[Tome] Ninja

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[Tome] Ninja

Post by Koumei »

Right, the Ninja. Note that if you multiclass this with Ninja (CAdv), Ninja (Rokugan d20), Ninja (BESMd20) and Mystic Ninja/Ninja Spy (Loot and Loot), then you activate a bonus reel.

"Did you see that army roll I just did? Course not, I'm a fucking ninja!"

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Dance/Stage Theatre), Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
Alignment: Totally Sweet
Proficiencies: Simple and Martial Weapons, 2 Exotic Weapons of choice
01Armoured in Life, Surprise!, Too Fast By Half
02Wall Jump, Ninja'd
03Invisible, Speed of Thought, Cowabunga!
04Dark Stalker, Seductive Gaze
05Master of Disguise, Summon Mist, Kidney Punch
06Double-Jump, Join the Clan
07Scuttler, Anti-Noise Aura, Sexy No Jutsu
08Log Trick, Go Ninja Go Ninja Go
09Master of Escape, All Ninjas Fly, Flying Kick
10Not Visible, Close Combat
11Shadow Lands, Shadow Clone, Too Fast By 3/4
12Secret Bedroom Technique, Get Over Here!
13Trap Setter, Spirit Blade, Time To Death
14Perfect Disguise, Pirate Killer
15Spell Stowaway, Secret Scrolls, Perpetual Distraction
16Honour is Babbies, Disregard Me
17Murder Punch, Harem No Jutsu, FINISH HIM!
18Me First!, You Can't See Me
19Clan Master, Forbidden Technique, Nightmare Realm
20Fully Too Fast, Back In Black

Abilities marked with a @ only function when wearing no armour, or Light armour that provides no ACP and has a Max Dex of +8 or more. They also will not function if she is more than Lightly encumbered.
Level 1:
Armoured in Life (Ex): the Ninja gains the benefits of Armoured in Life, just like a Monk. @

Surprise! (Ex): if the Ninja should catch a foe flat-footed, then all successful attacks she makes against that foe are automatic critical hits. I have no idea why ninjas carry scythes. *NOTE: This might need changing. Not sure*

Too Fast By Half (Ex): the Ninja multiplies her base speed by 1.5 (round down), particularly when doing a "Ninja run" pose. @

Level 2:
Wall Jump (Ex): Ninja are great at using the walls to propel themselves. Not only does she suffer no falling damage when next to a wall, she may also double her jumping height and distance when starting off next to a wall, and if between two walls, gains a Climb speed equal to her land speed. @

Ninja'd (Ex): Ninja always seize the initiative at the last moment and do things before anyone else can react. In combat, if there is no Surprise round, the Ninja gains her own Surprise round. If there IS a Surprise round, the Ninja can act in it, going first. The Ninja can only access this ability if she possesses more levels of Ninja than any other class

Level 3:
Invisible (Su): the Ninja may become Invisible at will, as per the spell.

Speed of Thought (Ex): Ninja move so fast they get speed lines when they move. The Ninja may add her Int bonus to her Initiative, and to all melee attack and damage rolls made against flat-footed or flanked opponents. @

Cowabunga! (Su): Ninja are possibly the best surfers in the world. She may move on water as though it were a solid surface, and is immune to the effects of Grease and similar spells and effects. If she stops on water, she must make a DC 40 Balance check to remain on top. @

Level 4:
Dark Stalker (Ex): the Ninja can see and hear incorporeal/ethereal creatures normally, so they must make Hide/Move Silently checks to sneak up on her.

Seductive Gaze (Su): the Ninja gains a Charm Monster gaze attack at will, with an Int-based save DC.

Level 5:
Master of Disguise (Su): with a DC 15 Disguise check, a Ninja can effectively cast Disguise Self. With a DC 20 check, she can effectively cast Alter Self.

Summon Mist (Su): mist is a Ninja's best friend. She can call upon it, as per the spell Obscuring Mist, at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time.

Kidney Punch (Ex): when the Ninja punches someone who is flat-footed or flanked, they are crippled by pain. The foe becomes Staggered and Prone unless they can pass a Fortitude save (Int-based). Staggered lasts for one full round, Prone lasts until they stand up.

Level 6:
Double-Jump (Ex): you would think a Ninja can fly by looking at them jump. Double the Jumping height and distance of the Ninja. This stacks with Wall Jump. Additionally, she gains a Fly speed (half her base speed, Clumsy, flat-footed while flying). @

Join the Clan (Ex, see below): the Ninja becomes a member of a very secret Ninja clan. As benefits, she can call upon their assistance for information, and is taught the secret techniques: she may cast Knock, Detect Traps and Identify as Spell-like abilities at will. These only require Swift actions.

Level 7:
Scuttler (Ex): the Ninja is great at moving about in all situations. She may move at regular speed while being stealthy, and does not suffer penalties for difficult terrain. @

Anti-Noise Aura (Su): have you ever heard a Ninja, as opposed to the short scream of their victim? I didn't think so. But sometimes, a Ninja has to travel with a plate-armoured Cleric, a Dire Bear (Druid) and a Knight on a steam engine. She may, at will, radiate a 20' Aura of silence, masking all noises made.

Sexy No Jutsu (Su): by spending a Full Round Action making indecent gestures, the Ninja may cause a Suggestion or Hold Person effect on a target who can see her and fails a Will save (Int-based). Additionally, if the target passes the save, they still take a -3 penalty on Will saves for one round and suffer 5d6 Non-lethal damage. @

Level 8:
Log Trick (Ex): just when you think you have a Ninja, you actually have a log. The Ninja is behind you. As an Immediate action, the Ninja may Dimension Door to any location up to 30' away, leaving a puff of smoke and a wooden log behind. Additionally, she may spend a Standard Action to Dimension Door 30' away, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds. When the image ends, a log appears. @

Go Ninja Go Ninja Go (Ex): the Ninja may make a Full Round action (or two Partial actions) and a Swift action in the Surprise round, as opposed to just one Partial action. @

Level 9:
Master of Escape (Ex): just like the Swashbuckler. @

All Ninjas Fly (Su): the Ninja gains a Fly speed (Average) equal to her base speed. @

Flying Kick (Ex): when flying or jumping, the Ninja may make a special charge attack. She moves in a straight line, up to twice her movement speed, and attacks everyone in this line. She gains the charge bonus and penalty, and additionally, anyone struck is Dazed for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC). @

Level 10:
Not Visible (Ex): the Ninja cannot be seen when she doesn't want to be. This is like Invisibility, except that it is (Ex) and True Seeing doesn't cut it. The only way to see her is to know what you're looking for and beat her Hide with a Spot check with no bonuses to the Spot check from equipment, spells or effects - only 1d20 + ranks + ability score + feats. Or if she ends the effect voluntarily or by attacking or passing out. @

Close Combat (Ex): I bet you think you're really smart for trying to grapple the Ninja. You won't for long. Ninja can act normally while being grappled, even if lifted or pinned - including movement (the grappler can hold on and be moved with her or can let go), and doesn't lose her Dex bonus to AC. Furthermore, her opponent IS flat-footed against her attacks.@

Level 11:
Shadow Lands (Su): the Ninja can conjure a Hallucinatory Terrain effect at will. Only one such effect can be active at a time.

Shadow Clone (Su): the Ninja can cast Mirror Image at will, however cannot use it while even a single image still remains - she can't even refresh it, having to wait until the final clone vanishes. Additionally, when attacking foes in melee combat, she deals +2d6 damage for every remaining image.@

Too Fast By 3/4 (Ex): the Ninja becomes even faster. She may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless she only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check she can instead make 15' steps of adjustment. @

Level 12:
Secret Bedroom Technique (Su): the Ninja learns secret Ninja skills that would be forbidden if Ninjas didn't find them so funny. Firstly she may, with a Standard action, create a magic dust that if inhaled or consumed (it dissolves in liquid) creates an Emotion: Love (or Lust or Trust) effect. The save DC is Int-based, and the powder becomes useless after one hour if not used. Secondly, no sexual encounter with her ever needs to be played out, as the partner(s) automatically have "a very good time" and their attitude changes to Fanatical. @

Get Over Here! (Ex): with a Swift action, the Ninja may call out to a foe who understands her language and can hear her. The foe must pass a Will save (Int-based DC) or immediately make a Move action directly towards the Ninja, regardless of obstacles or provoking. Alternatively she may force them to, on their next action, attempt to charge her instead of whatever they were going to do, but this must be decided when she uses the ability.

Level 13:
Trap Setter (Ex): if the Ninja has a trap on hand, she can set it in one Standard action, she's that fast. The DC to spot it is equal to a Sleight of Hand check she makes, and the DC to disarm is is that plus five. The DC to avoid being horribly maimed is normal for the trap, however.

Spirit Blade (Su): the Ninja can even cut ghosts. All of her attacks affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures as though they were neither, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to AC as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction (including DR X/-).

Time To Death (Ex): those who would normally be staggered upon failing a save against the Ninja's Kidney Punch instead become Nauseated for 1d4 rounds, although they do still get the save.

Level 14:
Perfect Disguise (Su): the Ninja may, with a DC 35 Disguise check, Polymorph as per the spell. True Seeing does not trump this. @

Pirate Killer (Ex): shouting "YARR!" provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ninja. Additionally, she gains a +4 bonus to Hit and +4d6+4 Damage against Swashbucklers, Dread Pirates and all ship-owners, and enjoys a doubled critical threat multiplier against them. @

Level 15:
Spell Stowaway (Su): if someone within 30' casts a spell on himself, the Ninja may elect to, as not an action, gain the effects as well. Note that if the Lich turns out to have been casting Harm, it gets healed whereas she is damaged as normal (unless Negative energy heals her normally).

Secret Scrolls (Ex, see below): having risen through the ranks, the Ninja is shown the secret scrolls and gains special abilities. She may cast Disintegrate, Utterdark and Hold Monster once each per minute.

Perpetual Distraction (Su): people are always distracted while fighting the Ninja. She always counts as flanking enemies. @

Level 16:
Honour is Babbies (Ex): the Ninja does not care for honour, and makes a hobby out of putting the boot in when facing an enemy. If a foe has fallen Prone, her attacks automatically hit them. If she focuses all attacks against this fallen foe, they must make a Fort save (Dex-based DC) or become Helpless from pain for 1 round.

Disregard Me (Ex): the Ninja gains the ability to not be noticed. It becomes impossible to detect her with Divinations unless she wants to be, and she never provokes Attacks of Opportunity. Likewise enemies can't use readied actions against her. However, if an enemy has an ability that lets them take Attacks of Opportunity on someone who hasn't provoked, or lets them force foes to provoke, it still works against her.

Level 17:
Murder Punch (Ex): people die when they are killed. All attacks made by the Ninja ignore Fast Healing and Regeneration - the damage is there until healed (such as by magic) or the very long recovery of X per day. Anyone slain by the Ninja can never come back without a True Resurrection or a Wish.

Harem No Jutsu (Su): this ability works like Sexy no Jutsu, except every foe within 50' is affected. If anyone is successfully affected for 3 rounds in a row they must make a Fort save (same DC) or die, but they will die happy. The Ninja gains a +9,001 bonus to Perform (Dance) checks. @

FINISH HIM! (Ex): if the Ninja makes a full attack against a single foe denied their Dex bonus, and every attack hits, then instead of any other effects requiring saving throws, she may force them to make a single Fort save (Int-based DC, +1 for every hit beyond the first) or die, exploding in a shower of gore.

Level 18:
Me First! (Ex): if someone casts a spell within 30' of the Ninja, she may spend an Immediate action to steal the effects. The spell is still cast, but all effects are resolved against the Ninja. She can do this after identifying a spell being cast. @

You Can't See Me (Su): the Ninja may, as an Immediate action, cause an attack, spell or effect directed at her to instead target the attacker. They must continue to use it at full force with the full bonus used against her and cannot attempt to force the attack to miss or fail. @

Level 19:
Clan Master (Ex, see below): the Ninja becomes the master of her clan, gaining the final secret arts: she gains Immunity to a single school of magic of her choice, and ceases ageing, though bonuses will still accrue. Additionally her Int, Wis and Cha scores all suddenly increase by +4.

Forbidden Technique (Su): the Ninja learns a trick that is forbidden to all but the most experienced Ninjas. Rumour has it the last person who tried it was sent home in a matchbox. She may, as a Full Round action, gaze upon a foe, who is entitled to a Will save (Int-based). If they fail, they cease to exist, permanently wiped from the face of the earth. Only a major quest can bring them back. If they succeed, they still suffer 2d6 negative levels. The Ninja may elect to sacrifice herself with this power, but can never be compelled to do so via magic or trickery: if she does, the foe receives no save and is simply destroyed, but the same applies to her. They are both gone forever, for a given value of "forever".

Nightmare Realm (Su): the Ninja may cast Nightmare Terrain at will, though only one such effect may be in play at a time. Additionally, every round, one target of her choice in the area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect.

Level 20:
Fully Too Fast (Ex): the speed of the Ninja now increases to double the base speed. Additionally, she may move as though by teleportation, ignoring all barriers and such, and leaves a thunderclap behind when doing this. The thunderclap affects all within 10' of where she previously stood, knocking them Prone and Dazing them for one round if they fail a Fort save (Dex-based DC). @

Back In Black (Su): if the Ninja is ever killed, as long as the body is not destroyed and the soul is not consumed/bound/destroyed, she simply comes back 24 hours later, none the worse for wear.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Prak »

and some of us can tell some of what you want to do just by ability names....
Heath Robinson
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Post by Heath Robinson »

Those ability names are awesome, as always.

Unfortunately, should I ever play Tome D&D, I doubt I would be taking this class. I'd feel a little... exposed using some of those abilities.
Last edited by Heath Robinson on Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxus »

Prak_Anima wrote:and some of us can tell some of what you want to do just by ability names....
This should be GOOD.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

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Post by Prak »

Heath Robinson wrote:Those ability names are awesome, as always.

Unfortunately, should I ever play Tome D&D, I doubt I would be taking this class. I'd feel a little... exposed using some of those abilities.
are you kidding? I'd play a warforged multi-classed swashbuckler ninja...

now I just need to work a monkey into that... hmm... variant animal companion?

maybe some necromantic feats to work in zombies as well...
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Post by Koumei »

Aaaaand the Ninja is done. Complete, pending criticism.
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Post by MGuy »

*claps* Excellent use of "Get Over Here!" Allows me to completely ignore the naruto references.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

I actually think the flying abilities aren't very Ninja-y. But I could be wrong.
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Post by Koumei »

Wall-jump and Double-jump are traditional ninja skills from things like Shinobi - old Megadrive/SNES games. Flying is an actual ninja skill:
The official ninja webpage wrote: Q: What do ninjas do when they're not cutting off heads or flipping out?
A: Most of their free time is spent flying, but sometime they stab.
Emphasis mine.

Note that practically everything there is a stupid reference to something.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Super overpowered, but a great read. Where is "nightmare terrain" from?
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Post by Maxus »

I feel geeky about how many of those references I get.

Anyway, it's sufficiently crazy. Great for skirmishing, and it can actually do the disguise/spy/stealth thing very well.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Blicero »

I suspect that the Ninja'd ability might be a wee bit too much at level 2, espcially if the ninja, say, multiclasses into a caster class and then essentially has a permanent celerity effect going on for the first round of every battle. (If anyone else shares this concern, you could maybe do something like the Barbarian where a multiclassed Ninja only gains this ability if she has at least five levels of Ninja...And then, I don't know, say that Ninjas only get a surprise round if have a higher iniatitive check (or roll) than anyone else in the encounter...that could work, but it might be kinda clumsy.)
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Post by Hicks »

Summon Mist (Su): mist is a Ninja's best friend. She can call upon it, as per the spell, at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time.
I know of no summon mist, did you mean obscuring mist, wall of smoke, fog cloud, solid fog, acid fog, or incendiary cloud?
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Post by Koumei »

Caustic Smoke, actually :p

No, Obscuring Mist. Fixed.

Ninja'd now requires more levels of Ninja than any other class.

Nightmare Terrain is from Complete Garbage.
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Post by Aktariel »

Koumei wrote: Nightmare Terrain is from Complete Garbage.
Sad that I have to ask this, but which one?
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Post by Koumei »

Complete Garbage == Complete Mage. The "regular four" Completes didn't get insulting names, and Complete Psionic is Complete Shit.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

It can't be complete garbage if you're using it. Perhaps "Mostly Garbage" would be a more apt name. And now I have this urge to write up a 'Garbage Mage' class. Hopefully it will subside after I get some sleep...
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Post by Koumei »

Oh, it has some good material, though not enough that I'd recommend it. But the main rubbish is when you look at their advice and fluff, where they show how bad they are at character creation and using their own rules.

And it has the Reserve feats, which are a wonderful idea... that came out crap.
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Post by Username17 »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:It can't be complete garbage if you're using it. Perhaps "Mostly Garbage" would be a more apt name. And now I have this urge to write up a 'Garbage Mage' class. Hopefully it will subside after I get some sleep...
Sounds workable.

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Post by Maxus »

Hey, Koumei. Take a look over at the wiki: http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Nin ... e_Class%29

Wouldn't mind your take on someone's evaluation on the Ninja class.
Last edited by Maxus on Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Okay, rather than post it there I'll respond here:

Also, it's not Ask a Ninja that the flight thing is from, it's REAL ULTIMATE POWER!
Surprise is too much... as noted on the class itself for some reason, auto-crits at level one is too good, and he seems self-aware of the scythe issue.
Yeah, I actually feel the crit-bit should be removed wholesale. I'm not sure anything needs to be put there to replace it.
you want them to take Ninja 20.
Games go to level 20 now?

Mostly I want people to actually get Ninja abilities during the game when they're actually playing it, rather than "One day I'll have a Ninja ability!"
Invisible at will, blah. For at will powers I'd take a nod from Warlock and delay them a bit, but since this is Tome that's forgivable, and you still have to burn actions on it, so we'll go with this.
I felt it's acceptable because although Invisibility is awesome, you need to spend an action on it each time, it's a single power (rather than "Choose from _____" or gaining a few), it's very relevant to the class as a flavour thing, and also if you run up and punch someone you lose it.
Cowabunga is totally cool.
I agree with all praise.
Seductive Gaze.... really? Besides a questionable flavor, a gaze attack is strong for an effective save or die. The only saving grace is the presumably low DC. Still, that's just random.
Ninja babes are a staple of anime, and they are totally hot. Also, the original ninja were geishas who poisoned men, so "Deadly Whores" is really the original source material they should be based on.

That said, maybe making it a Glare as opposed to a Gaze (like the Nymph's Stunning Glare, spend an action but it requires only LoS, not LoE).
Kidney Punch, I'd like to do a Stunning Fist thing here and limited it, but we'll give it a waive due to Tome and relatively low saving throw.
Yeah. I'm really not sure whether it's a good or bad thing that this class uses so many random stats that most DCs will be low.
Log Trick, you want to say a (Minor? Major) image, not a MIRROR image.
No, a Mirror Image is what I'm after. Enemy attacks "you", they find they just have a log and you're behind them.
One attack a round, be it spell, attack, or anything, never hits ever. I'm not sure even Tome can hold that much.
Foil Action was here. Also, Mirror Image basically equals 50% miss chance.
Go Ninja Go, what is a "partial" action?
Standard or Move action but not a Full Round action.
Master of Escape has a typo mentioning swashbucklers. Otherwise ok.
Oh snap.
Flying Kick, ok but with a Dex based save it's more likely going to be a high save DC than low, and very few things resist dazing.
I don't see this being a bad thing.
Secret... Bedroom... WTF. Well, tastefulness aside,
See above. Also, Karakuri Ninja Girl is required viewing for this anything ever.
what's the duration? If it has no duration, Save vs Thrall For Life is some seriously nasty stuff, and since it's not mind effecting apparently, this puts it better than some 9th level spells at 12th level, home of 6th level spells. This one needs work.
Shit, it was supposed to have a duration of like 12 hours (can be indefinitely extended by fucking every 12 hours).
Get Over Here, fine, noted not specifying mind effecting, and while the flavor suggests it, isn't specified as language dependant technically. You should put that in there so there's no RAW questions. Otherwise ok.
Yes, should be [Mind Affecting] [Language Dependant]
The yar thing is hard to put into solid mechanics IMO.
It's just there to punish annoying players who think it's funny to shout that.
Spell Stowaway, well ok, but what ninja fluff is this? Never heard of things like that.
Mostly it's based on ninjas being impossible to run from. Even if you teleport, you find they teleported with you.
Secret Scrolls, meh, more ninja powers that don't seem ninja.... what is Utterdark anyway?
I largely picked the spells at random. Utterdark is from some random book somewhere and makes real darkness so dark that nothing can see through it. Or something.
Perpetual Distraction, fine at this level. Honestly should be mind-affecting.
True. It should have that tag.
Murder Punch, fine though how does this work vs the Tarrasque?
The same way it affects everyone else: no Regen, and if she kills it with punches (note that she still can't actually kill it with damage) it never comes back.
You Can't See Me, apparently at will, and the opponent gets no say in the matter.
Well I'd add a Save to it if I felt there was a DC the foe could actually fail to pass, the way the ninja stats currently are.
Back in Black, well, it's 20th level so I don't care. Again, fluff, what's the justification?
They never die properly. Everyone knows that. "My weakness? Hmm, I would probably die if you pierced my heart with an iron sword." "Ack... any other weapon wouldn't kill her? That's not a weakness..."
I am imagining the creator took every vaguely ninja related thing from every source (even sources which really are only ninjas in name),
And that's what a ninja IS. Unless you want to stick with the original, in which case you get a class with sex-based abilities 1-20. I CAN DO THIS. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?
put them in a blender, and randomly scattered the powers across the board without worry that they made sense together
It lets you cover the ninja type of your choice, and also means as a PC you're not shoehorned into doing the one thing over and over.
Please, pick one. You can make a powerful class just fine out of one of these things, but half of these I can't justify the flavor for them.
Okay. I'll make the Kunnoichi Sex Ninja then. Just for you.
That said, you overstuffed them, not simply with many powers per level but also powers in general.
I hear the Wizard gets two new tricks per level, and the Druid gets any random number per level.
be it times per day,
X per day is fucking stupid. At will is what everything should be.

So, next project: Kunnoichi Geisha-Assassin
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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