[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

Default Fighting Fantasy rules:

You have three stats: Skill, Stamina, and Luck. Initial Skill is generated by rolling 1d6+6. Initial Stamina is generated by rolling 2d6+12. And Initial Luck is generated by rolling 1d6+6. Your Skill, Stamina, and Luck start out equal to their Initial values, and can never exceed their Initial values; some rare bonuses will increase the Initial value as well as or instead of the current value.

When told to Test your Skill, roll 2d6. If the result is lower than or equal to your current Skill, you succeed; if it is higher, you fail.

When told to Test your Luck, roll 2d6. If the result is lower than or equal to your current Luck, you succeed; if it is higher, you fail. Either way, reduce your current Luck by 1 afterward. For obvious reasons, it is advantageous to only Test your Luck if you have to.

Most enemies you encounter will have their own Skill and Stamina scores. One-on-one combat works like this:

Each round, you roll 2d6 and add the result to your Skill to get your Attack Strength. The enemy rolls 2d6 and adds the result to their Skill to get their Attack Strength. If one of you has higher Attack Strength, the other one loses two Stamina. If both Attack Strengths are the same, both of you have avoided damage. When one reaches 0 Stamina, that one is dead.

Immediately after you win an Attack Round, you may choose to Test your Luck. If you succeed, you do a further 2 points of damage to the enemy. If you fail, the enemy gets one point of Stamina back (it turns out your hit was just a graze).

Immediately after you lose an Attack Round (before you die, if the Attack Round brought you to 0 Stamina), you may choose to Test your Luck. If you succeed, you get one point of Stamina back (the wound was just a graze). If you fail, you take 1 more point of damage.

Combat against multiple opponents works like this:

Each round, you designate which opponent you are attacking. Then you roll for your Attack Strength as if you were fighting single combats with each of however many opponents you are facing (so if you are fighting five enemies, you generate five separate Attack Strengths for yourself). Each of them rolls for their Attack Strength normally.

If your Attack Strength is higher than your chosen target’s, they lose 2 Stamina (can be increased by Luck as normal). You have no chance of wounding any other opponent that round.

For each Attack Strength higher than yours, you lose 2 Stamina (can be decreased by Luck as normal).


By default, the PC starts with ten Meals worth of unspecified Provisions. Eating a Meal without being told it’s a requirement will cure 4 Stamina points worth of damage. If a gamebook says “you must eat a Meal now,” that Meal heals no damage, and if the PC is out of Provisions and cannot eat, they take damage instead. Whether eating Provisions is at will or only when a gamebook specifies that the PC can eat if they wish to varies from gamebook to gamebook.


By default, the PC starts with one of three potions. A Potion of Dexterity will restore Skill to its Initial score. A Potion of Strength will restore Stamina to its Initial score. A Potion of Fortune will increase Initial Luck by 1 and then restore Luck to its new Initial score.

Individual Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks may change any of those rules.


You begin with a sword and a rucksack--that's it. No Provisions, no potion.

Thirty years ago the Snow Witch was preparing to unleash an ice age upon Titan when her plans were thwarted by a wandering adventurer. YOU were one of the slaves freed in the wake of her defeat, and have lived a quiet life since then. But when the horrors of your past start to catch up with you again, you must go back to the caves from which you escaped. Can the Snow Witch really be returning? And if so, do you have what it takes to stop her?

The bad dreams are back.

There was a time when your whole life was a nightmare. Orphaned and enslaved on the same day. Compelled by a magical collar to do the bidding of the Orcs and Goblins who worked for the monster that was your mistress, and regularly kicked and beaten no matter how well you did your work. Bullied even by many of your fellow slaves, who took out their frustrations on you because, as a child, you were the easiest victim. Never enough food, never enough sleep. And, worst of all, the constant fear that this might be the day on which she chose to feed on you, turning you into one of her loathsome undead minions.

And then, thirty years ago, the horror ended. Someone finally managed to kill her, and the slaves rose up against the brutes that chose to serve her. You were lucky that day: not long before the uprising, you had been dragged into the kitchens for extra chores because one of the staff had been killed in a brawl, so you already had a knife in your hand when the fighting broke out. Doubly lucky: one of the others working in the kitchens at that time took pity on you, protected you in the midst of the chaos that raged as your oppressors were made to pay for their crimes, took you with him on the trek back to civilisation, and found you a new home with relatives of his who had a smallholding.

For years afterwards, though, sleep took you back to the nightmare, your dreams filled with brutish green faces, the icy visage of the beast your captors worshipped, and the terrible beauty of the bloodsucking witch who had held your fate in her chill grasp. You were made to sleep in the hayloft, so your screams wouldn’t wake the rest of the household. But gradually the bad dreams became less frequent as the memories, like the scars, faded. The last one was almost twenty years ago. Until last night. Mercifully, you can remember little of what went through your head before you woke in a cold sweat, your breathing constricted as if that infernal collar were still there to choke the defiance out of you. But one image persists: her face, eyelids closed but starting to creep open, and a malignant grin displaying her fangs.

The terrors fade with the coming of dawn, but whenever your mind wanders during the subsequent day, the sight of that evil smile returns. Eventually you decide to do something about it, and in the evening you head down to the village to see Reniso, your rescuer and oldest friend.

As always, he is delighted to see you, but you can tell that something is troubling him. Before you can say anything, he holds up a hand to indicate that you should wait. Only when the two of you are seated by the fire, a mug of ale in hand, does he ask, “You saw her too?”

You nod, and ask if he thinks it means anything.

“I think it might. It’s something I’ve feared ever since what happened during the fight with One-Tusk.”
All the battles from back then have blurred together. One-Tusk was the nickname of one of the Orcs that used to boss you around, but in your mind, his fate is indistinguishable from that of any other of your brutish overseers, and you admit that you have no idea what Reniso is talking about.

“Really? I wouldn’t have thought any of us could forget...” He pauses to reflect and, knowing his mannerisms, you suppress the urge to ask what he means. He will tell you when he is ready – and does so a few moments later. “I had assumed that we all felt it, but maybe I was wrong. For just a second, maybe not even that long,” he tugs at his shirt collar, a glimmer of sweat appearing on his brow, “the collar became active again, tightened just a twinge.”

A sip of ale removes the sudden dryness of your mouth.

“Still don’t remember? No, I can see that this is new to you. But that’s why I was so determined to get the damned things cut off as soon as I could. And I’ve had to live with that memory ever since. Had to face the possibility that she might not be dead after all. So I started looking for the one weapon that could defeat her if she did come back.”

“A stake?” you ask.

Reniso gives a sad smile. “If only it were that easy. No, I mean this.” He taps his left temple. “Knowledge. Find out where she got her power, and maybe we could use it against her. Or at least keep her from using it.”

His words call to memory the monstrous being she served, and your eyes widen in horror.

Noting your reaction, he hurriedly explains, “Not the Demon. That gave her some power, it’s true, but more than that, it led her to another source. The Crystal Caves were carved out around the ruins of an ancient civilisation, maybe even from before the Splitting. And it was what she found down in that lost city that was the source of most of her power.”

“So what did she find?” you ask.

He scowls. “I only have fragments. Much of the knowledge dating back to those days has been lost, or destroyed. I always had it in mind to take a proper expedition to the Caves and see what I could find out, but part of me didn’t want to go back.”

The idea of returning to those hellish caves fills you with dread, but not as much as the possibility that she might be back. Summoning up all your courage, you suggest that you could make that expedition.

“That’s very good of you, my friend, but you wouldn’t achieve much by trekking out there on your own. How would you know where to look, or even what to look for?.”

“I could at least try,” you protest.

“Young people, always so impatient. I’m not saying not to go, just to wait a bit. I recently learned of a scholar in Salamonis who’s been piecing together much of what little does survive from back then, and persuaded him to send me some of his findings. What he’s written taught me more in three days than all my years of study.”

“And that’s not all. He’s going to come up here and take a look at what I’ve discovered. Should already be on his way. If we can convince him to accompany us – yes, us: it’s high time I stopped letting my fears hold me back – then with the help of his knowledge, and your strength, I might just have a chance of finding what we need to ensure that the witch never returns. Or, if she’s already back, to kill her again, but this time for good.”

You agree to wait for the scholar, but point out that it would be better to start preparing for the expedition at the earliest opportunity, so you’ll be ready to go as soon as he arrives. For some time you and Reniso discuss what you’re likely to need, stopping only when he becomes too tired to carry on. Before you leave, he warns you not to speak of tonight’s conversation with anyone. “Not all of her followers died back then, you know. I’ve seen signs that there’s still a cult devoted to her. If they should hear of our plans, our lives wouldn’t be worth two coppers.”

As you trudge back home, your head whirls with thoughts of the coming ordeal, long-buried memories of life as a slave, and troubling ideas of what could happen if the Snow Witch has somehow returned to life, or, worse, to undeath. When you get in, you search through what clutter you have accumulated over the years until you find the sword you looted from a dead Goblin back when you had to fight your way out of the Crystal Caves at Reniso’s side. When you finally get to bed, sleep is slow in coming, and troubled by more bad dreams.

The following morning you seek out Stef and Pita, your employers these last few decades, and the closest thing you have to family (which isn’t that close, to be honest, but at least they never mistreated you), and tell them that you may have to leave soon. They are a little sorry to hear this, as you have been a good worker, but accept that when you have to go, you have to go. And until that time comes, you can carry on working at their smallholding for the usual wage. They never were particularly given to displays of emotion.

After a morning in the lower field, you bolt your lunch and hurry into the village to call on Reniso again. There is no answer when you knock, but the door is ajar, so you step inside. At the sight which awaits you within, you freeze in horror, the door slipping from your numbed grasp to swing closed behind you.

The normally tidy interior of the hut is in an appalling state, with broken furniture, smashed pottery and torn pages of books scattered around. The place has not just been ransacked: this looks like willful destruction, chaos for chaos’ sake.

But the ruin of Reniso’s home and belongings is only an incidental detail compared to what has been done to their owner. Bound to the central wooden pillar that supports the roof is his lifeless body, the right side of his jerkin and breeches heavily stained with blood from the wound that claimed his life. The expression on his face indicates that his death was far from painless, and you notice that something small and white protrudes from between his lips.

Even worse is what you see on the floor in front of him. A final message, written by repeatedly dipping the tip of his right foot in the blood that has puddled on the floor beneath him. Though smudged and smeared, the letters are still clear enough to make out, spelling out the dread warning, ‘SHE WILL RETURN’…
SHE WILL RETURN.jpg (182.42 KiB) Viewed 2335 times
You stare at your old friend’s corpse with mingled sorrow, horror and growing anger. You will make whoever is responsible for this pay, with their own lives and that of their vile mistress. Lifting your gaze once more to Reniso’s face, twisted in the agonies of death, you vow to avenge his murder.

Again you notice the thing sticking out of his mouth, and you wonder what it could be.

Try and remove it to find out?
Leave his body alone, and immediately set off to do what you can to thwart the plans of his killers?
Initial rolls: 3, 5, 4, 5. Also vote on one die to add to 6 to become your Initial Skill, two dice to add to 12 to become your Initial Stamina, and one die to add to 6 to become your Initial Luck. Finally, vote on sex and name.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to give our hero 11 Skill, 11 Luck, and 19 Stamina, try to remove the thing from his mouth, and again propose that our hero be male with the name Edmund Pevensie.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

I vote for using the 5s on skill and luck, and to remove the thingy.

And second Edmund Pevensie cause JourneymanN00b wanted it last time and didn't get it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

Up close, you can see that the object protruding from Reniso’s mouth is the corner of a piece of paper. You take hold of the paper, but meet with resistance. With a quiet plea to his spirit to forgive you, you force your forefinger and thumb between his cold lips to pry his jaws far enough apart and, with a shudder, extract the balled-up piece of paper from his mouth.

Somebody knocks on the front door. Startled, you step backwards, stuffing the ball of paper into your pocket. You will examine it later, when you can eat.

There is a second knock at the door, and an unfamiliar voice calls out, “Hello? Is there anybody in there?” It flashes into your mind that the door is not locked. If whoever is outside should try it, and see you standing in front of Reniso’s body, the situation could become awkward. Trying to compose yourself, you walk up to the door and open it a little – not enough that the corpse would be visible from outside.

Standing on the doorstep is an elderly stranger in a purple cloak. “Reniso?” he asks, but before you can think of what to answer, he continues, “No, surely not. Too young. But this is his house, isn’t it? I followed the warden’s directions quite precisely.” You cannot let the stranger in, or he will see the body, and might think you had something to do with it. But if you turn him away, he’s bound to get sent back here and find it anyway, and then he’ll give your description to the village warders and you’ll be in even more trouble. To give yourself time to think of what to do next, you ask the man who he is.

The stranger is a little taken aback at your question, but answers, “My...my name’s Denati. I’ve travelled up from Salamonis to see Reniso, so we can discuss... certain archaeological matters of mutual interest.”

His vagueness is encouraging, suggesting that he is aware of the threat posed by the Snow Witch’s cultists, and thus more likely to accept that you had nothing to do with Reniso’s murder. Dropping your voice a little, you ask him if he’s talking about the city beneath the Crystal Caves.

His eyes light up. “Oh! So you know as well.” He extends a hand to you in greeting, a carved jade ring catching the pale sunlight.

You clasp the proffered hand, and quietly tell Denati that you have some bad news for him. Warning him to prepare for a shock, you open the door wide enough to allow him in. He steps inside, and his eyes widen as he sees what has been done to the hut’s owner and contents.

“I found it like this a minute ago,” you explain. “Her followers must have got to him.”

He looks around at the corpse and the surrounding debris. “Poor man. And whatever he’d found, whatever he’d learned, lost in all this carnage. These are evil days.”

You tell him of the plans you and Reniso were making last night, and ask if he would be willing to accompany you to the caves.

“Mountaineering at my age?” He shakes his head, then seems to reconsider. “Oh, but to have the opportunity of seeing the city of Cyrantis myself, to set foot in the Arena of Contests...”

“And maybe bring the people who did this to justice,” you add.

Abashed, he nods. “Forgive me for getting carried away. Cyrantis has been a passion of mine for many years, and I’m afraid studying in the abstract can lead to a little too much...detachment.”

He straightens his back. “You are right. Despite the dangers, I must go. And that,” he indicates the message written in blood, “holds out some hope that we might yet have time to avert disaster.”

The words do not look encouraging to you, and you ask Denati what he means.

“It says, ‘will return’, not ‘has returned’. If she hasn’t yet come back, there’s still the possibility that it can be averted. But we may not have a lot of time. How soon can we leave?”

You explain that you have yet to acquire suitable equipment for the expedition, and after a moment’s reflection Denati opens out his cape and takes a pouch of coins from a pocket sewn into its bright green inner lining. He hands you the money, commenting, “I’m sure you have a much better idea than I of what we shall need. You can probably drive a harder bargain with the local traders, too.”

Proceeding to the market, you are able to acquire two sets of winter clothing, a length of rope, two lanterns, several blankets, and enough food for seven meals for each of you. You may only eat Provisions when the option to do so is given in the text, and may only ever eat one meal at a time. On occasion you will be told that you have to eat Provisions: these compulsory meals restore Stamina just like the optional ones.

Head off north?
Report Reniso's death to the village wardens before you leave?

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 19/19
Luck: 11/11
Inventory: Sword, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Ball of paper
Provisions: 7
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Queen of Swords »

That's new, I don't recall being given the option to report someone's death to the authorities before.

Do this, just in case one of the wardens starts acting suspiciously and we find out they're one of the Snow Witch's agents.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

Report, just cause we've never done that before.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to report Reniso's death to the village so our hero doesn't get suspected of the murder.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

The wardens question you for hours, trying to get you to confess to having killed Reniso. Their ‘evidence’ consists of little more than the fact that you were in his hut today, and were seen spending a large sum of money at the market, but it does make you the best suspect available.

Reasoning that his murder shows that the Snow Witch’s followers were already aware of his plans, you see little point in continuing to keep quiet about such matters and explain what must have happened, but the wardens are not easily convinced and, frustrated at your refusal to tell them what they want to hear, throw you into a flea-infested cell while they continue their investigations. Lose 2 Stamina points for the bites.

Towards nightfall you are begrudgingly released. Stef has confirmed your whereabouts during the morning, and the fact that a man of learning from as renowned a city as Salamonis claims to have given you the money undermines the wardens’ assertion that you stole it from Reniso, so they have little choice but to accept your admission of innocence.

It would be too dangerous to embark on your quest this late on in the day, so you postpone your departure until tomorrow, hoping that this delay will not cost you your chance to thwart the Snow Witch and her servants. After a perfunctory meal (do not deduct any Provisions, but restore no Stamina either) you turn in for the night.

It is another bad night, the image of Reniso’s corpse joining the nightmare visions of the Snow Witch and her vile servitors. Morning finds you weary from your troubled sleep but determined to confront the source of the bad dreams, and you set off to the north as soon as Denati is ready to leave.

The elderly scholar is much fitter than you had expected, and the two of you make rapid progress once you are on your way. You reach the trading post at the base of the Icefinger Mountains before midday, and pause there to enquire about strangers, in case Reniso’s murderers passed this way. Regrettably, the killers either kept a low profile or avoided the trading post altogether, and you soon continue on your way, no better informed than before.

For several hours you trudge onwards through the thick snow, encountering neither man nor beast, though paw prints running through a valley you traverse late in the afternoon indicate that a large group of at least two types of animal passed this way not that long ago. Denati remarks that he’s glad he wasn’t here when whatever made the tracks came by, and suggests that you hurry on in case they should come back. You see the wisdom of his words, and pick up your pace.

A few hundred metres beyond the valley you find your way blocked by a crevasse a little too wide for you to be certain that you could leap it in safety. You have no real choice but to follow the edge of the rift until the gap narrows sufficiently that both you and Denati can get across it, a detour that takes the best part of an hour.

Beyond the crevasse, the best way onwards is a shadowy defile that slopes upwards. The snow crunches beneath your feet as you make your way up the incline. After a while you pause for breath, and it is then that you first become aware of a faint rhythmic trembling of the ground. Alarmed at the possibility that an avalanche could be imminent, you stare with dismay at the sheer rocky walls to both sides.

A narrow opening in the rock wall to your right, about a metre above your head, offers a slim hope of shelter if mounds of snow should come sweeping through the defile, but getting up there will not be easy.

Denati catches up to you and catches sight of your concerned expression. “Is there something wrong?”

“Don’t you feel the shaking?” you ask. Surely he must do, for it is growing in intensity.

“Now you come to mention it...What’s that noise?”

You hear it too, a pounding sound, in time with the tremors. They must be connected somehow.

Then the explanation looms up at the far end of the defile. A Frost Giant is running down the slope, the ground shaking with each heavy footfall. He bellows incoherently upon catching sight of you.

Try and get out of his way?
Draw your sword and stand your ground?

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 17/19
Luck: 11/11
Inventory: Sword, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Ball of paper
Provisions: 7
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

Out of the way of the T-Rex giant
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to get out of the way.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

In this narrow gorge it will not be easy for you to avoid the rapidly approaching Giant. You make a leap for the overhead cave mouth, hoping to be able to haul yourself out of the way. Test your Luck; a 6 succeeds.

Your fingers latch onto the edge of the opening in the rock, and you press yourself against the side of the defile to give the running Giant more room. It flashes into your head that Denati has no way of avoiding the oncoming Giant, and you find yourself unable to keep from looking over your shoulder to see the impending calamity. The terrified old man drops to his knees and falls on his face, and the Giant leaps over him, not even breaking his stride as he continues on down the gorge. The impact of his landing so shakes the ground that you lose your grip, sliding back down to the floor of the defile, but you and your companion have survived this encounter with no harm done, except perhaps to your pride. Add 1 Luck point.

It then comes to your attention that, though the Giant is now moving away from you, the shaking is not growing any fainter. Quite the opposite, in fact...

There must be another Frost Giant coming. More than one, in fact, to judge by the way the ground is juddering by now. Aware that you and Denati would have little chance of avoiding yet more of the brutes in this narrow space, and that you have come too far into the defile to be sure of getting back out of it again before the other Giants catch up to you, you opt to take refuge in the overhead cave.

It is too high up for your companion to reach unassisted, so you cup your hands to make a foothold for him, and with this assistance he is able to haul himself up and inside. The first of the pursuing Frost Giants appears at the top of the gorge as you prepare to follow the old man, and you leap up and make a grab for the cave mouth before the charging Giant gets too close. Test your Skill; a 7 succeeds.

You get a good grip on the lip of the cave mouth, and are able to pull yourself the rest of the way up with ease.

Unexpectedly, a fire is alight further in, its light showing you that the narrow opening only extends for a few metres before widening out considerably. You squeeze through the short distance remaining between you and the more spacious interior, and then freeze, alarmed at the sight that meets your eyes within.
Barbarian Shaman.jpg
Barbarian Shaman.jpg (99.76 KiB) Viewed 2272 times
The light of the fire illuminates the scrawny frame of an aged Barbarian Shaman, festooned in talismans fashioned from the claws and fangs of local predators. With both hands he holds a large bone club raised above his head, about to strike the prone form of Denati, who cowers at his feet, a livid mark on his brow marking where the Shaman struck him down.

You draw your sword, and the Barbarian turns his attention to you. Though the milky white of blindness clouds his eyes, his inability to see does not appear to handicap him, and you notice him raising a foot to stamp on the fire. Alarmed at the thought of being trapped with this berserk enemy in total darkness, you lash out with your sword.

BARBARIAN SHAMAN Skill 9 Stamina 7

If he wins the first Attack Round, something will happen.

Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 19, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 18. BARBARIAN SHAMAN's Stamina is 5
Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 15, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 18. Edmund Pevensie's Stamina is 15
Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 18, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 12. BARBARIAN SHAMAN's Stamina is 3
Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 20, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 21. Edmund Pevensie's Stamina is 13
Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 17, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 15. BARBARIAN SHAMAN's Stamina is 1
Edmund Pevensie Attack Strength: 20, BARBARIAN SHAMAN Attack Strength: 16. BARBARIAN SHAMAN is dead.

He did not put out the fire, so you help Denati to his feet. He is slightly dazed from the blow struck against him, but the damage does not appear to be serious.

Having made sure that your companion is all right, you now turn your attention elsewhere.

You did not kill the giant outside.

You may take the Shaman’s bone club with you as a back-up weapon if you wish. It carries no bonus, but may be more effective than your sword against some opponents.

Denati is more interested in something he has noticed on a cord around the dead Barbarian’s neck, and he extricates it from amidst the necklaces of animal parts. A slim leather pouch, with a small hole cut into it to display the item held within, contains a worn circular metal disc.

“Well, I never! This looks like a Cyrantian gambling token. You know, to the Cyrantians, games were not so much a pastime as a way of life.” He hands it to you and thinks for a moment. “I wonder how this madman got his hands on it.”

The scholar turns to look at the back of the cave, and indicates a large crack, possibly just wide enough to squeeze through. “These mountains must be riddled with passageways. It’s just possible that that might lead to the ruins of the city.”

Before you decide whether to take Denati's implied suggestion, you rest long enough that you take out the crumpled paper from Reniso.

Smoothing out the paper, you find that it is a screwed-up page from a book. It reads as follows:

‘venerated above all others was Kurentz, the god of the contest. This was reflected in their love of such entertainments as gladiatorial battles, trials of strength and complex games of chance or strategy.

‘One thing that distinguished the devotees of Kurentz from other peoples with similar interests was that, while winning was, understandably, considered better than losing, great significance was attached to mere participation. The Cyrantian who played and lost was still considered superior to the one who did not even play.

‘Consequently, very few of the battles held in the Arena were to the death, and prizes would be awarded to all combatants afterwards. On the rare occasions that a contest had to end in death, it was claimed that Kurentz would bless the loser by allowing him or her to be reborn in the next generation. This belief was backed up by the occasional claims of veterans to recognise the mannerisms or techniques of long-dead contenders in one of the youths selected to join the gladiatorial teams at each solstice.

‘The winner of a deadly game earned the right to ask Kurentz for whatever they wanted. This is almost certainly figurative language, given that most of the rewards on record are increases in wealth or status. However, some scholars (notably Dugri of Hamaskis) assert that the god literally granted the champions’ wishes, and the mundane nature of the prizes sought is due to the contestants’ lack of imagination.

‘Among the most renowned and successful’

The page breaks off mid-sentence.

You may now eat a Meal if you wish to, and must choose whether to investigate the crack in the wall, or leave the cave and concentrate on getting to the caves you know lead to the Snow Witch's former realm. Also vote on whether to take the bone club or leave it behind.

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 13/19
Luck: 11/11
Inventory: Sword, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Page from book
Provisions: 7
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat a provision, get the club, and investigate the crack.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

I agree to all that.

(We found a gambling token just before reading the thing about gaming, did we? What a coincidence)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

The crack is so narrow that you must enter it sideways, removing your backpack and holding it at your side in order to have any chance of squeezing through. Even if you are prepared to do this, you are certain to suffer some grazes and abrasions as you force your way in. You will also have to hold your lantern in the other hand to see what lies ahead of you, and thus will not be able to use your sword until you reach a wider space.

You are determined to get through the crack. (Take 2 damage.)
Give up and leave this cave.

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 17/19
Luck: 11/11
Inventory: Sword, Bone club, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Page from book
Provisions: 6
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

We are determined
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to get through the crack and eat a Provision after taking the 2 damage.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

The far side of the crack is not somewhere you can eat again.

Test your Luck, without a bonus because you did eat in the cave. A 9 succeeds.

The pressure of the rock against your back and chest makes it difficult to breathe, and you have to resist the urge to panic, but after only a short distance the crack opens out, and you soon reach a point at which you can turn around and face back the way you came. You call to Denati to let him know that there is a way through, and with much puffing and grunting he follows. After putting your pack back on your back, you advance further into the mountain.

The passage you have discovered twists and winds, eventually splitting into two. A slight breeze issues from one of the turnings and, checking your compass, you find that that way leads back south. The other way goes roughly north-east.

Head into the wind, though it is away from your ultimate goal?
Head in the direction of the Snow Witch's caves, though there is no indication that way leads outside again?

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 15/19
Luck: 10/11
Inventory: Sword, Bone club, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Page from book
Provisions: 6
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to head to the Snow Witch’s caves and to eat a provision as soon as our hero is able to do this.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Beroli »

After about twenty metres, the passage bends round to the east, and not much further on it ends in a drop of about two metres to the floor of another cave. Something at the very edge of the illumination provided by your lantern catches your eye, and you move a bit closer to investigate. Your foot comes down on a transparent patch of ice, causing you to slide over the edge and land in a heap on the ground below. Take 2 damage.

As you look around this new cave, it becomes clear that what attracted your attention is one of several frozen corpses dangling from the roof, all of them head down. A wail and a thud from behind you indicate that Denati has fallen foul of the same slippery spot that brought you down here. Once you have checked that he is not seriously hurt, you raise your lantern to show him the bodies.

You have no idea what might have killed these people.

You ask Denati if this could be a burial chamber in the city you seek, and he shakes his head. “No, no. The clothing on these bodies is far too modern. Besides, the way they’re hanging up there doesn’t suggest any kind of respect for the dead. The last time I saw anything like that, it was sides of meat in a butcher’s... shop...”
Ice Cavern.PNG
Ice Cavern.PNG (48.55 KiB) Viewed 2210 times
Disturbed at the implications of this realisation, you try to decide what to do now.

Try and climb back up to the opening you fell from?
Go further into this cave to look for an easier way out?

Name: Edmund Pevensie
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 13/19
Luck: 10/11
Inventory: Sword, Bone club, Winter clothing, Rucksack, Lantern, Rope, Blankets, Page from book
Provisions: 6
Posts: 6315
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 9: Return to the Icefinger Mountains

Post by Thaluikhain »

Further in, as it was too slippery for either of us.
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