[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Use cabbage leaf (and, ok, there was a reason not to just call things provisions, fair enough...though repairing a balloon with cabbages seems a bit odd)

Half vote for using warhammer, as we have plenty of skill.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by pragma »

Use the silk cloth for the patch. Take the flyer to Incus. Use the Warhammer unless an opponent has 10 skill or higher. (11 skill or higher is we recover or missing skill point.)

(Odd that the travel hub doesn't let us walk back across the bridge we just cleared.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Use the silk cloth, go to Incus, and keep using our current weapon.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

We have two cabbage leaves (and plenty of stamina items) so I vote use a cabbage leaf instead of the silk cloth. Agree with using the warhammer for opponents with skill 9 or lower. Take the flyer to Incus.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

After tallying up the votes, it looks like Icarus Morningstar will be taking the flyer to Incus, the fishing island. He will use the War-Hammer for opponents with a Skill of 9 or lower and use the Ornate Dagger for all other cases, since doing so got a 2.5-1 vote. Regarding the balloon fixing decision, I will break the 2-2 tie and have Icarus Morningstar use the silk cloth for this purpose.

The Goblin flyer brings you safely to Incus, the fishing island. You try to recall what you know about the island. Unlike the other residents of the archipelago, the Incus fishermen have been granted direct access to the Ocean of Tempest by Pangaria’s authorities. Incus also floats lower than the other islands, which makes this easier. Various craft are built and used by the Incus islanders to trawl the ocean, bringing fresh fish, seaweed, coral, shells and other sea-born bounties to the lands above. The craft are embedded with storm crystals which allow them to fly up and down from Incus as required.
     Due to the protective arms of the giant Zephyrus Tempest, the section of ocean directly under the archipelago is usually a calm and rich fishing ground. The main dangers are the larger and more ferocious aquatic creatures who share these waters. Only the hardy can survive the Ocean of Tempests and they are best left well alone.
     However, the needs of a civilization, even a small one like Pangaria, are varied, and so the fishermen of Incus must often venture beyond the Zephyrus Tempest and into the wider ocean. There the rougher seas require sub-aquatic craft known as bathyspheres which can hunt and gather below the waves, although they are noisier and more cumbersome, and therefore run a greater risk of disturbing the local fauna.
     Incus also receives limited trade from trusted sources on the mainland, although the islanders are careful not to let them set foot on the archipelago. Very occasionally Pangarian fishermen have rescued shipwreck survivors from the waters. If those survivors require aid that cannot be administered by the fishermen themselves, they are taken to Pangaria, and given aid and sanctuary. Permanent sanctuary. Keeping the secrets of Pangaria safe is one of the first rules that every islander learns.
     You disembark. If the codeword Galen is on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 337. Otherwise, turn to 90.


The codeword Galen is not on Icarus Morningstar’s Adventure Sheet.

The peace is interrupted by the sound of screams and clashing metal

The peace is interrupted by the sound of screams and clashing metal. You follow the noise towards one of the docks. You reach it to find a couple of fishermen in a frantic battle with an enormous crustacean. You fear the energies released from the explosion on Nimbus are responsible. The fishermen aren’t faring at all well, and you see them get swept aside by the creature’s massive claws before it starts smashing through some nearby boats. It’s up to you to stop it now.


If you win, turn to 199.


The fight:
Round 1: Giant Crab Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 23
Giant Crab Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Giant Crab Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 14
Helmet Roll: 3, Giant Crab Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 16
Round 3: Giant Crab Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 16
Giant Crab Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 16
Round 4: Giant Crab Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 21
Giant Crab Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 16

Icarus Morningstar kills the Giant Crab, but not before it deals a lucky blow of 2 damage to him before dying.

When you finally dispatch the corrupted crustacean, the fishermen come out of hiding, looking extremely relieved.
     “Unbelievable,” says one of them, shaking his head in amazement. “One moment I’m walking through the fresh catches shed, and the next thing I know, I’m fighting for my life!”
     “Still, this’ll feed a few families for weeks,” says another, examining the corpse.
     One of the fishermen gets a large shell-saw and starts to use it on one of the monster’s large claws. He uses a few more implements on it and finally hands you the pincer and some of the crab meat.
     The crab pincer smells a bit fishy, but it can be used like a club. (If you use the pincer in battle, you must reduce your Attack Strength by 1 point, but you may increase the damage you cause by 1 point. The crab meat will restore 3 STAMINA when eaten. Make a note of this on your Adventure Sheet.)
     You ask the fishermen if they know what caused the Nimbus to fall. Turn to 60.


“Your guess is as good as ours,” says the fisherman who gave you the pincer. “We lost a few good boats when the Nimbus came down. One of the bathyspheres too. We tried to reach them, but the waters became too choppy, and a huge storm came in, pushing us away from the island. We had to bring all the boats up as fast as possible.”
     You’re curious to know what happened to the Nimbus after it landed in the water.
     “It was still afloat when I brought my boat up,” chimes in another fisherman. “But things down there were getting very dangerous. All this fog came in, and gale force winds. Never seen it that bad.”
     You decide to ask the fishermen how you can get down to the Nimbus. Turn to 331.


“I wouldn’t if I were you, Officer. Not until the storms pass. But if you’re hell-bent on reaching it, I’d say that you’d have to take one of our bathyspheres. That means going to see Matix. You can usually find her either at the main bathysphere shed at the east dock, or her home near the north flyer port.”
     If you have the Incus ledger page from Cirrus and want to ask them about it, turn to 308. To look for Matix at the east dock, turn to 242. To head for Matix’s home in northern Incus, turn to 161.

Icarus Morningstar has the Incus ledger page from Cirrus. Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Methedus’s Shard
Dried Stink Fruit (+2 STAMINA)
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
2 Cabbage Leaves (+2 STAMINA)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
Fire Oil (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
Crab Meat (+3 STAMINA)
GOLD: 13
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Ask them about the ledger page.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by pragma »

Ask about the ledger
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

Ask about the ledger.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Asking the fishermen about the Incus ledger page from Cirrus received 3 votes, so Icarus Morningstar will do this.

You show the fishermen the ledger page you found on Cirrus.
     “It’s from here,” one of the men confirms, peering at it closely. “Don’t recognize that name though. It’s no one from Incus. Might be something to do with that ship from the mainland that went down a few months back. Don’t know too much about it. Maybe ask around.”
     To look for Matix at the east dock, turn to 242. To head for Matix’s home in northern Incus, turn to 161.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Since nobody voted, I will have Icarus Morningstar look for Matix’s home in northern Incus.

When asked for directions to Matix’s house, everyone you speak to tells you to follow the sound of banging and cussing. You soon hear noises that sound like a wheelbarrow being hit with a brick – thunk, clonk, clang – and a voice saying, “You son of a rancid hog-mule! You fetid pile of badger excrement! Work, damn you, work!” Bang! Crash! Thunk! “Ouch, my thumb!”
     At the source of the sound, you find a bathysphere hanging from the rafters of a large workshop, attached to a much smaller house and surrounded by every conceivable tool and mechanical part. The bathysphere is a spherical craft made from reinforced metal, with small porthole-like windows in its sides and a larger one at the front that also doubles as an entry hatch. You notice small storm crystals embedded in the bottom, and large mechanical claws stretching forward from each side. The nameplate on the side of the bathysphere reads Barnacle.
     You call out Matix’s name. Turn to 230.

A Goblin head pokes out of the guts of the bathysphere

A Goblin head pokes out of the guts of the bathysphere, covered in grime and looking very frustrated.
     “You don’t happen to have a Wotsit on you, do you?” she asks you in an exasperated tone.
     You’re pretty sure you don’t, even if you knew what one was.
     “How about a Thingie?”
     Still nothing. And you’re just as confused.
     You explain to her that you have no idea what she’s asking for, but you do have a pressing need to commandeer the Barnacle in the name of the Sky Watch.
     She emerges from the bathysphere, wiping her hands. “Is that right? Well, seeing as this is the only bathysphere that’s even partway running right now, Officer, I’d say you need to do a bit more work than just commandeer it.”
     You apologize for your brusqueness and tell her that you’re the only Sky Watch Officer still active on the archipelago and you’re trying to find out what happened on Nimbus. You need a way to get down to the island and navigate the rough waters.
     Matix looks you up and down appraisingly. “I like the cut of your gib, Officer. At least someone around here is trying to do something and not running around like a headless chicken. Tell you what, if you can find me a Thingie, and either a Doobry or a Wotsit, I can finish repairing the Barnacle, and then I’ll lend her to you.”
     She points towards a small contraption that looks like those you’ve seen at the Goblin flyer ports. “You can charge your hover crystal in that,” she says. One Gold Piece per charge. Very reasonable, I’d say.”
     If you have the Strange Metal Object from the Cirrus Watchhouse, turn to 62. If not, turn to 2.


Icarus Morningstar does not have the Strange Metal Object from the Cirrus Watchhouse.

It’s time to look somewhere else.
     To charge your hovers and fly to Asperitas, the isle of technomancy, turn to 384.
     If you do not have any Gold Pieces, you can continue no further and your adventure is over.

Icarus Morningstar has the Gold to charge his hovers, so he will head to Asperitas.

You grudgingly give 1 Gold Piece to Matix and ask her to charge up your hovers so you can fly to Asperitas.
     “Sure thing! Put your storm crystal in the slot and I’ll fill her up!”
     Once your storm crystal is fully charged, Matix gives some final instructions.
     “Now, once you find a Thingie, and either a Doobry or a Wotsit, bring them back to me here. There should be a couple of places you can charge your hovers on the other islands.”
     You strap on the hovers and take off for Asperitas, the island of technomancy. Turn to 270.

Two Harpies descend on you from out of the sky

Feeling a little more in control of your hovers now, you head in the direction of Asperitas. This is the island of technomancy, the mechanical magic that underpins the levitation enchantments of the archipelago. From the air the island is a mess of workshops and laboratories from which a cacophony of clangs and thunks mixed with bubbling and fizzing noises can be heard.
     You’re close to landing when you hear a loud birdlike scream and two Harpies descend on you from out of the sky. You have no choice but to fight them together, before you can land.

First HARPY     SKILL 7     STAMINA 6
Second HARPY     SKILL 6     STAMINA 6

If you manage to kill the first Harpy, you get a chance to pull the second one to the ground. Roll one die; if you roll a 1 to 3, then you cause it 2 STAMINA points of damage instantly, but if you roll a 4 to 6, you cause it 4 STAMINA points of damage.
     If you win, turn to 156.


The fights:
(First Harpy)
Round 1: First Harpy Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 17, Second Harpy Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 14
Helmet Roll: 5, First Harpy Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 15
Round 2: First Harpy Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 20, Second Harpy Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 17
First Harpy Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 15

(Second Harpy)
Pull Roll: 5, Second Harpy Stamina: 2
Round 1: Second Harpy Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 18
Second Harpy Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 15

Icarus Morningstar takes out the two Harpies, with the second one getting a lucky scratch of 1 damage towards him while he was fighting the first Harpy.

The monstrous harpies lie dead at your feet. You can’t help but think that this wasn’t a random attack – they were lying in wait for you – but you try not to dwell on this fact too long.
     Your eyes and ears are drawn to a gathering of Goblins, who are arguing amongst themselves in a small square.
     “We need to get down there!”
     “It’s too dangerous! We must wait for the storm to pass.”
     “Then get the Stormborn to go down there!”
     “They say there’s a ward preventing them from getting close to Nimbus!”
     You consider introducing yourself, but you can’t get a word in edgeways.
     “We need to come up with a plan!”
     “Who put you in charge?”
     “Well, someone’s got to be!”
     “But why should it be you?”
     “I never said it should be me.”
     You look around at the squabbling Goblins and know that you stand a better chance of sprouting wings from your ears than they do of agreeing on a plan.
     You spy a young Goblin busy cleaning vials and jars outside one of the workshops. You tell the Goblin you’re a member of the Sky Watch and a look of horror crosses the Goblin’s face. He’s so shocked, he drops the vial he’s been cleaning, and it smashes on the floor.
     “It wasn’t me! I didn’t have anything to do with it, it was Paxio and Pox … well, probably. I mean, I don’t know for sure. But–” he babbles.
     This is quite a reaction. You ask the Goblin his name and he tells you that it’s Yurik.
     To ask Yurik what he’s referring to, turn to 135. To lie and tell Yurik that you know he was behind it, turn to 372. To help Yurik pick up the pieces of the broken vial, turn to 195.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Methedus’s Shard
Dried Stink Fruit (+2 STAMINA)
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
2 Cabbage Leaves (+2 STAMINA)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
Fire Oil (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
Crab Meat (+3 STAMINA)
GOLD: 12
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Help Yurik pick up the pieces of the broken vial.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by pragma »

Help yurik pick up vial
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Helping Yurik pick up the pieces of the broken vial received 3 votes, so Icarus Morningstar will proceed to do this.

You help Yurik pick up the broken pieces of the vial. He looks relieved.
     “Thank you, Officer. I’m so clumsy. That’s the third I’ve broken today,” the Goblin says worriedly. “They’re going to start taking it out of my wages if I’m not careful. I’ve just been so jittery lately.”
     To ask him what’s got him on edge, turn to 4. To give him 1 Gold Piece to help pay for the damage, turn to 169.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ask why he is on edge.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; asking him what’s got him on edge.

“Well, I mean, Nimbus falling, of course! It’s all anyone’s talking about.”
     If you want to ask him why he thought you might believe he’s involved, turn to 116. If you want to lie and accuse him of being behind it, turn to 372.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

Vote for: Ask why he thought we believe he's involved (116)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Ask him why he thought we might believe he's involved.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; asking him why he thought Icarus Morningstar might believe he’s involved received 3 votes.

“Because Pox’s got in for me, that’s why! Him and his brother, Paxlo!” says Yurik angrily. “Ever since I said I didn’t want to join his damn workshop crew and their so-called secret project over at Nimbus. If things sound too good to be true, they usually are!”
     If you want to ask about the workshop and the secret project, turn to 133. To lie and tell Yurik that you know he was behind it, turn to 372. If you want to leave, you can head west towards where the residents of Asperitas live, turn to 293. Or if you want to head north, further into the maze of workshops and laboratories, turn to 111.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ask about secret project.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Ask about the workshop and the secret project.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

3rd vote for asking about the secret project.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; asking about the workshop and the secret project.

You ask Yurik about the workshop crew on Nimbus and their secret project.
     “No!” says the Goblin, resolutely folding his arms. “I’m not saying another word, and I’m guessing with all your Sky Watch friends having a little swim right now, you don’t have time to hang around pestering me! All I’ll say is, find Pox and Paxlo. Then you’ll get some answers!”
     And with that he runs inside the workshop and slams the door. There are some loud clanking noises that put you in mind of a sophisticated lock being triggered.
     You bang on the door, but there’s no answer.
     You decide what to do next. You notice a device nearby that charges storm crystals. You remember that there quite a few of them dotted around Asperitas and for 1 Gold Piece, you can use the device to charge your hovers and return to Matix on Incus, when you need to.
     If you want to try and break down the door, turn to 21. Alternatively you can head west, towards where the residents of Asperitas live (turn to 293), or head north, deeper into the maze of workshops and laboratories (turn to 111).

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

I prefer North - more workshops and laboratories. I think there will be more places where we need a specific object or the story ends and that seems like a good place to pick up some doohickeys and gewgaws.
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