Quantum Mage [Tome of Mary Sues]

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Quantum Mage [Tome of Mary Sues]

Post by Kaelik »

Quantum Mage

"Um, actually, you don't hit me."

The Quantum Mage finds himself somewhat loosely detached from the Macro world, and this detachment comes in the form of lots of benefits that let him adventure well. Quantum Mages are Charisma based because your DM has to really like you to let you play one. In Adventures, they have mostly at will abilities, and bring decent amounts of battlefield control, single target debuff and damage, and in and out of combat information gathering. The Quantum Mage might have a name, but certainly remembering it would be too much work, so it's probably not on his character sheet, and his allies might call him by some other name that isn't his name.

Hit Die Size: 1d6
Skill Points: A Quantum Mage has all skills max ranks except UMD. Technically he has 4+Int skills per level, but as a non-action in response to any call for a skill check he can reallocate all his ranks to any skills he chooses. Except he can't do that for UMD, or put ranks in UMD.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4ths
Saving Throws: All Good Saves
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armour, and non Great Shields.
Class Skills: All Skills are Class Skills except UMD.
1:Discorporating Fired Shot, Quantum Location (Placement)
2:Quantum Location (Swift), Quantum Armor (Natural)
3:Quantum Field (Speed) Discorporating Fired Shot (Quantum Fire Location)
4:Quantum Armor (20%)
5:Discorporating Fired Shot (Quantum Target)
6:Quantum Location (Immediate), Quantum Roll Results (Knowledge)
7:Quantum Field (Sight)
8:Quantum Roll Results (Saves), Quantum Location (Someone Who Says Yes)
9:Reincorporating Fired Shot
10:Quantum Armor (50%)
11:Quantum Location (Someone Who Says No)
12:Quantum Location (Very Far)
13:Discorporating Fired Shot (All the Way)
14:Quantum Roll Results (Perception)
15:Quantum Disbursement (120ft)
16:Quantum Roll Results (Saves, But Now All of Them)
17:Quantum Disbursement (500ft)
18:Quantum Armor (Shield)
19:Quantum Armor (Deflection)
20:Quantum Disbursement (Plane Wide)

Class Features

Saving Throws (Ex): All saving throws the Quantum Mage causes are DC 10+1/2 his character level+his Charisma Modifier.

Discorporating Fired Shot (Sp): A level 1 Quantum Mage can shoot a blast from his hand that makes opponents fall apart at will. This requires a ranged touch attack out to 100ft, which if it hits, does 1d10+1 per Quantum Mage level damage. This damage is pretty much just like Disintegrate when used on creatures and Force Effects. Creatures get a Fortitude Save for half damage, this save does have the (objects) tag so all creatures have to make it, and no one gets to be immune for being undead or a construct. When used on an object, it acts as the spell Disintegrate but with a duration of 1 round, instead of instantaneous.

At level 3 a Quantum Mage's Discorporating Fired Shot still takes a standard action, however, the precise time of that Standard action can be taken at any time or location along the Mage's movement that turn. He can even retroactively move the time or location to a different point when the DM points out that the time he declared provokes an AoO.

At level 5 a Quantum Mage can't make up his mind who to target, so he just targets two creatures instead.

At level 13 a Quantum Mage get's tired of rolling damage, now a failed Fort Save automatically disintegrates the target. Also, he can disintegrate objects for instantaneous durations as well as one round.

Quantum Location (Su): A level 1 Quantum Mage finds it to be a lot of work to keep track of where he is at all times, so he mostly just doesn't. When the DM places a battlemap, he can just declare himself to be anywhere on that map. Also, when the DM calls for an initiative roll, a Quantum Mage can place himself anywhere else on the battlemap again.

At level 2 a Quantum Mage can spend one hour designating up to 6 creatures as his allies. If he does so, then for the next 24 hours, as a swift action, he can move to anywhere within 60ft of any of them. He just sort of vaguely knows where they are too, and if they are in danger, as if he were sitting around a table with them, seeing everything that happens to them. He can appear in locations neither he nor his ally has line of sight or effect to, if he does so, and he appears in the middle of a wall, or in another location he can't occupy, he takes 1d6 shunting damage per 5ft he has be shunted to be able to appear in. He shunts to the nearest location within 60ft of one of his allies that he can arrive in.

At level 6 a Quantum Mage can as an immediate action do that thing he also does as a swift action.

At level 8 a Quantum Mage can, as a standard action, cause any one of his allies to do the thing that he does, and appear within 60ft of any other ally. He does not need Line of Effect to do this, he just relies on his meta sense of their location. For reasons no one quite understands, he can't put them within 60ft of himself unless that location is also within 60ft of another ally.

At level 11 a Quantum Mage can, as a standard action, with a Will Save to negate, transport any enemy he has both line of sight and line of effect to with his transporting ability. They must still appear within 60ft of one of his allies. He can absolutely use this to put them in locations he doesn't have line of effect to, and all the usual shunting rules apply, except that he can cause the shunting to do 3d6 damage per 5ft.

At level 12 a Quantum Mage can cast "Greater Teleport" to any location within 60ft of any of his allies, including bringing along other creatures or a heavy load, or whatever else he wants to bring with him. Also, he can now use his ability to teleport enemies to teleport them more than 60ft away. Basically, he Plane Shifts them to the location of one of his allies. They roll to see how many miles away they are.

Quantum Armor (Ex): At level 2 a Quantum Mage sometimes get confused about whether his armor is his armor, or his skin. In addition to any armor bonus it provides, it also provides a natural armor bonus of the same amount. This overlaps and does not stack with any other bonuses, including effects that normally stack Natural Armor like enhancement bonuses.

At level 4 a Quantum Mage becomes confused about if he's actually at the location or not. All attack rolls have a 20% miss chance for him just not really being there.

At level 10 this miss chance becomes 50%.

At level 18 sometimes the Quantum Mage thinks his armor is a shield, and it provides a shield bonus too. This operates the same way as the Natural Armor Bonus.

At level 19 the Quantum Mage is pretty sure that his armor makes things miss him, and it also provides a Deflection Bonus, this is the same as all the other ones.

Quantum Field (Sp): At level 3 a Quantum Mage can, as a standard action, create a field of time that projects his confusion about time onto everyone else. This is a 10ft Radius Spread that appears out to Medium Range. Any creature in the field is either subject to a Haste effect or a Slow effect for any turn they begin in the field. Also any creature entering the field is immediately subject to a similar effect. Whether it is a haste or a slow depends on what the Quantum Mage wants it to be. He doesn't even need to know someone exists to know he wants them slowed. There is a will save to negate the slow. A Quantum Mage can only have one Quantum Field up at a time.

At level 7, instead of projecting time confusion, he may choose to project sight confusion. Anyone entering the field must make a Reflex or Fortitude Save, whichever is lower, or be blinded, if the Quantum Mage wants them to be. Also, everything within the field is subject to True Seeing for all creatures that have line of sight to it. That means that they can see even in the dark, and also all that stuff about people not being invisible, and also illusions don't work.

Quantum Roll Results (Ex): At level 6 a Quantum Mage is pretty sure he rolled a 20 on that knowledge check. So he did in fact roll a 20 on that knowledge check. This lets him know things about creatures and tell his friends.

At level 8 the Quantum Mage can, as an immediate action, reroll any saving throw he has just failed. Also, once per day he can reroll a failed save as a non action, but he will never use that ability, because what if he needs it later?!

At level 14 the Quantum Mage is pretty sure he rolled a 20 on his Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silent, Stealth, Awareness, Perception, and Spellcraft checks. So he does roll 20s on them.

At level 16 the Quantum Mage can now reroll any failed (or successful) save and take whichever result he wants as a non action. Just roll 2d20 for all saves, and pick the one you like.

Reincorporating Fired Shot (Su): At level 9 a Quantum Mage makes some stuff he previously made go away come back around someone. If he hits on a ranged touch attack, and they fail a Reflex Save, they get trapped in a gooey pile of matter, and they are paralyzed, but also no one has line of effect or sight to them, nor do they to anyone. In addition to any teleporting or phase shifting abilities that would get someone out, they can also just struggle their way out with a DC 25 Strength or Escape Artist check, but doing so is a full round action, and then they are just sitting prone on top of a gooey mass.

Quantum Disbursement (Su): At level 15 the Quantum Mage isn't sure he actually wants to be here at all, so as a standard action his brain and soul move to the ethereal plane contemporaneous with his current location, and chill there, while the rest of his body just spreads out in a nano cloud of 120ft spread that is basically impossible to see (DC 50 spot, or +30 to his stealth) and floats around. He gets information about what occurs within his body with a -20 to his Spot/Listen/Awareness Checks, and he can just move around as a floating cloud. Meanwhile, his brain just sits there on the ethereal with his soul watching over, and it's pretty fragile. He could probably get killed by anything honestly. His Soul has identical senses to his non spread out body and as a Standard Action his soul can cause his brain to go back to the material plane and his body will just stop being a cloud and return to where he started using the ability and make his body again. The duration of this effect is "whatever."

Also, whenever the Quantum Mage receives money as a quest reward, he gets more or less than he thought he would get, he has no idea why this is, and in fact, is unaware it is related to this ability.

At level 17 his cloud becomes 500ft Spread.

At level 20 his cloud just spreads out over the entire plane he was on.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Ikeren »

This sounds bitter.
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Post by tenngu »

Ikeren wrote:This sounds bitter.
Don't worry, it's made in good fun.
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Post by Kaelik »

Ikeren wrote:This sounds bitter.
That's unfortunate, because it isn't meant that way.

I literally wrote this up so that it could be played in a game I'm DMing by the player who inspired it. He's good fun.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Ikeren »

Ah, okay. Tone can be hard on the internet.
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