[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Beroli »

As you evade the pair of hill trolls again, they are rewound to a reset point, at which they take a different path in the hopes of catching you...

As you climb the rope-ladder, you hear the noise of shuffling feet on the platform above you. You climb through a hole in the platform, but you are not greeted by the Healer--you have intruded into the hideaway of a vicious Man-Orc. You draw your sword as he reaches for his axe.

MAN-ORC Skill 8 Stamina 6

Round One: Robert wins by 3. Man-Orc is at 4 Stamina.
Round Two: Man-Orc wins by 4. Robert is at 12 Stamina.
Round Three: Robert wins by 4. Man-Orc is at 2 Stamina.
Round Four: Man-Orc wins by 2. Robert is at 10 Stamina.
Round Five: Robert wins by 1. Victory.

The only items you find that might be of use are a candle and a tinder-box. You take them and climb back down the ladder to continue walking east up the gorge.

You walk round a large boulder and see a huge man sleeping in the shade. He is lying on top of some animal skins, snoring loudly. His two-handed battleaxe lies propped up against the boulder. He is a BARBARIAN and it would be foolish to wake him up, so you decide to tiptoe past him.

You are wearing boots of the elder elves.

You are able to walk silently past the sleeping Barbarian and continue up the gorge.
Phoenix.PNG (172.25 KiB) Viewed 2210 times
To your right you see a huge slab of rock; carved into it is the head of a fabulous bird surrounded by flames. Rough steps lead up the side of the rock slab to the mouth of a cave.

Enter the cave?
Continue up the gorge?

Adventure Sheet:
Robert Scott
Skill 10/11
Stamina 10/16
Luck 5/11
Provisions 0
Leather armor
Amulet of Courage
Magic Flute
1 iron ball (sling-sized)
Large dragon egg
Star-shaped disc
Square-shaped disc
Boots of the elder elves
148 Gold Pieces
Air elemental protection spell
Deaths: 9 (chomped by white dragon, blasted with magical energy by the spirit of the Snow Witch, blasted with magical energy by the spirit of the Snow Witch and then mauled by zombies, converted into Provisions by a hungry werewolf, slaughtered by two Hill Trolls, slaughtered by a different two Hills Trolls, killed by a Death Spell, bashed head in a dark cave, drowned in river)
Last edited by Beroli on Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Enter the cave, that's where the Healer lives.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to enter the cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Enter the cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Enter cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Beroli »

Healer.PNG (175.28 KiB) Viewed 2172 times
Peering into the cave, you see that it runs deep into the side of the hill. Torches cast an eerie light inside the cave, illuminating wooden carvings and masks that are hanging on the walls. You step inside and see a robed figure sitting on the floor with its back to you. Without turning around, the mysterious person says, 'I am the Healer. If you have come to be healed, stand before me now.' Your heart beats faster as you walk over to stand in front of him. Before you is a man who is horribly disfigured; his body is terribly twisted, but he sits there proudly, although pain registers on his face. You tell him that you have been cursed with a Death Spell and have come to be cured. The Healer nods his head and says, 'The power of a Death Spell is difficult to destroy. I have only managed to break it once, and it wasn't easy. A ritual has to be performed which you might not survive. Still, you must try. I will help you as much as I can. First, you must place a Mask of Life over your face to halt the spread of the Death Spell. If you survive the initial battle between life and death, you will be able to face the second stage of the reversal process.' The Healer than takes a strange mask off the wall, carved to symbolize the sun. As you place the mask over your face, you feel as though your body is being torn apart. Roll 1 die and take that much damage; your roll is 6.

The Healer walks over to you and puts his hands on your forehead. He mutters some strange words and stands back, saying, 'Later stages of the reversal process are also dangerous, but that danger can be reduced if you possess certain things. My help from now on will be limited as you will have to journey to another place to break the Death Spell completely. Please follow me.' The Healer walks further into the cave leading you to the edge of a pit. There is almost no light and you have to strain your eyes to see the outline of the Healer moving about. 'A log spans the pit before me and you must cross it to reach the inner cave. It will obviously be easier to cross it if you can see where you are going. Do you have a candle?' the Healer asks.

You do have a candle and tinderbox.

You light the candle and look across the pit. It is about 15 metres wide and the log is quite narrow. The Healer tells you to walk across it as soon as you are ready. Test your Skill; a 9 succeeds (and would have failed if you had no light and were rolling at a -2 penalty).

Walking slowly and carefully, you reach the other side of the pit, much to your relief. The Healer walks casually across the log as though the pit was not there. 'Good,' he says, 'now you must prepare yourself for the next stage. In order to survive, you must be totally calm. If you have a dragon's egg, I can make you a relaxing concoction.'

You do have a dragon's egg.

The Healer takes the egg from you and breaks off the top of the shell. He takes some powder out of a pendant hanging round his neck, and pours it into the egg. After stirring it with a stick, he hands it to you, telling you to drink it. You swallow the raw egg concoction, trusting the Healer's knowledge. He then tells you to walk ahead of him.
Banshee.PNG (175.33 KiB) Viewed 2172 times
You suddenly hear a woman howling terribly in the depths of the cave. Her mournful wail rises to a horrible, bitter scream. The Healer whispers to you that the cries come from a BANSHEE, a hideous spectre whose face and hands are shriveled and who only has one large nostril and a single tooth. He tells you that if you walk by her without fear, you will come to no harm. 'Do not speak to her, touch her or even acknowledge her presence. She cannot harm you if you obey my instructions. I will be right behind you, but do not worry about me,' the Healer says calmly. You walk further into the cave until the dreaded Banshee comes into view. She looks even worse than the Healer's description with her red-rimmed eyes and stooping posture. You try to remain calm but feel the blood racing through your veins (apparently her presence is enraging). She stands immediately in front of you as you try to walk by, letting out the most doom-laden howl you have ever heard in your life (in which howls are apparently doom-laden). You are tempted to look into her face and cut her down with your sword.

You have drunk the dragon's egg concoction.

You instinctively clutch the hilt of your sword, as the Healer's words of warning echo through your mind. Test your Skill; an 8 succeeds. (You auto-fail that test outright without the concoction.)

Between her screams the Banshee tells you that you are going to die. However, the Healer's concoction enables you to resist the temptation to draw your sword to silence her, and you manage to pass by her unharmed.

The Healer is right behind you, urging you to hurry through the cave. You walk on in silence until you see sunlight streaming through a crack at the end of the cave. You see that the crack is just wide enough for you to squeeze through, and you ask the Healer, 'What will happen next?'

He calmly replies, 'This is as far as I go. The final part of your ordeal you must face alone. Wearing your mask, you must be at the summit of Firetop Mountain before dawn to watch the sunrise. You must sit cross-legged facing east--you will be totally cured the moment the first rays of sunlight come up over the horizon. If you have something made of silver, we will be able to attract a PEGASUS to fly you there.'
Pegasus.PNG (154.78 KiB) Viewed 2172 times
You hand the Healer your silver flute. He throws it through the crack and whistles loudly through his fingers. A few moments later you hear the noise of flapping wings outside and see the Healer smile briefly. 'Tie the silver to its mane and command it to take you to Firetop Mountain,' says the Healer. 'A Pegasus will fly you anywhere for silver. This is where we say goodbye. Good luck, I hope you make it.' You shake the Healer's hand, thanking him over and over again. Then, waving goodbye, you squeeze through the crack into the daylight. Before you stands a magnificent beast. It looks like a white stallion but it has wings. You tie the flute to its mane and climb on to its back. You shout your destination and suddenly you are flying through the air, clinging on to the neck of the mighty Pegasus. It is not long before you reach the mountain and land safely on the summit, which is covered in strange red vegetation. You jump down from the Pegasus and watch it fly off into the distance. You sit down to rest and wait for sunrise.

The red leaves all around you emit a sweet smell which you find very pleasant. You feel very relaxed and suddenly have trouble keeping your eyes open, even though it is only early evening. You are unaware that you are lying on SLEEP GRASS. You sink into a deep sleep, full of vivid and exciting dreams. Night falls and time passes by, but you cannot wake up. The moon drifts slowly across the clear night sky until dawn is only minutes away. A tiny image disturbs your dreams but it is difficult to make out; it grows steadily larger, until the flashing image fills your mind. A bird with a long beak and fine plumage is trying to fly out of a circle of flames. The Healer is trying to wake you. If you can focus your mind and remember the name of this bird, which is the symbol of the Healer's power, you will be able to rouse yourself.

Well, what is it?

Adventure Sheet:
Robert Scott
Skill 10/11
Stamina 4/16
Luck 5/11
Provisions 0
Leather armor
Amulet of Courage
1 iron ball (sling-sized)
Star-shaped disc
Square-shaped disc
Boots of the elder elves
148 Gold Pieces
Air elemental protection spell
Deaths: 9 (chomped by white dragon, blasted with magical energy by the spirit of the Snow Witch, blasted with magical energy by the spirit of the Snow Witch and then mauled by zombies, converted into Provisions by a hungry werewolf, slaughtered by two Hill Trolls, slaughtered by a different two Hills Trolls, killed by a Death Spell, bashed head in a dark cave, drowned in river)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

It is a Phoenix.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Beroli »

The image of the bird fills your mind. While you are still asleep, you sit up and shout the word 'Phoenix' at the top of your voice. You wake up startled, wondering why it is dark. Then you realize that you have been asleep for hours and that the sun will rise at any moment. Adjusting your sun-mask, you turn to face east, hardly daring to blink in case you miss the first rays of sunshine. A red glow appears on the horizon and then you see the sun slowly creep up into view. You are cured of the Death Spell.

It is the beginning of a beautiful day. A day which is probably going to be the most enjoyable of your life. The spirit of the evil Snow Witch has been destroyed and you are cured of her terrible curse. As you climb down the mountain, you think about the kind, unselfish healer, and of your friends Redswift and Stubb. You are suddenly eager to meet the jolly old Dwarf again and set off towards Stonebridge as fast as you can, hoping that he will have returned from Darkwood Forest. You have earned yourself a welcome rest, although whether or not you will get it is another story...
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Thanks for hosting this!

I think we died more times after defeating the Snow Witch than before, which was just exhausting and no fun after a while. Out of curiosity, what happens if we fail the Skill test when we confront the Banshee?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Beroli »

I appreciate the thanks! I'll set up something different...as soon as I can access the In the Trenches forum again.

You have to fight her. She has 12 Skill, 12 Stamina, and before every round you have to make a Skill test; if you fail, you're paralyzed for that round and auto-lose it.

The gamebook can really be divided into three parts: before the caverns, ending at the Yeti. In the caverns, ending at the spirit of the Snow Witch. And after the caverns, dealing with the Death Curse. But for keeping the player(s) motivated, it suffers from not making it clear that the Snow Witch is still around after you stake her, and from not mentioning the Death Curse until you've been outside the caves for some time with no clear reason why the gamebook hasn't been declared over yet. There's also how depressing both your companions' final fates are (anyone who's read the Forest of Doom knows what happened to all Bigleg's dwarven companions); even in gamebooks, some writers unaccountably like grimdark.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you very much for running this adventure, Beroli.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Thank you for running this.

Have to say, I sorta liked the Hill Troll parts. It's stated that Hill Trolls are threatening the village of Stonebridge, and we run into Hill Trolls, and apparently they always travel in pairs. Fine. That makes more sense that having lots of random one off monsters (though, of course, there's more variety) and endless references to other FF books. "Wilderness of the Hill Trolls" seemed a lot more coherent than anything else once we enter the caverns.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 9 - Caverns of the Snow Witch Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Thanks for running!

Honestly this book would have been more aptly titled “Curse of the Snow Witch.” But the real problem is that it became a slog towards the end, and a real meat grinder even by Livingstone’s standards. I can see how the guy who wrote this could end up writing The Port of Peril.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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