Scaling Feats

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Scaling Feats

Post by Red_Rob »

Our group came late to the 3.5 party, so we bypassed Core and jumped straight into 3.Tome. One side effect of this is a total lack of interest in non-scaling feats by the players- as far as our group is concerned, feats scale and that's that. This has meant we have had to write/rewrite a number of feats, which I thought I'd post here for feedback and for use by others. Some of these use material from other feats either from the core rules, Tomes, or other Den threads etc, so thanks to anyone who contributed and if you spot any egregious thievery let me know and I'll rewrite them/credit you.

Some of these feats are things that some DM's might want you to take at chargen only - Fiend blooded and suchlike. I feel that if you can take a level of Sorceror at any time and suddenly gain magic powers from your previously unrevealed Dragon ancestor, growing claws or angel wings isn't much of a stretch. Besides, with all the magical effects thrown at your standard adventurer it's perhaps surprising more don't develop strange magical mutations in later life. However, if you want to take one of these type of feats later in your career be prepared with an explanation in case your DM gives you the stink-eye.

Combat Feats

[Combat] feats scale to your Base Attack Bonus. Unless otherwise stated the Save DC for any saving throws required is 10+½HD+Con mod

Armoured Combat [Combat]
You are more comfortable in armour than out of it.
+0: As a non-action you can cause an Attack of Opportunity made by an enemy to automatically miss you if the enemies BaB is lower than your Armour bonus. This uses an Attack of Opportunity from you. Once used this ability cannot be used again for 10 rounds.
+1: You can ignore the ACP of your armour when making skill checks if your BaB is equal to or higher than your ACP number.
+6: Enemies attempting to Trip, Bullrush or Grapple you apply the ACP of your armour to their check.
+11: You gain Fortification equal to the level of armour you are wearing (Light, Medium, Heavy).
+16: You gain Spell Resistance equal to 11+ your Armour bonus (including any Enhancement bonus).

Born of Thunder [Combat]
You are connected to the primal forces of Nature.
+0: You gain Electricity and Sonic resistance 5.
+1: When you make a Full Attack action any attacks granted by your BaB deal an additional D6 Sonic damage.
+6: Once per minute you can release a Lightning Bolt as a Spell-like ability at a caster level equal to your character level.
+11: Whenever you deal Electricity damage the target must make a Fort save or become Stunned for 1 round.
+16: Once per day you can Control Weather as per the spell. You are now Immune to Sonic and Electricity damage.

Buster Weapon [Combat]
Yours is the sword that will pierce the Heavens!
+0: You add x2 Str mod to damage with two handed weapons instead of x1.5.
+1: You have the Edge on anyone wielding a smaller weapon than you. (Going by the weapon size rule in Tome).
+6: You may elect to bullrush or trip any opponent you hit in melee with a two handed weapon as a free action. If you used power attack on the attack you may add the penalty you took to hit as a bonus on your check. When using this feat to bullrush, you do not have to move with your target.
+11: Opponents hit by more than one attack from you with a single weapon during your turn must make a Fort save or be Staggered for one round.
+16: Any weapon you use two handed gains the Vorpal major quality in addition to whatever other qualities it has.

Child of the Heavens [Combat]
You have some special connection to the forces of Good, whether you wish it or not.
+0: You radiate faint Good, and are under a permanent Bless effect .
+1: You gain 5 points of Cold and Electricity resistance and can now take [Celestial] feats.
+6: Once per round as a Swift action you can declare your next attack a Smite. This deals additional damage equal to your level to Evil creatures.
+11: You gain either the [Angel] or [Archon] subtype.
+16: You gain basic access to a non Fiendish Sphere. This cannot be used to gain more advanced access to a Sphere you already have.

Deflect Arrows [Combat]
You are so fast you can hit projectiles before they hit you.
+0: Once per round a physical thrown weapon you are aware of that would have hit your AC is deflected and instead misses. This may not be used whilst Flat Footed.
+1: You may now deflect any ranged physical attack you are aware of once per round.
+6: As an Immediate action you may reflect a thrown weapon that you would deflect. Make an immediate attack roll against any target in range.
+11: Once per round you may roll D20 + BaB + Dex and replace your AC with the result against any 1 ranged attack, including spells or Ranged Touch Attacks.
+16: As an immediate action you may reflect a ray that would hit you against the attacker. Roll to hit the target’s touch AC as normal.

Diehard [Combat]
You can take a licking and keep on ticking.
+0: Your chance to stabilise when bleeding increases to 50%
+1: Once per hour you may spend a Swift action to recover (Con mod x Char lvl) hp.
+6: You no longer become Unconscious whilst below 0 hit points, however you remain Disabled and Dying, continuing to roll to stabilise and taking damage for taking actions as normal.
+11: You gain Medium Fortification as an (Ex) ability
+16: If you fail a save against a [Death] effect you are Staggered for one round instead of whatever effect would normally occur.

Divine Agent [Combat]
Not every believer becomes a Paladin or Cleric. You're on a mission from God.
+0: As a Standard action you can conjure a glowing force version of your deities favoured weapon in your hand. This weapon deals Force damage and disappears as soon as it leaves your hand.
+1: As a Swift action you can activate a Divine Favour effect on yourself with a duration of 1 round.
+6: You gain the granted power of any 1 of your deities Domains, however replace all reference to "cleric class" with your current class, and all reference to "cleric level" with character level.
+11: Once per day you may Commune with your deity as per the spell.
+16: You gain Spell Resistance equal to 15+Char level against Divine magic.

Draconic Heritage [Combat]
Your grandmother was a Dragon.
+0: Your skin becomes scaly, giving you a +1/3 levels Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor.
+1: You are immune to magical Sleep effects, and can now take [Monstrous] feats.
+6: You gain a Breath weapon dealing D6/level energy damage over a 30' cone or a 60' line (choose energy type and area when you gain this ability), Ref for half. Once used it cannot be used again for 1D4 rounds.
+11: You gain immunity to Paralyis effects.
+16: You grow Dragon wings, gaining a Fly speed equal to twice your Land speed (Average).

Endurance of Stone [Combat]
Your ancestors were one with the earth.
+0: Your skin becomes stony, increasing your Natural Armor bonus to +2, and you can take [Elemental] feats.
+1: When striking a target standing on an unworked earth or stone floor you may make a free Trip attempt if all your attacks hit the same target.
+6: You gain the [Earth] subtype and a burrow speed equal to half your land speed that can be used through stone or earth. Once per minute you can Soften Earth or Stone as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
+11: You gain DR10/Adamantine.
+16: You gain the Earth Glide [Su] ability of an Earth Elemental.

Experimental Stock [Combat]
Perhaps your parents were experimented on by mad arcanists. Or you’ve just been hit by one spell too many.
+0: You gain Darkvision to 30’ and can take [Monstrous] feats.
+1: You gain a natural Claw, Bite or Tail attack that deals D8 damage for a Medium creature.
+6: You gain a +5 Racial bonus to Perception checks, and the Scent special ability.
+11: Your Natural Armor bonus increases to +4.
+16: Choose a CR16 Magical Beast when you gain this ability. You can Polymorph into this creature once per day as per the spell. This effect last for 1 minute/level.

Frostwalker [Combat]
You are at home on the frozen wastes.
+0: You gain Cold resistance 5 and can take [Elemental] feats.
+1: Once per minute as a Standard action you can chill any one metal object as per Chill Metal as a Touch attack, which must be your size or smaller. If a weapon is affected the damage listed is dealt as additional Cold damage by the weapon rather than to the wielder.
+6: You gain the [Cold] subtype, and once per minute you can release a Cone of Cold as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
+11: Whenever you deal Cold damage you may choose to coat the target's square in ice. Treat this as a Grease spell with a caster level equal to your character level.
+16: Your Cold effects now freeze a creature’s spirit. Cold damage dealt by you cannot be healed except where the temperature is Very Hot or warmer.

Ignan Soul [Combat]
Your soul is linked to the elemental planes of Fire.
+0: You gain Fire resistance 5 and can take [Elemental] feats.
+1: Whenever you deal Fire damage that damage increases by 1 per die rolled.
+6: You gain the [Fire] subtype, and you are constantly surrounded by a Warm Fire Shield with a caster level equal to your character level. This can be suppressed as a Free action.
+11: You count as having every spell with the [Fire] descriptor on your class list for the purposes of activating magic items. If you do not have a caster level you gain a caster level equal to your character level for the purposes of activating magic items only.
+16: Fire damage now heals you.

Infernal Taint [Combat]
Your blood has the taint of the lower planes. Maybe you were born this way, or maybe you just stepped in some Evil.
+0: You radiate faint Evil, and gain either Fire Resistance 5 or Cold Resistance 5
+1: You gain either Acid Resistance 5 or Electricity Resistance 5 and can now take [Fiend] feats.
+6: You gain a natural Bite attack (D8) and two claws (D6)
+11: You gain either the [Baatezu], [Demodand]. [Yugoloth] or [Tanar'ri] subtype.
+16: You gain basic access to a Fiendish Sphere. This cannot be used to gain more advanced access to a Sphere you already have.

Opportunist [Combat]
You punish anyone who lets their guard down.
+0: You gain +2 to hit with attacks of opportunity
+1: Attacking anyone but you provokes an attack of opportunity from you.
+6: After making an attack of opportunity you may make a 5’ step as an Immediate action
+11: An opponent that misses you provokes an attack of opportunity from you if you have the Edge on them.
+16: You no longer need to spend an immediate action to make a 5’ step after making an attack of opportunity.

Radiant Champion [Combat]
You are the light that stands against the darkness.
+0: You can emit light like a Light spell at will, which causes enemies targeting you with an attack you to be Dazzled for the attack and 1 round afterwards.
+1: Once per hour you can spend a Swift action to radiate positive energy out to 10' that grants everyone in the area (including you) Fast Healing 3 for 1 round/level.
+6: As a Standard action you can radiate intense light for 1 round. Treat this as a Daylight effect + a Gaze attack to 60' that Blinds viewers for 1 minute (Fort Negates, targets can avert/close their eyes as usual).
+11: Any living creature in the radius of your light effects for a full minute (including you) gains Fast Healing 5 until they leave.
+16: Once per minute you can use Disintegrate as a Spell-Like Ability with a caster level equal to your char lvl.

Shield Specialization [Combat]
You are an expert at putting a piece of metal between you and harm
+0: You may add your Shield bonus to your Touch AC, including Ranged Touch
+1: You may add your Shield bonus to the DC of any Combat Maneuvers used against you, and as a bonus to any Bullrush attempts you make.
+6: Attacks from enemies that are not flanking you suffer a 20% miss chance whilst you are using a shield.
+11: Opponents that miss you with a melee attack whilst you are using a shield provoke an attack of opportunity from you if you have the Edge on them
+16: You gain Improved Evasion whilst using a Shield

Skychild [Combat]
You are a creature of the air.
+0: Protective winds whip around you, providing a +1/3 levels Deflection bonus to AC. You can now take [Elemental] feats.
+1: You may make a 5' step as a Swift action, even if you have already moved this turn.
+6: You gain the [Air] subtype and once per minute can use Gust of Wind as a spell like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
+11: You can Air Walk as per the spell as a [Su] ability.
+16: You gain the Whirlwind [Su] ability of an Elder Air Elemental.

Slayer [Combat]
There are worse things out tonight than Vampires.
+0: You deal +2 damage per attack against Undead creatures.
+1: You gain a +2 Sacred bonus to saving throws against effects caused by Undead creatures.
+6: You may make a Fort. save to remove a Negative level as a standard action.
+11: You may make critical hits and sneak attacks on Undead as if they were not Immune to critical hits
+16: Any weapon you wield gains the Disrupting special ability.

Weapon of Righteous Destruction [Combat]
Your hands make whatever is being held by them Magical and on Fire. For some reason this doesn't make them melt or burn up.
+0: Whatever weapon you are wielding is considered Masterwork (+1 to hit) in addition to any other properties that it has. Your unarmed attacks, even if not proficient, count for this effect.
+1: Your weapons / natural attacks now count as Magical and gain a +1/3 levels enhancement bonus
+6: The above, plus they gain the Flaming magical weapon effect.
+11: Flaming is replaced by Sun
+16: Sun is replaced by Vorpal
Last edited by Red_Rob on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Simplified Tome Armor.

Tome item system and expanded Wish Economy rules.

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“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire
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Post by Red_Rob »

Skill Feats

[Skill] feats scale to your ranks in the appropriate skill. Unless otherwise stated the Save DC for any saving throws required is 10+½HD+Stat mod, where the stat used is the relevant stat for the skill.

Alchemical Experimentation [Skill]
You brew strange serums and use yourself as a test subject, either in the cause of Science or for darker ends.
Craft: Alchemy
0: You gain +3 to Craft: Alchemy checks & Saves vs. Poison. Craft: Alchemy is always a Class skill for you and you can create Alchemical items as if you were a spellcaster.
4: Disaster! Your last experiment left you physically warped in some way, however your Natural armor bonus increases by +1 and you can now take [Monstrous] feats.
9: Success! Choose one of your stats which gains a +1 Inherent bonus.
14: You can release your darker side as a Swift action once per day. Treat this as a Rage effect as if you had Barbarian levels equal to your character level (including full BaB) and 3D6 Rage Dice.
19: The chemicals in your body have a preservative effect. You cease to age and you cannot gain Negative Levels.

Aura of Menace [Skill]
"Hand me my wallet. It's the one that says "Badass mother****er" on it"
0: Gain +3 to Intimidate checks and Saves vs. Fear affects
4: When you use the Demoralize Opponent action it affects all opponents within 30’ that can see you, and the Shaken effect lasts for 3 rounds. This effect cannot increase a targets fear level past Shaken.
9: You gain a Frightful Presence. Whenever you Charge or confirm a Critical Hit all opponents with less hit dice/ levels than you that can see you must make a Will save or become Frightened for 5D6 rounds.
14: You become Immune to Fear. Any opponent that fails a save against your Fear affects becomes afflicted with a Nightmare spell each time they try to sleep, which continues each night until they pass the saving throw or they die.
19: You can radiate a Fear aura as a Swift action out to 15' that forces each affected creature to make a Will Save or be affected as by a Fear spell. Creatures that pass are immune to this aura for 24 hours.

Beastmaster [Skill]
You have a loyal animal companion that shares your adventures.
Handle Animal
0: You gain +3 to Handle Animal checks. Handle Animal is always a class skill for you.
4: You gain an animal companion as a level 1 Druid that advances with your character level as normal; however it cannot attune magic items. If you already have one, treat your level as 2 higher for advancing your companion.
9: Your companion can attune up to 4 magic items, or 5 if it could already attune items.
14: Your companion can level up into a Magical Beast with a CR 9 or less. Treat the CR as the level you got the creature for advancement.
19: Your companion can level up into a Magical Beast with a CR 14 or less. Treat the CR as the level you got the creature for advancement.

Brutal Strike [Skill]
Your precision strikes target the enemies’ weak point for massive damage.
0: You may reroll any 6's rolled for Sneak Attack damage and add them to the damage dealt. You may also hide without penalty whilst moving full speed.
4: Once per round when you deal Sneak attack damage you may cause an ongoing wound, dealing 1 Bleed damage at the start of their turn per dice of Sneak attack damage dealt until a DC20 Heal check is made.
9: Whenever you deal Sneak Attack damage the target must make a Will Save or become Shaken for 1 round per dice of Sneak Attack you have. This is a [Mind Affecting, Fear] ability.
14: Once per round you may deal 1D6 of your Sneak Attack damage as Con or Str damage.
19: Once per round on a successful hit you may reduce the Sneak Attack damage you would deal with the attack by any amount of dice to give the target a -1 to all rolls per dice reduced for 1 round/level.

Combat Casting [Skill]
You have managed to overcome your crippling personal space issues.
0: You gain a +3 to Concentration checks
4: You may reroll a Concentration or Caster Level check once per round
9: If you would become Stunned you may make a DC20 Concentration check to instead become Dazed. If you would become Nauseated, you may make a DC20 Concentration check to instead become Sickened.
14: At the start of your action you may make a Concentration check (DC 20+Spell Level) to allow you to maintain a spell with duration: concentration as a Free Action. You may not use this ability on two
consecutive rounds.
19: When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you may cast a spell with casting time: 1 standard action or less with them as the target as an Immediate action.

Dashing Swordsman [Skill]
Suits of armour and Greatswords are for wimps. Real men wear silk.
0: Whilst wearing light or no armour, using the Combat Expertise option adds an amount equal to the bonus to AC as a bonus to your damage rolls as with Power attack.
4: You gain a +4 Dodge bonus to AC against Attacks of Opportunity.
9: When making an Attack or Full Attack action with a Light or Finessable weapon, you may take a 5' step after each successful hit (this counts towards your movement for the round).
14: You may make a Standard action Attack which, if any of the attacks hit, causes the target to provoke an attack of opportunity from everyone threatening them.
19: Any opponent you are providing a flanking bonus against is flat footed if you have the Edge on them.

Disabling Strike [Skill]
You are an expert at breaking things.
Disable Device
0: You can disable a device as an Attack action regardless of the DC.
4: If you hit a Construct or Object with an attack whilst they are denied their Dex bonus to AC they must make a Fort save or be Dazed for 1 round.
9: You may cause Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks against Constructs as if they were not immune to Critical Hits.
14: You may cause Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks against Plants as if they were not immune to Critical Hits.
19: As an attack action you can attempt to end any ongoing spell effect by making a DC20+2xSpell level Disable Device check.

Extraordinary Spell Aim [Skill]
You can sling spells better than the rest.
0: You gain +2 to hit with spells that require an attack roll.
4: You may choose to give any number of targets within the area of your spells a +2 to their saving throw.
9: With a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level) you can reflect a ray off a solid surface. This may allow you to fire round corners etc. with normal to hit penalties or full concealment as appropriate
14: With a Spellcraft check (DC 25 + spell level) you can shape an area spell so it does not affect one square within its area.
19: You may apply the sculpt spell Metamagic to any spell as you cast it. This does not increase the ML.

Protected by Spirits [Skill]
You are watched over and protected by a Guardian spirit.
Knowledge: Religion
0: Your Spirit Guardian protects you, allowing you to re-roll one failed Saving throw per day. In addition, Knowledge: Religion is always a class skill for you.
4: Once per minute you can use Cause Fear as a [Sp] Ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
9: You can Speak with Dead as a [Sp] ability at will.
14: You can see Invisible and Ethereal things within 100'. Upon striking an Ethereal or Incorporeal target with your attacks they are no longer Ethereal or Incorporeal for 1 round/level.
19: One round after Dying for any reason your Spirit Guardian tries to return your soul to your body. Treat this as a Raise Dead spell, however there is no level loss.

Sidestep [Skill]
You can avoid attacks using your incredible acrobatics.
0: You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving within a creature’s threatened area, only for attempting to leave it.
4: Immediately after taking your first 5' step of each round, you get a bonus 5' step.
9: When using the Combat Expertise option you may make a Tumble check, and ignore 1 point of to-hit penalty for each 10 DC you beat.
14: You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for movement.
19: You may take a 5' Step as an Immediate action.

Vital Strike [Skill]
You can pinpoint an enemy's vitals when their guard is down.
Move Silently
0: Your first Attack of Opportunity each round denies the target their Dex bonus to AC.
4: If you would deal Sneak Attack damage to a target you may instead gain a free Disarm attempt against them.
9: Any time you deal Sneak Attack damage the target is Deafened for 1 round.
14: If you would deal Sneak Attack damage to a target you may instead cause them to make a Fort save vs. Blindness and a Will Save vs. Confusion, each for 1 round per D6 of Sneak Attack damage you would normally have dealt.
19: Whenever you would deal Sneak Attack damage the target is Flat Footed against your attacks until the end of your next turn.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Simplified Tome Armor.

Tome item system and expanded Wish Economy rules.

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“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” - Voltaire
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Post by Red_Rob »

Metamagic Feats

From Kaelik's Tome Errata.
Kaelik wrote:[Metamagic] Feats allow you to increase the potency of the lower level spells you can cast. Each application of a metamagic feat increases the Metamagic Level (ML) by the amount listed. You may only apply metamagic to a spell such that the spell level plus the metamagic level is less than or equal to that of the highest level spell that you can cast. All metamagic effects affect the entire spell. Thus, if you cast a widened, empowered fireball, the empowering doesn't just apply the normal area of effect of the fireball, its effect is widened as well. Anything else is silly and obnoxious.

Preparation casters much choose which metamagic feats they wish to apply to spells when they prepare them. Spontaneous casters must choose which metamagic feats to apply when they cast them. The save DC for your spells is 10 + 1/2 Character Level + Primary Ability Modifier.
Feats from Kaelik's Tome Errata.
Kaelik wrote:Shaped Spell [Metamagic]

Enlarge: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. This increases the ML by +1.

Widen: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped spell to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the spell’s area increase by 100%. This increases the ML by +1.

Sculpt: I'm not allowed to reproduce the text, but you may apply the feat Sculpt Spell to a spell for a ML of +2.

Strong Spell [Metamagic]

Empower: You may choose to increase the potency of your spells by increasing all numerical variable (random) effects by 50%. This increase the ML by +1.

Maximize: You may choose to set all random numerical variable (random) effects of a spell to their maximum values. This increases the ML by +2.

Quicken Spell [Metamagic]

Quicken: You may choose to cast a spell that normally takes a standard action as a swift action, or you may choose to cast a spell that normally takes a full round action as a standard action. The first use increases the ML by +4. The second by +2.

Spell Timing [Metamagic]

Twin: You get two for the price of one. You may choose to have a spell go off twice immediately with the same everything. This increases the ML by +3.

Repeat: You get one now and one later for the price of one. A repeated spell is automatically cast again at the beginning of your next round of actions. No matter where you are, the secondary spell originates from the same location and affects the same area as the primary spell. If the repeated spell designates a target, the secondary spell retargets the same target if the target is within 30 feet of its original position; otherwise the secondary spell fails to go off. This increases the ML by +2.

Delay: You can choose to have a spell go off anywhere from one to five rounds later. The spell must have a target of personal, touch, or an area effect. This increases the ML by +1

Duration Spell [Metamagic]

Extend: You may double the duration of a spell whose duration is not concentration, instantaneous, or permanent. This increases the ML by +1.

Persist: You may increase the duration of a spell one or two steps along the following chart. Each step increases the ML by +3. If the duration of the spell is not on the chart, you cannot improve it in this manner.
2 minutes -> 30 minutes -> 2 hours -> 12 hours -> 24 hours.

Subtle Spell [Metamagic]

Still: You may remove any somatic components from the list of components of a spell. This increases the ML by +1.

Silent: You may remove any verbal components from the list of components of a spell. This increases the ML by +1.

Eschew Materials: You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component.
Eldritch Magick [Metamagic]

Pseudonatural: You can modify any Summon Monster spell such that any Animals, Magical Beasts and Vermin summoned have the Pseudonatural Template applied instead of Fiendish or Celestial. This increases the ML by +1.
Mindwarp: You can alter any [Mind Affecting] Spell that allows a Save so that any target that passes the save must make an additional Will Save or become Confused for 1 round. This increases the ML by +3.

Enhance Element [Metamagic]

Blistering: You may choose to have a [Fire] spell force anyone that takes Fire damage from it to make a Reflex save or they are set On Fire. This increases the ML by +1.
Chilling: You may choose to have a [Cold] spell force anyone that takes Cold damage from it to make a Reflex save or they are Entangled for 1 round/level. This increases the ML by +1.
Shocking: You may choose to have an [Electricity] spell force anyone that takes Electricity damage from it to make a Fort save or become Staggered for 1 round. This increases the ML by +1.
Caustic: You may choose to have an [Acid] spell force anyone that takes Acid damage from it to make a Fort save or they are Sickened for 1 round/level. This increases the ML by +1.
Booming: You may choose to have a [Sonic] spell force anyone that takes Sonic damage from it to make a Fort save or they are knocked prone. This increases the ML by +1.

Energy Alteration [Metamagic]

Energy Substitution: You can modify any spell with an energy descriptor to use another type of energy (Fire, Cold, Acid or Electricity) instead. The spell’s descriptor changes to the new energy type - for example, a fireball composed of cold energy is an evocation [cold] spell. This increases the ML by +1
Energy Admixture: You can modify any spell with an energy descriptor by adding an equal amount of a chosen type of energy (Fire, Cold, Acid or Electricity) to the spell’s normal effects. The altered spell works normally in all respects except for the type and amount of damage dealt, with each type of energy counting separately toward the spell’s damage cap. Thus, an acid fireball cast at 6th level deals 6d6 points of fire damage and 6d6 points of acid damage (rolled separately). Even opposed types of energy (such as fire and cold) can be combined using this feat. As well, the spell’s descriptor changes to include both energy types present in the spell - for example, the acid fireball described above is an evocation [acid, fire] spell. This increases the ML by +3.

Greenbound Sumnmoning [Metamagic]

Vegetative: You can modify any Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally spell to summon Animals, Magical Beasts and Vermin as plant-like creatures. Such creatures are immune to critical hits, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. This increases the ML by +1.
Greenbound: You can modify any Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally spell to summon Animals, Magical Beasts and Vermin as creatures with the Plant type instead of their normal type, with all associated immunities and rules. This increases the ML by +2.

Mana Drain [Metamagic]

Leeching: You can modify any spell with a single target to cause a Dispel effect against a single ongoing spell effect on that target when it is cast (Maximum +10 to the roll as usual). You must have identified the spell effect you are attempting to Dispel with a Spellcraft roll. This increases the ML by +2.
Dispelling: You can cause any spell with an area effect to act as an Area Dispel Magic within this area when it is cast in addition to its primary effect (Maximum +10 to the roll as usual). This increases the ML by +4.

Negative Energy Infusion [Metamagic]

Negative: You can modify any spell that deals energy damage to deal half its damage as Negative energy rather than its usual type. This increases the ML by +1.
Drain: You can modify any spell that deals energy damage to deal half its damage as Negative energy rather than its usual type, and to cause any living creature damaged by it to gain 1 Negative level. No creature can gain more than one Negative Level from this spell per casting. This increases the ML by +2.

Piercing Spell [Metamagic]

Fortified: You can give any spell a +2 to rolls to overcome Spell Resistance. This increases the ML by +1.
Spellpierce: You can give any spell a +5 to rolls to overcome Spell Resistance. This increases the ML by +3.

Soothing Spell [Metamagic]

Curative: You may choose to have any [Harmless] Divine spell that is not a [Healing] spell heal 1hp/spell level to each target when it is cast. This increases the ML by +1.
Restorative: You may choose to have any [Harmless] Divine spell that is not a [Healing] spell remove 1 condition affecting each target from the following list per spell level (choose when the spell is cast, options can be chosen multiple times): A Negative level, any amount of ability damage to one ability, Fatigue, one poison, one point of ability drain. This increases the ML by +2.

[Metamagic] feats that don’t modify spells scale to the highest level spell you can cast.

Arcane Study [Metamagic]
Your diligent research pays off in expanded magical potential
Spell lvl
0: You may cast Mage Hand and Unseen Servant as at will abilities.
1: When gaining spells of a new level you may add an additional spell of that level to your spellbook
3: You gain an additional level 2 spell slot.
6: You may Counterspell using any spell of the same school of a higher level.
9: Choose a level 1 or level 0 spell you know which you can now cast as a spell-like ability at will.

Augment Summoning [Metamagic]
Creatures you summon are more potent than normal.
Spell lvl
0: Your Summon spells have a set duration of 5 mins
1: Your Summoned creatures gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength & Constitution
3: Your Summon spells except those of your highest spell level may be cast as a Standard action.
6: You may spontaneously cast Summon spells, and you can choose creatures from the Summon Monster or Summon Natures Ally creature lists.
9: Your Summon spells summon twice the number of creatures.

Divine Might [Metamagic]
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
Spell Lvl
0: You may expend a turning attempt as a Standard action to activate a Divine Favor effect on all allies within 60' (including yourself) for 3 rounds.
1: You may expend a Divine spell as a Swift action to add a number of D6 damage to the next melee attack you make this round that hits equal to the spell level of the spell expended.
3: You Turn Undead as if you were 2 levels higher.
6: By expending a turning attempt as a Swift action you can bless any number of weapons within 60'. For the next 10 rounds these weapons receive the Keen enhancement and count as Adamantine and Silver for the purposes of DR.
9: Your Turn or Rebuke Undead attempts now work against all Evil creatures.

Divine Protection [Metamagic]
Blessed is he who shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness. Ezekiel 25:17
Spell Lvl
0: You gain a +1/3 levels enhancement bonus to your number of Turning attempts, if you have them (rounded up).
1: You may expend a turning attempt as a Swift action to give any number of allies within 60' (including yourself) 10 Resistance to Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity for 1 minute.
3: Whenever you cast a Divine spell all allies within 60' of you (including yourself) gain a +2 Sacred bonus to saves for 1 round.
6: You may expend a turning attempt as an Immediate action to allow an ally within 60' (including yourself) to reroll a failed save.
9: Whenever you Turn or Rebuke Undead each creature in the area that would be affected must also make a Will save or be Staggered for 3 rounds.

Domain Focus [Metamagic]
Your God helps you to help yourself
Spell lvl
0: Choose one of your Domains when you gain this feat. Add the spells from this domain to your spells known.
1: Your spells are cast at CL+1 from your chosen domain.
3: Save DC's for spells from your chosen domain increase by +1.
6: Choose one spell from your chosen Domain. You may spontaneously cast this spell by using a spell of the same level or higher.
9: You may apply metamagic spontaneously to your domain spells from the chosen domain. ML limits apply as normal.

Improved Familiar [Metamagic]
Your familiar is the envy of wizards for miles around.
Special: You must have the Familiar class feature to take this feat.
Spell lvl
0: Your familiar gains Energy Blast (Su): As a standard action you can fire a blast of magical energy. This is a ranged touch attack out to Short Range that deals 1D6 energy damage (Fire, Cold, Lightning or Acid, choose one).
1: You can store 1 level 1 spell in your familiar, as if it was ring of spell storing, which the familiar can cast when needed.
3: Your familiar pokevolves into another form, which must be CR2 or less and Small. It's Energy Blast now deals D6/2 levels out to Medium range and it can now store 3 levels of spells.
6: Your Familiar can now store 6 levels of spells.
9: Your Familiar evolves into a Medium creature of CR 12 or less. It's Energy Blast now deals 1D6/level and it can store up to 9 levels of spells.

Sacred Healer [Metamagic]
You can channel positive energy to increase the power of your healing spells
Spell lvl
0: You may re-roll the dice once when casting any Cure spell
1: By spending a turning attempt you may Maximise any Cure spell as it is being cast.
3: As a full round action you may cast any Cure spell and have it affect everyone adjacent to you.
6: You may spend a Turning attempt as a standard action to grant any number of target creatures within 60' Fast Healing 3 for 10 mins
9: You may spend a turning attempt to revive a character from the dead as per Raise Dead that has not been dead for more rounds than your Wisdom Modifier.

Spell Focus [Metamagic]
The spells of your chosen school are more potent than normal.
Spell lvl
0: Choose a School of magic when you pick this feat. You may cast Cantrips from this school as a Swift action.
1: Your save DC's for Spells from the chosen school are increased by 1.
3: You gain a +2 bonus to Caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with spells of the chosen school.
6: Choose a spell from this school as your “signature spell” You may spontaneously cast this spell by using a spell of its level or higher.
9: You know all spells of this school and may prepare any spell from this school without access to a spellbook.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Innate Ability Feats

[Innate] Feats scale to the number of levels you have in Supernatural classes. A class is a Supernatural class if it provides a [Sp] or [Su] ability at first level. As the first ability requires 0 levels it can be gained by characters without any levels in such a class.

Arcane Patterns [Innate]
The universe runs on patterns. You know this, and incorporate them into your magic.
0: As an Immediate action you can trace a magical pattern in the air that drains mystical energy. This provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Saves against one spell.
1: By increasing the activation time of one of your [Sp] or [Su] Area abilities to a Full Action you can include intricate patterns, Fascinating all those within their area for 1 round/level unless a Will save is made.
6: Your [Sp] and [Su] Area abilities that use the above option now focus a resonant effect on one target. This target takes a -2 penalty to any saving throws made as a result of the ability.
11: You can apply the effect of the Sculpt Spell Metamagic to your [Sp] and [Su] abilities as you use them.
16: By spending 10 minutes tracing a 10' x 10' pattern on a flat surface you can cause the next being to step onto it within 1 hour to be affected by a Maze spell with a caster level equal to your character level.

Elemental Focus [Innate]
You have honed your ability to shape elemental forces.
Special: You may take this ability more than once, choosing a different element each time.
0: Choose an Element from the following when this ability is gained: Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic. You may reroll any failed saves once each against any spell or effect with the chosen descriptor.
1: Whenever you deal damage of the chosen type with a [Sp] or [Su] ability you may reroll any 1's rolled on the damage dice, however you must keep the rerolled result.
6: Whenever you deal damage of the chosen type with a [Sp] or [Su] ability the target must make a Fort save or suffer the following effect for 1 round: Fire=On Fire, Cold=Entangled, Electricity=Staggered, Acid=Sickened, Sonic=Knocked Prone
11: Your [Sp] and [Su] abilities with the chosen descriptor or that deal the chosen damage type have either their range or area doubled (chosen when the ability is used).
16: Damage of the chosen type dealt by your [Sp] and [Su] abilities ignores resistance (but not immunity)

Lingering magic [Innate]
You have learnt to prolong your powers.
0: Whenever you deal energy damage to a target they suffer additional damage equal to your character level at the start of their next turn.
1: By increasing the activation time of one of your instantaneous [Sp] or [Su] Area abilities to a Full Action you can increase the duration to 1 round. During this time anything that enters the area is affected by the spell and must make any appropriate saving throws or suffer the effects.
6: Once per hour you can use any [Sp] or [Su] ability that deals energy damage to create a defensive shield around a single target. This lasts for 1 hour and provides ER against the damage type dealt equal to the damage the ability would normally deal (roll once when this ability is used) instead of its normal effect.
11: By increasing the activation time of one of your instantaneous [Sp] or [Su] Area abilities to a Full Action you can cast it as a Wall. This changes the Effect and Duration to that of a Wall of Force. Creatures can pass through the wall, however they are affected by the spell and must make any appropriate saving throws or suffer the effects.
16: The duration of all your [Sp] and [Su] abilities whose duration is not Concentration, Instantaneous, or Permanent is doubled.

Practiced Power [Innate]
You have learnt how to use your powers to their fullest potential.
Special: You may take this ability more than once, choosing a different ability each time.
0: You have practiced focusing your mind, giving you +3 to Concentration rolls.
1: Choose one of your Spell Like or Supernatural abilities when this ability is gained. You may either increase the Save DC for the ability by 2, or add 2 to each dice roll for variables (choose when you gain this ability).
6: Either the chosen abilities area, range or duration is doubled, or it is used at +1 caster level (choose when you gain this ability).
11: Once per day you may either force the target of the chosen ability to reroll a successful save, or reduce the time required to use the chosen ability as follows:
10 mins > 1 min > Full round > Standard action > Swift action
16: The chosen ability gains +2 to rolls to penetrate Spell Resistance.

Tainted Source [Innate]
Your power flows from a dark source that taints your magical abilities.
0: You gain +3 to saves vs. Fear and 5 points of Negative Energy resistance.
1: By increasing the activation time of one of your [Sp] or [Su] abilities that allows a save to a Full Action you can cause any target that fails the save to make a Will save or become Shaken for 3 rounds.
6: Any living creature killed by damage from your [Sp] or [Su] abilities rises as a Zombie under your control after D3 rounds. This lasts for one minute before the body collapses. You may have a maximum HD of Zombies equal to twice yours active at any one time.
11: Whenever you deal energy damage to a target with any of your [Sp] or [Su] abilities you can choose to deal half the damage as Negative Energy instead of the original type.
16: Whenever you deal Negative Energy damage the target gains a Negative level.

Toxic magic [Innate]
Your magic is poisonous, causing those affected by it to sicken and die.
0: You gain +4 to Saves against Poison.
1: By increasing the activation time of one of your [Sp] or [Su] abilities that allows a save to a Full Action you can cause any target that fails the save to become affected by a poison. This forces the target to make a Fort save or become Sickened for 3 rounds.
6: You become Immune to Poison. By using a dose of poison as a material component you can add the poison's effect to any single target [Sp] ability you use. The target makes a separate saving throw for the poison.
11: You can use Poison as a [Sp] at will with a caster level equal to your character level.
16: Any creature that fails a save against one of your [Sp] or [Su] abilities takes 2 points of Constitution damage unless they are immune to poison.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Class Specific Feats

Gadget Feats
[Gadget] feats scale to the highest level of Gadget you have blueprints for.

Military Technology [Gadget]
You like to make things go boom.
Basic: You may choose your next Charged blueprint from this list: Pump Action, Lightning Rod, Frost Blaster, Fuel Efficient Flamethrower. This counts as a basic Gadget blueprint.
Good: Whilst wielding any weapon-like gadget your BaB is equal to your character level.
Great: Increase the DC of any saves caused by your gadgets by 2.
Giga: Your Charged gadgets may carry twice as much Fuel/Ammo/Powder, allowing them to be used twice as long/often before being recharged.
Gal: Each of your gadgets that deals damage has the number of damage dice increased by 50%

Mad Scientist [Gadget]
You are constantly working on new inventions.
Basic: You can choose not to build one of your Gadgets at the start of the day, and instead take 1 minute at any time to "find" the gadget in your workshop, which can be any gadget you have the blueprint for.
Good: Whenever you gain a level you may replace one of your existing blueprints with another blueprint, which may be from one gadget level higher than the original blueprint if you have access to them.
Great: Instead of building a Daily device you may choose to give one of your Daily devices one additional use.
Giga: Your next Daily blueprint gained may be an experimental device. This can be any Galactic Charged gadget, however this gadget can only be used once each day and cannot be recharged as with a normal Daily gadget.
Gal: Add your Daily and Charged blueprint limits together. You may make this many gadgets of any kind each day.

Clockwork Legion [Gadget]
You are an expert at creating artificial assistants.
Basic: The first Helper you build each day is Small and has the stats of an appropriately sized Animated Object.
Good: As a Charged Good blueprint you can choose a mechanical creature with the stats of a Medium animated object.
Great: You gain the Crafted Companion ability. At level 10 your companion's natural weapons gain a scaling enhancement bonus and you can choose to replace the size related hp bonus with bonus hp per HD based on Str as if it were Con.
Giga: Your Crafted Companion may be rebuilt into any Construct with a CR 2 lower than your level.
Gal: As a Charged Galactic blueprint you can choose a Slaughterstone Behemoth (See MM3)

Gunslinger Feats
[Gunslinger] feats scale to the number of Deeds you have.

Way of the Gun [Gunslinger]
You have an almost mystical connection to your weapon.
0: You gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Firearms if you do not already have it. Each day you may make 1gp worth of ammo at no cost per level.
1: The Critical Multiplier of any Firearm you wield increases by 1.
5: Whenever you gain a Deed you may also trade one of your existing Deeds for a different Deed that you would be eligible for.
8: The next Deed you gain may be chosen from the Legendary Deeds list.
10: At the start of each round you gain 1 Grit.

Thousand Yard Stare [Gunslinger]
You’ve seen things that could drive a man crazy.
0: Your icy stare provides +3 to Intimidate checks and saves against Fear.
1: Your maximum Grit is increased by 2.
5: Any creature making a melee attack against you suffers a -2 morale penalty to hit. This is a Mind Affecting Fear effect.
8: You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity for firing a firearm.
10: You may add a bonus equal to your current Grit to any Will saves you make.

Executioner [Gunslinger]
You aren’t afraid to kill.
0: Whenever you threaten a critical hit the target must make a Will save or become Shaken for 1 round. This is a Mind Affecting Fear effect.
1: The maximum amount of Grit you may spend on a single action is increased by 1.
5: Once per round when you kill a target with a firearm you may make another shot at a target within one range increment. This counts as an Attack of Opportunity.
8: You may use the Coup De Grace action against Stunned or Helpless targets within one range increment.
10: As a Full action you may make a single attack with a firearm that, if it hits, forces the target to take a Fort save or die.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Monster Type Feats

Some feats are designed to be taken by monsters, and these feats have an additional tag that restricts who can choose them. Usually the restrictions below apply, however certain characters may gain the ability to take these feats as a result of race, feat or class abilities. If a feat has multiple tags only one must be satisfied to take it.

[Celestial] feats can only be taken by Good creatures with the Outsider type.
[Fiend] feats can only be taken by Evil creatures with the Outsider type.
[Elemental] feats can only be taken by creatures with the Elemental type. Sometimes an additional tag will be included, such as [Elemental, Air]. This means that the creature taking the feat must have the appropriate subtype in addition to being able to take [Elemental] feats.
[Monstrous] feats can only be taken by creatures with the Animal, Dragon or Magical Beast types.

Angelic Appearance [Combat] [Celestial]
Your celestial heritage transforms you into a holy icon.
+0: You radiate calm and goodness. This provides +3 to Diplomacy checks.
+1: You gain +4 to saves against Poison and Petrification, and the ability to speak with any creature that has a language.
+6: You radiate a Magic Circle against Evil at all times.
+11: You grow angelic feathered wings. This provides a Fly speed equal to twice your land speed with Good maneuverability.
+16: Your righteous anger is terrible to behold. You can radiate a Fear aura as a Swift action out to 15' that forces each affected creature to make a Will save or be affected as by a Fear spell. Creatures that pass are immune to this aura for 24 hours.

Constricting Tail [Combat] [Fiend] [Monstrous]
You have a serpentine tail that allows you to squeeze the life from your enemies.
+0: You grow a tail. This helps you balance, providing +3 to Balance checks.
+1: Your tail gains a Stinger. Treat this as a Natural weapon that deals D3 damage and injects a Poison (D6 Con/ D6 Con) that can be used a number of times per day equal to your Con Mod.
+6: Your tail fuses with your legs, allowing you to deal 4D6 Constrict damage with a successful grapple check.
+11: Your tail attack gains Improved Grab.
+16: Any creature taking Constriction damage from you that breathes must make a Fort save or fall unconscious until you release it from the Grapple.

Demonic Appearance [Combat] [Fiend]
Your appearance changes to match the taint within.
+0: People can sense your Demonic nature, and it disturbs them. This provides a +3 bonus to Intimidate checks.
+1: You gain +4 to saves against Poison and 5 points of Fire resistance.
+6: You gain Fire immunity, and radiate Fire dealing D6 fire damage per 2 levels to everything within your natural reach at the start of your turn. This can be suppressed for a round as a Standard action.
+11: You grow batlike wings. This provides a Fly speed equal to twice your land speed with Good maneuverability.
+16: You can radiate a Fear aura as a Swift action out to 15' that forces each affected creature to make a Will save or be affected as by a Fear spell. Creatures that pass are immune to this aura for 24 hours.

Devil magic [Innate] [Fiend]
Your innate magical abilities have been warped by your Fiendish taint.
0: Choose a Fiendish Sphere. You may use the level 1 ability of that Sphere once per day as a [Sp] ability.
1: Once per day you may Maximise one of your [Sp] abilities as it is cast.
6: One of your [Sp] abilities with duration: Instantaneous can be used as a Supernatural Breath Weapon over a 30' cone. This expends one use of the ability, and it cannot be used again in this way for d4 rounds.
11: One of your [Sp] abilities with duration: Instantaneous that allows a save but does not deal damage can be used as a Supernatural Gaze with range: 30' and duration: 1 round. This expends one use of the ability.
16: You gain Greater Teleport as a [Sp] ability at will. This can transport only you & 50lb of additional weight.

Elemental Bodied [Combat] [Elemental]
Your body changes to resemble your elemental nature.
+0: You are immune to nonmagical Poison.
+1: You gain Damage Resistance equal to half your level (rounded up) with no weakness.
+6: You cannot be Stunned and gain Light Fortification [Ex].
+11: Your amorphous form cannot be Flanked and your Fortification improves to Medium [Ex]
+16: You cannot be Paralysed and you are immune to Critical hits as you have no vitals.

Extra arms [Combat] [Fiend] [Monstrous]
You have more arms than is normal for your race.
+0: You grow two extra humanoid clawed arms. These arms are uncoordinated, and cannot be used to grip or manipulate objects, however they deal D4 damage as a Natural weapon.
+1: You gain 2 additional Attacks of Opportunity, which must be made with your additional arms.
+6: Your two extra arms can now be used as normal arms.
+11: You have the Edge against any opponent wielding less weapons than you.
+16: You grow two extra humanoid arms that can be used as normal arms.

Frozen Heart [Combat] [Fiend] [Elemental, Cold]
Your icy aura freezes everything around you.
Special: You must be Immune to Cold to take this feat
+0: Any square you enter is coated in Ice (treat this as a Grease effect at a caster level equal to your character level) for 1 round. You may move at full speed on ice without any chance of falling.
+1: Any creature you are grappling takes D6+ Char level Cold damage at the end of each round.
+6: You may use Polar Ray as a [Sp] ability with a caster level equal to your character level at will.
+11: You can duplicate the effect of a Freezing Sphere spell at a caster level equal to your character level on one target with a Touch attack at will.
+16: At the start of your turn each creature within your natural reach is affected by an Entomb spell at a caster level equal to your character level. Within this area the temperature is always Freezing.

Innate Invisibility [Skill] [Celestial] [Fiend] [Elemental, Air] [Monstrous]
You can conceal yourself from the world.
0: You gain +3 to Move Silently and Hide checks
4: Whenever you take no actions during your turn you become Invisible at the end of your turn. This invisibility ends when you take an action.
9: You can become Invisible as a Standard action at will. This Invisibility ends when you attack any creature, as per the Invisibility spell.
14: You are now permanently Invisible, except in Shadowy illumination (when you would receive concealment due to poor lighting).
19: You are now permanently Invisible.

Spines of Fury [Combat] [Fiend] [Monstrous]
Barbed spines cover your body.
+0: You grow spines all over your body that poke through any armor you wear. Treat this as if you were wearing armor spikes at all times.
+1: You can fire one of your spines as an Attack action. They have a 10' range increment and add your Str bonus to damage.
+6: Your spines inject a lethal poison on a hit (Fort save or D4 Con/D4 Con). This poison lasts for 1 round once in contact with air, and so cannot be used to coat weapons.
+11: Your spines are now iron hard, increasing your Natural Armor bonus to +4 if it is lower.
+16: The secondary damage of your spines poison is now Death.

Unearthly Flames [Combat] [Fiend] [Elemental, Fire]
Your body burns with unnaturally hot fire.
Special: You must be Immune to Fire to take this feat.
+0: Your Natural weapons deal an additional D4 Fire damage. If you already deal Fire damage with your natural weapons increase the die size of this damage by 1 step.
+1: Within 10' of you the temperature never drops below Warm.
+6: You gain the Burn ability of a Fire Elemental. If you already have this ability increase the Save DC by 2.
+11: You are constantly surrounded by a Heat Haze. Treat this as an [Ex] Blur effect.
+16: As a Standard action that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity you can release an Incendiary Cloud centered on yourself with a caster level equal to your character level.

Unnatural Growth [Combat] [Celestial] [Elemental, Earth] [Fiend] [Monstrous]
You grow at a supernatural rate.
+0: Your powerful build means that opponents one size larger count as your size when making opposed rolls.
+1: Your Strength increases by 2.
+6: Your size increases to Large if you were not already. This provides a 10' reach as usual. You also gain +2 Strength and Constitution.
+11: You have the Edge against any creature that is smaller than you.
+16: Your size increases to Huge if you were not already. This provides a 15' reach as usual. You also gain +2 Strength and Constitution.
Last edited by Red_Rob on Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RobbyPants »

On a first glance, I like a lot of them, although I'm not sure how good of a judge I am at Tome feats. I've only ran one Tome game.

One thing I noticed is giving out Rage with Alchemical Experimentation. Personally, I don't think you should be handing out iconic class features on a feat, although you do have it limited to 1/day at least.
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Post by Surgo »

Alchemical rage is a pretty core fantasy concept, so it's nice to have it available.
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Post by Red_Rob »

I was going for a Jekyll and Hyde type vibe with that. Barbarian Rage just seemed like a fitting existing mechanic that covered that kind of area, and as it's once per day it shouldn't tread on an actual barbarian's toes too much. Besides, Tome Barbarians have a lot more going for them than just Rage.

I'll get some more feats uploaded tomorrow.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Added additional feats.
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Post by Kaelik »

Isn't duration spell in the errata?

EDIT: And Quicken.

The only changes are that you use the old stupid system of durations, and that you made quicken cost less, which is really weird.
Last edited by Kaelik on Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Good point, I had just copied over the feats we were using without separating yours. I've added them in their own section now. Don't know what you mean about Quicken though, it was +2/+4 in both?

Added the rest of the feats.
Simplified Tome Armor.

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Post by Kaelik »

Red_Rob wrote:Good point, I had just copied over the feats we were using without separating yours. I've added them in their own section now. Don't know what you mean about Quicken though, it was +2/+4 in both?

Added the rest of the feats.
80% sure it was +3 for the swift action on yours.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Red_Rob »

100% sure it was +4 :tongue: I checked specifically when you mentioned it.

On that subject, I've been thinking about Quicken, and wondering if it isn't problematic with this Metamagic system. Whereas the other feats allow you to boost your lower level spells in various ways to make them worth using when compared to your highest level spells, Quicken allows you to use them in addition to your highest level spells, which seems kind of different. It's basically allowing you to give a rider to your highest level spells, which breaks the design of these Metamagic feats. The idea is that Metamagic doesn't offer an actual power increase, but by boosting your lower level spells brings them more in line with your higher level options, thus increasing your option space and extending the workday. By allowing you to cast multiple spells per round starting at level 9 Quicken seems like it breaks this paradigm.

Should Quicken be taken out? Or at least given some other restriction to make it less attractive to use on every spell?
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Post by Foxwarrior »

Think of Quicken from a different angle: Imagine that it's a feat which says "As a swift action, you may cast a spell that's four levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast". Is being able to cast a wimpy spell in addition to a good spell every round too strong for a feat?
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Post by schpeelah »

Foxwarrior wrote:Think of Quicken from a different angle: Imagine that it's a feat which says "As a swift action, you may cast a spell that's four levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast". Is being able to cast a wimpy spell in addition to a good spell every round too strong for a feat?
Not if you can guarantee a spell 4 levels behind will indeed be wimpy and will not be comboable with other spells for extraordinarily powerful effect..
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Post by Foxwarrior »

Remember, just bringing along a caster who's 8 levels behind you to cast the spell isn't supposed to cause meaningful harm to your Encounter Level.
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Post by Red_Rob »

The problem is that this is totally at odds with the ethos of this Metamagic system.

Look, Metamagic in the core book is pretty useless if you use it as intended. Most of the metamagic options aren't worth the spell level increase unless you are doing something broken with them, like extending buffs into your next day to gain double use from your spell slots, or if you are using Metamagic cost reducers to apply them as free bonuses to your highest level spells. The idea of this system as originally conceived is that by applying these feats to your lower level spells for free but removing the cost reducers they will simply boost your lower level spells so they are more competitive with your higher level spells.

In core 3e the caster paradigm is that only your highest 2 levels of spells have save DC's the enemies care about. This means that all your highest 2 spell levels are used for combat spells and the rest of your slots go on things that don't offer a save - buffs, utility spells etc. By having the save DC scale to your level rather than the spells and offering power ups to your lower level spells the hope with this system is that casters can choose spells from any level as combat spells or utility spells, helping to prevent the "5 minute workday" problem. However, you have to be very careful not to just give casters a powerup here, which I think Quicken does.

At level 9 a caster with Quicken can add a Grease or Wall of Smoke to any SoD, adding an additional save-or-lose effect. At level 11 this jumps to a Glitterdust or Cloud of Bewilderment. At level 13 you are dropping a Stinking Cloud or Great Thunderclap along with every Acid Fog or Flesh to Stone. Because saves scale to the caster not the spell this is just allowing a caster to force multiple level appropriate saves per round, whilst burning through their spell selection at twice the rate. This seems much more of a direct power up than allowing your Fireballs to do more damage or your Mage armor to last longer.

I think Quicken may be okay as a limited use thing - on a rod or as Sudden Quicken (although that does seem to be encouraging the 5 minute workday again), but blanket application to all your low level spells just seems to have much worse effects than with Repeat or Empower.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Here's my shot at a Tome [Combat] feat, what do you think?

Diamond Cutter [Combat]
"If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut."

+0: Whatever weapon you are wielding is considered Magical (+1/3 bonus/level) in addition to any other properties that it has. Your unarmed attacks, if you are proficient, count for this effect.
+1: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if its critical threat range increased by 2
+6: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above and an increased critical multiplier
+11: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above and the Sharpness property, Ref save.
+16: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above, and the Vorpal property, Ref save.
Is keen a fair property to give at that level? Should these be a 'counts as standard action' so it doesn't stack with other combat powers, or should it be 'any attack' so it stacks with other combat powers?
Last edited by OgreBattle on Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

OgreBattle wrote:Here's my shot at a Tome [Combat] feat, what do you think?

Diamond Cutter [Combat]
"If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut."

+0: Whatever weapon you are wielding is considered Magical (+1/3 bonus/level) in addition to any other properties that it has. Your unarmed attacks, if you are proficient, count for this effect.
+1: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if its critical threat range increased by 2
+6: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above and an increased critical multiplier
+11: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above and the Sharpness property, Ref save.
+16: As a standard action, you may make a weapon attack that acts as if the weapon had the above, and the Vorpal property, Ref save.
Well, your feat is basically Weapon of Righteous Destruction mixed with Insightful Strike. I don't really see what it does that's different from either of those.

As a side note, I hate the design of Weapons of Righteous Destruction and emulating it is one of the worst things you can do. Firstly, it's +0 ability is better than the +0 and +1 of Combat School together, which is bullshit given Combat School is already a poster child for good Combat feats. Taking all it's abilities together it easily gives more direct attack bonuses than any of the feats in Races of War. Secondly all it provides is escalating bonuses, without any additional options or interesting abilities at all. I posted a toned-down version in my feats list above, and even that was only because one of our players took it and didn't want to change his character concept mid campaign.

Now, your feat seems to give pretty much the same bonuses as Insightful strike, only 5 levels earlier and you have to use them as a Standard action. That might be a balancing factor, but it's not really an interesting distinction. Really you should be looking to give a mix of bonuses to actions appropriate to the feat concept, additional options in combat and rewards for acting in the way the feat expects. You also want to try to make it distinct from the existing feats as far as possible. If I was making a feat themed as "you can cut anything" I'd go for something like this:

+0: You gain +4 to rolls to confirm a Critical Threat.
+1: As a Full round action you can make a melee attack that ignores all DR or Hardness of any target struck.
+6: When attempting to Break an object you may use your attack roll in place of the Str check against the Break DC.
+11: As a Standard action, you may make a melee attack that ignores all armor, shield and natural armor bonus to the target's AC.
+16: Whenever you confirm a Critical Hit the target must make a Fort save or Die.
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Post by Surgo »

Child of the Heavens and Draconic Agent -- these don't seem particularly [Combat] themed.

While a lot of the ones on my wiki are crap, the Archetype feat idea might not be a bad place to go for these.

edit: well, I seem to recall there used to be actual rules on that page. The general ideas was you could only have one [Archetype] feat, it scaled off of your hit dice / character level, and (maybe, can't remember) you could only take it at level 1.
Last edited by Surgo on Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Thanks, I overlooked insightful strike 'cause of the "use wis instead of str" factor of it.
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Post by Wiseman »

This seems as good a place as any to repost this. I've done some updates to it.

Awesome Blow [Combat]
You teach people how to fly.
Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
+0 You gain a slam attack that deals damage as a creature of your size. If you already have a slam attack it's damage is increased by one size category.
+1 As an attack action you can make an attack awesome blow. If it connects, in addition to damage, your opponent is sent flying a number of squares equal to your strength modifier and must make a reflex save (10+1/2HD+Str) or be prone. The distance is halved if they are one size category larger than you, and you can't use this at all on creatures two or more size categories larger than you. If they impact with an object they take 1d6 damage per character level. This also deals the same amount of damage to the object. If this is enough to destroy the object they go flying through it and their flight continues on unimpeded.
+6 Awesome blow can now be done as part of a a charge. If you do so you can double your effective strength modifier for the purpose of distance.
+11 Opponents hit by your awesome blow must now make a fort save (10+1/2HD+Str) or be stunned. Additionally, if you charge first your strength modifier is now tripled for the purpose of distance.
+16 Now you can slam your opponent into the ground or uppercut them in to the air. If you knock them upwards they fly a number of squares equal to your strength modifier and you can designate one square within 60 feet for them to land in. Falling damage applies as usual. If they have a fly speed they don't have to come down (provided they aren't stunned). All creatures adjacent to where they land are automatically knocked prone. If you slam them into the ground, your opponent takes immediate damage as if they had collided with an object. All creature on the ground within 30 of the impact zone must make a reflex save (10+1/2HD+str) or fall prone and become stunned. You can choose to exclude creatures from this effect. Also if you charge your Str modifier for the purpose of distance is quadrupled.

I'd like to make the damage for collision based on distance remaining to be traveled, but what would be the ramifications of this? Also, would a bonus to breaking stuff be okay for this feat?
Last edited by Wiseman on Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scaling Feats

Post by Cheiromancer »

Red_Rob wrote:Armoured Combat [Combat]
You are more comfortable in armour than out of it.
+0: As a non-action you can cause an Attack of Opportunity made by an enemy to automatically miss you if the enemies BaB is lower than your Armour bonus. This uses an Attack of Opportunity from you. Once used this ability cannot be used again for 10 rounds.
+1: You can ignore the ACP of your armour when making skill checks if your BaB is equal to or higher than your ACP number.
+6: Enemies attempting to Trip, Bullrush or Grapple you apply the ACP of your armour to their check.
+11: You gain Fortification equal to the level of armour you are wearing (Light, Medium, Heavy).
+16: You gain Spell Resistance equal to 11+ your Armour bonus (including any Enhancement bonus).
I hesitate to post - I'm a novice to the Tomes - but I imagine the best way to get systems mastery is to speak up. I'd like to just start with two of these feats.

The first benefit of Armoured Combat has a really wonky mechanic. Using up an AoO for something that is not an attack seems odd. And it sounds like it is used up even if the opponent's BAB is too high. The recharge time makes it effectively a once/encounter mechanic, which strikes me as strange given that it uses up a resource (AoO's) that regenerates every round. Altogether it seems unintuitive and awkward.

I like the second benefit. I was wondering why high BAB removed the stealth penalties of armour, but not the penalties to other checks.

The third (+6) benefit... it is easier to trip someone whose armour is masterwork?

Not much to say about the fourth and fifth benefits. I presume that fortification from different sources overlaps. There are weird stacking rules for SR. If you already had a higher version I think this would give you another +1 or +2. Which is a decent benefit.

But I've been conditioned to think that gaining SR ought to be pretty expensive. Not just one of five benefits from a feat. Maybe I'm wrong, but I kind of wonder if the instability of the game at high levels makes the +16 benefit of any feat kind of irrelevant. Kind of like those classes whose capstone is "you win DnD".
Red_Rob wrote:Born of Thunder [Combat]
You are connected to the primal forces of Nature.
+0: You gain Electricity and Sonic resistance 5.
+1: When you make a Full Attack action any attacks granted by your BaB deal an additional D6 Sonic damage.
+6: Once per minute you can release a Lightning Bolt as a Spell-like ability at a caster level equal to your character level.
+11: Whenever you deal Electricity damage the target must make a Fort save or become Stunned for 1 round.
+16: Once per day you can Control Weather as per the spell. You are now Immune to Sonic and Electricity damage.
There seems to be an awful lot of goodness crammed into this feat. A 1/encounter lightning bolt at the same level a sorcerer gets it. A save or suck rider to any electricity attack - which I presume could be with a weapon as well as with the lightning bolt. And finally, the capstone is immunity to two energy types and a 7th level spell.

Are there any kind of standard guidelines for how much a scaling feat can do? How do you guard against power-creep? I mean, given the restrictions on how many different benefits a magic item can give you, it seems odd that a feat can give you five or six different things.

I'd be grateful if anyone could point me to a thread where the ideal power level of feats is discussed. I recognize that most 3.5 feats are too weak, but I don't know what the proper balance point is.
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Re: Scaling Feats

Post by RadiantPhoenix »

Cheiromancer wrote:But I've been conditioned to think that gaining SR ought to be pretty expensive. Not just one of five benefits from a feat. Maybe I'm wrong, but I kind of wonder if the instability of the game at high levels makes the +16 benefit of any feat kind of irrelevant. Kind of like those classes whose capstone is "you win DnD".
Well, let's assume you're using magic full plate.

Your armor bonus is 8 + Level/3.

So, you get...
levelSR = 11+ArmorSR - Level

So, it's relevant but not great.

40%-25% spell resistance.
There seems to be an awful lot of goodness crammed into this feat. A 1/encounter lightning bolt at the same level a sorcerer gets it. A save or suck rider to any electricity attack - which I presume could be with a weapon as well as with the lightning bolt. And finally, the capstone is immunity to two energy types and a 7th level spell.
Lightning bolt in 3e is really more like a first level spell, so that's fine.

You get the 7th level spell when full casters are finishing up with 8th level spells, and preparing to move on to 9th level spells. It's cool, but I'm not worried about it.

The damage rider might conceivably be a problem on an electric weapon with multiple attacks, but... I'm not sure how best to run the math on that.
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