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Post by endersdouble »

Male Aasimar Conduit Of The Lower Planes 5 (I Saw Mommy Kissing Mariliths, or, Rosemary Has Two Mommies)

Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Native, Human]
Hit Dice: 5d6+15 (35 HP)
Initiaitive: +2
Speed: 30'
Armor Class: 20 (10 + 5 armor + 2 Dex), 12 touch, 15 flatfooted
BAB: +3
Attacks:hells if I care. SLAs.
SA: Spell-like abilities (Spheres: Violation [basic], Death [basic], Dominion [basic]), Enhanced Sphere Access (2/day 1st power, 1/day 2nd power)
SQ: Darkvision, Immunity to Electricity, Telepathy, healed by negative energy, Immunity to Death Effects, Evasion
Saves: Fortitude +6, Reflex +8, Will +6
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14(16), Int 12, Wis 10, CHA 21(23)
Skills: Diplomacy +17, Concentration +11, Spellcraft +9
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Wings of Evil
Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • 1. Magic Fedora (+CHA)
    2. Amulet of Health (+CON)
    3. Ring of Invisibility (5/day: CL 5 Invisibility Sphere)
    5. Mithral Chain Shirt of Resistance (+Saves)
    Flashy (but mostly black) clothing, jewelry, handcuffs, and various adventuring sundries.

    Assuming Leadership is as in DMG, I have 15th 1st and 1 2nd level followers. I'm going to say that I've started a [EDITED]-like cult of thief-acrobats and jesters. They steal shit, sneak about and piss off people I don't like.
Tammi (his mother(s) wanted a girl) is the offspring of a Marilith and a very devoted worshipper. Don't even ask me how that works. Like most teens, he got rebellious; unlike most, he was bright enough to realize that his parents ways were, in fact, best, so he didn't go for that rebellious-good-offspring-fighting-against-evil-ways bullshit. He's quite happy abusing his dark blood powers, he just enjoys pissing off mom & mom by doing it as far away from them as possible. He's spoiled rotten, but slick enough in conversation to, uh, get away with it. Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.
Last edited by endersdouble on Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by koz »

Kaelik, if you have that many issues with just scrolling down and reading something that would take 10 seconds, to say nothing of the opinions of multiple Denizens who saw nothing wrong with it, then I think I'll respectfully withdraw myself from this endeavour.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by Hicks »

This is for any wanna-be Warlocks or Firemages:
  • Hey Kaelik, In this campaign can the Eldritch Blasts and Firebolts count as "weapon like spells" out of page 72 of the Complete Arcane? It would allow them to use TWF, Point Blank Shot, Sniper, and what not to boost direct damage into "give a damn" levels. My group has played like this for several campaigns and it has never had a hint of a problem.
"Besides, my strong, cult like faith in the colon of the cards allows me to pull whatever I need out of my posterior!"
-Kid Radd
shadzar wrote:those training harder get more, and training less, don't get the more.
Lokathor wrote:Anything worth sniffing can't be sniffed
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Post by Kaelik »

Mister_Sinister wrote:Kaelik, if you have that many issues with just scrolling down and reading something that would take 10 seconds, to say nothing of the opinions of multiple Denizens who saw nothing wrong with it, then I think I'll respectfully withdraw myself from this endeavour.
Sinister, don't be an ass. You asked me to read three entire classes, 15+ spheres, and a shit ton of feats. If you can seriously read all of that in 10 seconds, you have a serious time dilation problem.

The fact that I didn't scroll even farther down past the classes and huge spoiler blocks to determine that "Ego Whip" was in fact not the Psionic Power "Ego Whip" but in fact something further down in the thread that you also personally created does not mean that I'm lazy or that I hate you. It means I was pressed for time, and the assumption that "Ego Whip" == "Ego Whip" seemed good at the time.

As for the opinions of the Denners. My official opinion of the Denners opinion, just ask any of the Denners, is that they love to insert more and more power creep into everything that comes up, such that if someone actually posted the Fiendish Conduit right now, people would complain how weak it is. Which is exactly why you made a series of classes that are more powerful than Fiendish Conduits.

But that aside, I will happily okay or deny everything for the game after you present me with a single character, and maybe any future paths you intend to take. Because then it will actually only take a short while to read, instead of you know, hours to review every aspect of three spell casting classes and their assorted specialized feats.

As for Save DCs:

I have decided that all spells or SLAs will be saves of 10+Caster Level/2+Ability Mod+Other stuff.

This favors casters a bit, which is actually needed, since Tome Warriors are mostly more powerful than they need to be, IE Barbarians doing 200+ damage a round and +30 to each save at level 8.

This does slightly penalize casters though in that they don't get the round up effect for sphere like casting (the only type we have so far in this game) and Wizards.

Also, if I could please get a link to champion?

The Various Eldritch blasts ect are not weapon like spells and do not work with any Tome feats ect.

The fact that someone is going to have a Barbarian doing 200 damage a round or Knight doing the same to anyone not attacking them does not mean that people who have a big old list of SLAs also need to be running around with the ability to do 200 damage per round as well.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by endersdouble »

Thanks Kaelik. Can I have a quick ruling on what you care about w/r/t choice of gear? Standard (lol) WBL or one of the more Book of Gears suggestions (if so, which?)
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

I have a degree of interest in the Flurry feat. This would give me an extra lightbolt whenever I attack at range, and it could be argued as giving me the ability to make 2 more lightbolt attacks in melee range if Luminous Bolt counts as a weapon. The downside to the melee flurry is that the attacks would be made at a penalty and wouldn't inflict status effects. I'd visualize it as a sword of light, rather than a beam.

(laser sword struckthrough due to weaponlike spell ruling)

The feat is sblocked below.
Flurry of Blows [Combat]
"...How many times did you hit him?" I asked. "I lost count at eight."
"Fourteen." he said.

Benefit: Flurry: You gain the ability to flurry as a full-round action. A flurry is a Full Attack action with additional 'Flurry' attacks (see below). You have a number of Flurry attacks equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Flurry attacks are similar to normal attacks, but have these differences:

-They can only be melee attacks.

-Their default attack bonus is BAB-5

-You do not gain more Flurry attacks by wielding two weapons.

-Flurry attacks cannot be used to inflict bonus damage or additional effects. Therefore, none of the effects like the extra 1d6 damage from a Flaming weapon, a Rogue's Sneak Attack, a Barbarian's Rage Dice, nor the myriad effects a Monk's Slam attack can have, apply to Flurry attacks.

-Flurry attacks cannot score critical hits. Instead, they inflict full weapon damage upon a critical threat (assuming their attack roll is high enough to hit).
BAB: Benefit
+1: Whenever you attack, you gain an extra attack at your full attack bonus.

+6: Improved Flurry: As as a full-round action, your gain additional Flurry Attacks equal to 1 + [BAB/3]. These are in addition to the Flurry attacks granted by your dexterity modifier.

+11: Flurry is a standard action.

+16: Greater Flurry: When you use Flurry, all of the Flurry attacks are at your full attack bonus. You may use an Improved Flurry as a standard action. When you spend a full-round action to use Greater Flurry, you deal a number of Flurry attacks equal to [BAB/2].[/i]
Neutral Aasimar Curator 5

Considering this as my character portrait, for it amuses me. ... drasil.jpg

Strength: 9 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+4)
Charisma: 22 (+6) (increased by 1 at level 4, +2 from amulet)

HP: 5d8+5 (28)
BAB: +3
AC: 27 (10 + 8 Armor + 5 Shield + 2 Dex +2 Cover (from shield's second power))
Fortitude: +5 (4 + 1)
Reflex: +3 (1 + 2)
Will: +5 (4 + 1)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)

Diplomacy (Cha): +14 OR +17 (8 Ranks + 6 CHA + ?3 Persuasive? )
Heal (Wis): +10 (8 Ranks + 2 WIS )
Knowledge (Planes) (Int): +3 (2 Ranks +1 INT)
Knowledge (Religion) (Int): +2 (1 Ranks +1 INT)
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int): +2 (1 Ranks +1 INT)
Knowledge (Nature) (Int): +2 (1 Ranks +1 INT)
Profession: 1 rank (Goldsmith)
Sense Motive (Wis): +10 (8 Ranks + 2 WIS )
Spellcraft (Int): +2 (1 Ranks +1 INT)
Spot (Wis): +10 (8 Ranks +2 WIS)
Tumble (Dex): +6 (4 Ranks +2 DEX)
Use Magic Device (Cha): +7 (1 Ranks +6 CHA)

[at level 1] Persuasive OR Zen Archery (if Zen Archery, move 2 points from Dex to Wis for 16 total Wis)
[at level 3] Flurry OR Point Blank Shot
[at level 6] Wings of Good OR Wings of Evil (Energy Wings)
[at level 9] Wrappings of the Ages OR Whispers of the Otherworld OR A Feast Unknown

Magic Item Slots:

Magic Mithril Suit (No skill penalty)

Magic Force Shield (generated by a bracelet) (Provides shield bonus to AC against Incorporeal, +2 cover AC)

Amulet of Nondetection (as the spell) Removed due to 4 magic item starting cap
Amulet of Resistance (+2 at level 5) Removed due to 4 magic item starting cap
Amulet of Deflection (+2 at level 5) Removed due to 4 magic item starting cap
Amulet of Fire Resistance (5 at level 5) Removed due to 4 magic item starting cap
Amulet of Charisma (+2 at level 5)

Bag of Holding

Class Features:

Benedictions (Su): At levels 1, 3, 5, and 7, a Curator learns a Benediction. Each Benediction requires an immediate action to activate, may target any creature the Curator can see within Close range (including herself), and is usable at will. The effects of a Benediction end at the start of the Curator's next turn, and the affected creature is surrounded by a faint glow while its effects persist.

Azure Aegis
• The target of your Benediction receives an amount of temporary HP equal to your ranks in the Heal skill.
• The target of your Benediction receives a +2 morale bonus to AC.

Blessing of the Crimson Sun
• The target of your Benediction receives a +2 morale bonus to all saves.
• The target of your Benediction is cured of one of the following status effects: dazzled, shaken, sickened, or magical fatigue (your choice at time of use).

• The target of your Benediction gains a +5 insight bonus to Listen and Spot checks, and to resist enemy feints.
• The target of your Benediction gains blindsense out to 15'.

Spheres: At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Curator gains basic access to a Sphere, which must be one of: Exorcism, Mystery, Piety, Restraint, Revelation, Splendor, or Vigor (see below). If she selects a Sphere in which she already has basic access, she gains advanced access; if she already has advanced accesss, she gains expert access.

Basic Access: Restraint Sphere
Special: You gain a +3 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
Level, Benefits
1 Entangle
3 Web
5 Stinking Cloud
7 Black Tentacles
9 Wall of Stone
11 Repulsion
13 Forcecage
15 Prismatic Wall
17 Temporal Stasis
19 Imprisonment

Heal Injuries (Sp): With a one minute ritual, a Curator of 4th level can heal a number of characters equal to her class level of a number of hit points of damage equal to her ranks in the Heal skill. This action may be taken a number of times per day equal to 3 + the Curator’s Charisma Modifier (if any), and all affected characters must be within close range of the Curator for the entire period.


There are many beings and organizations throughout the planes that are willing to offer power at a price. One of these is a cult of magic-users based in Outland and a city in the Astral Plane who revere an entity that dwells in a tower of dark crystal. Initiates must pledge to strive to make the world a better, more beautiful place according to its standards. Perhaps unfortunately, it likes cruel irony, practical jokes, and horrifying hellscapes just as much as art galleries, and pretty landscapes. Aetheros was a middle-aged goldsmith and casual scholar before learning considerably more about the nature of the multiverse than he liked in a planar library. The cult seemed to offer the best deal for power and a shot at immortality he could afford.

Greatly changed first by an infusion of raw magical power and then by several years of training in light magic, few from his old life would recognize Aetheros now. Though generally a friendly and helpful person when it wouldn't cost him too dearly, he is bound by his oath to the master of the crystal tower and also feels a quiet fury at many aspects of the world, which causes him to take a great deal of satisfaction from violence. Aetheros came to this particular Material Plane in the hopes of finding a place he could start developing his skills and reputation on his own without worrying too much about offending a major planar entity. Once he's attained a decent amount of personal power, he intends to create a temple to his master somewhere on the plane.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Items: Book of Gears. If you need to come up with items of your own.. Well, that probably won't apply at character generation, since mostly only basic ones.

But you only get 4 at start.

That's my Rule, I can't remember Franks original limit on how fast you gain slots, but I think you only get one item per level. So yeah. Don't worry about it, you'll get more pretty quick.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

Until my Champion class is ironed out, I'll play a different character. I want to play Tome Fighter but... ya know. Too much.

Are their any Tome classes that are basically 'This guys knows how to use weapons.' Or maybe I should dig a spell caster.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Kaelik wrote:Items: Book of Gears. If you need to come up with items of your own.. Well, that probably won't apply at character generation, since mostly only basic ones.

But you only get 4 at start.

That's my Rule, I can't remember Franks original limit on how fast you gain slots, but I think you only get one item per level. So yeah. Don't worry about it, you'll get more pretty quick.
Ah, then I'll cut out 4 of my amulets. Looks like we've got one person with Persuasive already, so I might want to consider going with Zen Archery instead.

Do we need to specify non-magic wealth? I'm not going to pack 50 spyglasses or anything.

My default sphere choice is Restraint, but if it looks like the group wouldn't benefit from it all that much, I'll switch to something else. Vigor could be nice if we want reliable and fast resurrection later on.
God_of_Awesome wrote:Are their any Tome classes that are basically 'This guys knows how to use weapons.' Or maybe I should dig a spell caster.
Barbarian is a pretty easy standby, and you could reflavor the rage bonuses. But if you are looking for something easy to run, Fire Mage is very low-work.

EDIT: Did a little more research. The Fighter definitely fits the thematic niche you are looking for best, but it is kind of tricky to use compared to a lot of the more straightforward classes. The Jester can use pretty much any weapon it wants, but comes with a bunch of thematic baggage you may or may not want and deals damage primarily through Sneak Attacks.

If the Jester appeals or you think you can reflavor it into something that does, it might work pretty well for you. You do start with Glitterdust, Grease, and Rope Trick on your spell list and this campaign's DC rules should enhance them beyond the save DCs you'd normally get.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by koz »

OK, Kaelik, so, according to you, I'm being an ass. Frankly, I think you need to carefully examine your own reflection before you go accusing me of that.

You claim I want you to read three classes with innumerable special rules. I never made that statement. I wanted you to read one class - the one I would have chosen, based on what everyone else chose. I said this, and you for some reason missed it completely, assuming I wanna take up your precious time.

You claim I wanted you to read a host of extra powers. I never made that statement either. I wanted you to read the powers I was gonna choose, of which there would seriously be like, nine, maybe, that you didn't know.

Thirdly, you assume that I would use psionic source material in my stuff, when the thread title said it owed nothing to psionics. In all seriousness, there's busy, and then there's lazy. Furthermore, I did not see any of the specific hate directed at my stuff (in the form of 'this is a better Conduit, burn a feat', which I may add you then repealed later after I gave you evidence as to why that argument was stupid, to say nothing of never claiming that GoA's class, which had a lot less balance and dev work put into it than any of my work, needed any feats burned, your approval etc in anywhere near the language you gave my work), nor any claims of power creep, which you seem to think my work represents, directed at GoA's Champion.

In all seriousness, I don't go off like this often, but I honestly expected better. No matter, as I said, I have respectfully withdrawn my candidacy. I just like to call bullshit when I see it.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by endersdouble »

Kaelik wrote:Items: Book of Gears. If you need to come up with items of your own.. Well, that probably won't apply at character generation, since mostly only basic ones.

But you only get 4 at start.

That's my Rule, I can't remember Franks original limit on how fast you gain slots, but I think you only get one item per level. So yeah. Don't worry about it, you'll get more pretty quick.
Thanks for being clear. Read through that again and added items.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

So my class IS bad at this moment? Okay, I can work with that.
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Post by koz »

God_of_Awesome wrote:So my class IS bad at this moment? Okay, I can work with that.
You said it, not me.

More seriously, though, it does need work. I was more unhappy with Kaelik's handling of this whole thing that your class, so don't take it personally.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

No, it's cool. I imagined it would need revisioning. Not quite so extensive but I got ideas brewing in my head.

Hey, is the Eldritch Knight class finished?

Or maybe I could play a a regular PHB Wizard to test how the other classes stack.
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Post by Quantumboost »

Since it has been pointed out to me that we have two spherecasters now, no standard-casters, and zombies are awesome, I've decided to go with a Dread Necromancer.

Victor Winterson
Neutral Evil Human Dread Necromancer 5 (Veteran of The War of the Ice Crawlers)

Size/Type: Medium Undead (Dark Minded, Human, Augmented Humanoid)
HD: 5d12+25 (63 hp)
Attack: +4 (+3 BAB, -1 Strength, +2 magic gloves)
AC: 16 (+4 armor, +2 deflection)
Special: Spellcasting, touch of death +5d6, practiced caster (light armor), rebuke undead, DR 5/magic, +4 Turn Resistance, undead traits, dark minded traits
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con -, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 19 (21)
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +6
Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +13, Disguise +13, Gather Information +13, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Spellcraft +11
Feats: Attune Sphere (Frostbite), Attune Sphere (Heresy), Body Assemblage (class bonus feat), A Feast Unknown, Whispers of the Otherworld (class bonus feat)
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Proficiencies: All Simple weapons, Light Hammer, Longsword, Scythe, Composite Longbow, Light Armor
Equipment: Shifting Spiderweb (+deflection to AC), Crown of Charisma (+2 enhancement to Charisma), Magic Hands (okay, Gloves; +2 enhancement to weapon and touch attack/damage), Cloak of Resistance (+2 resistance to saves)

Minions: TBD, possibly some troll zombies, swordwraiths, ghouls

Spells per day: 8, 5
Spell save DCs: 16, 17

Born in the frozen and death-scourged wastelands of the north, Victor quickly learned that his homeland... well... completely sucked. Especially with the Remorhaz wars. So, after learning enough to make the perilous journey to the southern lands, he gathered up his skeletal minions and headed to warmer places in the hope of conquering a home for himself, and quickly discovered that his powers of death and arctic cold were much more effective in a place which wasn't filled with cold-immune undead creatures. Go figure.

At the moment, Victor's primary motivation is gaining enough power and prestige to carve out a nice little kingdom. He would prefer that the people of whatever area is available would just submit to his benevolent rule, but hey, sometimes you have to transform a few villages into the living dead in order to make a point.
Last edited by Quantumboost on Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:16 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Hicks »

Kaelik wrote:The Various Eldritch blasts ect are not weapon like spells and do not work with any Tome feats ect.
C-C-C-C-C-COCK BLOCKED! Well... Sucks to be them 'cuz them = :mantears:.

A special note on Blitz: Blitz +1 triggers on damage; not melee attakcs, not ranged attacks, not weapon attacks but damage, working equally well on fireballs as acid flasks or battleaxes. This is an important feat for pretty much everyone and everyone interested in direct damage needs to know if you gonna wack it sneseless with a nerf bat.

Anyhoo, What I care about is the belt of magnificence: Approved or Shunned?

Everyone who wants to wield a single, big weapon should look up the Greathammer (Two handed, 1d12, 19-20/x4) exotic weapon. If only it had reach! But whatever...
Last edited by Hicks on Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Besides, my strong, cult like faith in the colon of the cards allows me to pull whatever I need out of my posterior!"
-Kid Radd
shadzar wrote:those training harder get more, and training less, don't get the more.
Lokathor wrote:Anything worth sniffing can't be sniffed
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Post by Midnight_v »

Interesting.... I though... I though that when they said "Tome series" RhoD. That it meant things specifically in the pdf or created by frank or k. . .
Hmmm.... odd.
Don't hate the world you see, create the world you want....
Dear Midnight, you have actually made me sad. I took a day off of posting yesterday because of actual sadness you made me feel in my heart for you.
...If only you'd have stopped forever...
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Post by Hicks »

Rules interactions is a tricky buisness, and the DM has the final say on what stacks with what. Just be shure to ask questions about what you want to play to make shure that you and the DM are on the same page.
"Besides, my strong, cult like faith in the colon of the cards allows me to pull whatever I need out of my posterior!"
-Kid Radd
shadzar wrote:those training harder get more, and training less, don't get the more.
Lokathor wrote:Anything worth sniffing can't be sniffed
Stuff I've Made
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Post by Kaelik »

Mister_Sinister wrote:You claim I want you to read three classes with innumerable special rules. I never made that statement. I wanted you to read one class - the one I would have chosen, based on what everyone else chose. I said this, and you for some reason missed it completely, assuming I wanna take up your precious time.

You claim I wanted you to read a host of extra powers. I never made that statement either. I wanted you to read the powers I was gonna choose, of which there would seriously be like, nine, maybe, that you didn't know.
WTF! I specifically said that when you did that I would read all the material.

You were getting mad at me for not reading all your material before you made a fucking character.

RE: "You couldn't scroll down the page to see that Ego Whip isn't Ego Whip? You lazy asshole, it only takes 10 seconds."

I specifically fucking said I would read whatever you wrote as an actual character, but I wasn't going to read everything before then.

Answer me this: How the fuck was I supposed to know that your powers were not Psionic Powers without having read the actual material? If the answer is "You couldn't have." Then why were you pissed off at me for not reading all your material before you narrowed it down to something I could read in under 2 hours?
Mister_Sinister wrote:Furthermore, I did not see any of the specific hate directed at my stuff (in the form of 'this is a better Conduit, burn a feat', ... to say nothing of never claiming that GoA's class, which had a lot less balance and dev work put into it than any of my work, needed any feats burned, your approval etc in anywhere near the language you gave my work), nor any claims of power creep, which you seem to think my work represents, directed at GoA's Champion.
Fuck you! I never even okayed GoA's Champion because I have never even read it. That's why in my last fucking post I asked for a link to it. If it's power creep tastic, I don't know, because I haven't seen it, and I haven't okayed it for the campaign.

Excuse me for not decrying his custom class before reading it.
Mister_Sinister wrote:which I may add you then repealed later after I gave you evidence as to why that argument was stupid,
No. Just no. It's not stupid, you did make classes that are exactly like better versions of the Conduit. I just specifically decided to buff the Conduit up to that level, not because it's actually necessarily a good thing, but rather because I didn't want you bitching about it, and I do want you in the game because I like you.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Midnight_v »

Okay well... Kaelik what stuff would be allowed aside from the things in the pdf?
I'm just curious.
Don't hate the world you see, create the world you want....
Dear Midnight, you have actually made me sad. I took a day off of posting yesterday because of actual sadness you made me feel in my heart for you.
...If only you'd have stopped forever...
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

Flame war! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Alright, I'm gonna look through the list Tome classes and pick something. If I can use fire magic on my fists, I may go Fire Mage / Dungeonomicon Monk / Something-to-do-with-dragons combo.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

God_of_Awesome wrote:If I can use fire magic on my fists, I may go Fire Mage / Dungeonomicon Monk / Something-to-do-with-dragons combo.
Here's something out of the latest beta pdf:

- -- - - -- - -

So we've got a fiend mainly focused on amusing himself away from his powerful parents, a nefarious necromancer looking for an easy way to take over a region, a virtuous, if blithely murderous warrior, and a cultist of a planar entity interested in making the campaign setting cooler. What we have so far could work out to something pretty entertaining, but we might end up taking the module in some unexpected directions.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

Well, forget the dragon and the Fire Mage. Has anyone called dibs on the Dungeonomicon Monk cause I might just go with that.

If someone, I'll still use this feat and just use the RoW Knight class. With gauntlets. Huge gauntlets.
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Post by Hicks »

This is how the above post made me feel

Might I suggest a level of Jester so you can wield colossal gauntlets?
Last edited by Hicks on Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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shadzar wrote:those training harder get more, and training less, don't get the more.
Lokathor wrote:Anything worth sniffing can't be sniffed
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

C-can I do that?
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