Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

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Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Bulezau
Fiendish Codex page 33. CR 9, level 10.

Horned Reaper
Every now and then, the Abyss "rewards" some allegedly-lucky dungeon keeper with the dubious gift of a Horned Reaper. It is generally suggested that people try to keep them happy. They'll fail, though, because everything makes Horned Reapers unhappy. These are Bulezau that boil all complex stimuli and factors into a simple response of "violent rage". It is absolutely a way of turning the Bulezau into the Barbarian, but with some different class features.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Spot, Swim, Tumble
Proficiency: the Horned Reaper becomes proficient with Light Armour and Scythes
1+1+2+0+0Berserk Rage, +1d6 Rage Dice
2+2+3+0+0Blood Red Scales
3+3+3+1+1Relentless Rage, +2d6 Rage Dice
4+4+4+1+1Whirlwind Attack
5+5+4+1+1Bigger and Badder, +3d6 Rage Dice
6+6+5+2+2Always Angry
7+7+5+2+2Leap Attack, +4d6 Rage Dice
8+8+6+2+2Timeless Rage
9+9+6+3+3Colossal Charge, +5d6 Rage Dice
10+10+7+7+3Living Rage

Berserk Rage (Ex): the Horned Reaper can enter a Rage just like a Barbarian from Races of War. For the Damage Reduction value, all of its hit dice are treated as Barbarian levels, but this does not also translate to extra Combat Speed, Rage Dice and so on.

Rage Dice (Ex): at every odd level, the Horned Reaper gains one Rage die, which works the same as the Barbarian class feature (Races of War).

Blood Red Scales (Ex): at level two, the Horned Reaper bulks out and grows a layer of crimson scales. This is the first warning for everyone else. It gains an Enhancement Bonus to Natural Armour of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and applies the same number as a Circumstance Bonus to Intimidate checks.

Relentless Rage (Ex): starting at level three, the Horned Reaper does not pass out when below zero hit points. It acts completely normally (for a Horned Reaper), though still takes ongoing damage each turn, until dead. To make matters worse, its death margin increases by an amount equal to its ranks in Intimidate – so if it has 8 ranks in Intimidate, it dies at -18 Hit Points.

Whirlwind Attack: at level four, the Horned Reaper gains Whirlwind Attack as a Bonus Feat. This is the [Combat] Feat from Races of War. If it already has this feat, it gains another [Combat] Feat for which it meets the prerequisites.

Bigger and Badder (Ex): at level five, the Horned Reaper grows one size category larger, and every creature in existence is put on warning. Its Natural Armour and Ability Scores adjust as though it grew by gaining extra hit dice, and its fangs and horns actually grow disproportionately to the rest of it: it gains a Primary Gore attack that deals 4d6 damage (assuming the Reaper is now Huge), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and doubled on a charge attack. It also gains a Secondary Bite attack that deals 3d6 damage (if Huge) plus one half its Strength Bonus.

Always Angry (Ex): starting at level six, the Horned Reaper is always angry. It is Immune to any [Mind-Affecting] effect that references being happy, sad, indifferent or any other emotion that isn’t angry (ie Good Hope, Crushing Despair) and all [Fear] effects. Instead, being subject to such an effect automatically causes it to enter a Rage.

Leap Attack (Ex): if the seventh-level Horned Reaper charges, it may attempt a Jump check. As long as the check is enough to clear the distance between it and its target, it may make a Full Attack on the charge, leaping right up in their face and giving them a bad day.

Timeless Rage (Su): starting at level eight, any time the Horned Reaper is in a Rage, it cannot be Slowed. Nor can it be Paralyzed, Petrified or rendered Helpless, or affected by Temporal Stasis or similar, and can even move if reduced to zero Strength or Dexterity (though it will take penalties to rolls normally). Similarly, if it can see a creature gain a Time Stop effect, it can act normally during the frozen time and fight the caster.

Colossal Charge (Ex): the ninth-level Horned Reaper charges like a freight train. It gains Powerful Charge, unless it already has that feat, in which case it gains Improved Powerful Charge. If it already has both those feats, then it gains a free Bullrush attempt on any foe it hits with a Charge attack. It needn’t move along with the foe, it can just smack them out eighty feet away or whatever.

Living Rage (Ex): at level ten, the Horned Reaper is always in its Rage. It can, however, choose to act normally all the time, even casting spells if it has the ability to do so. It may even attempt Diplomacy checks, however in this case it substitutes Intimidate checks.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Chasme
Fiendish Codex, page 34, CR 10, Level 11

Chasme are disease-spreading demonic flies that hate other demons and also everyone else, and like torturing things. Most of these traits are things that can be enhanced fairly easily with class levels, so the Infestation is mostly going to focus on swarms, poison, disease, and ongoing ailments that make life hard for others. The Infestation bestows a lot of penalties and gradual afflictions in battle, making it a lot like a caster of some kind.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+0+2+2+0Accursed Droning, Aura of Pestilence
2+1+3+3+0Burst of Corruption, Mother Cyst
3+2+3+3+1Festering Wounds, Stinking Cloud 3/day
4+3+4+4+1Extended Influence, Merciless, Necrotic Tumour 1/day
5+3+4+4+1Swarmshape, Creeping Doom 1/day
6+4+5+5+2Aura of Death, Avascular Mass 3/day, Necrotic Empowerment 1/day
7+5+5+5+2Internal Swarm, Slime Wave 1/day
8+6+6+6+2Summon Monster IX 1/day (Bebilith, Colossal Fiendish Spider, or Elder Taint Elemental)
9+6+6+6+3Ruinous Doom, Befoul at will, Necrotic Termination 1/day

Accursed Droning (Su): the noises made by the Infestation are not just annoying, they are supernaturally terrible, afflicting the very being. Its Drone ability also carries the effects of a Bestow Curse against those who fail the initial save – even against creatures immune to Sleep effects, and without requiring an additional save.

Aura of Pestilence (Su): the Infestation’s Aura of Fear is particularly terrible. Any time it emits this aura, those in the area must also attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Those who fail the saving throw are afflicted with either Filth Fever or Demon Fever, at the Infestation’s choosing. Either way, damage is suffered instantly without an incubation period, and the Save DC on future occasions becomes the same as for the Aura.

Burst of Corruption (Su): starting at second level, the Infestation may make a special attack that causes boils to erupt from the target, tearing putrid essences out. This is a single melee attack made as a Standard Action. If it hits, then in addition to normal damage and effects, it causes 1d10 points of Constitution damage, and pulls free a Grey Ooze that is not so much loyal to the Infestation as ambivalent towards it and hostile towards everything else. At level nine, it can instead create an Alkilith.

Mother Cyst (Ex): upon reaching level two, the Infestation gains the mother cyst that allows it to cast the assorted spells as Spell-Like Abilities: it may cast Necrotic Awareness and Necrotic Cyst three times per day each, and Necrotic Bloat, Necrotic Domination, Necrotic Burst and Necrotic Eruption once each per day, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and a Caster Level equal to its hit dice.

Festering Wounds (Ex): the melee attacks of the third-level Infestation all deal Vile damage. Furthermore, until the damage is healed, those suffering from the infected wounds suffer a -4 Penalty to their Strength scores.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Infestation learns new Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Extended Influence (Su): upon reaching fourth level, the Infestation can reach out further to affect people and make them miserable. Its Aura of Fear (and Pestilence) reaches out to 15 feet, and its Drone ability reaches out to seventy feet.

Merciless (Ex): every natural weapon attack made by the fourth-level Infestation, if it successfully hits, automatically converts to a confirmed critical hit against any subject suffering from a Poison (but not “suffering from the ability damage of a Poison that has run its course”) or Disease.

Swarmshape (Su): once per hour, the fifth-level Infestation may transform itself into a Plague Ant Swarm, replacing its character sheet entirely until either it elects to change back, the swarm is destroyed, or ten minutes elapse. Damage suffered in this form will carry over when it changes back. It is still considered to be Chaotic Evil as a swarm, and has a basic personality and can still work towards its goals despite not having an Intelligence score. At level nine, it may also transform into an Abyssal Ant swarm.

Aura of Death (Su): any time a sixth-level Infestation unleashes its Aura of Fear and Pestilence, the entire area is corrupted: until the start of its next turn, any Spell or Spell-Like Ability that restores hit points to living creatures (such as Cure Moderate Wounds, Vigor, or Heal) instead causes living creatures to lose an equal amount of hit points (as though they were Inflict or Harm spells). In the case of ongoing effects like Vigor, this only applies for the turn in question. For the purpose of semantics, using Shapechange to turn into a creature with Fast Healing or Regeneration does not count.

Internal Swarm (Sp): at level seven, the Infestation gains the ability to cast a special variety of Summon Swarm, targeting living creatures. This may be performed only once per day, but if the target fails a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they find a Bloodfiend Locust swarm has been conjured inside them. In order to release it, a Coup de Gras attempt must be made against them (whether they survive or not, it is enough to open them up and release the locusts). The target may perform this upon themselves, and indeed many feel compelled to do this. Until then, the swarm deals maximum damage to them every single round (18 plus Energy Drain), and the Distraction DC is increased by ten – although they may still attempt to slice themselves open if suffering the effects. The swarm will fight normally if released, and can only last for two minutes before disappearing (even if still inside a creature). A Dispel Evil effect can also purge a creature of this swarm, destroying the swarm completely.

Ruinous Doom (Sp): three times per day, the ninth-level Infestation may cast Creeping Doom. However, the swarm attack is treated as being made by Magic Adamantium Chaotic Evil weapons.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Glabrezu
Monster Manual, page 43. CR 13, Level 13 but it can grant Wishes to mortals, so Wish Economy Only.

Stranger Bearing Gifts
The Glabrezu is a high-level monster to begin with, so it's rare that you'll see one at all. But once they are out and about. there are going to be higher-level ones. And these are the ones that don't just go True Fiend, but want to cast Spell-Like Abilities and cut a lot of deals... then ruin people based on those deals. It fits an Enchanter/Conjurer role... sort of.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
1+0+2+0+2Charm Person, Bestow Curse, Soul Link 3/day, Extract Drug, Extract Gift
2+1+3+0+3Mark of Injustice, Create Fiendish Grafts, Suspend Disease, Addiction
3+2+3+1+3Bestow Greater Curse 3/day, Trap the Soul 1/day, Further Into Ruin
4+3+4+1+4Major Creation, Geas/Quest 3/day, Binding 1/day, Morality Undone 3/day
5+3+4+1+4Polymorph Any Object (Non-Living Targets only), Transient Boons
6+4+5+2+5Familial Geas 1/day, Greater Restoration 1/day, Regenerate 1/day
7+5+5+2+5Seal the Deal, Soul Bind 1/day, Freedom 1/day, Imprisonment 2/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as the Stranger Bearing Gifts gains levels, he gains access to more Spell-Like Abilities used to tempt and make bargains with others. The Caster Level equals his hit dice and any Save DC is 8 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. If no limit is provided, then it can be used at will.

Mark of Injustice (Su): at second level, the Stranger can automatically place a Mark of Injustice upon anybody who willingly accepts a Spell-Like Ability or Supernatural Ability from him. There is no Saving Throw – they just receive the effects of a Mark of Justice (usually placed on the small of their back or the sole of the foot), at Caster Level 20, with the curse taking effect if they turn back on a pre-arranged agreement.

Create Fiendish Grafts (Su): the second-level Stranger Bearing Gifts can craft Fiendish Grafts, however they are only of a temporary nature. Once per day, he may produce and apply one with just ten minutes of concentration – there is no cost to this other than the time and daily limit. They cannot be applied to other Outsiders, and last for one week before fading away and leaving an unattractive blemish for another week. The Blemish can be removed before then by a Restoration spell (or better), or a Remove Curse (or Break Enchantment) spell. However it doesn’t cause an actual effect, so they can just wait it out with no real harm.

Further Into Ruin (Sp): at level three, the Stranger Bearing Gifts can bestow a second Wish per month, however this can only be given to someone who has already received a Wish from that Stranger that month. As soon as this Wish is granted, they permanently suffer a -4 Profane Penalty on Saving Throws against that Stranger’s [Mind-Affecting] effects, and allows him to bypass any Immunity they might have to [Mind-Affecting] effects. Only a Miracle can undo this.

Transient Boons (Su): the fifth-level Stranger Bearing Gifts can bestow a variety of special benefits to people... for a while. At will, he can bestow a Minor Magic Item upon someone, or six bonus Skill Points to spend as they please, or a +4 Profane Bonus to any one Ability Score, or any one Bonus Feat for which they meet the requirements. This lasts until the next sundown, and nobody can have more than one transient boon at a time.

Seal the Deal (Sp): at seventh level, the Stranger Bearing Gifts can grant a third Wish per month, providing he has already given that subject two Wishes that month. As soon as the Wish is granted, they are damned: the moment they die, their soul is destined for the Abyss on behalf of the Glabrezu, and the only way this can be undone is by killing the Glabrezu then rescuing the soul.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Jovoc
Monster Manual 2, page 58, CR 5, Level 5

Karmic Corruptor
Jovocs are usually sent as basic scouts and sacrificial minions - their auras of retribution tearing enemy ranks apart before the real combat begins. Karmic Corruptors, however, are built to last. They can still allow enemies to dash themselves to death, but are better at surviving the process - and furthermore, they cast a variety of spells to turn foes' abilities against themselves. They can't simply be ignored, but attacking them is still less than ideal. The role they fill doesn't match that well with normal classes, but "getting in the way" can kind of work like a martial combatant that doesn't focus on overwhelming damage.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Hide, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble
Proficiency: the Karmic Corruptor is proficient with all Simple weapons, the Short Sword, the Sickle, the Kukhri, the Kama, the Rapier and the Scimitar
1+0+2+2+0Greater Aura of Retribution, Used to Abuse, Self-Awareness
2+1+3+3+0Karmic Aura at will, Arcane Turmoil 1/day, Urchin's Spines 3/day
3+2+3+3+1Wings of Evil, Touch of Years 3/day, Blade of Blood at will
4+3+4+4+1Improved Summoning (1d4 Jovocs, 45%), Steal Summoning 1/day
5+3+4+4+1Aura Transmission, Karmic Backlash 3/day, Death Armour 1/day
6+4+5+5+2Bestow Curse at will, Fire Shield 2/day, Backlash 3/day
7+5+5+5+2Reciprocal Gyre at will, Electric Vengeance 3/day
8+6+6+6+2Improved Summoning (2d10 Jovocs, 65%), Black Karma Curse at will
9+6+6+6+3Karmic Retribution 2/day, Slashing Dispel at will
10+7+7+7+3Retributive Enervation 1/day, Skin of the Cactus at will
11+8+7+7+3Necrotic Curse 1/day, Sonic Shield 1/day
12+9+8+8+4Improved Summoning (7d12 Jovocs, 85%), Aura of the Destiny Bond
13+9+8+8+4Mind of the Labyrinth at will, Acid Sheath at will
14+10+9+9+4Reaving Dispel 1/day, Greater Electric Vengeance 3/day
15+11+9+9+5Improved Summoning (25d6 Jovocs, 100%), Unbinding 1/day

Greater Aura of Retribution (Su): the Karmic Corruptor’s Aura of Retribution is better than normal for a Jovoc. It reaches out to sixty feet, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. Additionally, any time it is subject to a [Mind-Affecting] effect, other than a Harmless one, all non-Demon creatures within the Aura must pass a Will Save (same DC as the Aura normally has) or suffer the same effect.

Used to Abuse (Ex): being built for rough treatment, the Karmic Corruptor is tougher than normal. It gains an Enhancement Bonus to its Natural Armour, Damage Reduction and Fast Healing equal to a third of its hit dice (round up).

Self-Awareness: the Karmic Corruptor becomes smarter and more sure of itself – all the way to the level of your average human. Its Intelligence and Charisma scores improve by 4 points each, and skill points are gained retroactively.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): over time, the Karmic Corruptor gains access to various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus.

Wings of Evil: at level three, the Karmic Corruptor gains Wings of Evil as a Bonus Feat.

Improved Summoning (Sp): at levels four, eight, twelve and fifteen, the Karmic Corruptor’s ability to summon more of its own kind improves, according to the table above.

Aura Transmission (Su): upon reaching fifth level, the Karmic Corruptor enhances the Aura of Retribution of any other Jovoc nearby – including those it summons. Any overlapping auras simply become the same Aura, sharing targets and using the best Save DC and other effects – and this can chain out so that if each is within 30 feet of one or more other Jovocs (and at least one is within sixty feet of the Corruptor), a huge area is affected.

Aura of the Destiny Bond (Su): if the twelfth-level Karmic Corruptor is ever killed, all non-Demon creatures within its Aura of Retribution must attempt a Fortitude Save (same DC as normal). On a failed save, they are instantly slain, as a [Death] effect. This happens at the same time as the creature dies but just before the aura ceases to function, otherwise the ability would be pointless.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Palrethee
Monster Manual 2, page 58. CR 8, level 9

Burning Overlord
The Palrethee flew too close to the sun and got burned. But not all suffer in eternal misery, their flames a constant reminder of their failure. Instead, there are some that choose to rule fiery domains - not necessarily becoming Balors, but being leaders nonetheless. They specialise in killing people with fire and being war captains in the Abyss, bossing little men about. So they're sort of casters in a purely offensive way, that can mix it up in melee.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Sense Motive, Search, Spellcraft, Spot
1+1+0+2+2Incinerating Strikes, Fiery Grasp, Fiery Aegis
2+2+0+3+3Basic Sphere Access (Fire), Burning Hex
3+3+1+3+3Fiery Torment, Army of Demons
4+4+1+4+4Horrifying Blows
5+5+1+4+4Basic Sphere Access (Pyre)
6+6+2+5+5Devouring Flames, Fortress of Flames
7+7+2+5+5Mass Hysteria, Searing Wings
8+8+2+6+6Advanced Sphere Access (Fire)
9+9+3+6+6Fearfeast, Doomfire Legion
10+10+3+7+7Hope Wanes, Maw of the Abyss
11+11+3+7+7Blazing Rebirth, Advanced Sphere Access (Pyre)

Incinerating Strikes (Su): the Palrethee’s natural weapons are on fire innately, however the Burning Overlord extends this to all weapons and attacks – they all gain the Flaming property. Furthermore, any time he deals a Critical Hit, a burst of hateful fire is unleashed out to ten feet, dealing 1d6 plus the weapon’s Enhancement Bonus (if any) in Fire damage to all in the area. The target of the attack and the Burning Overlord are not subject to this, and everyone else is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) to negate this extra damage. Finally, any time he deals Fire damage to a target, they catch fire. The ongoing damage and DC to extinguish the flames both increase by 1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and if maximum burning damage is rolled on a given round, they become Fatigued.

Fiery Grasp (Su): the Burning Overlord gains the ability to conjure giant hands of fire to trouble his enemies. He may cast a Quickened Bigby’s Slapping Hand at will, adding his Wisdom Bonus to the Concentration DC, and causing the target to suffer 1d6 Fire damage. He may also cast Earthen Grasp, except with no restriction on the surface area from which to summon it, and dealing an additional 1d6 Fire damage on a successful Grapple check. Casting any of these suppresses his Spell Resistance until the start of his next turn.

At level two, the first-level abilities no longer suppress his Spell Resistance. From this point on, only the most recent effect granted by this ability suppresses his Spell Resistance. He may also cast a fiery version of Bigby’s Interposing Hand. If somebody tries to push past it, they suffer 1d6 Fire damage. At level four he may cast a fiery Bigby’s Forceful Hand which deals the fire damage to anybody it successfully bullrushes.

At level six, he may cast a fiery Bigby’s Grasping Hand, dealing 3d6 Fire damage on a successful Grapple check. At level eight, he may cast a fiery Bigby’s Clenched Fist – any time it successfully strikes, Bullrushes or Grapples an opponent, they suffer 3d6 Fire damage.

At level ten, he may cast a fiery Bigby’s Crushing Hand, with each successful Grapple check dealing an additional 6d6 Fire damage. Unlike the other effects, every time this deals Fire damage the burning condition’s damage stacks – so three successful Grapple checks would result in the target taking an ongoing 3d6 Fire damage (plus Enhancement Bonus).

Any Save DC is Wisdom-based.

Fiery Aegis (Su): with a Standard Action, the Burning Overlord can shield himself even more with the very flames he created on others. All creatures within 20 feet that are on fire (and not slain) have their flames extinguished, and then he gains a Shield Bonus to Armour Class, even against Incorporeal Touch Attacks. This Shield Bonus is 2, with an Enhancement Bonus equal to the number of creatures that were on fire (with a maximum total Shield Bonus equal to half his hit dice, round up). Additionally, he gains Temporary Hit Points equal to twice this amount. These both last for five rounds (or until he runs out of Temporary Hit Points, whichever comes first), after which the fiery shield erupts. All creatures within 20 feet suffer a number of d6 of Fire damage equal to the Shield Bonus, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus).

Sphere Access: at level two, the Burning Overlord gains Basic Access to the Fire Sphere. At level five he gains Basic Access to the Pyre Sphere. At level eight, he gains Advanced Access to the Fire Sphere, and at level eleven he gains Advanced Access to the Pyre Sphere.

Burning Hex (Su): the second-level Burning Overlord is able to hex his foes such that they suffer greatly every time they try to cast spells or use other powers. With a Full Round Action, he may unleash this hex as a 10’ radius Burst out to Medium Range. All in the area must pass a Will Save or be afflicted for the next three rounds. During this time, any time they use a resource (Spell Slots, Prepared Spells, limited-use Spell-Like Abilities, Power Points, Readied Manouevres, whatever), they suffer Fire damage equal to the Overlord’s hit dice plus 1d10. Abilities which are used basically at will but have some form of cooldown or delay between uses measured in rounds will, if used during this time, have the delay increased by a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom Bonus.

Fiery Torment (Su): when the Burning Overlord reaches level three, he may wreath himself in deadly energies that tear at people’s resistances – even his own. With a Swift Action, he may activate this, suppressing his Spell Resistance until the start of his next turn. Until then, all of his melee attacks will, if they hit, reduce the target’s Fire Resistance by 10 for 3 rounds – with multiple hits stacking. This has no effect on Fire Immunity. Keep track of all excess if Resistance is reduced below zero: they don’t take bonus damage for a negative resistance, but at the end of the three rounds, this excess is suffered as Fire damage just before their Fire Resistance returns.

Army of Demons: at level three, the Burning Overlord gains Army of Demons as a Bonus Feat.

Horrifying Blows (Ex): the fourth-level Burning Overlord is able to channel the Abyss into a form of terror. Beginning or ending this effect is a Swift Action. While it is in effect, his Spell Resistance is suppressed, but each time he strikes a foe, he may make a free Demoralise attempt against them, taking ten on the check, which can stack from Shaken to Frightened to Panicked. He may only attempt this once per round per target.

Devouring Flames (Su): the sixth-level Burning Overlord likes it when other people are on fire, and as such he tries to make this happen as much as possible. At the beginning of each of his turns, he regains 1d6 Hit Points per burning enemy within 30 feet (maximum 1d6 per 3 hit dice, round up). Furthermore, when this happens, all enemies within 10 feet of any of his burning enemies must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or also catch fire.

Fortress of Flames (Su): at level six, the Burning Overlord’s stronghold – wherever and whatever it may be – is always on fire. Its outer walls (and if he wishes, the inner walls as well) are layered with permanent Walls of Fire, and every entrance/exit has an Incendiary Cloud centred upon it, not moving away. Finally, anybody who attempts to attack it in any way is immediately hit with a retaliatory Flamestrike effect. In all cases the Caster Level equals his hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

Mass Hysteria (Su): the Burning Overlord learns the arts of exacerbating fear at seventh level. Once per 3 rounds, he may designate an enemy in Medium Range as a Standard Action and, if that enemy already suffers from a [Fear] effect or is Demoralised, he may make a Demoralise attempt against them. If it succeeds and they were already Shaken or suffering from a similar Penalty, that condition spreads to all other enemies within 30 feet of the target (providing the Demoralise attempt would normally succeed against them), and that target’s fear increases to Frightened. If they were Frightened and the check succeeds, they Cower and enemies within 30 feet become Frightened if it would affect them. If they were Cowering or Panicked and the check succeeds, the condition passes to affected enemies within 30 feet and that target becomes Comatose for one minute.

Searing Wings (Su): whenever the seventh-level Burning Overlord flies, all enemies within fifteen feet of either his starting or ending position must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or suffer 3d6 non-lethal damage and become Fatigued by heatstroke.

Fearfeast (Ex): at level nine, the Burning Overlord realises he can just eat the fear of others in a rather literal sense. With a Standard Action, he may consume all [Fear] effects within 30 feet. These effects immediately end, however for each effect he regains hit points: 5 for each instance of Shaken or a similar penalty, 10 for each instance of Frightened, 15 for each instance of Panicked or Cowering, and 20 for each instance of Comatose or similarly powerful effects.

Doomfire Legion (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Burning Overlord rules over a mighty legion of fiends and from a mountain of fire and terror. All of his Followers have a constant Fire Shield effect (immunity to Fire), and his Fortress of Flames improves: attackers are hit with a retaliatory Fire Storm effect rather than Flamestrike. Additionally, the fortress and everything within one mile is at roughly 190 degrees – Unearthly Heat.

Hope Wanes (Su): at level ten, the Burning Overlord is able to bring his power over fear fully to bear. With a Full Round Action, he may glare at a target. If they are Immune to [Fear] effects for any reason other than being [Mindless], they must pass a Will Save (which is not a [Mind-Affecting] effect) or be cursed with the ability to suffer from [Fear] effects until they receive a Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect. If they are not Immune, it has no effect unless they were already Cowering, Panicked or suffering from a similar serious [Fear] effect greater than Frightened. If this is the case, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or be permanently Petrified. This is ended as normal by using Fearfeast, in which case 20 hit points are restored and he gains the benefits of having consumed a Heroes’ Feast.

Maw of the Abyss (Su): the tenth-level Burning Overlord can bring the Abyss to wherever he happens to be. With a Full Round Action, he may suppress his Spell Resistance to create a temporary Sphere of Annihilation within Close Range, controlling it as though he held the Talisman of the Sphere. This lasts only as long as he focuses on it – once he stops, his Spell Resistance resumes and the Sphere becomes a regular Travel Gate to an Abyssal layer of his choice, lasting for one minute. However, each round, a tendril will lash out at a non-Demon up to 100 feet away, making a Ranged Touch Attack with his Base Attack Bonus, no Size Modifier or Enhancement Bonus and his own Dexterity Bonus. If it touches a creature, they are grabbed and pulled through, with all magical attempts to leave the Abyss blocked until the next new moon (on whatever Plane they try to reach - thus they can't go to Timeless Planes from there).

Blazing Rebirth (Su): at level eleven, the Burning Overlord is close to his initial goal. With a Standard Action at will, he may grant himself a Heal effect. However, at the start of his next turn, the amount of damage healed is suffered again, but if at least one enemy within thirty feet is on fire, he only suffers half that damage, the other half instead being suffered by each burning enemy within thirty feet. This is Untyped damage that can’t be resisted and bypasses Regeneration and Hardness.

Furthermore, if he is ever actually slain, then one week later he returns as either a Balor or a Molydeus – his choice. This rebirth happens back in the Abyss, regardless of where he died, and all class levels are traded in, leaving little in the way of original abilities. Skills and Feats must be re-selected, and he only has the equipment in the monster entry for the creature chosen. If he selects Army of Demons, he keeps his followers and fortress. Otherwise, the magical effects of the fortress die out and it is just another structure, and his followers go their own way.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 46. CR 2, level 3 - Tiny, which can be a problem.

Vile Familiar
Sometimes, people want weak fiends as familiars. Sometimes they don't but they get fiends anyway. And that's what a Vile Familiar is - an asshole who pretends to be the familiar, and steals their "master's" knowledge, only to kill them when convenient. The Vile Familiar is a Wizard, and at the end of this class (or at any point before them, really) can just branch out into regular Wizard levels or a Prestige Class that enhances spellcasting. This is also good for playing the familiar of an actual caster in the party if you're not always going to be there so it doesn't matter that sometimes the familiar is taking an active part in things, and sometimes is forgotten about as it "is off plotting".

Hit Die: d4
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+0+2False Link, Shared Lore, Multitude of Forms, Share Spells+2 Wizard Levels
2+1+0+0+3Deliver Touch Spells, Scry on Master, Empathic Link+1 Wizard Level
3+1+1+1+3Unnaturally Tough 1, Improved Evasion+1 Wizard Level
4+2+1+1+4Malign Spell Focus, Useful Advice 1/day+1 Wizard Level
5+2+1+1+4Supernatural Virulence+1 Wizard Level
6+3+2+2+5Unnaturally Tough 2, Useful Advice 2/day+1 Wizard Level
7+3+2+2+5Evasive Maneuvers+1 Wizard Level

False Link (Su): the Vile Familiar is not a true familiar, but it can fake it. At any time it can sense that somebody within one mile is attempting to find or summon a familiar, and can choose to answer their call. If this happens, it can form a link, and is treated as the caster’s familiar for the purpose of various spells and effects. It gains a Bluff check against the caster’s Sense Motive check to convince them that nothing is amiss. It can forge this link with multiple people at a time if it so wishes.

Spellcasting: at first level, the Vile Familiar gains the ability to learn and cast spells as a second-level Wizard. At each level thereafter, it gains another level of casting, until at level seven it is a level ten creature that can cast as an eighth-level Wizard, but makes up for the loss with other abilities. It cannot choose to Specialize or summon a familiar of its own.

Shared Lore (Ex): if anybody forges a familial link with the Vile Familiar, it may prepare spells from their spellbook just fine, without having to translate and figure out the writing.

Multitude of Forms (Su): the Vile Familiar is better at shapechanging than normal. It can adopt all the possible forms listed for Quasits, as well as the cat, hawk, lizard, owl, rat, raven, tiny viper, weasel, albatross, arctic fox, caterpillar, chameleon, compsognathus, critic lizard, crow, dark changing goshawk, dog, dung snake, eel, ferret, fish owl, floater, fly, flying fox, fox, gyrfalcon, hedgehog, horned lizard, dire rat, huitzil, hummingbird, speckled hurrum, iguana, jankx, kestrel, lemming, mink, monitor lizard, monkey, mouse, mulworm, needletooth, night lizard, octopus, otter, parrot, penguin, platypus, puffin, rabbit, ramphor, reed snake, rhamphorhynchus, screech owl, tiny shark, tiny sea snake, snowy owl, squirrel, sewerm, thrush, turtle, vampire bat, wolverine, or vulture. If answering the call of a caster with the Improved Familiar feat, it may take the form of any of the creatures offered by that feat, providing it has at least as many hit dice as the minimum level required of a caster obtaining that familiar (for instance, a beholderkin eyeball is acceptable for a Vile Familiar with five or more hit dice).

Share Spells (Su): the Vile Familiar can share spell effects with any bonded caster, just like it was a real familiar.

Deliver Touch Spells (Su): at second level, the Vile Familiar gains the ability to deliver touch spells for its bonded caster, just like a real familiar.

Scry on Master (Sp): starting at level two, the Vile Familiar can Scry on any of its “masters” any time it wants to.

Empathic Link (Su): the second-level Vile Familiar can form an empathic link with any of its “masters” when it wants to.

Unnaturally Tough (Ex): the Vile Familiar is more resilient than your average Quasit. At level three, its Natural Armour and Damage Reduction each increase by one. At level six, they increase by another one each, and it constantly benefits from a Shield Other effect as though cast on it by one of its “masters”, providing it is bound to one.

Improved Evasion (Ex): at level three, the Vile Familiar gains Improved Evasion, just like a real familiar.

Malign Spell Focus: at level four, the Vile Familiar gains Malign Spell Focus as a Bonus Feat.

Useful Advice (Su): the fourth-level Vile Familiar gains the ability to cast Suggestion once per day on any of its “masters”. At level six it gains a second daily use. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and the Save DC is Charisma-based.

Supernatural Virulence (Sp): at level five, the Vile Familiar gains the ability to channel magic through its poison. By spending the usual casting time, it may expend a prepared spell to force the magic into its venom. The next time it delivers the venom, if the target fails their Saving Throw against the poison they are also affected by the spell. If they succeed on the save or the poison is not delivered within four hours, the magic fades away. The only spells that can be used in this way are single-target targeted effects, or effects resolved with a Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack. They are still allowed any Saving Throw normally offered.

Evasive Maneuvers: at level seven, the Vile Familiar gains Evasive Maneuvers as a Bonus Feat.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Shadow Demon
Book of Vile Darkness, page 172. CR 8, level 10 - Incorporeal with Light-Powerlessness. Have fun with that.

Hidden Overlord
The Hidden Overlord is perhaps more of an Underlord, ruling over undead (and shadows) as well as fiends in its lower demi-plane of choice. As an Incorporeal Tanar'ri, it already makes a good assassin of sorts, so that's the path it takes - with a side of fiendish rulership and control of Shadows.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot
1+1+0+2+2Sneak Attack +1d6, Shadow Legion
2+2+0+3+3Strength Drain, Shadow Gate
3+3+1+3+3Sneak Attack +2d6, Shadow Well at will
4+4+1+4+4Corrupting Influence, Scry 1/day
5+5+1+4+4Sneak Attack +3d6, Paralysis
6+6+2+5+5Pall of Twilight at will, Darkness World
7+7+2+5+5Sneak Attack +4d6, Greater Dispel Magic 3/day
8+8+2+6+6Darkness Falls, Energy Drain 1/day
9+9+3+6+6Sneak Attack +5d6, Gaze of the Underworld
10+10+3+7+7King of Darkness, Implosion 1/day

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every odd level, the Hidden Overlord gains 1d6 Sneak Attack damage, just like a Rogue.

Shadow Legion (Su): the Hidden Overlord is able to summon Shadows. Each day, it can summon a total equal to two per class level, but it need not summon all of them at once. They remain for one hour and cannot spawn more of their own kind. Starting at level four, it may also summon Greater Shadows, with each Greater Shadow being treated as four regular ones for the purpose of the number that can be summoned in a
day. Furthermore, Shadows and Greater Shadows will never attack the Hidden Overlord without its violent provocation, even if compelled to do so by another. It may also attempt to direct and control them (which does not count as provocation), using a Standard Action to make an opposed check of 1d20 + hit dice + Charisma Bonus. If it succeeds, the Shadow follows its instructions for three rounds.

Strength Drain (Su): every time the second-level Hidden Overlord deals damage with a natural weapon, it deals 2 points of permanent Strength Drain to its target. A creature reduced to zero Strength by this is slain. If it had at least three hit dice, it rises one round later as a Shadow. If it had at least nine hit dice, it rises one round later as a Greater Shadow instead.

Shadow Gate (Su): starting at level two, the Hidden Overlord can open a Travel version of the Gate spell at will. It may only use this to travel between the Abyss, the Negative Energy Plane, and the Plane of Shadow.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Hidden Overlord learns various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Corrupting Influence (Su): starting at level four, the Hidden Overlord can unleash a wave of corruption three times per day. This extends out to a hundred foot radius, and it may choose any or all of the following effects each time:
-All liquids in the area become poisonous as though dosed with arsenic
-The area becomes Desecrated
-All creatures in the area are subject to a Morality Undone effect
-All food in the area carries Filth Fever but does not appear to be spoiled or taste any different
Any Save DC caused by this effect is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Paralysis (Su): whenever the fifth-level Hidden Overlord delivers a successful Sneak Attack to a target, they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the target being Paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.

Darkness World: at level six, the Hidden Overlord gains its own Incorporeal shadowy fortress on an Abyssal layer of its choice. It can use its Shadow Gate to go there regardless of the initial location, and creatures can only interact with the fortress if they can interact with the Incorporeal. However, anybody inside is also protected from attacks from outside – an attack that cannot affect the fortress also cannot harm those inside. Finally, all Shadows and Greater Shadows within the area are automatically under its control.

Darkness Falls (Sp): once per day, the eighth-level Hidden Overlord can bring down a two hundred foot radius deluge of evil shadows from the sky with a Full Round Action. Once cast, and at the end of its next three turns, the area is completely dark (though the Overlord can see through this), and living creatures in the area suffer 10d6 Negative Energy damage and 1d4 Negative levels.

Gaze of the Underworld (Su): at level nine, the Hidden Overlord gains a Gaze Attack that reaches out to a ninety foot cone – though if a creature cannot see it, they cannot meet its gaze. This [Fear] effect causes Paralysis for 1d6 rounds if a creature fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus).

King of Darkness (Sp): once per day, the tenth-level Hidden Overlord can cast Monstrous Thrall, but only on a creature that is already Evil.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Succubus
Monster Manual, page 47. CR 7, level 9 (there needs to be a limit on Temporary HP, and Charmed minions, so decided on what the limit will be).

The Deceiver is a class that emphasises the Succubus' natural access to deception and compulsion magic. She becomes harder to detect, and the control she exerts over her thralls increases as she rises in level. This fills the role of a Beguiler sort of character.

Hit Die: d4
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+0+2+2+2Hold Monster 1/day, Nondetection at will
2+1+3+3+3Rary's Telepathic Bond at will
3+1+3+3+3Hold Monster 3/day, Misdirection at will
4+2+4+4+4Mass Suggestion 1/day, Manifest Fear 1/day, Manifest Desire 1/day
5+2+4+4+4Legend Lore 1/day, Mind Blank
6+3+5+5+5Mass Suggestion 2/day, Geas 2/day, Screen 1/day
7+3+5+5+5Mass Charm 2/day, Know Alignment
8+4+6+6+6Mind Rape 1/day, Discern Location 1/day
9+4+6+6+6Dominate Monster 3/day, Manifest Fear at will, Manifest Desire at will
10+5+7+7+7Mind Rape 3/day, Greater Scrying 2/day
11+5+7+7+7True Domination 1/day, Monstrous Thrall 1/day, Control Undead 3/day

Caster Levels: all Spell-Like Abilities of the Deceiver have a Caster Level equal to her hit dice.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Deceiver gains the indicated Spell-Like Abilities at the indicated levels. When the same ability is noted more than once, the increased uses per day at the higher level overlaps and does not stack. All of her Spell-Like Abilities, including innate racial ones, have a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Mind Blank (Su): a mistress of deception, the fifth-level Deceiver is always counted as being under the effects of a Mind Blank effect if it would be desirable to be so. If a detection spell would reveal a true fact about her, and a Mind Blank spell would cause the spell to report nothing, the spell reports nothing. If a detection effect would otherwise report a falsehood about her, the detection effect operates normally.

Know Alignment (Su): the seventh-level Deceiver knows the alignment of anything she sees.

New Feats:

Blow Kiss [Monstrous]
You don't even need *physical* contact to connect with and harm others
Requirements: Succubus, Perform (Acting or Mime) 10 ranks
Benefit: you may use your Energy Drain (and the Suggestion that goes with it, along with any other effects that apply) as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet. This requires a Standard Action to use.

Heart Breaker [Monstrous]
Just when people fall under your spell, you break their delusions - and their spirits.
Requirements: Succubus, Sense Motive 10 ranks
Benefit: three times per day, you may cast Overwhelm with a Caster Level equal to your hit dice, and a Save DC of 5 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus. You may only cast it on a target that currently is afflicted by one of your [Charm] effects or a Suggestion of yours, and doing this ends the effect (whether they save or not). If they pass the save, they are still afflicted by Crushing Despair for three rounds.

Prehensile Tail [Monstrous]
Your tail is for more than looking cute.
Requirement: Succubus
Benefit: you have a Tail Slap primary natural weapon, dealing 1d4 + your Strength Bonus in Bludgeoning damage, and reaching out to 5 and 10 feet for a Medium creature. It may also be used to make Disarm, Sleight of Hand and Trip attempts at a reach, and foes are not entitled to a Trip or Disarm attempt if you fail.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Bargainer is a class that emphasises the Succubus' way with words and ability to summon denizens of the Abyss. The Bargainer is basically a Summoner but also good with social skills.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+0+0+2+2Increased Summon Success +10%, Skill Boost, Summon 1d8 Abyssal Skulkers/Maws or 1d4 Gadacro 1/day (90% chance)
2+1+0+3+3Plane Shift 2/day, Summon 1d4 Dretches 3/day (65% chance), Skill Boost
3+2+1+3+3Increased Summon Success +10%, Skill Boost, Summon 3 Quasits 1/day (100% chance)
4+3+1+4+4Plane Shift at will, Summon Bebilith or Chasme 1/day (35% chance), Skill Boost
5+3+1+4+4Increased Summon Success +10%, Increased Teleport Capacity, Skill Boost
6+4+2+5+5Summon 1d6 Jovocs or 1 Arrow Demon 1/day (60% chance), Skill Boost
7+5+2+5+5Increased Summon Success +10%, Skill Boost
8+6+2+6+6Summon Marilith 1/day (25% chance), Skill Boost
9+6+3+6+6Summon Balor or Kelvezu or Molydeus 1/day (50% chance), Mind Blank, Skill Boost, Increased Summon Success +10%
10+7+3+7+7Gate 2/day, Skill Boost
11+8+3+7+7Increased Summon Success +10%, Skill Boost, Summon 1d6 Sorrowsworn Demons or Mariliths or 1 Deathdrinker 1/day (30% chance)

Skill Boost: at every level, the Bargainer gains a permanent +2 unnamed Bonus to two different skills. The skills must be chosen from: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive - as unnamed Bonuses, they stack. Once per two levels, she may instead learn one of the following Skill Tricks (replacing the bonus to both skills): Assume Quirk, Group Fake-Out, Never Outnumbered, Second Impression, Social Recovery, Timely Misdirection. If using Koumei's Feat-per-Level system, then instead of either of those, she may select one of the following Bonus Feats: Acquirer's Eye, Animal Affinity, Polyglot, Social Adept, Storyteller, Wild Empathy.

Summoning (Sp): the Bargainer gains many additional uses of her Summon ability each day. Every use has its own chance of success. Additionally, at every odd level, the Bargainer’s chance of successfully using a Summoning ability increases by 10%. This is cumulative and retroactive, though the practical cap is a 100% chance of success. New abilities gained do not have existing bonuses factored in, so for instance at level nine
the chance to summon a Balor or Kelvezu or Molydeus is actually 100%.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Bargainer gains the indicated Spell-Like Abilities at the indicated levels. When the same ability is noted more than once, the increased uses per day at the higher level overlaps and does not stack. All of her Spell-Like Abilities have a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and a Caster Level equal to her hit dice.

Increased Teleport Capacity: at seventh level, the Bargainer’s Teleport Without Error Spell-Like Ability is no longer limited to only fifty pounds of cargo, and has its carrying capacity set by her caster level as normal.

Mind Blank (Su): the Bargainer is constantly under a Mind Blank effect from ninth level on.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Black Maiden
The Black Maiden class is a casting sort of class that just about turns the Succubus into an Evil Cleric. She channels negative energy, raises the undead, and even heals the wounded if she wants. She doesn't need to worship a god because her power comes directly from the Abyss.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiency: the Black Maiden becomes proficient with Simple weapons, one Martial weapon of choice, and Light and Medium Armour as well as Shields (but not Tower Shields)
1+0+0+2+2Channel Energy, Inflict Moderate Wounds at will, Cure Light Wounds 3/day
2+1+0+3+3Cure Serious Wounds 3/day
3+2+1+3+3Raise Dead 1/day, Revive Outsider 1/day, Create Undead 1/day
4+3+1+4+4Inflict Serious Wounds at will, Delay Poison at will, Remove Disease 1/day
5+3+1+4+4Harm 2/day, Heal 2/day, Contagion at will
6+4+2+5+5Destruction 1/day, Create Greater Undead 1/day, Evil Domain
7+5+2+5+5Unhallow 1/day, Resurrection 1/day
8+6+2+6+6Soul Bind 1/day, Cure Critical Wounds 3/day, Chaos Domain
9+6+3+6+6Forbiddance 3/day, Unholy Aura at will, Cloak of Chaos at will
10+7+3+7+7Miracle 1/day, Inflict Critical Wounds at will
11+8+3+7+7Abyssal Army 1/day, Bonus Domains

Channel Energy (Su): a Black Maiden can channel negative energy like an Evil Cleric. She can make a number of Rebuke Undead attempts each day equal to 3 plus her Charisma Bonus. She turns as an Evil Cleric of a level equal to her hit dice.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Black Maiden gains the indicated Spell-Like Abilities at the indicated levels. When the same ability is noted more than once, the increased uses per day at the higher level overlaps and does not stack. All of her Spell-Like Abilities have a Caster Level equal to her hit dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Evil Domain: at sixth level, the Black Maiden gains access to the Evil Clerical Domain. She gains the Domain Power, which makes all of her [Evil] Spells and Spell-Like Abilities operate at +1 Caster Level, and she can use all of the spells on the Evil Domain list once each day in addition to her normal casting limits.

Chaos Domain: at eighth level, the Black Maiden gains access to the Chaos Clerical Domain. She gains the Domain Power, which makes all of her [Chaos] Spells and Spell-Like Abilities operate at +1 Caster Level, and she can use all of the spells on the Chaos Domain list once each day in addition to her normal casting limits.

Bonus Domains: at level eleven, the Black Maiden gains access to two of the following Clerical Domains of choice: Abyss, Charm, Domination, Dream, Envy, Hunger, Lust, Pride, Tyranny. She gains the Domain Abilities (using her hit dice in place of her Cleric level, and applying any benefits that normally apply to spells (such as Spell Focus granted by the Domination domain) to the relevant Spell-Like Abilities too) and can use all of the spells on the Domain lists once each day in addition to her normal casting limits.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Night Blade
A Succubus isn't really meant to be a fighter, but demons often do things they're not meant to do. If they want to fight in close combat, they do it with this class, not just becoming good at fighting with weapons, but actually using their existing abilities on the battlefield as well, helping allies and afflicting enemies. This is the kind of Succubus that is involved directly in the Blood War rather than recruiting, and could be "the party fighter, I guess" (perhaps more closely matching a Paladin, perversely) in an adventuring party.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes), Move Silently, Perform (Oratory, Song), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Tumble
Proficiency: the Night Blade becomes proficient with Simple and Martial weapons, and three Exotic weapons of choice
1+1+2+2+0Armoured in Sin, Ecstatic Blade, Sneak Attack +1d6
2+2+3+3+0Fog of War, Abyssal Projection Style
3+3+3+3+1Bloodlust, Sneak Attack +2d6
4+4+4+4+1Devil Killer, Soul Gift
5+5+4+4+1Battlefield Emotions, Sneak Attack +3d6
6+6+5+5+2Curse of Betrayal, Eternal Wounds
7+7+5+5+2Blood War Battle Captain, Sneak Attack +4d6
8+8+6+6+2Battlefield Temptation
9+9+6+6+3Sword-Point Conscription, Sneak Attack +5d6
10+10+7+7+3Curse of Battle Trauma
11+11+7+7+3Soul Evisceration, Sneak Attack +6d6

Armoured in Sin (Su): the Night Blade doesn’t need material armour to protect her, as she uses supernatural grace to simply avoid attacks, and repulses foes with her evil presence. When she is not benefiting from an Armour Bonus (whether actual worn armour or a Mage Armour spell), she may add her Charisma Bonus as a Deflection Bonus to her Armour Class.

Ecstatic Blade (Su): through specialised militaristic training, the Night Blade has learned how to consume the life energy of people on the battlefield. She may channel her Energy Drain ability through weapon attacks – although this does not confer the Suggestion.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every odd level, the Night Blade gains 1d6 Sneak Attack damage like a Rogue.

Fog of War (Ex): starting at second level, the attacks of the Night Blade leave foes momentarily befuddled and unaware of who is friend or foe. Any time she delivers her Energy Drain ability to a foe (whether through Ecstatic Blade or the normal way), the foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class until their next turn.

Abyssal Projection Style (Su): at level two, the Night Blade learns a special combat style that shows people the depths of the Abyss. Any turn in which she takes a Move Action and then attacks a foe, every enemy within Close Range must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or become Shaken for 3 rounds. A target that is already Shaken becomes Frightened for 3 rounds. A target that is already Frightened will instead Cower for three rounds. A Cowering or Panicked target falls Comatose for one minute. This is a [Fear][Evil] effect.

Bloodlust (Ex): the Night Blade likes injuring people. At third level, any time she deals hit point damage to a target, she may remove any [Mind-Affecting] effects she is suffering.

Devil Killer (Ex): as a top agent in the Blood War, the Night Blade really hates Devils and will do her level best to kill them. Any weapon the fourth-level Night Blade wields pierces Damage Reduction as though made of silver, and is treated as having the [Baatezu]-Bane property. Against Erinyes and Brachina, who she especially hates, the weapon also has the Augmented Critical ability, doubling the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier.

Soul Gift (Sp): at level four, the Night Blade can actually spend the energy drained from others to enhance her allies. With a Standard Action, she may lose 5 Temporary Hit Points (and any other benefits gained from draining a single level) to cast Good Hope. She may instead cast Haste by losing 10 Temporary Hit Points (and any other benefits gained from draining two levels).

Battlefield Emotions (Sp): once per round when the fifth-level Night Blade delivers her Energy Drain ability to someone, she can choose to afflict them with one of the following spell effects: Cause Fear, Crushing Despair, Rage. The Save DC is 14 + her Charisma Bonus, regardless of effect, as though this were all one 4th level spell. If the Energy Drain kills the foe, she may instead afflict all enemies within 30 feet with the chosen effect.

Curse of Betrayal (Su): the Night Blade likes getting people to attack their own friends, firstly because that’s very efficient in battle and secondly just for fun because she’s a terrible person. Starting at level six, with a Move-Equivalent Action, she may cast Bestow Curse (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus). At any point on their own turn, or when an ally in a threatened square does something that would provoke an Attack of Opportunity, they may choose to attack the ally with whatever weapon they are holding. As long as the attack hits and they do not deliberately reduce the damage or deal non-lethal damage, the Curse is instantly removed. Until this happens (or the Curse is removed normally), there is a constant whisper in their mind that the curse will end if only they lash out, that their so-called friends are conspiring against them, that they must make the first strike.

Eternal Wounds (Ex): when the sixth-level Night Blade is utilising her Abyssal Projection Style, all of her attacks deal Vile damage, as a way to prevent Devils from Regenerating – and forcing any survivors to seek out Hallowed ground to stand in (good luck with that in the Lower Planes).

Blood War Battle Captain (Su): upon reaching seventh level, the great leadership power of the Night Blade allows her to cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness at will, by spending 5 Temporary Hit Points (and any other benefits of having drained 1 level). Furthermore, any death caused by these attacks grants her and all affected allies Fast Healing 1 and a Recitation effect, both for a number of rounds equal to the Challenge Rating of the target.

Battlefield Temptation (Su): at level eight, the Night Blade gains access to a deadly offer she can extend to her foes – a double-edged sword that works out terribly for someone. With an Immediate Action, she can offer any number of Bonus Attacks to a foe about to attack her, with an upper limit of one per four hit dice (round up). They must level all of their attacks at her in order to accept these. If not a single one of their attacks (regular and bonus) hits her, their soul is instantly claimed by her and they are straight-up killed with no Saving Throw. This isn’t a [Death] effect, their soul is torn out and placed in the Night Blade’s inventory while their mind is snuffed out and their body obliterated.

Sword-Point Conscription (Sp): when the ninth-level Night Blade delivers a negative level via her Ecstatic Blade ability, she bestows a Suggestion upon them, with a Will Save as normal (DC 13 + her Charisma Bonus). The Suggestion is to “fight at my side until my foes are slain.” A given subject need only attempt to save once per round - if she delivers multiple negative levels in a Full Attack, increase the DC by 1 for each additional negative level bestowed. If she bestows the negative level with an Attack of Opportunity, it has no effect if they had already saved during her prior turn.

Curse of Battle Trauma (Su): at level ten, the Night Blade gains access to a new curse. She may cast Bestow Greater Curse at will against a target suffering from one of her existing [Fear] effects, and until it is removed, the target suffers a Nightmare effect every time they try to sleep.

Soul Evisceration (Su): the eleventh-level Night Blade can try to tear the spiritual remnants from anyone she has already drained. With a Full Round Action, she gestures at a foe in Close Range who is suffering from one or more negative levels caused by her. They must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + the number of levels she has already drained from them and not "spent" + her Charisma Bonus) or die. This is considered a soul-manipulating effect rather than a [Death] effect.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Uridezu
Manual of the Planes, page 164. CR 6, level 7.

Sneaky Rat
Uridezu are clearly supposed to be rogues and assassins. So basically, the Sneaky Rat is precisely that. A rogue, except tweaked towards being a rat demon. It trades in some Sneak Attack and Use Magic Device as a class skill, in exchange for better ability scores, better ability to fight without relying on flasks, Damage Reduction and other abilities.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble
1+1+2+2+0Wild Empathy, Trap Finding, Sneak Attack +1d6
2+2+3+3+0Perfect Multi-Weapon Fighting
3+3+3+3+1Sneak Attack +2d6
4+4+4+4+1Summon Swarm 3/day (Rats only)
5+5+4+4+1Sneak Attack +3d6
6+6+5+5+2Infectious Ambush
7+7+5+5+2Sneak Attack +4d6, Pall of Twilight 3/day
8+8+6+6+2Deadly Surprise
9+9+6+6+3Sneak Attack +5d6
10+10+7+7+3Damning Darkness 3/day
11+11+7+7+3Sneak Attack +6d6
12+12+8+8+4Crippling Strike
13+13+8+8+4Sneak Attack +7d6, Plague 3/day

Wild Empathy (Ex): a Sneaky Rat can improve the attitude of an animal just like a Druid. It rolls 1d20 and adds its total hit dice and Charisma Bonus to determine the Wild Empathy check result.

Trap Finding (Ex): the Sneaky Rat can find traps with the Search skill, even magical ones, just like a Rogue can.

Sneak Attack (Ex): when the Sneaky Rat attacks an opponent that it flanks or that is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, it can deal additional damage just like a Rogue can. Every odd level, it gains 1d6 Sneak Attack.

Perfect Multi-Weapon Fighting (Ex): the Sneaky Rat has Perfect Two Weapon Fighting – it can make as many attacks with its off-hand weapon, at no penalty (though reduced bonuses still apply), as its on-hand weapon. Furthermore it may also make one attack with each Natural Weapon at no penalty when it does this. Instead of making Tail attacks, it may wield a Light melee weapon with its tail, in which case it may make as many attacks as with its primary weapon.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Sneaky Rat gains access to a few Spell-Like Abilities. It has a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Infectious Ambush (Su): starting at level six, the Sneaky Rat can spread disease when it catches someone off guard – a magical attack that allows it to hit exactly where the foe’s natural defences against infection. As long as at least one of its attacks hits and is a Sneak Attack (even if the foe does not suffer extra damage from Sneak Attacks), they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) against contracting Filth Fever. For every Sneak Attack that hits beyond the first, the DC increases by 1 – for instance, if it successfully delivers three Sneak Attacks, they would make one save, at +2 to the Save DC. If a target has already contracted the disease, a failed saving throw causes damage as though a day had passed and they had failed the save against the disease’s progression.

Deadly Surprise (Ex): if an eighth-level Sneaky Rat spends two consecutive turns studying a foe who is unaware of its presence, and then delivers a Sneak Attack to that foe after studying them but before the foe becomes aware of its presence, it potentially kills them outright: they must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus). For every additional Sneak Attack that hits the foe in that same round, the DC increases by 1. If the foe fails the saving throw, they die.

Crippling Strike (Ex): at level twelve, the Sneaky Rat gains the Crippling Strike special ability that Rogues can select.

New Feat:

Very Sneaky Rat [Monstrous]
You're already so much like a Rogue that you may as well learn their tricks.
Requirement: Uridezu, Sneak Attack class feature
Benefit: Benefit: imagine you were a Human Koumei Rogue of a level equal to your total level. Select a single Exploit or Device you could have at that level. You now have access to it, using your character level in place of any reference to class level. In the case of Devices, you only have a Capacity equal to your Intelligence Bonus.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Vrock
Monster Manual, page 48. CR 9, level 10 - there's debate as to whether it has thumbs

Vile Dancer
There's nothing stopping a Vrock from continuing life as a True Fiend or Fiendish Brute, but some of them really get caught up in their demonic dancing ability. The Vile Dancers gain new dances that make them function as Bards of a kind.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Perform (any), Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spot, Tumble
1+1+0+2+0Hideous Dance, Distort Speech, Tasha's Hideous Laughter 1/day
2+2+0+3+0Ravenous Spores, Vile Volatility
3+3+1+3+1Sword Dance, Jig of the Waves, Bothersome Babble
4+4+1+4+1Solo Performance, Sonic Shield
5+5+1+4+1Feather Dance, Stunning Screech 2/hour
6+6+2+5+2Fast Step, Infernal Threnody 1/day, Heroics 1/day
7+7+2+5+2Deadly Dance, Bolts of Bedevilment 1/day
8+8+2+6+2Friend to Foe, Incite Riot 1/day, Song of Discord 1/day
9+9+3+6+3Infectious Dance, Cacophonic Shield, Greater Heroism 1/day
10+10+3+7+3Annihilator Dance, Stunning Screech 3/hour

Hideous Dance (Su): the Vile Dancer can dance in such a horrifying way that it makes others ill. With a Full Round Action, it may begin dancing. From then on, it need only spend a Move-Equivalent Action to resume the dance. Each round it is in effect, every non-Demon within a radius equal to its Perform total times 5 feet must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus) or become Sickened for a number of rounds equal to its Perform total. Anyone already Sickened becomes Nauseated for 1 round.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Vile Dancer gains access to additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and the Save DC is 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus. If no usage limit is specified, an ability can be used at will.

Ravenous Spores (Ex): at second level, the spores of the Vile Dancer deal 1d8 damage per 3 hit dice at first, and then 3d4 damage per round thereafter.

Vile Volatility (Su): at second level, the chaotic energies within the Vile Dancer reach true birdemic levels of destruction. If the Vile Dancer is ever slain, it explodes. All creatures in a 30’ radius suffer 10d6 Untyped damage with a Reflex Save for half (DC 15 + half its class level + its Constitution Bonus). This destroys so much of the creature’s essence that Revive Outsider and Resurrection will not suffice to bring it back, only a True Resurrection.

Sword Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the third level Vile Dancer may perform a sword dance, whirling a wielded weapon about its head and twisting magic into it. Then, for a number of rounds equal to its Perform total, the weapon moves about on its own, always staying within Close Range but attacking foes based on the whims of the Vile Dancer. It uses the Base Attack Bonus of the Vile Dancer, and has a Strength score equal to the Vrock’s Charisma score, and retains any magical properties. Only one item at a time can dance in this manner.

Solo Performance (Ex): starting at level four, the Vile Dancer can perform the Dance of Ruin on its own, without the assistance of two other Vrocks.

Feather Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Vile Dancer can perform a feather dance. This conjures up magical feathers and spores to whirl around it and everywhere in a 15 foot radius. In subsequent rounds, it only needs a Move-Equivalent Action to keep dancing. For the duration of the dance, everything within the area has Concealment against anything more than 5 feet away, with the exception of Vrocks which can see through it just fine. Lawfully-aligned creatures within the area are Sickened while within the area.

Stunning Screech (Su): every five levels, the Vile Dancer gains an extra hourly use of its Stunning Screech ability.

Fast Step (Ex): at level six, the Vile Dancer gains a +20’ bonus to all of its Movement forms. It also gains a +2 Bonus to its Initiative, and can perform the complete Dance of Ruin in just one round – it spends the Full Round Action dancing, and if it has not been stopped by the start of its next turn, the effects happen.

Deadly Dance (Su): with three full rounds of dancing, the seventh-level Vile Dancer can make someone within 60 feet simply die. They don’t get a saving throw against this [Death] effect, they just have to stop it from dancing or not be within range.

Infectious Dance (Sp): at level nine, the Vile Dancer can use a Full Round Action to create a very infectious dance. Everything within 20 feet is affected by Otto’s Irresistable Dance.

Annihilator Dance (Su): the Dance of Ruin of the tenth-level Vile Dancer deals 100 damage, including to every single 5' cube of terrain in the area. This typically carves the landscape into nothingness.

New Feat:

Mystic Dance Technique [Monstrous]
You studied even more fancy acts of dance
Requirement: Vrock
Benefit: select a single Tome Bard performance trick that can be used with Dance. You gain that performance trick and can use it as a Bard of equal level. Even if it can be used with multiple Performance styles, you have to use it for a Dance, and cannot use it at the same time as any other dance ability.
Special: you may take this feat up to once per four hit dice. Each time, select a different performance trick to learn.

And with that, we finish the Demons.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Dancing vrock doom craters are such a specific move and fun imagery, wonder where it comes from
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

More of an editing question: Why are Vile Dancer DC's based on 15 + 1/2 level instead of 10 + 1/2 hit dice like the other monster classes? The effect is the same, so it seems weird to have a special case for the one class.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Koumei »

I just thought blasting holes in the terrain would be fun, that's all.

As for the Save DC, for a bunch of creatures I was aware the HD and level were quite different so went for class-based Save DCs. As for why I did that with the Vrock, you'll have to travel back in time to when I made the original pdfs and ask me then. Maybe I was just in the habit of doing it at that stage.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 2, page 62. CR 9, level 10.

Desmodu Warmaster
The greatest Desmodu need to be good at many things. They need to be masters of sonic prowess, screeching to affect the minds of others. They need to be excellent close combat fighters. They need to be good leaders. They need to be good alchemists. And they need to work well with bats. Luckily, the Warmaster can do all of that, so they can call themselves the greatest Desmodu. These have a fighter-and-leadership sort of role, so could fill a Paladin-shaped hole if you don't care too much about healing.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (Alchemy), Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
Proficiency: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, and Shields (but not Tower Shields)
1+1+2+2+0Animal Companion, Warcry, Mounted Combat
2+2+3+3+0Superior Alchemy, Unbalancing Strike
3+3+3+3+1Distracting Screech, Erratic Charge
4+4+4+4+1Grenadier, Delayed Cleave
5+5+4+4+1Overwhelming Screech, Brew Alchemical Potion
6+6+5+5+2Bloodletting Strike, Battlefield Insight
7+7+5+5+2Coordinating Screech, Suppressive Strike
8+8+6+6+2Sonic Eruption, Blood Drain
9+9+6+6+3Supercharged Alchemy
10+10+7+7+3Lethal Screech

Animal Companion: in a lot of ways like a Druid, the Desmodu Warmaster has an Animal Companion. It is a Desmodu War Bat, and for the purpose of additional hit dice and so on, treat it as a regular “starting option” animal and the Desmodu’s Druid level as being equal to his class level.

Warcry (Su): the Desmodu Warmaster gains a new sonic shriek, a great warcry that resonates scarily in foes and bolsters his friends. This emanates out to sixty feet from the Warmaster, and afflicts all enemies with a Fear effect (Save DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) and all allies with Immunity to [Fear] effects for the same duration. The Caster Level equals his hit dice.

Mounted Combat: the Desmodu Warmaster gains Mounted Combat (the Tome version) as a Bonus Feat at first level. If he already has Mounted Combat, he instead can choose any Feat that has Mounted Combat (probably the PHB version) as a prerequisite, even if he doesn’t meet the requirements.

Superior Alchemy (Ex): alchemical goods created by a second-level Desmodu Warmaster are more powerful. If they deal damage, the damage increases in size by one die and all splash damage is doubled – and if there is ongoing damage, it keeps going for one extra round (unless extinguished or otherwise negated). If they do not deal damage but have a duration, the duration is doubled. If none of the above applies but it has an area of effect, the area is increased by 50%. If that also doesn’t apply, this has no effect.

Unbalancing Strike (Ex): starting at level two, the Warmaster can hit a foe in such a way as to unbalance them and leave them vulnerable to his allies. With a Standard Action he makes a melee attack, and if it hits the foe, it damages them as normal but also renders them Flat-Footed until their next turn, denying them their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. On a Critical Hit, the target also provokes an Attack of Opportunity.

Distracting Screech (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the third-level Desmodu Warmaster can unleash an almost subsonic screech that distracts and disrupts enemies within one hundred feet. Foes trying to concentrate on spells must pass DC 20 Concentration checks or lose the spell. Furthermore, no affected enemy may make any Attacks of Opportunity until his next turn.

Erratic Charge (Ex): starting at level three, the Warmaster can charge any target, not just the closest one, and doesn’t have to move in a straight line.

Grenadier (Ex): upon reaching fourth level, the Desmodu Warmaster becomes better at throwing explosive alchemical items at people. Any time he damages someone with an Acid Flask, Alchemist Fire or similar grenade-like weapon, he simply deals maximum damage rather than rolling. This does not affect ongoing damage. Furthermore, until the start of his next turn, the target suffers a -5 Penalty to Armour Class and Damage Reduction (which cannot reduce DR below zero).

Delayed Cleave (Ex): at level four, the Warmaster learns how to make exceptional cleave attacks. Any time he reduces a foe below zero hit points with a melee attack, he may spend an Attack of Opportunity to make an immediate “Cleave” attempt at another foe within range. If his attack does not finish the opponent off but one of his allies does do so in the same round, he may make the Cleave attack anyway.

Overwhelming Screech (Su): once per five rounds, a fifth-level Desmodu Warmaster can screech in a 30 foot cone to overwhelm the senses of his enemies. All in the area must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). The effects depend on how well the target rolls, as well as their Constitution score – foes with no Constitution are outright immune. Foes with a Constitution score less than his hit dice suffer the added effect in brackets as well as the listed effect.
Passed: no effect (Deafened 3 rounds).
Failed by up to 3: Deafened for one minute (Dazed for one round).
Failed by 4-6: Blind and Deaf for one minute (Dazed for three rounds).
Failed by 7-10: Confused for three minutes (Dazed for three rounds).
Failed by more than 10: Dazed for three rounds (Stunned for one round, Blind and Deaf for one minute).

Brew Alchemical Potion (Su): a fifth-level Warmaster can brew potions of any spell of up to third level on the Cleric spell list, just using Alchemical know-how. It uses the same amount of time and money, but no experience. The spells still have to be single-target ones and not rays, area-effects, summoning or whatever.

Bloodletting Strike (Ex): upon reaching level six, the Desmodu Warmaster learns how to make all of his attacks cause serious blood loss just as bad as his bite. All melee attacks that deal hit point damage result in the target taking one point of damage per turn from blood loss (two in the case of his Bite attack), which will happily stack from multiple hits, and is stopped by receiving a DC 20 Heal check or any amount of magical healing.

Battlefield Insight (Ex): a sixth-level Warmaster is able to direct allies around very quickly when he acts, calling out instructions and providing advice to get everyone in position. When combat starts and Initiative is rolled, as long as the Warmaster is not surprised, he may shout a warning (not an action and before turns are established) to allow all of his allies to make a 5’ step, also preventing them from being surprised. Furthermore, with a Standard Action he may make a single carefully placed attack while keeping an eye on the battlefield and calling instructions: all of his allies within earshot may use an Immediate Action to move up to their Movement speed.

Coordinating Screech (Su): the seventh-level Desmodu Warmaster can not only weaken an enemy with his sonic waves, but specifically leave them vulnerable to the attacks of his allies – and shake them about such that his allies know their target. He can unleash this Ray out to sixty feet with a Standard Action, using a Ranged Touch Attack to deal 1d12 points of Sonic damage, plus his Constitution Bonus. For the next three rounds, the foe moves at half speed, is unable to Concentrate on spells, and is considered Flanked by all enemies that attack (providing the bonus and also allowing Sneak Attack damage). Additionally, if the target is Immune or Resistant to Critical Hits, or has Regeneration, these traits are suppressed for the duration.

Suppressive Strike (Ex): whenever the seventh-level Warmaster hits an enemy with a melee attack, he drives them back and off balance a little, protecting his allies. This grants his allies half Cover against all attacks from that enemy until the start of his next turn.

Sonic Eruption (Su): upon reaching level eight, the Desmodu Warmaster is able to bring his screeches to bear for explosive bursts of noise at will. With a Standard Action, he designates a 20’ radius Burst within one hundred feet, and all in the area take 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). This deals full damage to unattended objects and ignores Hardness, even doing enough damage to the ground to make it Difficult Terrain.

Blood Drain (Ex): the fangs of the eighth-level Warmaster are even more vicious, and he is better at drawing blood from enemies. Any time he successfully Bites a foe that can bleed, they suffer 2 points of Constitution damage.

Supercharged Alchemy (Ex): at level nine, the Desmodu Warmaster makes even better alchemy than before. He can brew alchemical potions of Cleric spells of up to level four, and if he makes an alchemical grenade-like weapon, it deals double damage (including ongoing and splash).

Lethal Screech (Su): once per day, the tenth-level Desmodu Warmaster can replicate a Wail of the Banshee effect with his deadly shriek. The Caster Level equals his hit dice and the Save DC is 10 + half his level + his Charisma Bonus.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Oh boy, here we go with the Devils. One day we'll be past the D section.

Devil: Advespa
Monster Manual 2, page 67. CR 3, level 6 - it has an annoying form of Regeneration instead of thumbs, and that's not a great trade when being a player character.

Baatorian Swarmlord
Normally, Advespa are swarm enemies - rather literally - designed to fight in groups without a great deal of critical thinking of their own. Instead, they generally follow commanders to follow orders, or simply fight with Regeneration and overwhelming numbers to rely on. However, every now and then, one becomes a Baatorian Swarmlord, a powerful summoner and Cleric-like spellcaster who also is a great close combat fighter.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Tactics), Listen, Perform (any), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
1+1+0+2+2Darkness at will, Deeper Darkness 1/day, Summon (1d3 Advespas 35%)
2+2+0+3+3Summon Swarm (Wasps) 3/day, Boneswords (1)
3+3+1+3+3Summon (1d6 Advespas 40%), Early Twilight 3/day
4+4+1+4+4Basic Sphere Access (Venom), Supernatural Virulence, Animate Legion 1/day
5+5+1+4+4Summon (2d6 Advespas 45%), Boneswords (2)
6+6+2+5+5Summon Swarm (Fiendish Wasps) 3/day, Paralytic Venom
7+7+2+5+5Summon (3d10 Advespas 50%), Huge Fiend, Prayer 3/day
8+8+2+6+6Mass Haste 3/day, Vigorous Circle 3/day, Boneswords (3)
9+9+3+6+6Summon (3d20 Advespas 55%), Shield of Law at will
10+10+3+7+7Summon Swarm (Hellwasps) 3/day, Deadly Venom, Firestorm 1/day
11+11+3+7+7Summon (1d100 Advespas 60%), Boneswords (4), Mass Fire Shield 3/day
12+12+4+8+8Advanced Sphere Access (Venom), Hellish Horde 1/day
13+13+4+8+8Summon (25d6 Advespas 75%), Righteous Burst at will, Utterdark 1/day
14+14+4+9+9Summon Swarm (Hellwasps) at will, Mass Restoration 1/day, Legion's Aid at will

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Baatorian Swarmlord gains various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. In the case of Summon Swarm, when first gained it can only summon Wasp swarms rather than the normal choices. At level six it summons Fiendish Wasp Swarms. At level ten it can summon swarms of Hellwasps.

Summon (Sp): at every odd level, the Swarmlord’s Summon ability has a better chance of success and also summons more of its kind when successful. It still only summons basic Advespa, and can still only be used once per day.

Boneswords (Ex): at level two, one of the Swarmlord’s Claw attacks is replaced with a Bone Sword – its chitin growing out in a long deadly blade that channels its power. It is treated as a Shortsword (sized for a Large creature) made from Boneblade, with an innate Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). These traits last even if hacked off and wielded by another. Additionally, when wielded by the Swarmlord (ie in its normal state) it has the Defending property. At levels five, eight and eleven, another Claw is replaced by another Bone Sword. If the Defending property is used for any of the Bone Swords, they all suffer the reduced bonus however the total bonus to Armour Class improves by +1 for each additional Bone Sword – ie if 2 points of Weapon Bonus are transferred to Armour Class, at level five the AC Bonus would be +3, at level eight it would be +4, and at level eleven it would be +5. Note that these are Natural Weapons, so they cannot make Iterative Attacks for a high Base Attack Bonus, but they do benefit from anything that affects Natural Weapons and if it grows larger, so do they.

Venom Sphere Access: at level four, the Swarmlord gains Basic Access to the Venom Sphere. At level twelve this improves to Advanced.

Supernatural Virulence: it is important to sting people and fill them with venom. It is also important to cast baleful spells at people. At level four the Baatorian Swarmlord gains Supernatural Virulence as a Bonus Feat.

Paralitic Venom (Ex): the venom of the sixth-level Baatorian Swarmlord is particularly potent, rendering people unable to move. The Primary and Secondary damage of its venom becomes 1d10 Strength and Dexterity damage. Additionally, the Primary damage also reduces the target’s Movement Speed by 10’ (until all the Ability Damage is removed) and bestows a 20% Spell Failure chance for all Spells with Somatic Components (similar to Arcane Spell Failure of Armour), again until the damage is healed. These can stack up over multiple stings.

Huge Fiend: at level seven, the Baatorian Swarmlord grows Huge in size, as though growing via hit dice, with all the normal changes that entails.

Deadly Venom (Ex): the venom of the tenth-level Baatorian Swarmlord is lethal – people find themselves unable to breathe. Failure to save against the primary damage also Stuns the target for one round and renders them unable to breathe for 1d10 minutes. In the meantime they cannot speak, cast Spells with Verbal Components, or use Breath Weapons, and might very well suffocate (similar to Drowning). Failure against the Secondary effects results in Death – but if a target is immune to [Death] effects, the Ability Damage still applies.

New Feat:

Hive Mind [Monstrous]
As the swarm lord, you direct the thoughts of all your underlings.
Requirement: Advespa
Benefits: you gain constant Telepathy out to 250 feet, but only with willing creatures. Additionally, any time any of your followers or summoned creatures within this range, or anyone accepting the Telepathic link, is required to attempt a Will Save or Knowledge check, they may use your Save/Skill Bonus if it is higher. Finally, if any of the above interact with (and thus are given the chance to Disbelieve) an Illusion, all such creatures (and you) may attempt to Disbelieve.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Devil: Amnizu
Fiendish Codex 2, page 112. CR 7, level 8 with annoying Regeneration.
FC2 forgot to say what they Summon, so use the MM2 entry for that: 50% chance for 1 Amnizu or 1d3 Advespa.

Fugitive Hunter of Baator
Typically, the Amnizu function as checkpoint guards, overseeing things and making sure everyone has the valid travel pass. However they can also be seen as tactical leaders in the Blood War on occasion, as Intelligence gatherers (in the sense of literal Intelligence but also information), and middle-men/agents. In the case of the Fugitive Hunter, they manage networks of information and capture those who don't belong where they are (or are not where they do belong). It fills a weird Wizard role - that of information finding and locking enemies down - but could also be said to do what Rangers are supposed to do.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Rope
Proficiency: the Fugitive Hunter of Baator is proficient with Light Armour, the Net, the Man-Catcher, the Bolas and the Javelin.
1+1+0+2+2Detect Thoughts, Touch of Amnesia, Intelligence Network
2+2+0+3+3See Invisibility, Slow 3/day, Prying Eyes 3/day
3+3+1+3+3Arm of the Law, Hold Person 3/day, Wingbind at will
4+4+1+4+4Literal Web of Bureaucracy, Legend Lore 1/day
5+5+1+4+4X-Ray Vision, Wall of Force 1/day, Flowsight at will
6+6+2+5+5Schemer's Preparation, Bigby's Forceful Hand 1/day
7+7+2+5+5Petrification, Bigby's Grasping Hand 1/day, Vision 1/day
8+8+2+6+6Bigby's Clenched Fist 1/day, Discern Location 1/day
9+9+3+6+6Hindsight 1/day, Foresight 1/day, Probe Thoughts at will
10+10+3+7+7Bigby's Crushing Hand 1/day, Forcecage 3/day, True Seeing 1/day
11+11+3+7+7Greater Prying Eyes 3/day, Grasp the Situation
12+12+4+8+8Eternity of Torture 1/day, Aura of Stupidity

Detect Thoughts (Su): the Fugitive Hunter has a constant Detect Thoughts effect with a radius of 120 feet. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Touch of Amnesia (Su): any time the Fugitive Hunter successfully delivers its Stupefying Touch, the target suffers from total amnesia until they recover from all of the Intelligence damage. They do not forget Class Features and similar, but do forget “what happened in this encounter”, “where they are and why”, “what they are supposed to be doing” and so on.

Intelligence Network (Su): the Fugitive Hunter of Baatezu is able to tap into a complex network of allies and agents throughout the lower planes, even able to borrow power. However, each time it accesses this Network, there is a cost. Keep a tally of the amount of Intelligence damage the Hunter has dealt, to an upper limit of its hit dice, refreshed each midday. With a Free Action at will, it may “spend” a single point from this tally. Doing so does not restore Intelligence to someone, it simply removes it from the tally, and allows the Fugitive Hunter to make an instant Gather Information or Knowledge (the Planes) check about an individual, even without having people nearby to ask. Alternatively, it may use this to regain a single daily use of a Spell-Like Ability. Casting it still takes the normal amount of time, but regaining the use is a Free Action (and one “point” of Intelligence).

See Invisibility (Su): starting at level two, the Fugitive Hunter of Baatezu can constantly see invisible creatures as though it had a permanent See Invisibility spell in effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): over time, the Fugitive Hunter of Baatezu gains a variety of Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. When the various Bigby’s Hand spells are gained, the first time a given casting makes physical contact with a living creature, it channels the Stupefying Touch of the Amnizu.

Arm of the Law (Ex): the limbs of the third-level Fugitive Hunter grow extra long so that it can grab people and drain their intellect more readily. Its reach extends by 5 feet, and it gains a +2 Bonus to Grapple attempts. When grappling a foe, it delivers its Stupefying Touch every single round. If it successfully Lifts or Pins a foe in a grapple and they fail their save against its Touch, it also Stuns the target for one round.

Literal Web of Bureaucracy (Su): by “spending” one point from its Intelligence tally as a Standard Action, the fourth-level Fugitive Hunter may make an Appraise check to find a fleeing target, opposed by their Survival check. If it successfully locates them in this way, it can Scry on them instantly with no saving throw, and may also attempt a Forgery check (same DC). If successful, it causes them to be Paralyzed for 1 hour.

X-Ray Vision (Su): the fifth-level Fugitive Hunter of Baator constantly has X-Ray Vision. It may suppress or resume this at will with a Swift Action, and takes no damage from continual use.

Schemer’s Preparation (Ex): starting at level six, the Fugitive Hunter of Baator always has a plan. It can never be caught Flat-Footed or denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. Additionally, every turn it may use a Swift Action to Ready an Action in addition to taking its normal actions – however the contingency of the readied action must not be a certainty such as “a second passes” or “somebody takes an action”, it must in effect be a plan that forces people to act around it.

Petrification (Su): if the seventh-level Fugitive Hunter reduces a target to zero Intelligence, it permanently petrifies them rather than killing them.

Grasp the Situation (Ex): starting at level eleven, the Fugitive Hunter of Baator can make a Whirlwind Attack with its Touch Attack, using a Standard Action at will. Additionally, when doing this it learns the surface thoughts and plans of everyone who fails to save against its Touch Attack.

Aura of Stupidity (Su): the twelfth-level Fugitive Hunter radiates an aura out to fifteen feet. It can suppress or resume this with a Swift Action at will. Any non-Devil who ends their turn in this aura takes 1d6 points of Intelligence damage (which go to the Hunter’s tally).

New Feat:

Knowledge Is Power [Monstrous]
You can trade valuable information and brainpower to the Nine Hells in exchange for very tangible magical effects.
Requirements: Amnizu, Intelligence Network class feature
Benefits: three times per day, you may spend points of Intelligence from your pool to cast Spell-Like Abilities from the Dominion, Mystery or Oracle Spheres. The specific cost is equal to the minimum hit dice required to cast it for a creature that actually has the Sphere (such as 1 point for Obscuring Mist or 11 points for Programmed Illusion). Aside from this, these are cast as normal Spell-Like Abilities for you.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Devil: Barbazu
Monster Manual, page 52. CR 5, level 6

Baator Battle Captain
Your average Barbazu tends to just end up as a Fiendish Brute or maybe a True Fiend while it tries to get advanced to a new type of Devil. However for those wanting something more interesting as a player, or for individuals who want to stay a Barbazu and keep fighting on the battlefield, this class improves their Frenzy ability and also helps them fight in mass combat. They get better summons, and they can improve all of their allies at will, so they end up as a sort of Summoner/Barbarian.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble
Proficiencies: the Battle Captain becomes proficient with Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, and all Simple and Martial weapons
1+1+2+0+2Brand of the Nine Hells
2+2+3+0+3Battle Frenzy 3/day, Summon 1d4 White Abishai 1/day (50%)
3+3+3+1+3Magnificent Beard, Summon 1 Black Abishai 1/day (60%)
4+4+4+1+4Battle Frenzy 4/day, Strangling Beard, Inspire Frenzy
5+5+4+1+4Eternal Wounds, Greater Battle Frenzy
6+6+5+2+5Battle Frenzy 5/day, Mighty Blows, Summon Nightmare 1/day (100%)
7+7+5+2+5Blade of Profane Glory, Rallying Strike
8+8+6+2+6Battle Frenzy at will, Summon 1d6 Abishai (Any) 1/day (60%)
9+9+6+3+6Great Life, Summon 8 Legion Devils 3/day (90%)
10+10+7+3+7Frenzied Summoning, Summon 2 Narzugons and 2 Gathra 2/day (60%)
11+11+7+3+7Hastening Strike
12+12+8+4+8Summon 1d6 Orthons 1/day (75%)
13+13+8+4+8Spurring Strike, Summon 8 Steel Devils 3/day (90%)
14+14+9+4+9Mighty Battle Frenzy, Summon 1 Hellfire Engine 1/day (75%)

Brand of the Nine Hells: the Baator Battle Captain is chosen for his exceptional ability. He gains Brand of the Nine Hells as a Bonus Feat, as well as whichever Mark of ___ Feat that matches his chosen patron.

Battle Frenzy (Ex): at levels 2, 4, and 6, the Baator Battle Captain gains an extra daily use of his Battle Frenzy. At level 8, it can simply be used at will.

Summon (Sp): as he gains more levels, the Baator Battle Captain gains more and more summons available in addition to his normal one. They are gained according to the chart above, and they don't replace each other - he ends up with a lot of different chances to summon different creatures, each using their own action.

Magnificent Beard (Ex): the beard of the third-level Baator Battle Captain is longer, thicker, glossier and truly magnificent. His Natural Armour increases by 4, his Damage Reduction increases by 3, and his Charisma increases by 2.

Strangling Beard (Su): at level four, the Baator Battle Captain can utilise its beard even better in a Battle Frenzy. It can be used to Grab foes out to ten feet away, upon which it has a Constrict attack that deals damage and disease just like the regular beard attack.

Inspire Frenzy (Ex): when the fourth-level Baator Battle Captain enters a Battle Frenzy, it shares the rage with allies, inspiring them to acts of anger and hatred. All willing allies within thirty feet may also enter an identical Frenzy, though they do not Inspire their own Frenzies in others.

Eternal Wounds (Su): at level five, any time the Baator Battle Captain wields a glaive, it deals Vile damage – this includes ongoing damage from blood loss.

Greater Battle Frenzy (Ex): the fifth-level Baator Battle Captain is able to enter a greater Frenzy – as will any ally he Inspires into frenzy. The effects are the same as a PHB Barbarian’s Greater Rage.

Mighty Blows (Ex): starting at level six, whenever the Baator Battle Captain is in a Battle Frenzy of any degree, his attacks knock people senseless. Whenever he successfully hits someone during the Frenzy, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus) or be Stunned for one round. A target who succeeds on the saving throw is immune to this until the start of his next turn.

Blade of Profane Glory (Su): at level seven, the Baator Battle Captain is gifted with an even greater glaive. It still has the usual effects, but gains the Unholy property and penetrates DR as Cold Iron.

Rallying Strike (Su): once per hour when the seventh-level Baator Battle Captain charges and hits an opponent, he may cast Mass Cure Serious Wounds on his allies with a Swift Action. This works even in a rage – his attacks just feed energy into allies.

Great Life (Ex): starting at level nine, the Baator Battle Captain is completely immune to [Death] effects while in a Battle Frenzy.

Frenzied Summoning (Sp): at level ten, the Baator Battle Captain gains the ability to use his Summon ability even in a Battle Frenzy. When doing so, he can choose to either do so with a Swift Action, or gain a +15% success on the summon chance.

Hastening Strike (Su): starting at level eleven, the Baator Battle Captain can once per hour charge foes and, if he hits, cast Mass Haste on his allies at the end of the charge with a Swift Action. This works even in a rage.

Spurring Strike (Su): once per hour, if the thirteenth-level Baator Battle Captain charges a foe and hits, he can use a Swift Action to inspire greater prowess in his allies: all within 30’ gain a boost for the next minute, using his own Base Attack Bonus (if better than their own) and an Ironskin effect and treating weapons as Demon-Bane.

Mighty Battle Frenzy (Ex): at level fourteen, the Baator Battle Captain’s Frenzy (along with that of allies he Inspires into frenzy) has the same effects as a PHB Barbarian’s Mighty Rage.
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Post by Koumei »

Soul Handler
The Soul Handler is for the Barbazu who really wants to find ways to seek out promotion. It is also good at the tasks frequently bestowed on them anyway, so it pays to take this path. With the better Intelligence and social skills, and the variety of abilities that let it punch ghosts in the face, it ends up as a negotiator and hunter of Incorporeal creatures as well as wayward spirits. There is not a particularly close analogue for what the Soul Handler is - with elements of Bard and Ranger, as well as anti-Incorporeal and anti-Undead aspects.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes, Religion), Listen, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Proficiency: the Soul Handler gains proficiency with Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, Simple and Martial weapons, and the Man-Catcher
1+0+0+2+2Sharp Intellect, Seize the Soul, Track Lost Soul
2+1+0+3+3Banish to Torment, Sheltered Vitality at will
3+2+1+3+3Key to Finality, Condemnation at will
4+3+1+4+4Dismissal at will, Incorporeal Nova 1/day
5+3+1+4+4Cunning Bargainer, Pronouncement of Fate at will
6+4+2+5+5Commune 1/week, Forbiddance 1/day
7+5+2+5+5Summon Dogai, Ghost Trap at will
8+6+2+6+6Wrangle Lost Soul
9+6+3+6+6Wise Negotiator, Spark of Life at will
10+7+3+7+7Craft Pact Insidious, Last Judgment 1/day
11+8+3+7+7Violet Rain
12+9+4+8+8Deny Deific Power
13+9+4+8+8Catch and Release, Last Judgment at will
14+10+4+9+9Craft Pact Certain, Etherealness 1/day, Imprison Soul 1/day

Sharp Intellect: the Soul Handler’s Intelligence is increased by 4 points, which retroactively gives extra Skill Points. He also gains a Competence Bonus on Knowledge and Appraise checks equal to his class level.

Seize the Soul (Ex): the Soul Handler can interact just fine with Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures, able to claw, trip and even grapple them.

Track Lost Soul (Ex): if a soul spends any time in Baator, the Soul handler can Track it with no penalty (or increase in DC) for time lapsed or crossing other Planes – he gets the scent in the Hells and can follow it forever.

Banish to Torment (Su): starting at level two, the Soul Handler can send spirits to the Hells, even if they’re not supposed to go there – someone else can handle that bureaucracy. With a Standard Action he targets a dead or Undead creature within Close Range, providing the spirit is in some way still there (liches and wraiths and bodies with trapped souls are fine, regular skeletons are not). The target must then pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or be instantly transported to the Hells for processing.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Soul Handler gains access to various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals his hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Key to Finality (Su): at level three, the Soul Handler gains an actual key to Finality or the Fugue Plane or whatever the setting uses. He may Planeshift himself and up to one ally per class level to there from anywhere and from there to the Nine Hells at will.

Cunning Bargainer (Ex): the fifth-level Soul Handler’s Charisma increases by 4 points. Additionally, any time someone tries to strike a bargain or deal with some form of numerical price, he starts off 20% in his own favour, which can be struck down at the cost of a Level 1 Act of Corruption or Obeisance.

Summon Dogai (Sp): once per day, the seventh-level Soul Handler can summon a Dogai with a 100% chance of success. This works like any other Summon ability of a Devil.

Wrangle Lost Soul (Su): at level eight, the Soul Handler gains a constant Telekinesis effect that only works on lost souls and [Incorporeal] Undead. Their incorporeal nature does not prevent this from affecting them.

Wise Negotiator (Ex): at level twelve, the Soul Handler’s Wisdom increases by 4 points, and he can always remember that deities have no power over the Hells – they lose any special bonuses to checks made when bartering and negotiating with him, using only Skill Ranks plus Ability Modifier. This applies even when he is not in the Nine Hells - even if they can obliterate him with a thought, he will reform and they will still be powerless against his realm.

Craft Pact Insidious (Ex): the tenth-level Soul Handler gains the ability to form a Pact Insidious (Fiendish Codex 2).

Violet Rain (Su): once per week, the eleventh-level Soul Handler can summon Violet Rain (Book of Vile Darkness) for the standard duration, centred on where he was standing when he used the ability.

Deny Deific Power (Su): starting at level twelve, the Soul Handler is actually immune to the Salient Divine Abilities, Spells, Spell-Like Abilities and Supernatural Abilities of creatures with Divine Rank more than 0. They can still make attack rolls and skill checks against him, and they still have saving throws and an Armour Class, so probably still beat him in a one-on-one fight. But they are dragged down to that actual level.

Catch and Release (Sp): the thirteenth-level Soul Handler can cast Imprison once per day and Binding at will. Against those he has imprisoned, he can cast Freedom at will. However, anyone he frees from these effects in any way instantly receives a Mark of Justice that cannot be removed without a Wish. This typically works well as part of a Pact Insidious.

Craft Pact Certain (Ex): upon reaching level fourteen, the Soul Handler can form Pacts Certain (Fiendish Codex 2).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Devil: Brachina
Fiendish Codex 2, page 134, CR 11, Level 12 - tricky form of regeneration

Aka Manah
The Brachina is in some ways an extension of the Erinyes (indeed they are created by promoting select Erinyes), but they are not simply "more of that", and thus their advancement beyond cannot be "even more of that". They specialise in corrupting others, turning enemies into allies and minions, and turning peoples' allies against them. The Aka Manah doesn't just charm and pervert individuals, she places evil ideas that spread corruption. She is mostly a Spellcaster, handling somewhat like a Bard or Beguiler.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Proficiency: the Aka Manah is proficient with all Simple weapons as well as the Short Sword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword, Shortbow and Longbow (including Composite versions of these).
1+0+0+2+2Seed of Betrayal, Mass Suggestion 1/day, False Lie at will
2+1+0+3+3Limitless Beguilement, Prismatic Aura at will, Overwhelm 1/day
3+2+1+3+3Taste of Power, Demand 1/day, Bothersome Babble at will
4+3+1+4+4Friend to Foe at will, Incite Riot at will, False Sending 3/day, Mind Fog 1/day
5+3+1+4+4Quickened Morality Undone at will, Mysterious Redirection at will
6+4+2+5+5Moment of Peace, Condemnation at will, Quest 1/day, End to Strife 1/day
7+5+2+5+5Origin of Evil, Shatter Mind Blank at will, Sublime Revelry 1/day
8+6+2+6+6Convert Outsider, Monstrous Thrall 1/day, Spread of Contentment 1/day

Seed of Betrayal (Su): when the Aka Manah successfully uses her Beguile ability on another creature, she places the small seed of betrayal within them, which waits for the right moment to flourish. She may decide upon a secret trigger activation much like a Contingency (the player writes it down), and if the condition is met before the next new moon, the target will instantly perform an action generally within the range of what the Aka Manah would want – which at least will be “some kind of Evil action that isn’t also Chaotic” (as defined by the alignment arguments of your table), or an attack against their own allies. If she is present at the time, she may in fact declare the action, however at any rate it must be something within their capabilities and take no longer than one full round. This effect ends at the start of the new moon, or as soon as it finishes being activated, or by the application of a Dispel Evil, Dispel Law, Remove Curse or Break Enchantment effect. A character cannot have more than one Seed of Betrayal lying dormant at a time.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Aka Manah gains a number of additional Spell- Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 7 + half her hit dice+ her (very high) Charisma Bonus.

Limitless Beguilement (Su): starting at level two, the Aka Manah can Beguile at will.

Taste of Power (Su): the third-level Aka Manah can show Celestials, just for a moment, what they could achieve if they joined the forces of the Nine Hells. Furthermore, for just a moment they think as though they already had. If she successfully uses her Beguile ability on a Good Outsider, then for the next minute, they lose any of the following: Angel Traits, Archon Traits, Eladrin Traits, Guardinal Traits. They instead gain Baatezu Traits for the duration, with the exception of the Summon ability, temporarily treat their Alignment as Lawful Evil (and thus their personalities and goals will be filtered through this new outlook and allegiance), and enjoy a +4 Profane Bonus to their Strength score. At the end of this minute, they are allowed another Will Save. If successful, they shake the effects off, probably feel conflicted or just terrible or maybe angry, but still have to deal with the Seed of Betrayal. If failed, they are subject to a Suggestion (typically pointing them towards helping a single goal of the Aka Manah, or simply fighting their own kind or recruiting others and turning them towards her agenda) and for the duration of the Suggestion the change of Alignment and Subtypes remain, as does the Strength Bonus.

Moment of Peace (Su): starting at level six, the Aka Manah is able to create a brief opening for conversation, a halt to the onset of hostilities. Once somebody makes an attack (including attacks that don’t use actual attack rolls or cause hit point damage, be sensible here) this ability won’t work, but at any point before that, including as a special out-of-turn action when Initiative is first rolled, she may use a Free Action to create a pulse out to a sixty foot radius. All in the area treat everyone else in the area as having a Sanctuary effect (with a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) for one minute, however as soon as one person passes the save and performs an attack, the effect ends for everyone.

Origin of Evil (Su): three times per day, the seventh-level Aka Manah can unleash a pulse of evil thoughts, creating ideas that permeate others and make them commit evil they had never previously committed. This extends out to Long Range, and affects every mortal creature within range. All ffected creatures must save against her Beguile ability (including the Seed of Betrayal), except instead of her controlling their actions, they simply take the most Evil or treasonous, backstabbing action instantly available to them. These actions are never considered Chaotic even if you think they should.

Convert Outsider (Su): at level eight, the Aka Manah gains the ability to convert enemies to her cause. With a Full Round Action, she must reach out and touch the forehead of a Helpless non-Devil Outsider. If they don’t have a forehead, she just needs to touch them at all. The target is allowed one Will Save (DC 15 + her Charisma Bonus), and if they fail, their Subtypes actually change – they cease being an Archon, Deva, Angel, Eladrin, Tanar’ri, Loumara, Obyrith, Guardinal or whatever else, and become a Baatezu (gaining a sufficiently weak Summon ability that it would be reasonable for their CR - Use the Dominions of the Infernal feat as a guideline, with a base 75% chance of success, up to 100% if you halve the number summoned or down to 50% if you double it). Their Alignment becomes Lawful Evil (and their Alignment-based subtypes change accordingly), she gains permanent control over them as though by an Instantaneous version of Dominate Monster, and if they have a CR of 8 or more, they may elect to instantly transform into an Erinyes.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Devil: Dogai
Fiendish Codex 2, page 114. CR 11, level 12

Third Party
Typically an infernal contract will refer to "The Party in the First Part (The First Party)" for the mortal and "The Party in the Second Part (The Second Party)" for the devil offering the contract. There is the possibility for "One or more Parties in the Third Part (heretoafter known as Third Party or Parties)". Putting aside the first nine pages of legalese definitions, the Assassin Devil serves as this Third Party: the one who will help bring things to their natural conclusion, hastening the death of the mortal so that their soul may be harvested. This isn't the only job for the Third Party - they do plenty of regular assassinations and other killings, and general Rogue tasks, but it is perhaps their area of specialty.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
Proficiency: the Third Party gains proficiency with all Simple and Martial weapons
1+1+0+2+2Sneak Attack +1d6, Cloak of Discretion, Disguise Self 3/day
2+2+0+3+3Contractual Stipulations, Phantasmal Killer 3/day
3+3+1+3+3Death Attack, Mass Blindness and Deafness 1/day
4+4+1+4+4Sneak Attack +2d6, Greater Shadow Form, True Seeing 1/day
5+5+1+4+4Death by a Thousand Cuts, Quickened Flesh to Stone 1/day
6+6+2+5+5Mind Blank, Finger of Death 1/day
7+7+2+5+5Sneak Attack +3d6, Trap the Soul 1/day
8+8+2+6+6Killing Strike, Utterdark at will

Sneak Attack (Ex): at level one, the Third Party’s Sneak Attack ability improves by 1d6. Every three levels beyond this, it increases by another 1d6.

Cloak of Discretion (Su): the Third Party constantly has a Nondetection effect active at a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. If Dispelled, it resumes at the start of its next turn.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at every level the Third Party gains access to a new Spell Like Ability. All of its Spell-Like Abilities, even those not from this class, have a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Contractual Stipulations (Su): starting at level two, the Third Party gains powerful access to those who form Infernal pacts. If it is specifically mentioned in the contract (not just as “a Third Party may retrieve...”), or the fiend who made the Pact formally requests so at a later date, the Third Party can cast Greater Scrying, Vision, and Discern Location at will, but only to target the named creature from the contract. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is Charisma-based.

Death Attack (Ex): if a target is completely unaware of the presence of a third-level Third Party, it may study the target – providing they are within Line of Sight. If it studies them for three full rounds, then the first time within the next minute that it hits them with a Sneak Attack, they must attempt a Fortitude Save or die instantly, with their soul trapped and claimed by the Third Party. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus.

Greater Shadow Form (Su): starting at level four, when the Third Party uses its Shadow Form ability it can choose to actually become Incorporeal. It does not have to do this, however.

Death by a Thousand Cuts (Ex): every time the fifth-level Third Party delivers its Sneak Attack to a target, it inflicts a cumulative -2 Dexterity Penalty. This Penalty lasts for an hour or the rest of the creature’s life, whichever is shorter.

Mind Blank (Su): the sixth-level Third Party is constantly protected by a Mind Blank effect with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. If the effect is Shattered or similar, it resumes after 1d4 rounds.

Killing Strike (Su): the Sneak Attack of the eighth-level Third Party is particularly deadly. Any time it delivers a Sneak Attack, all of the damage completely ignores Damage Reduction, Hardness, and Energy Resistances.

New Feat:

Contractual Incentives [Monstrous]
As part of the deal laid out in the contract, the party in the third part receives certain benefits conducive to fulfilling their own contractual obligations. It's in the fine print.
Requiremetns: Dogai, Contractual Stipulations class feature
Benefit: you gain one of the following Exotic Methods of the Dungeonomicon Assassin class: Carrier, Poison of the Cockatrice, Killer Faerie Arts, Proxy Assassin, Dimensional Rip
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Devil: Erinyes
Monster Manual, page 54. CR 8, level 9

Erinyes Recruitment Specialist
The Erinyes Recruitment Specialist is designed for getting mortal allies in the Blood War - and for that matter the war against the Heavens. They are good at blending into human societies, and they gain a huge array of Spell-Like Abilities. They can largely work like a Cleric or a Bard. Although plenty of their abilities can be used to help allies out in the field and keep the team fighting well, they're especially good at giving aid to mortals who need a shortcut and are willing to pay the price. They also cast a bunch of Exalted Good spells, despite being super Evil, and don't even suffer penalties for doing so, which helps "prove" that they're on your side (they're not).

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (any), Profession (any), Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
1+1+0+2+2Tongues, Incite Hatred, Cure Light Wounds 3/day, Disguise Self, Sorrow, Ease Pain 3/day
2+2+0+3+3Projected Demeanour, Poison, Elation 1/day, Remove Addiction 1/day, Remove Disease
3+3+1+3+3Beguile, Cure Critical Wounds 3/day, Inflict Serious Wounds, Misdirection, Addiction
4+4+1+4+4Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Love's Pain 3/day, Heal 1/day, Harm 1/day, Remove Curse
5+5+1+4+4Wrack, Sustain 1/day, Blinding Beauty 1/day, Crushing Despair, Scrying 1/day
6+6+2+5+5Planeshift, Psychic Poison, Identify Transgressor, Raise Dead 1/day, Telepathy Block
7+7+2+5+5Dominance, Forbidden Speech, Mind Fog, Morality Undone, False Sending 1/day
8+8+2+6+6Celestial Blood 1/day, Mass Suggestion 3/day, Mass Heal 1/day, Soul's Treasure Lost 1/day
9+9+3+6+6Incite Rebellion, Mind Blank, Empyreal Ecstasy 1/day, Greater Dispel, Resurrection 1/day
10+10+3+7+7Trap the Soul 3/day, Spread of Contentment 1/day, Unearthly Beauty 1/day, Demand 3/day
11+11+3+7+7Convert Outsider, End to Strife 1/day, Sublime Revelry 1/day, Mass Hold Monster

Tongues (Su): the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist has a constant Tongues effect active, allowing her to speak with anybody who understands a language.

Incite Hatred (Su): specialising in turning people against her own enemies, the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist can speak out against an enemy and inflame her allies with hatred against them. She spends a Standard Action directing their ire, and then all willing allies within Line of Sight may treat that one enemy as a Favoured Enemy as though they were Rangers with a level equal to her class level (as though that enemy was chosen at first level, then increased at every opportunity - so +6 if they are tenth level, for instance). This lasts until they lose sight of either her or the enemy, or until the enemy is slain, whichever happens first. If the foe is a Demon, the bonuses are treated as though they are Rangers with a level equal to her hit dice if that's better.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist gains access to a lot of new Spell-Like Abilities that help her seem like a Cleric. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. If no usage limit is listed, an ability can be used at will.

Projected Demeanour (Ex): starting at second level, the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist makes an ideal spy. At any time, she can use a Standard Action to think hard about how she wishes to detect, and from that point on, she simply does. When this ability is in use, she is detected as though she has the Alignment she desires, and not her own Alignment and Sub-Types.

Poison (Ex): at level two, the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist has a venomous kiss to make her just as dangerous a lover as her hated enemy the Succubus. With a melee touch attack, she can bestow this in combat (provoking an Attack of Opportunity if she is not already grappling them), or out of combat by tricking the target into accepting it. The Save DC against the poison is 8 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus, and it deals 1d6 Intelligence and Wisdom damage as both the Primary and Secondary damage.

Beguile (Su): as a [Mind-Affecting] Enchantment effect, the third-level Erinyes Recruitment Specialist can temporarily command her foes. She spends a Standard Action targeting someone within Close Range, and they must then pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or be Dominated for a single round.

Dominance (Sp): the Summoning ability of a seventh-level Erinyes Recruitment Specialist is truly awesome. It can be used three times per day, has a 100% success rate, and can be used to conjure any Outsider (not just Devils) with a CR 4 less than her own (or lower). In the case of non-Devils, however, she must have had faced and defeated one before, exerting her dominance over it so that the planes accept her superiority and her right. Note that even slaying one works, she doesn't have to make it cry uncle by locking in a double wrist lock, although that'd be pretty cool.

Incite Rebellion (Su): the ninth-level Erinyes Recruitment Specialist is best at turning people against the feeble, temporary gods of the realms. Her Incite Hatred ability works against Celestials as though they were Demons (granting the potentially bigger bonus). Additionally, once per week she can use a Full Round Action to summon Violet Rain (Book of Vile Darkness) for the standard duration, centring the effect on wherever she is standing when casting the power.

Convert Outsider (Su): at level eleven, the Erinyes Recruitment Specialist gains the ability to convert enemies to her cause. With a Full Round Action, she must reach out and touch the forehead of a Helpless non-Devil Outsider. If they don’t have a forehead, she just needs to touch them at all. The target is allowed one Will Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus), and if they fail, their Subtypes actually change – they lose the Archon, Deva, Angel, Eladrin, Tanar’ri, Loumara, Obyrith, Guardinal or whatever Subtype, and gain the Baatezu Subtype. Their Alignment becomes Lawful Evil (and they change any Alignment Subtypes to Lawful and Evil), she gains permanent control over them as though by an Instantaneous version of Dominate Monster, and if they have a CR of 8 or more, they may instantly elect to transform into an Erinyes.

New Feat:

Greater Entangle [Monstrous]
You are particularly good at animating simple ropes to constrict and strangle foes.
Requirement: Erinyes
Benefits: when using the Entangle ability, you may have the length of rope animate and act as an Assassin Vine with a Base Attack Bonus and Base Saving Throws equal to your own, and its attacks being treated as having a +1 Enhancement Bonus (thus being magic weapons). If reduced to zero hit points, it is sufficiently destroyed to be useless as rope after this point. Additionally, with a Standard Action, you may transform rope to steel after it has entangled somebody. It ceases being animated, but the difficulty to break free increases: it gains Hardness 10, has 30 Hit Points, and a Break DC of 30. Additionally, you may use an animated rope to perform any Trip, Disarm or Grapple attempt as though you were the one making the attempt - using your own bonuses and special options.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Fury of the Nine Hells
The Fury of the Nine Hells is the Erinyes who decides that "flying archer" is a good life goal - and let's face it, that's a pretty good life goal. They get various abilities that make them better at flying and shooting people, and they also get particular hatred of various Outsiders. They fill the role of a Ranger that wants to succeed in life, so not a PHB Ranger.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes, Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Proficiencies: the Fury gains proficiency with Light Armour and all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+0+2+2Favoured Enemy (Denial), Sky Archer
2+2+0+3+3Seeking Arrows, Fear Arrow
3+3+1+3+3Favoured Enemy (Overwhelm), Superior Flight
4+4+1+4+4Stunning Arrow, Extended Hatred
5+5+1+4+4Favoured Enemy (Repulsion), Green Steel Blessing
6+6+2+5+5Distant Shot
7+7+2+5+5Favoured Enemy (Immunity), Planar Storm Breach
8+8+2+6+6Arrow Storm, Extended Hatred
9+9+3+6+6Favoured Enemy (Obliteration), Frenzied Focus
10+10+3+7+7One Shot
11+11+3+7+7Arrows of Fiery Power, Extended Hatred

Favoured Enemy (Su): the Fury of the Nine Hells hates the Succubus/Incubus and Lilitu more than all else. She has those specific creatures as a Favoured Enemy as though she were a Ranger of a level equal to her hit dice (as though choosing them at Ranger level one and increasing it at every fifth level). At level four, it improves to include all Tanar’ri. At level eight it covers all of Demonkind, and at level eleven it covers all Outsiders, even her fellow Devil. Furthermore, it grants additional effects that help fight these foes. At first level, she is Immune to Telepathy, Detect Thoughts and Level Drain/Energy Drain/Negative Levels.
At level three, she adds the Favoured Enemy Bonus to Caster Level checks to pierce their Spell Resistance, and treats her Critical Multiplier as one higher against them.
At level five, she may use a Standard Action at will to force all Favoured Enemies within 30 feet to back off to the edge of that area and then Cower for 1d6 rounds. This is resisted with a Will Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus).
At level seven she becomes Immune to being Charmed, Slowed, Confused/Insane, Dominated, and specifically to Suggestion (and variants such as Mass Suggestion or Demand) and Chaos Hammer.
At level nine, any time she hits one of her Favoured Enemies, they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half her level + her Strength Bonus) or be utterly destroyed, as a [Death] effect. A creature that saves is immune to this until her next turn.

Sky Archer (Ex): any time the Fury of the Nine Hells makes a ranged attack (including a ranged touch attack) against a creature at a lower altitude, she becomes especially good at picking out weak points and ignores all material-based Damage Reduction. She also enjoys a doubled Threat Range when doing that.

Seeking Arrows (Su): starting at second levels, whenever the Fury of the Nine Hells is at a higher altitude than her foe, she ignores all Cover and Concealment other than Full Cover and Full Concealment.

Fear Arrow (Su): the arrows of the second-level Fury of the Nine Hells can cause fear, no matter how mundane and nonmagical they used to be before she fired them. Once per round she declares an arrow to be a fear arrow before making an attack roll, and if it hits her opponent, they must pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or become Frightened for 3 rounds.

Superior Flight (Ex): at third level, the flight of the Fury of the Nine Hells improves to a speed of 120’ (Perfect).

Stunning Arrow (Su): once per round, the fourth-level Fury of the Nine Hells may imbue an arrow with magic such that the target reels back, unaware of their surroundings. She designates any one arrow fired before making the attack roll, and if it hits, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or be Stunned for one round.

Green Steel Blessing (Su): any arrow fired by a fifth-level Fury of the Nine Hells strikes as though made from Baatorian Green Steel, even if it isn’t. It bypasses Damage Reduction as though made of Cold Iron (regardless of altitude), and if it hits an Outsider other than a Baatezu, the target is Sickened for one round.

Distant Shot (Su): starting at level six, the Fury of the Nine Hells is able to fire ranged weapons out as far as she can see, completely ignoring Range Increments.

Planar Storm Breach (Su): with a Standard Action, the seventh-level Fury of the Nine Hells can shoot a hole through the sky, assuming she has unobstructed access to it. Doing so causes no immediate effects, but at the start of her following turn, unleashes a Flame Strike, Sunbeam, Sunburst, Cometfall or Ice Storm effect (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus).

Arrow Storm (Ex): starting at level eight, the Fury of the Nine Hells is as dangerous to everyone she can see as she is to anyone she can see. With a Full Round Action, she can make one attack roll, and apply that against every single target within Line of Sight. She does not have to target a given creature in the area, but if there are two hundred orcs she can jolly well shoot all of them at once.

Frenzied Focus (Ex): at level nine, the Fury of the Nine Hells lives up to her name by learning how to enter a furious rage that is focused on a single foe. Doing so requires a Move-Equivalent Action, but after that, she remains focused until the foe is slain, she loses sight of them, or she passes a Will Save (DC = 10 + the focused creature’s CR), using a Swift Action to attempt the save. In the meantime, she acts as though perpetually Hasted, ingores all Damage Reduction and Regeneration of all kinds, but is denied her Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against all creatures other than the focused target. Additionally, she is unable to attack any other target while in the Frenzied Focus.

One Shot (Ex): the tenth-level Fury of the Nine Hells can take one shot, or one opportunity, to shoot a fool in the face and turn them into Mom’s spaghetti or something. With a Full Round Action, she makes a single ranged attack against a single foe. If the attack hits, it automatically becomes a confirmed Critical Hit and deals maximum damage, including extra dice from other effects.

Arrows of Fiery Power (Su): any bow wielded by the eleventh-level Fury of the Nine Hells has the Fiery Blast epic property, bestowing it upon the arrows as normal.
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