[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Important note: Since the spoiler tags still do not work, some of my posts in this thread will be a little hard to read. I hope that everyone can bear with the clutter as I run this Let's Play, since the issues are apparently not getting resolved anytime soon.


Hello folks. After a plethora of embarrassing deaths while still managing to score two ascensions in The November Nethack Tournament, I am back and ready to host a FF Let’s Play. A couple of weeks ago, I acquired a copy of Fighting Fantasy Book #51, which will be the subject of this Let’s Play. Anyone interested in joining our attempt to complete this adventure is welcome. The plan is to update this thread on a twice per day basis, with the exception of Sundays, where I will try to update more frequently on those days. The exception will be during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, as I will not have reliable access to the Internet on these days.

The storm-wracked Strait of Knives in south-east Allansia has long been under the protection of the mysterious sorcerers of Solani Island. For many years their magic has protected the local people from the ravages of the seas, but now, it seems, their power has been usurped. An evil force holds sway across the land, an evil that seems to have power over life and death itself!

A heroic adventurer is urgently needed to journey to Solani Island and discover what has happened to the wizards. Dare YOU be that adventurer? Who knows what terrible fate awaits you on the island where death holds dominion ... there is only one way to find out!

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need to embark on this awesome adventure, which comes complete with its own elaborate combat system and a score sheet to record your progress.

Many dangers lie ahead, and your success is anything but certain. Powerful sorcerous enemies are ranged against you, and it’s up to YOU to decide which route to follow, which dangers to risk and which foes to fight. The mystery of Solani Island must be solved!
Before embarking on this adventure, you must first determine your strengths and weaknesses. You use dice to determine your initial SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores. On pages 20-21 there is an Adventure Sheet on which you may keep the details of your adventure. There you will find boxes to record your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores.

You are advised either to record your scores on the Adventure Sheet in pencil or to make photocopies of the page for use in your future attempts to complete this adventure.
For the purposes of this thread, the Adventure Sheet will be hand-made and will be periodically displayed.

Skill, Stamina and Luck
Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter the total thus obtained in the SKILL box on the Adventure Sheet (so your SKILL will be between 7 and 12).

Roll two dice. Add 12 to the number rolled and enter this total in the STAMINA box on the Adventure Sheet (so your STAMINA will be between 14 and 24).

Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter the total in the LUCK box on the Adventure Sheet (so your LUCK will be between 7 and 12).

For reasons that will be explained below, SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores change constantly during your adventure. You must keep an accurate record both of these scores and of the changes to them: for this reason you are advised either to write small in the boxes of to keep an eraser handy. Never rub out your Initial scores, however. Although you may be awarded additional SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK points, these bonuses cannot raise any score above its Initial figure except very rarely, and you will then be instructed to that effect in a particular paragraph.

Your SKILL score reflects your swordsmanship and general fighting expertise; the higher the better. Your STAMINA score reflects your general constitution, your will to survive, your determination and your overall fitness, and your ability to absorb blows in battle; the higher your STAMINA score, the longer you will be able to survive. Your LUCK score indicates how naturally lucky a person you are. Luck and magic are facts of life in the exciting fantasy world you are about to explore.
Making the appropriate rolls and modifications yielded the following initial scores:
LUCK: 10

So, our hero has very good Skill and decent Luck. With average Stamina thrown into the mix, this protagonist should be able to come out strong in this adventure.

During your adventure you may find some magic artefacts, although at first you will probably not realize that they are magic nor even be sure what they do! Such objects may give you the ability to cast a magic spell or to create a magical effect; if you find such an item, you will be instructed in its use in the paragraph in which you first come across it. To begin with, however, you are not a mage but a brave warrior, and you must overcome your enemies by your wits and courage and by the use of your sword!
You will often find yourself reading paragraphs in the book which instruct you to fight a creature of some sort. An option to flee may be given, but if not – or if you choose to attack the creature anyway – you must resolve the battle as described below.

First record your opponent’s SKILL score and STAMINA score in the first vacant Monster Encounter Box on your Adventure Sheet. The scores for each creature are given every time you have an encounter. The sequence for combat is then:

1. Roll two dice for the opponent. Add its SKILL score. This total is the creature’s Attack Strength.

2. Roll two dice for yourself. Add your own SKILL score to the number rolled. This total is your Attack Strength.

3. If your Attack Strength is higher than that of your opponent, you have wounded it: proceed to step 4. If your opponent’s Attack Strength is higher than yours, it has wounded you: proceed to step 5. If both Attack Strengths are the same, you have avoided each other’s blows; start the next Attack Round from step 1, above.

4. You have wounded your opponent, so subtract 2 points from its STAMINA score. (You may use your LUCK here to do additional damage – see below.) Proceed to step 6.

5. Your opponent has wounded you, so subtract 2 points from your own STAMINA score. (Again, you may use your LUCK here to reduce the amount of damage your opponent does to you – see below.) Proceed to step 6.

6. Make the appropriate deduction either to your opponent’s or to your own STAMINA score (and to your LUCK score if you used LUCK – see below.)

7. Begin the next Attack Round (repeat steps 1-6). The sequence continues until the STAMINA of either you or your opponent has been reduced to zero (death).
Fighting More Than One Creature
If you come across more than one opponent in a particular encounter, the instructions in the relevant paragraph will tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimes you will have to fight them all together; sometimes you will be able to fight them one after the other.
At various times during your adventure, either in battles or when you are faced by situations in which you could be either Lucky or Unlucky (details of these are given in the relevant paragraphs), you may call on your LUCK to make the outcome more favourable to you. But beware! Using LUCK is a risky business, and if you are Unlucky, the results could be unfortunate or even disastrous!

The procedure for using your LUCK is as follows: roll two dice. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your current LUCK score, you have been Lucky and the outcome will be helpful to you. If the number rolled is higher than your current LUCK score, you have been Unlucky and will have to pay the penalty for being Unlucky.

This action is known as Testing your Luck. Each time you Test your Luck, you must subtract 1 point from your current LUCK score, whether the outcome is successful or unsuccessful! Thus you will soon come to realize that, the more you rely on your LUCK, the more risky this procedure will become.

If things go so badly that your LUCK is reduced to 1 or zero, you will automatically be Unlucky whenever you are forced to Test your Luck. So, be cautious out there!

Using Luck in Battles
Periodically throughout your adventure you will be instructed to Test your Luck; you will then be told the consequences of your being Lucky or Unlucky. However, in battles you always have the option of using your LUCK, either to inflict more serious damage on a creature you have just wounded or to reduce the seriousness of a wound the creature has just inflicted on you.

If you have just wounded an opponent you are fighting, you may Test your Luck as described above. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound and may deduct 2 extra points from your opponent’s STAMINA score (so that your blow reduces its STAMINA by 4 points rather than the usual 2 points). However, if you are Unlucky, the wound was a mere graze and you must restore 1 point to your opponent’s STAMINA score so that, instead of your blow reducing your opponent’s STAMINA by the usual 2 points, you may deduct only 1 point from its STAMINA).

If your opponent has just wounded you, you may Test your Luck to try to reduce the effect of this wound. If you are Lucky, you have managed to avoid the full impact of the blow and may restore 1 point to your own STAMINA (instead of your opponent’s blow causing 2 points of damage to your STAMINA, it is reduced to only 1 point). But if you are Unlucky, then you have suffered a more serious blow and must deduct 1 extra STAMINA point (so that your opponent’s blow causes damage worth 3 STAMINA points rather than the usual 2 points).
For the purposes of this Let’s Play, the attack rounds will be resolved all at once. I will generally only consider using Luck in battles if the character has less than 7 Stamina points. For such battles, I will ask whether Luck should be used to improve the odds of winning the fight. In battles where escape is an option and the character has less than 7 Stamina points, I will also ask whether the character should escape from the battle and under which conditions to do so.

Testing Your Skill
Sometimes you will be instructed to Test your Skill. This happens when you try to achieve something and are uncertain of success; how skilful you are will affect the outcome. You Test your Skill by rolling two dice and adding the scores together. If the total rolled is less than or equal to your SKILL, you are successful. If the total rolled is greater than your SKILL, you have failed. The appropriate paragraph will tell you what the results of success and failure are when you have had to Test your Skill. However, do not subtract any points from your SKILL score for Testing your Skill in this way; this is the crucial difference between Testing your Skill and Testing your Luck!
There is also a box on your Adventure Sheet for recording your PRESENCE score. PRESENCE is a measure of your force of personality and your will to survive in the tough struggles that lie ahead. If your PRESENCE score is high, you will create a favourable impression with some of the people and creatures you may meet – but you may also be more likely to attract the enmity and the unwanted attention of evil, life-hating creatures and monsters.

Roll one die then halve the number rolled, rounding fractions up. Add 4 to this new number and enter the total in the PRESENCE box on your Adventure Sheet (so this score will be between 5 and 7).
Rolling the die yielded a 2, providing a starting PRESENCE score of 5 after applying the appropriate modifications.

Restoring Skill, Stamina, Luck and Presence
Your SKILL score will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally a paragraph may give an instruction to increase or decrease your SKILL score. A Magic Weapon may increase your SKILL – but remember that only one weapon can be used at a time! You cannot claim two SKILL bonuses for carrying two Magic Swords. Your SKILL score cannot exceed its Initial score unless you are specifically instructed to the contrary.

Stamina and Provisions
Your STAMINA score will go up and down a lot during your adventure as you fight enemies and undertake arduous tasks. As you near your goal, your STAMINA score may fall dangerously low, and battles may become particularly risky, so be careful!

Your backpack contains enough Provisions for 12 meals. You may rest and have something to eat at any time except when fighting, but you may eat only one meal at a time. Eating a meal restores 4 STAMINA points. When you eat a meal, add 4 points to your current STAMINA score and deduct 1 point from your Provisions on the Adventure Sheet. Remember that you have a long way to go, so use your Provisions wisely! Remember also that your STAMINA score may never exceed its Initial value unless you are specifically instructed otherwise in a paragraph.

There will be times during your adventure when you will be instructed that you must eat a meal. When you are told to do this, deduct 1 point from your Provisions on your Adventure Sheet, but you do not regain any lost STAMINA this time. If you have to eat a meal but you don’t have any Provisions left, you must deduct 2 points from your current STAMINA score.

During your adventure, however, you should be able to acquire at least some extra Provisions to add to the store you begin with. This will enable you to keep STAMINA up during your adventure. However, you cannot carry more than 12 Provisions at any one time!

Your LUCK score will also change during the adventure as you Test your Luck. Additions to your LUCK score may also be awarded when you have been especially fortunate; likewise, you may be told to reduce your LUCK score when you have made a particularly crucial mistake; details of such events are given in the appropriate paragraphs of the book. Remember that, as with SKILL and STAMINA scores, your LUCK may never exceed its Initial value unless you are specifically told this.

Your PRESENCE score may well change several times during the adventure: it may be drained by particular attacks you will undergo or it may be replenished or even raised in places by special encounters or through powerful magic. Your PRESENCE score may well exceed its Initial value if you are very fortunate, although it must never exceed a value of 12.
You will start your adventure with very little equipment indeed. All you have is a simple knife, a waterskin and enough Provisions for 12 meals in your backpack, and some simple fisherman’s clothes – fortunately, these are well made to keep you warm and safe from the elements and, with your stout leather jerkin, are as good as leather armour.

You do not possess either of the following at the very beginning of your adventure: a sword or a shield for self-protection. You should try to get hold of these items as quickly as possible! You will suffer important combat penalties if you do not possess them. If you do not have a sword, just the knife you begin your adventure with, you must roll one die each time you manage to hit an enemy in combat. If you roll a 5 or a 6, you have been fortunate and may deduct the usual 2 points from your opponent’s STAMINA. If you roll 1-4, however, you inflict only 1 point of STAMINA loss on your enemy. A knife simply isn’t as good a weapon as a sword. If you do not have a shield, you must deduct 1 point from your SKILL when fighting.

You will sometimes find treasure in the form of Gold Pieces or valuable objects: you should record any items you find in the Treasure box on your Adventure Sheet. Your opportunities for trading Treasure for help and information will be very limited in the course of this adventure, but you should still be honest about keeping an accurate record of how much Treasure you obtain!

A special feature of this adventure is that you should always keep empty potion bottles (if you manage to find magic potions) after you have drunk their contents, because the bottles may come in handy as containers later on! Make sure, when you drink a magic potion, that you cross the potion off your Possessions list on your Adventure Sheet; then record ‘empty potion bottle’ elsewhere on the Adventure Sheet.
Hints on Play
Your journey will be perilous and you may well fail on your first attempt. Make notes and draw a map as you explore – this map will prove invaluable in later forays in the adventure, and it will enable you to progress more rapidly to unexplored regions.

Not all areas contain treasure or useful information: many contain traps and wild creatures which you will no doubt fall foul of. You may take wrong turnings during your quest and, while you may indeed progress through to your ultimate destination, it is by no means certain that you will find what you are searching for. However, the more areas you explore, the better the chance you have for success in the adventure ahead.

Be very wary about Testing your Luck unless you are told that you must do this! Generally, when it comes to fights you should Test your Luck only to keep yourself alive when an opponent’s blow would otherwise kill you (so far as reducing your STAMINA loss from your opponent’s blows is concerned). Don’t Test your Luck in order to try to do extra damage to your enemy unless this is really necessary! LUCK points are precious.

You will quickly realize that paragraphs make no sense if read in numerical order. It is essential that you read only the paragraphs you are instructed to go to. Reading other paragraphs lessens the excitement and surprise during play.

The only true way to success in the adventure involves minimizing risk; any player, no matter how weak his or her initial dice-rolls, should be able to struggle through to final success and glory.

May the luck of the gods go with you on the adventure ahead!
Please keep all spoilers covered out of respect to those of us who want to have a blind experience. Any ties will be broken by me based on my personal instincts.

Now, the second to last paragraph of the Hints on Play section is a flat out lie. This is because we are dealing with a rather difficult meatgrinder adventure here, and our hero will need extra help in order to have a respectable chance of survival. This help will take the form of up to 3 boons of any of the below types:

Rewinds: If our hero dies from any cause other than Stamina loss, the story will be reverted to a previous choice, with the Adventure Sheet being modified to what it was at that point in the story. A rewind will be used for each decision away from the death that we choose to send our hero back to. For example, if our hero starts with 3 rewinds, we can rewind to a maximum of 3 choices before the death occurred. This mechanic is to ensure that we remain careful in our decisions, as rewinds are not able to take our hero too far back from the death in question.

Restorations: If our hero’s Stamina falls to 0 in any way, it will be restored to its initial score after reducing initial Stamina by 2. This penalty to initial Stamina is to ensure that we are sensible in maintaining Stamina should our hero take a restoration or two.

Entity Wishes: If our hero does not have an item or know something that a section asks for, the said item or knowledge can be requested by using an entity wish. Any important information that would be obtained by normally getting the wished-for entity will also be provided.

Life isn’t easy in the small fishing towns along the coast facing the Strait of Knives in Allansia. The poor soil of the land, together with the heat and droughts, doesn’t yield much in the way of crops to sustain life. Still, it’s better than living on the far side of the Glimmering Sea and having to suffer the predations of marauding Lizard Men from the swamplands of Silur Cha. And the fishing here is good; it’s how most people make a living. In the past, howling winds whipped the sea into massive waves and whirlpools along the coastline, and violent storms could brew up in an hour or less, until the wizards came to Solani Island.

Why the magicians chose Solani as their home, no one is certain. Perhaps they liked the solitude, since they had to share their island with just a small community of monks, who didn’t bother them. The wizards were specialists, using the magic of the elements in their studies. They soon came to an arrangement with the folk of the fishing villages which benefited everyone. The fisherfolk left the wizards alone and kept them regularly supplied with food, wine, cloth, tools – and with those raw materials for their magical experiments which couldn’t be found on the island: balls of sulphur, vials of quicksilver, pure silver and bronze. The villagers are poor people and normally cannot afford such rarities, but the wizards’ part of their bargain more than recompensed them for their offerings: in return, the wizards used their power to calm the elements. Storms and gales no longer afflicted the coast and the waters now were calm and offered excellent fishing. With such rich pickings available to them, and able to fish every day, the villagers could sell their excess catch to passing ships, to sell on to others along the coast who could not rely on such good harvests from the sea. The wizards let it be known that they would not take kindly to others coming in and stealing the fish from your home waters, and other folk were wise enough not to incur the wrath of the wizards! The wizards were held in high esteem; why, they even set up a magical beacon of light in the old lighthouse on Solani, to protect ships approaching from the open sea.

Recently, though, something has clearly gone wrong. A bad storm a week ago drowned all the men on board one fishing vessel, the first loss of people to the seas for some years. There have been rumours of a dead man being washed ashore from the wreck; they said that the corpse walked on the sands and killed two goatherds before it was destroyed by fishermen. Then, just last night, a freak wave swept in along the shoreline and overwhelmed two more fishing boats, killing a dozen men.

Something is wrong in Solani, and the livelihoods of many hundreds of people are threatened. That includes you! Although you have listened to seamen’s tales and you have longed for a life of adventure in the strange and wonderful lands they speak of, you still support your family by fishing with your father and brothers.

The elders of the villages met and decided that a group of men must go to Solani in the strongest, stoutest boat the village can muster. The morning weather looked set fair, sunny and calm, a beautiful summer’s morning with the gulls crying and swooping over the azure waters. Everyone aboard took a weapon and strapped on leather armour, uncertain what menaces Solani Island might present. The boat made it half-way across the strait before a wave rose almost vertically upwards from a placid sea and smashed down over it. Men were swept overboard; two were crushed as the single mast broke across their backs, and the boat keeled over and soon sank.

You were swept into the raging current of the now-boiling sea, desperately holding your breath to stop yourself from drowning. You struggled against an inexorable force that was dragging you down, and your eyes saw only red before them as your heartbeat thumped in your ears. You couldn’t hold your breath any longer, as you passed out you knew you were going to die ... and you woke up lying on the shore and coughing brine from your sodden lungs. Mercifully, most of what you carried seems to be with you, and your food, wrapped in waterproof cloth, still looks fit to eat. Checking by the sun, you guess that you have been washed up on the western coast of Solani Island. You can’t see anyone else along the beach. Perhaps you are the only survivor of the wreck. Now it is up to you alone to solve the mystery of Solani and discover what terrible fate has befallen the wizards.
Now turn to paragraph 1.


Summoning what strength you have left, you get painfully to your feet and walk along the shoreline, looking for anything washed ashore from your ship. You’re almost ready to abandon the effort when you spot a ragged figure lying, face down, in the sand. You rush over to see if you can help the man and turn over his body. You recognize him: he was the navigator. Suddenly his muscles twitch, the dead eyes open and his hand claw at your throat! His corpse has been animated by some fell magic, and you will have to fight for your life!


If you win, you clamber up the sandy incline in order to get a better view around you. You notice some driftwood and planks being washed up by the tide from the north-east, although you saw no wreck when your boat sailed towards the bay. To your east is an expanse of barren, high moorland with jagged rocky outcrops scattered here and there. To the south, a fair expanse of woodland, starting in the near distance, extends well into the centre of the island and towards a western promontory. On the eastern edge of the woods a hillock rises; it would certainly make a good vantage-point for looking round the island. Lastly, just to the north of east, across the moorland, you can make out the white tower of a lighthouse. Will you head:

North-east along the coastline? Turn to 351
South towards the woodland? Turn to 57
East into the moorland? Turn to 90
South-east towards the hillock? Turn to 186
Towards the lighthouse? Turn to 333

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 12, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Damage Roll: 2;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 19
Round 2: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 8, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Damage Roll: 4;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 5, Player Stamina: 19
Round 3: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 1;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 19
Round 4: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 6;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 19
Round 5: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 12;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 17
Round 6: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Damage Roll: 1;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 17
Round 7: Sea Zombie Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Damage Roll: 2;
Sea Zombie Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 17[/spoiler]

Our hero manages to dispatch the Sea Zombie after taking 2 Stamina points of damage from a lucky blow that a Sea Zombie managed to land during the battle.

In addition to choosing which way to go, what name do you want to give our hero, and how many boons of each type should we take? Please make your decisions before 9:00 AM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by SGamerz »

I honestly don't think 3 boons and less-than-max stats are going to cut it for this one.

North-east along the coast-line.

2 Entity wishes and 1 Restoration.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, check out the driftwood and planks to the north-east.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

2 wishes, 1 restoration sounds good.

Northeast is fine.

Since we’re solving a spoopy mystery, we’ve got a lot of food to stuff our face with (12 Provisions in the era of these books where sometimes you get none) and the title makes me think of Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, name our character Shaggy.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I have registered your votes to head north-east along the coastline, and to take 2 Entity Wishes and 1 Restoration. I will leave name voting open until tonight since there is only one name vote right now.

You stride along the slowly ascending line of the cliff, through scrub grass and thick-leaved plants that are hardly enough to resist the head and the salt spray which whips in from the bay. Soon you can see the wreck of a middling-sized rowing boat, lying on some rocks just off the shoreline, some distance below you. You guess it may have come from your ship and could well have some supplies in it. A steep pebbled path leads down from the cliff-face there. Will you:

Walk down the path to get to the wreck? Turn to 221
Veer off to the east and into the main moorland? Turn to 90
Head towards the lighthouse? Turn to 333

In addition to the above choice, please make your votes on what to name our hero before 6:00 PM PST in order to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 11
STAMINA: 17 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 10 Initial Luck = 10
Leather Jerkin
2 Entity Wishes
1 Restoration[/spoiler]
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Walk down the path to get to the wreck.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Check out the wreck.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by SGamerz »

Check the wreck.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Okay, so I registered your votes to walk down the path to get to the wreck. Since there are no other name votes, I will name our hero Shaggy.

Clambering down the precipitous path then wading and swimming out to the wreck, while avoiding getting snagged by sharp rocks, takes some ability! Test your Skill. If you are successful, you negotiate these obstacles without harm. If you fail, you must deduct 2 points from your STAMINA because you gashed your leg on the rocks during your descent. You do make it to the wreck, however. The little boat has been broken by some rocks that jut above the gentle waves of the incoming tide. The water is so clear that you can see some objects lying, scattered, on the sand, some eight metres or so below; you can see a small chest, a fishing net and a large glass bottle.

If you decide not to dive from the wreck, turn to 387. If you want to dive, decide which object or objects you want to dive for, and in what order. You get only one chance per item (chest, net, bottle). Determine whether your dives are successful or not as follows: each time you dive, roll your dice and total the numbers rolled. If the total is less than, or equal to, your current STAMINA, you have been successful and you may retrieve the item you dived for. If the total exceeds your current STAMINA, you have failed and don’t get the object you dived for. For your second dive, you must add 2 to the number rolled by the four dice, and for your third and final dive you must add 4 to the total rolled. After determining the success or failure of your diving exploit, turn to 152.

Rolling the dice yielded a 3, meaning that Shaggy negotiated these obstacles without harm.

Important Note: According to publicly available errata, the text for this section should read “roll four dice” instead of “roll your dice.”

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 11
STAMINA: 17 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 10 Initial Luck = 10
Leather Jerkin
2 Entity Wishes
1 Restoration[/spoiler]
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Thaluikhain »

Chest seems like it might have useful stuff in it, so I recommend that first. Bottle and net seem likely to have something only checked at one point, so those later, but no opinion on order.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed. Chest, then net, then bottle.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Tue Nov 22, 2022 6:23 am
Bottle and net seem likely to have something only checked at one point.
Bottles are reusable in this book (used potions bottles shouldn't be discarded after its content has been drunk). This is probably the most interesting new feature Martin introduced for the book (which he kind of reused to a lesser extent in Legend of Zagor). I would definitely keep a look out for whatever empty bottles available throughout the LP.

That said, I agree that we should go for the chest first in this case. But I vote bottle next, then net.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ok, should have read intro text more carefully, instead of just skimming it because they are usually very similar.

OTOH, that makes me feel like we'll have lots of opportunities to collect bottles for various uses, but only possibly get 1 net for an item check, so my vote still stands.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

The decision to dive for the chest first is unanimous. I will break the 1-1 tie in the order to dive for the rest of the items by having Shaggy dive for the bottle second, then the net third.

Rolling the four dice for the chest dive yielded a total of 15, so Shaggy successfully retrieves the chest.

Rolling the four dice and adding 2 for the bottle dive yielded a total of 16, so Shaggy successfully retrieves the bottle.

Rolling the four dice and adding 4 for the net dive yielded a total of 23, so Shaggy fails to retrieve the net.

You are just coming back to the surface after your last dive when a pair of rubbery tentacles rises from the water and a jet of filthy blue-black gunk is squirted towards your face by a Squirting Octopus! You must Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, the gunk misses you. If you are Unlucky, you are splashed and partially blinded by the foul, inky mess, and you must deduct 1 point from your Attack Strength when you fight the Octopus. If you have a fishing net and want to use it here, turn to 305. Otherwise, turn to 77.


Rolling the dice yielded a 7, meaning that Shaggy was Lucky. :D

Shaggy does not have a fishing net, but one can be provided for Shaggy if an Entity Wish is used. Please make your votes on whether to use one for this purpose before 6:00 PM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 11
STAMINA: 17 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 10
Leather Jerkin
2 Entity Wishes
1 Restoration[/spoiler]
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I don't want to waste a wish on an octopus, especially since we're pretty close to land. Fight it normally.
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Post by SGamerz »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:29 pm
I don't want to waste a wish on an octopus, especially since we're pretty close to land. Fight it normally.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; an Entity Wish will not be used here.

The Squirting Octopus lashes at your face and limbs with its adhesive, grey-green-suckered tentacles – and, while the teeth in its beak may be small, they are razor sharp … and there are scores of them!


If you win, you may retrieve your fishing net. If you have acquired a chest from your diving, turn to 202. If you have no chest, but you managed to bring up a bottle, turn to 279. If you obtained neither, turn to 387.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 2;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 8, Player Stamina: 17
Round 2: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 6;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 17
Round 3: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 14;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 15
Round 4: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Damage Roll: 6;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 15
Round 5: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 12, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 4;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 15
Round 6: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 21;
Damage Roll: 6;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 15
Round 7: Squirting Octopus Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Damage Roll: 4;
Squirting Octopus Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 15[/spoiler]

Shaggy manages to kill the Squirting Octopus after taking only 2 Stamina damage from a single blow that the Squirting Octopus deals before dying.

Shaggy has acquired a chest from his diving, so we will now turn to paragraph 202.

You force open the lid of the black wooden chest. It contains no mountains of pearls or piles of gold doubloons … but what it has may be more valuable to you. You find a pot of thick glue, a sword and a small pouch with a few Gold Pieces in – 6, to be exact. Now, if you also salvaged a bottle, turn to 279.

Shaggy also salvaged a bottle.

The bottle contains almost a half a litre of best-quality olive oil. You’ve no immediate use for it, but you have a sneaking feeling that it may come in useful at some time in the future … turn to 387.


After wading back to land, where will you go? Will you head for:

The barren moorland to the east? Turn to 90
The distant lighthouse? Turn to 333
The southern woodland? Turn to 57
The hill in the middle of the island? Turn to 186

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 11
STAMINA: 15 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 10
Leather Jerkin
Pot of Thick Glue
Bottle of Olive Oil
6 Gold Pieces
2 Entity Wishes
1 Restoration[/spoiler]
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Let's try the lighthouse next.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by SGamerz »

Sure, might as well do this methodically starting with something that should be closer to the coast.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Thaluikhain »

Lighthouse sounds more likely to have stuff in in that random outside locations, so look there.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Check out the lighthouse.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 8:51 am
Lighthouse sounds more likely to have stuff in in that random outside locations, so look there.
Since this is a late Keith Martin book, I think we'd be finding stuff literally everywhere and will have to visit every single location to grab all the useful stuff. The question is which order they should be visited in so that we won't be randomly denied entry to one of them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Shaggy will head for the distant lighthouse.

You set off towards the lighthouse and soon find yourself standing before a sturdy door, slightly open, at the base of a white stone tower with a glass cupola on the top of it. No light is visible within the glass, and everything behind the door is pitch dark. Now you’re close to the clifftop, you can see that a small sailing ship has been wrecked down in the bay, just to the east of you; the disappearance of the magical light from the lighthouse has already claimed a victim. A rowing boat has been smashed on the rocks a short distance from the main vessel. Angry waves break over the headland below and spray is whipped in by a fierce east wind. The door of the lighthouse is hanging open and it periodically bangs in the breeze; drawing closer, you gain a distinct impression of cold and evil lurking in the darkness beyond. Will you:

Open the door and enter the lighthouse? Turn to 299
Descend and investigate the wreck? Turn to 291
Leave the area and find somewhere else to visit? Turn to 70


Please make your votes before 3:30 PM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Investigate the wreck. I'd like a little more information/items before dealing with the potential evil in the lighthouse.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 – Island of the Undead

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Makes sense to me. Check it out.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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