[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

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Which of the below are you most interested in playing?

Hand of Fate (Issue 10 adventure)
Dreams of Darkness (Issue 14 adventure)
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Barbarian Warlord (Issue 17 adventure)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

The corridor travels some way north and ends at a pit full of what appears to be bubbling yellow slime. It smells appalling! On the other side of the pit is the exit from Deathtrap Dungeon, through which you can see sunshine and blue sky. To get across the pit you are going to have to sprint and jump. You begin a run-up and hurtle towards the pit, aiming to spring off from the edge and make it to the other side. Test your Luck. If you are Unlucky, turn to 196. If you are Lucky, you make it and scramble towards the exit. Turn to 152.
Oh dear, mandatory Luck test right at the exit!

Die roll = 8 (Unlucky)!
You almost make it, but slip at the last moment upon landing, and fall backwards into the yellow slime. It is highly acidic and burns you horribly as you flail away, attempting to clamber out of the pit to safety. Roll two dice and deduct the result from your STAMINA. If this reduces your STAMINA to zero or less, turn to 13. Roll one die – the acidic slime has also destroyed this many items in the Equipment box on your Adventure Sheet, excluding whatever weapon you are currently armed with. You stagger northwards towards the exit, despondent and barely alive. Turn to 152.
Dice roll = 8. STAMINA now at 9.

Die roll = 1! Thankfully, we only lost 1 item.

Please vote on which item was destroyed by acid (the Enchanted Broadsword is safe, which is a good thing, since we can't win the game without it).

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 11/12
LUCK 4/11
Equipment: Sword, King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle), Enchanted Broadsword (+2 Attack Strength and does 3 STAMINA damage per hit in individual combat)
Gold: 7 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider, Looter, Nemesis, Warlord
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 3
2) City: Fang / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
Last edited by SGamerz on Mon Jan 29, 2024 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ouch, that hurt. And we've lost our totally worthless normal sword.

D6 items lost could have been really nasty.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to destroy the regular sword, and agree with the ouch.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You stagger out into the sunlight to the cheers of your men and the disbelieving stares of the violet-clad Trialmasters. You have survived Deathtrap Dungeon! For this feat you may add both 1 HONOUR point and 1 to your LUCK score. Also add the Code word Champion to the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet.

"Didn’t think you’d make it, chief," says Nharog. "Many great heroes have perished in those cursed depths!"

You return to Fang victorious, but after a joyous celebration it is time to leave the city. Turn to 61.
I think this was the first LUCK bonus we found...although all it does is to replace the LUCK we used right before exiting the dungeon anyway.
You and your horde are leaving the province of Chiang Mai and its capital city of Fang. Ahead of you, on the far banks of the river Kok, lie the Pagan Plains. Allansians consider the Pagan Plains to be a dangerous and hellish wilderness, but compared to your Flatlands home it really is just a stroll through a pleasant green grassy landscape. Nothing dares to trouble your horde.

"Where to next, chief?" says Nharog.

If you want to go east to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
If you want to go southeast to Firetop Mountain, turn to 30.
If you want to go south to the town of Stonebridge, turn to 110.
All places we'd already conquered before. Which do we revisit?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 11/12
LUCK 5/11
Equipment: King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle), Enchanted Broadsword (+2 Attack Strength and does 3 STAMINA damage per hit in individual combat)
Gold: 7 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider, Looter, Nemesis, Warlord, Champion
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 3
2) City: Fang / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Back to Firetop, to explore the dungeons and either recruit more, or see what the other possibilities are?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to return to Firetop Mountain.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

The lone, jagged crag of Firetop Mountain looms above the eastern edges of the Pagan Plains, its summit stained the eerie red colour that gives the peak its name. Several small insignificant hamlets cluster in the dales at the base of the mountain; their peasant inhabitants cower in their hovels
as your Barbarian horde passes by. You ignore these puny serfs; you have more glorious goals to attain than razing the shacks of cottars. If you have the Code word Ravager, turn to 45. If not, read on below.

"The dungeons beneath Firetop Mountain are famed as the lair of Zagor the Warlock, and are said to be rich in treasure," says Nharog. "Shall we drag the old serpent from his lair and give him a beating?"

If you want to attack Zagor and his minions, turn to 8. If you want to leave this area, turn to 21.
Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain, has been slain, and his dungeon looted and pillaged by roving fortune hunters. Rival bands of Dwarfs and Orcs have occupied key areas of the underworld complex, dodging occasional raids by wandering undead, underground beasts and rogue
freebooters. Despite this, the temptation for seeking gold or glory in those dark depths is strong.

Nharog sees you looking at the entrance to the dungeon. "That’s your call if you wish to enter, chief. The horde will wait outside. We are honour-bound warriors, not adventurers."

If you want to leave Firetop Mountain, turn 21.

If you want to explore the abandoned dungeon of Zagor, roll one die to see what you encounter:

1-2 Turn to 4.
3-4 Turn to 88.
5-6 Turn to 12.
Die roll = 1. Not the same recruitment encounter this time. Let's see what it is.
3 Empty boxes

If all three boxes above have been ticked then there is no more treasure to be looted from the former lair of Zagor the Warlock and you must turn to 21. If there are empty boxes above, tick one now and read on below.

The dungeon excavated by Zagor beneath Firetop Mountain was extensive, and despite his death and the subsequent ransacking of the place, there are still riches to be found. Complicating matters, however, are the rival Dwarf and Orc
factions currently embroiled in a brutal war for domination over the region. Roll two dice and Test your Luck.

If you are Lucky, you recover enough Gold to add 1 talent to the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet.

If you are Unlucky, you find no Gold, and, worse, some of your horde (who were waiting for you outside) are picked off by enemy bands of Dwarf and Orcish fighters, and you must reduce your HORDE STRENGTH score by 1 point. Make the appropriate adjustments on your Adventure Sheet in either case.

It is time to leave both the dungeon and Firetop Mountain. Turn to 21.
It's a looting opportunity, but unfortunately, it comes with a LUCK test. Are we regretting not buying that Potion of Fortune at Trolltooth Pass earlier yet?

Dice roll = 6 (Unlucky). HORDE STRENGTH down to 6.
You lead your horde of Barbarians away from Firetop Mountain and its lonely vigil over the plains and dells that it surveys.

"My mad cousin Myog went divining for Gold in the dungeons under the mountain with a Y-shaped stick," says Nharog, conversationally.

"What happened to him?"

"Dunno. He never returned…"

You have a diverse choice of onward destinations:

To go northwest to the city of Fang, turn to 70.
To go northeast to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
To go southwest to the town of Stonebridge, turn to 110.
To go south to Darkwood Forest, turn to 160.
To go southeast to the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
Garrisons: Fang, Stonebridge
Destroyed: Zengis
Unconquered: Darkwood
Unexplored area: Lost Lake, Moonstone Hills

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 11/12
LUCK 4/11
Equipment: King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle), Enchanted Broadsword (+2 Attack Strength and does 3 STAMINA damage per hit in individual combat)
Gold: 7 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider, Looter, Nemesis, Warlord, Champion
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 3
2) City: Fang / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I say we try to head south to Darkwood Forest, then Chalice, then the forest of spiders, then Trolltooth Pass and then the barbarian camp to recruit more soldiers.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

I don't see why not, though with the option of being distracted by things on the way.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

It's not confirmed whether you can head to Trolltooth pass from Forest of Spiders, since we'd not visited that place before, but we wouldn't know until we go there...
Darkwood Forest is a primordial stretch of woodland whose green depths conceal all manner of hidden terrors. If you have the Code word Destroyer, turn to 185. If not, read on below.

The woods themselves are home to many sorts of creatures, including Elves and Forest Goblins, and are watched over by the wizard Yaztromo, who sees all from his lonely white-stone tower on the southern edge of the forest, which is where you and your horde are now. A solitary crow caws from overhead. It is a deceptively bucolic scene, but you cannot help feel you are being watched by hundreds of eyes from beneath Darkwood’s leafy boughs.

"They say Yaztromo is naught but an imposter who swaps trinkets for sweetcakes," says Nharog. "I think we can take him down and his friends with him, boss!"

If you want to attack Yaztromo, turn to 197. If you want to leave this area, turn to 151.
We've seen this before, so I assume we're still not attacking, since no one explicitly voted to do so.
You and your horde are leaving the vicinity of Darkwood Forest. Not for you its tangled depths and dark glades; you yearn instead for the steppes, where the horizon is an endless visible destination on all sides.

Nharog evidently feels the same way. "Let us begone from here, chief!" he says. ‘These infernal woods stifle a man’s vision, and make him weak in body and mind!"

Where will you take your horde next?

If you want to go north to the village of Stonebridge, turn to 110.
If you want to go northeast to Firetop Mountain, turn to 30.
If you want to go east into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go south to the town of Chalice, turn to 120.
Chalice is a small walled city that lies amidst green and golden fields on the upper reaches of the Silver River. It serves as a trading entrepôt for prospectors, Strongarms, merchants and others. If you have the Code word Chieftain, turn to 114. If you have the Code word Looter, turn to

The city is ruled by King Pindar, an elderly monarch who dreams of an alliance with Salamonis to the south. Under his rule the city has grown rapidly from its origins as a market town, but the king seeks further protection to safeguard his enduring legacy.

"Chalice is the weakest of the Allansian kingdoms," says Nharog, his eyes gleaming. "The walls are low and poorly guarded, and the docks are not fortified. Truly, these people know nothing of war!"

If you want to attack the city of Chalice, turn to 82. If you want to leave instead, turn to 111.
The place has been Looted...
The small city-state of Chalice is a burntout husk, a scavenged shell, a pile of smoking refuse on the banks of the Silver River. Here and there are the hovels and lean-to’s of Man-Orcs picking over the scraps and squabbling about the occasional lost heirloom they may uncover. If you have 3 talents of Gold and wish to spend it rebuilding the city (and your HORDE STRENGTH is at least 2), turn to 162. If you do not have enough Gold (or HORDE STRENGTH), or you just wish to leave here, turn to 111.
First time we're reading this section, so I'm pausing here for votes...
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to leave and continue with the listed plan.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

No rebuilding, as we are getting a bit short of both gold and soldiers.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You and your horde are leaving behind the pocket-sized kingdom of Chalice and its surrounding fields of corn and maize. The soil here is fertile and you marvel at the peasants’ devotion to their crops, whereas you and your warriors would much rather go out hunting saiga and steppes-bison.

"These people wallow in filth to make plants grow," says Nharog, shaking his head. "That is not what I would call a life!"

What is the direction of your horde’s next foray?

If you want to go southwest to the Forest of Yore, turn to 20.
If you want to go south to the city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go east to the Forest of Spiders, turn to 170.
If you want to go northeast into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go north to Darkwood Forest, turn to 160.
To the last place we've yet to visit on this map...
The Forest of Spiders is an eerie woodland in central Allansia where the very trees themselves are said to get up and move about, fatally confusing those who would attempt to traverse its shady depths. If you have the Code word Crusher, turn to 153. If not, read on below.

These forests lie on the southern flanks of the Moonstone Hills, and are the domain of a powerful necromancer called Zharradan Marr. Recently, Gold was discovered in the hills, and Zharradan has raised a trained army of legionaries to protect his lands and keep the Gold for himself.

"They say Zharradan dwells aboard a flying ship called the Galleykeep," smirks Nharog. "Which proves he must be afraid of things on the ground like us…"

If you want to attack Zharradan Marr and his legionaries, turn to 136. If you want to leave this area, turn to 161.
And here is the last surviving memeber of the Demonic Three. Are we in good enough shape to consider taking him on?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Nope...but good to know, he'll be worth offing later. Especially if we can find that codeword that keeps coming up.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to take him on as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You and your horde bid farewell to the fey leafy wilderness that is the Forest of Spiders. By the lucky ears of Almor, none of your warriors fell victim to either the shape-shifting Elves or the devious Tree Spirits rumoured to lurk in its cursed glades of doom.

Nharog’s eyes are bright with excitement as he scans the western horizon. "All Allansia lies before us," he says. "Ready for plunder and carnage!"

Where will you lead your horde next?

If you want to go southeast to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
If you want to go south to the great city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go north into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go west to the town of Chalice, turn to 120.
We can indeed head to the Trolltooth Pass from here.
Trolltooth Pass is the true gateway to Allansia, connecting the Windward Plain to the Flatlands, and bordered by the Moonstone Hills to the north and the Craggen Heights to the south. It is a dangerous place, only three leagues across at its narrowest point, and dotted with the ghost-haunted ruins of watchtowers, fortresses, walls and gatehouses. Scavengers such as bandits, Goblins, jackals and hyenas scrabble among the rubble.

"Eyes open and axes ready!" bawls Nharog, clouting a Barbarian with the flat of his blade. "We shall not be surprised by the weak and cowardly!"

Roll one die to see what you and your horde encounter:

1-2 Turn to 68.
3-4 Turn to 37.
5-6 Turn to 23.
Die roll = 1. This is not good...
You are at camp one night, next to a crumbling ruin that may have once been a fortress, when the glowing green form of a man rises from the rubble and floats towards your horde, moaning hideously. Several of your warriors attempt to slash out at the apparition, but their weapons pass harmlessly through its body.

Screaming now in rage, the SPECTRE hurtles straight towards you. If you have the Code word Storm, turn to 74. If you have the Code word Dust, turn to 66. If you have neither of these Code words, read on below.

The Spectre can only be harmed by magical weapons. If you do not have a magical weapon you will have to Escape, as you will die otherwise (see below for further details on how to do this). If you do have a magical weapon you can attack the Spectre. It flies towards you, screaming
with hatred and slashing at you with icy, taloned, claw-like hands.

"Die!" it howls. "Die and know the pain of nothingness that I feel!"

This will be some battle!


If you wish to Escape, you sound the retreat and your horde flees; deduct 1 point of HONOUR and turn to 41. If the Spectre reduces your STAMINA to zero or less, turn to 13. If you defeat the Spectre, turn to 58.
I guess it's a different spectre, since we defeated that last one. Do we want to flee? The last time we encountered one, we lost a SKILL due to getting hit.

Weirdly, even though we take a free hit if we flee, there's no instruction to roll for that possible SKILL penalty, so we'd just be losing 2 STAMINA and 1 HONOUR (and we are overloaded with the latter already).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to flee for sure.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Flee, yeah.

(Where does it say it gets a free hit if we escape?)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:04 am
(Where does it say it gets a free hit if we escape?)
It's the standard rule when we flee from any combat, as I posted on the first page.
You and your horde have braved Trolltooth Pass and its potentially menacing distractions. The canyons echo eerily with your fading footfalls as you leave its claustrophobic confines far behind. Nearby, disturbed by your presence, a flock of crows and other carrion birds take flight into the sky, abandoning the corpse of some unfortunate creature upon which they were feeding. An omen perhaps, you think. But for good or ill?

"Where next, chief?" asks Nharog, shading his eyes with his hand to scan the horizon.

Indeed, where are you going?

If you want to go east to the Flatlands, turn to 10.
If you want to go south into the Craggen Heights, turn to 80.
If you want to go west to the great city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go north into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go northwest to the Forest of Spiders, turn to 170.
"As wide as the Flatlands!" is what an Allansian would say to denote a vast distance, and this certainly applies to these grassy steppes that stretch from the Moonstone Hills in the west all the way to the Sea of Pearls in the far east. Here in the western part of the Flatlands, the monotony of the savannah is broken only by the occasional T’annum Tree, rocky outcrop, or the tents of a camp of nomadic Barbarians, like the ones of your Tribe, which is where you are now.

"Chieftain," says Druzgar the Shaman, acknowledging your entrance with upraised palms. "You have returned."

"It is time for the Testing," says Nharog quietly by your side.

As always, when a horde returns to the Tribe, the honour of the horde and its chieftain must be measured to see if they are still worthy.

Druzgar squats on a bare patch of earth and scatters ancient rune-inscribed pieces of bone onto the dirt, stooping to discern their meaning. Collectively, the people of the Tribe draw in their breath and hold it for a moment.

Roll two dice and Test your Honour. If you are Honourable, you are welcomed back as heroes; turn to 5. If you are Dishonourable, Druzgar shakes his head sadly; turn to 16.
Despite losing a point of Honour for fleeing from the spectre, we still have more than enough to auto-pass this test.
Unlike the nomadic horse-riders of the deep prairie, the camp of your Tribe is semi-permanent, consisting of large yurts that can be folded down and carried by horse or ox-cart, and stone barns that can house herd animals for months on end. It is bustling with the daily rhythm of tribal life. Hunters return from the wild with deer and antelope carcasses, older folk stitch skins together or craft clay pottery, and everywhere there are children playing in the dust.

"The Tribe is one," says Druzgar the Shaman, appearing suddenly by your side.

"And one is the Tribe!" you reply, in the time-honoured catechism.

What do you want to do now?

If you want to recruit more warriors for your horde, turn to 25.
If you want to visit the Shrines, turn to 18.
If you want to rest and perhaps train your warriors, turn to 32.
If you want to leave the Flatlands, turn to 1.
Are we sure we want to recruit here again? We still haven't tried either of the other options, and we know we can recruit at Craggen Heights too, at the same price...

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 11/12
LUCK 4/11
Equipment: King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle), Enchanted Broadsword (+2 Attack Strength and does 3 STAMINA damage per hit in individual combat)
Gold: 7 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider, Looter, Nemesis, Warlord, Champion
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 3
2) City: Fang / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Hmm, ok, good point, might visit the shrine and see if we can get luck back.

(And oh yeah, found the part about escaping, I did look in the first page before, but didn't think to run a word search to make sure I found it)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to visit the shrines as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

The Ancestors’ Shrine is an ancient rune-inscribed stone circle that has stood in this part of the Flatlands since time immemorial. Inside the circle is a large altar for the spirits of your Ancestors, as well as smaller altars for other gods, such as Gurrang the Bear God and Almor, Lord of Wolves. Most of the Tribe come here regularly to pray and seek the spiritual aid of their Ancestors.

Nearby, and occasionally propitiated by some of the Tribe, is a lone obelisk of black stone, carved with the Rune of Chaos. Surrounding this Chaos Shrine is the rubble of several clay huts that appear to have been blasted apart with sorcery. Legend holds that he or she who sacrifices great magic to the Chaos Shrine will attain powerful rewards.

If you wish to pray at the Ancestors’ Shrine, turn to 3.
If you have a magic object and wish to offer it to the Chaos Shrine, turn to 27.
It not crystal-clear whether there's anything magical about our helm and shield, but both our weapons definitely qualify as "magic object", so we can try offering the warhammer to the Chaos Shrine if you wish to.

Which one do we pray/make our offer to?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I am going to vote the Ancestors’ Shrine, as I am wary with anything having to do with Chaos.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Pray at Ancestor's shrine, don't want to lose a cool magic thing.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You enter the stone circle and offer your prayers to the Ancestors, abasing yourself before the altar. You seek their help for your upcoming crusade against the enemies of your Tribe so that you may smite the servile and decadent into oblivion and grind their bones underfoot. To see if the Ancestors answer your prayers, roll two dice and Test your Honour.

If you are Honourable, the Ancestors grant you a blessing! Write the blessing ‘Might’ in the Blessings box on your Adventure Sheet. The ‘Might’ blessing works by allowing you to add 1 to the dice roll when calculating your horde’s Attack Strength for the duration of any one large-scale combat. When you use the ‘Might’ blessing, cross it off your Adventure Sheet. You can have only one ‘Might’ blessing at a time. Once it is used up, you will need to return to the Ancestors’ Shrine to obtain a new one.

If you are Dishonourable, the Ancestors ignore your request. In their eyes you are not currently worthy of their aid. You need to redeem yourself and seek further glory for your Tribe.

"The Ancestors have spoken!" intones Druzgar the Shaman. "Leave now, and seek adventure!"

Turn to 1.
With the Flatlands at your back, you and your horde head west, towards the teeming plains of Allansia. Days of glory lie ahead of you, days of plundering booty from the rich cities and carving a bloody swathe through cultures and territories that for too long have looked down upon you and your people as primitive savages. It is time for war and conquest!

"Where are we headed, chief?" says Nharog, breaking your reverie.

If you want to go west into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go northwest to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
If you want to go southwest to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 11/12
LUCK 4/11
Equipment: King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle), Enchanted Broadsword (+2 Attack Strength and does 3 STAMINA damage per hit in individual combat)
Gold: 7 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider, Looter, Nemesis, Warlord, Champion
Blessings: Might (+1 Attack Strength for the duration of any one large-scale combat)
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 3
2) City: Fang / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
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