specific item of note is that the pharisees were actually the members of the priestly class most inclined towards messianic belief. They were also out of power during the first century. The sudducees on the other hand were in power and would have been more inclined to punish hersey. However the Gospels focus on the pharisees basically exclusively.

Luke, on the other hand, is written by a person who is at least an observant iron age jew if not necessarily one who has a lot of upper level religious training. Luke is also the only gospel that might have been written with the idea of persuading Jews to join the christian subsect. However, Luke's gospel was also written in greek which makes sense historically if we assume that his occupation as a doctor/physician is accurate. That's a really long way of saying that the synoptic gospels were all written in greek not aramaic and all were really obsessed with the Jewishness of jesus but were bad at making arguments that would have held water with learned jews of the era.

I have exlcuded John because that book is written 100 years later, and is the one that includes all all the weird magical occurrences (Mark doesn't even actually include a physically resurrected Jesus in the earliest versions of the text, just an empty tomb). Again, not trying to knock anybodies faith but John is the gospel that is politely ignored when people want to talk about the historicity of the bible and gospels specifically. That said it doesn't change that it was almost certainly written in greek first. Although there are some arguments that say it was translated from aramaic, these are predicated upon the idea that the entire Johnanine cannon is written to basically bolster/reconvince/frighten backsliding jewish converts. This is not a widely accepted interpretation.

Seriously, there has been over a 1000 years of apologetics and scholarship for Pauline Christianity. The catholic church and the first group of reformation faiths have literally been thinking about questions like "who wrote the gospels" and "how jewish was jesus" for hundreds of years. They have answers that have lots more thought put into them than the bullshit hawked by street preachers.

if anybody is wondering I was raised ELCA lutheran.
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

phlapjackage wrote: Is Dutch not considered "white"? Or in his language, "white" = "white American" ?
"White" was a lot more narrow back in the day. Germans, dutch, irish, scandinavians, slavs, wouldn't be considered white a hundred years ago. Considering everyone in Europe was gleefully slaughtering each other from the dawn of history until WWII, it didn't make sense to consider them the same race.
In this moment, I am Ur-phoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my int score.
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Post by hyzmarca »

If Jesus wasn't Jewish, then he'd be Hercules's half-brother. There's nothing wrong with being the son of Jupiter/Zeus, but it's not exactly special considering how much infidelity that guy engaged in.

I could probably create a heretical synthesis of Christianity and Greco-Roman paganism in which Jesus is the demigod son of Zeus. And I could probably get converts, but I don't think that's what this guy believes.
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Post by sendaz »

hyzmarca wrote:I could probably create a heretical synthesis of Christianity and Greco-Roman paganism in which Jesus is the demigod son of Zeus. And I could probably get converts, but I don't think that's what this guy believes.
"What Would Jezeus Do?" paraphernalia coming soon to a Temple near you!
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Post by Trill »

"Love your enemies" suddenly gets a whole new meaning
Mord, on Cosmic Horror wrote:Today if I say to the man on the street, "Did you know that the world you live in is a fragile veneer of normality over an uncaring universe, that we could all die at any moment at the whim of beings unknown to us for reasons having nothing to do with ourselves, and that as far as the rest of the universe is concerned, nothing anyone ever did with their life has ever mattered?" his response, if any, will be "Yes, of course; now if you'll excuse me, I need to retweet Sonic the Hedgehog." What do you even do with that?
JigokuBosatsu wrote:"In Hell, The Revolution Will Not Be Affordable"
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Post by phlapjackage »

Count Arioch the 28th wrote:
phlapjackage wrote: Is Dutch not considered "white"? Or in his language, "white" = "white American" ?
"White" was a lot more narrow back in the day. Germans, dutch, irish, scandinavians, slavs, wouldn't be considered white a hundred years ago. Considering everyone in Europe was gleefully slaughtering each other from the dawn of history until WWII, it didn't make sense to consider them the same race.
Yeah, I get that, but that was back in the day. So it seems white supremacists still hold that view in the present if someone says, "I'm white, AND Irish", you know they aren't someone to be friends with
Koumei: and if I wanted that, I'd take some mescaline and run into the park after watching a documentary about wasps.
PhoneLobster: DM : Mr Monkey doesn't like it. Eldritch : Mr Monkey can do what he is god damn told.
MGuy: The point is to normalize 'my' point of view. How the fuck do you think civil rights occurred? You think things got this way because people sat down and fucking waited for public opinion to change?
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