PrC: Wizard of High Sorcery - Black Mage/Red Mage/White Mage

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PrC: Wizard of High Sorcery - Black Mage/Red Mage/White Mage

Post by Neurosis »

This is a crosspost from Humble forum. At a certain point this became more based on 8-bit theater than Dragonlance and I became more proud of it.



Alignment: Any evil (Black Robe), good (White Robe), or neutral (Red Robe)
Base Save Bonus: Will +4
Spellcasting:: Ability to prepare and cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
Skills: Spellcraft +8 ranks
Feats: Spell Focus (any), any two Item Creation or Metamagic feats.
Special: Test of High Sorcery: Failure means death. Even passing can leave you forever changed, and likely not for the better: wounded, or crippled, or something stranger (Raistlin). The threat of death does much to dissuade dabblers from attempting the test.

Each Test is unique, specially designed for the individual taking it. Each test should include at least three problems solved by the Wizard's knowledge of magic and its use. Characters must solve problems and defeat foes by casting every spell they know at least once. A character should be challenged in some way by a friend or ally. The test must also include a lethal danger of a Challenge Rating equal to the wizard's own level.

Those taking the test can bring their companions with them, but the challenges should be scaled upward to compensate for their presence. No one who comes along is guaranteed to return alive.

Class Skills
The Wizard of High Sorcery's class skills are: Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Profession, and Spellcraft. Evil Wizards of High Sorcery also add Bluff and Move Silently to their class skills list. Good Wizards of High Sorcery add Sense Motive and Heal to their class skills list. Neutral Wizards of High Sorcery may add any one skill to their class skills list.

Hit Die: d4

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Level:BAB:FortRefWillSpecial:Spells per day:
1+0+0+0+2Arcane focus, arcane research, item of power, moon magic, +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
2+1+0+0+31st Order Secret+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
3+1+1+1+3Tower Resources I+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
4+2+1+1+42nd Order Secret+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
5+2+1+1+4Tower Resources II+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
6+3+2+2+53rd Order Secret+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
7+3+2+2+5Tower Resources III+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
8+4+2+2+64th Order Secret+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
9+4+3+3+6+1 level of arcane spellcasting class
10+5+3+3+75th Order Secret+1 level of arcane spellcasting class

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Good and Evil wizards of High Sorcery gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor. Neutral wizards of High Sorcery gain proficiency with any one martial weapon, with light and medium armor, and with all shields, but suffer a chance of arcane spell failure normally if they attempt to cast spells with material components while wearing armor.

Spells Per Day: When a new Wizard of High sorcery level is gained, the character gains new spellls per day as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he already belonged to.

Arcane Focus:
Upon passing the Test of High Sorcery, a non-specialist wizard must choose a school of magic to specialize in that matches his alignment and the color his newly awarded robes.

Good: Abjuration or Divination
Neutral: Transmutation or Illusion
Evil: Necromancy or Enchantment

As with any specialist wizard, the Wizard of High Sorcery must choose two prohibited schools (and cannot choose Divination) which traditionally come from the schools favored by the alignments within the order which are not his own. He can never again learn spells from the prohibited schools, though the prohibited spells he knew prior to becoming a Wizard of High Sorcery remain usable to him. He cannot choose a prohibited school that he already chose as a 1st level specialist.

A Wizard of High Sorcery who was already a specialist must change his specialized school to one favored by his Order (alignment) if it was not already one of those schools. He may not choose a new specialized school that was previously a prohibited school he chose at first level. This Wizard of High Sorcery is now a Focused Specialist. He receives a bonus to his caster level when casting spells of his specialized school equal to half of his Wizard of High Sorcery level, rounded down. However, he receives -1 to his caster level when casting all spells that are not of his chosen specialization.

And continuation:

Item of Power

Upon becoming a Wizard of High Sorcery, the character receives a special magic item. This magic item should be chosen by the DM based on the character's alignment and personality and the challenges of the character's Test. It should be useful, not all of its functions should be immediately revealed, not even with an identify spell (analyze dweomer would do it. The magic item's gp price can be anywhere between 20,000 and 200,000 gp. The item's Caster Level should be equal to at least 10 plus the character's hit dice upon attaining the Wizard of High Sorcery prestige class.

Moon Magic

Bla bla, wizard period. Same as in the original class. Or if you don't feeling like keeping track of whether Raistlin is being visited by Arcane Aunt Flo, seriously just ignore it.

Arcane Research

All Wizards of High Sorcery receive a competence bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft equal to half their class level, rounded down.

Tower Resources

As Spellpool, described on pp. 48-50 of Complete Arcane, except where exceptions have been noted. Spellpool is a big, complicated ability of the Mage of the Arcane Order PrC from CA that I didn't want to copy paste here. The way that Tower Resources is distinct that the Wizard of High Sorcery can only access spells from the pool that belong to the favored schools of their Order (White, Red, or Black). The Wizard of High Sorcery's (correctly color-coded) robes act as the "special focus" that allows them to access the Spellpool, which handily explains why they actually friggin' wear them.

Order Secrets: At 2nd level, and again at 4th level, 6th level, 8th level, and 10th level, a Wizard of High Sorcery learns one of the secrets of his Order described below.


"If I have to listen to one more of your word salads in the guise of a plan, I will kill myself so hard it will kill you instead."
- Black Mage, 8-Bit Theater

Magic of Betrayal: As a Free Action, a Black Robe can unleash a backlash of negative energy, causing an ally within 30 feet to lose 3d6 hit points (this is not damage): fueled by this betrayal, the Black Robe can spontaneously Empower or Extend any necromancy, enchantment or evocation spell she casts. Only one ally can be used in this way per day, the ally must actually consider themselves an ally of the Black Robe (it only works on allies, not "allies"), and must have a number of HD equal at least to the Black Robe's HD - 2. Black Robes will quickly find that abusing this Order Secret is a good way to lose allies quickly.

Magic of Darkness: At will, a Black Robe can imbue any damaging spell with negative energy. Half of the damage dealt by such a spell is negative energy damage, and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. The portion of damage from the spell that is negative energy heals undead creatures other than the Black Robe himself normally (although this healing is likely to be negated by the damage dealt).

Magic of Fear When a Black Robe wizard with this secret casts any necromancy spell, any enchantment spell which allows a save, or any spell that deals damage on a target, the wizard can immediately attempt to demoralize the spell's target by making an Intimidate check against the opponent's modified character level. The wizard receives a circumstance bonus on the Intimidate check equal to the level of the spell she cast.

Magic of Hunger: Each day, a Black Robe wizard can prepare one extra spell of any level she can cast at the cost of 1 point of Constitution damage per spell. This ability damage heals normally but cannot be magically restored. Only a Black Mage that already knows the Magic of Pain or the Magic of Betrayal Order Secret can learn this Order Secret.

Magic of Pain: Any creature that takes hit point damage from any of the Black Robe wizard's spells must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + spell level + Constitution modifier) or become shaken for one round per spell level due to lingering pain. The Black Robe herself loses 2d6 hp when the spell is cast (this is not damage).


"Most plans are critically flawed by their own logic. A failure at any step will ruin everything after it. That's just basic cause and effect. It's easy for a good plan to fall apart. Therefore, a plan that has no attachment to logic can not be stopped."
- Red Mage, 8-Bit Theater

Some of these ability names are too long. Sorry not sorry. I love 8-Bit Theater and RM in particular with all my heart. :viking:

The primary goal for these was to be reasonably balanced (with things like Archmage and Mage of the Arcane order in the mix), with being funny a secondary goal. Except for "vindictive and filled with bad ideas": the priorities on that one were reversed, but I'm still not convinced it's unbalanced. Definitely bad for the social contract, though. :rofl:

My Plans Are Always Practical--It's The Laws Of Physics That Get In The Way: Once per day for every two class levels in Wizard of High Sorcery that a Red Mage possesses, he can spontaneously Enlarge and Extend any Illusion or Transmutation spell he casts.

Use your weapons, they are designed to inflict damage!: Once per day for every class level in Wizard of High Sorcery that a Red Robe possesses, he can become more dangerous in melee/ranged combat as a free action. For one full round, the Red Mage receives a bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC equal to his Wizard of High Sorcery class level.[/b]

I'm prepared to passionately argue this point until nothing makes sense anymore!: The base DC to for a caster level check to Dispel any Magic cast by a Red Mage that knows this secret is increased by 10.

In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed!
At will, a Red Mage can imbue any damaging spell with pure magic. Half of the damage dealt by such a spell is pure magic and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. It also looks way rad.

Vindictive and filled with bad ideas:
A number of times per day equal to his Wizard of High Sorcery class level, a Red Mage can reroll any roll that came up a natural 1. You must accept the result of the new roll, unless it is also a natural 1, in which case you can use another use of this ability if you have it.

Additionally, whenever a Red Mage would have to roll to "confirm a critical failure" of any kind for any reason, they can reroll indefinitely until the result is that there is no critical failure, only a regular failure. Finally, if the DM has custom "critical fumble tables", the player of the Red Mage may pee on them once per day.

Fruits of Genius (Evolution is My Bitch)
The Red Mage may look at the two prohibited schools on his character sheet and erase one of them. That school is no longer prohibited, and the Red Mage instantly learns one spell (of any level he can cast) belonging to the formerly prohibited school for each point of Intelligence Bonus that he has. Only a Wizard of High Sorcery of 8th level or higher can learn this secret.


"You are simply a horrible little monster and I pray for your quick and merciful death."
- White Mage, 8-Bit Theater

Magic of Defense
Once per day for every two class levels in Wizard of High Sorcery that a White Mage possesses, she can spontaneously Extend or Empower any Abjuration spell she casts. Additionally as long as Abjuration is her specialized school, she receives Spell Resistance equal to 8 + her Wizard of High Sorcery class level plus her Wisdom bonus.

Magic of Radiance
At will, a White Mage can imbue any damaging spell with radiant energy. Half of the damage dealt by such a spell is radiant energy, and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. The portion of damage from the spell that is radiant energy deals double damage to undead and to evil outsiders.

Ordinary Spells Crumble In My Presence
Whenever a White Mage casts dispel magic or greater dispel magic, they add a bonus to their caster level check equal to their Wizard of High Sorcery class level.

Infallible Concentration
Once per day for every two class levels of Wizard of High Sorcery that she possesses, a White Mage may 'Take 20' on a Concentration Check.

Arcane Healing
Only a White Mage that already knows the Magic of Radiance Order Secret can learn this Order Secret. A White Mage with this secret instantly adds arcane versions of the spells cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds and cure light wounds, mass to her spellbook as arcane spells. Whenever casting any Conjuration (Healing) spell, the White Mage adds a bonus to her caster level equal to half her Wizard of High Sorcery class level, rounded down.[/i]

There ya go. It works for me, but throw shade on it if and as you feel the need. :roll:

Actual constructive system is also welcome, but this is mainly for my home campaign. I just figured I'd share on the off chance there's general interest. I think it's balanced...okay...with vanilla 3.5 based on things like Incantatrix and Archmage existing. I have no idea how it's balanced with Tome, and don't really care.
For a minute, I used to be "a guy" in the TTRPG "industry". Now I'm just a nobody. For the most part, it's a relief.
Trank Frollman wrote:One of the reasons we can say insightful things about stuff is that we don't have to pretend to be nice to people. By embracing active aggression, we eliminate much of the passive aggression that so paralyzes things on other gaming forums.
hogarth wrote:As the good book saith, let he who is without boners cast the first stone.
TiaC wrote:I'm not quite sure why this is an argument. (Except that Kaelik is in it, that's a good reason.)
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Post by Omegonthesane »

When does Magic of Pain cause non-damage to the Black Mage stupid enough to use it? See also Kaelik's point from the last thread about how non-damage HP loss is unhealable HP loss.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Neurosis »

Fence builder or other admin if you exist, can you erase this thread?

The entire discussion happened over in Humble so this thread has no reason to exist.
For a minute, I used to be "a guy" in the TTRPG "industry". Now I'm just a nobody. For the most part, it's a relief.
Trank Frollman wrote:One of the reasons we can say insightful things about stuff is that we don't have to pretend to be nice to people. By embracing active aggression, we eliminate much of the passive aggression that so paralyzes things on other gaming forums.
hogarth wrote:As the good book saith, let he who is without boners cast the first stone.
TiaC wrote:I'm not quite sure why this is an argument. (Except that Kaelik is in it, that's a good reason.)
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Post by Chamomile »

Just let it slide away. We have basically infinite space to consume, and this forum updates slowly enough that the thread it's dislodging from the front page hasn't had a response in nearly a year. You're not taking space from anything that had any life left to give.
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