The Book of Elements

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The Book of Elements

Post by IGTN »

Right, so, I've been sitting on the entire manuscript for the Book of Elements for a few months, and it hasn't been improving except when I sit down to post it. So I've started to post it to the Wiki. If people are interested in anything from it, let me know, because it's already bbcode formatted; posting it here will be faster than wiki-ing it.

The Book of Elements ate the following bits of the Tome of Tiamat (explanations of what's new in bold):
FrankTrollman wrote:Tome of Tiamat
  • Magic Physics (already wikied)
  • Bonus Core Classes (Elementalist (minor tweaks only), Firemage, Puppeteer, Snowscaper Alchemist (updated), Shadowcaster, Windseeker, Snowsoul)
  • Prestige Classes (Shadowdancer, Soulseared (Bane Knight), Elemental Champion (Elemental Knight), Planar Oracle, Primordial Thief, Flesh Alchemist, Worldsmith, Planecrosser)
  • Feats and Spells and Spheres (oh do we have those)
  • Elementals (minor tweaks to the Elements Project)
  • Genies (see: Elementals)
  • Evocation Overhaul (see: Feats)
  • High Adventure on the Inner Planes (Four elements, two energy planes, Wood, Cold, and Shadow. Also giant comprehensive rewrites of the environments on the planes)
formatting consistency wrote:Book of Gears
  • Magic Item (90% copypasta)
  • Glyph Traps (copypasta and new spells)
  • Power Sites
  • Demiplanes
If any of that looks interesting, ask away. A lot of this stuff hasn't been read too intently by anyone who isn't me, so it might not be as polished as the original tomes. The stuff that has been read and criticized was read and criticized by a computer programmer, and I may have drifted into programmer mode myself sometimes. So in some places it might prize being unambiguous over being easy to read. If this makes any parts unreadable, let me know so I can fix it.

Right. First request:
IGTN wrote:
fbmf wrote:
I'm in the process of writing a feat that allows you to use Raw Chaos to make either magic items or demiplanes.
I'd be interested in seeing that.

Game On,
The main problem I've been running into with the Demiplane rules is that even after taking all of the general Create a Demiplane rules and giving them their own section to be called by feats, spells, class features, and so on, the feat still ends up long.

I should probably try to make some of the rules (like trait assignments) more general, so that I can take them out of the feat.
Well, that's finished. Here it is:
Elementals of Style wrote:
Reality Shaper
You can shape primordial chaos into powerful magic items.
Prerequisite: Three or more Item Creation feats, caster level 10th+
Benefit: You can transform Raw Chaos into magic items. Doing so takes the normal creation time for the item, but reduces its cost to create by 200,000 GP and its experience cost to create by 40,000 EXP. You can make multiple magic items out of the same piece of Raw Chaos, and need not work consecutively, but before you begin your work you must decide what you are going to make the chaos into. Raw chaos is potent stuff, and you gain the ability to use use the Use Magic Device skill if you have it to emulate spell prerequisites as though you had scrolls of any such spells made by a Wizard, Cleric, or Druid at minimum caster level. If the spell does not appear on their lists, you may emulate it as though from any class that can cast ninth-level spells; failing that, any class is permissible. You need only do this once per crafting per spell, and must do this in order from lowest caster level to highest; each previous successful check raises the DC of subsequent checks by two. Items created out of Raw Chaos usually detect as strongly chaotic for a long time after having been made that way, but usually this fades after a few years. The vestiges of chaos in the item, however, are not predictable and may remain for longer, or leave sooner.

Master of the Primordial
Your mastery over raw chaos rivals that of the oldest gods, allowing you to shape it into entire planes of existence.
Prerequsite: Reality Shaper, 18+ ranks in Craft.
Benefit: When you have Raw Chaos, you may expend it to create a demiplane as a standard action. See the section on creating demiplanes under Sites and Seats of Power; your caster level is equal to your Craft ranks, and the save DC is 9 + 1/2 your Craft ranks + your Intelligence modifier. You may create a coterminous or tangent plane, and tangent planes may have boundaries or be self-contained. If this is done as part of the process of creating an artifact, the plane may also be item-bound. When you create the plane, you must make a Craft check after making all decisions for the plane; if not stressed (such as by making the plane as a refuge while in combat), you can take 10. The plane created is spherical, with a radius equal to 10 feet times your craft check result, or cylindrical, with a radius of 20 feet times your craft check result and a height of 20 feet per rank in craft that you have. The planar environment can be made out of anything that can be Fabricated from its basic components with a check 20 less than your check result.
Getting a plane with the traits you want is a base DC of 10, plus the trait value of the plane. If you fail the check, randomly choose a planar trait, remove its DC adjustment, and replace the trait with whatever you get for free (if you have multiple options, pick one at random).
After creating your demiplane, you may expand it, adding to its primary dimension with another Craft check, as a week's work for no additional expenditure of Raw Chaos. A second expansion requires more Raw Chaos. You can expand it for free once after each time you spend Raw Chaos to grow the plane, before you spend Raw Chaos again.
Creating demiplanes with this feat is a Supernatural ability.
You also gain power over Divinely Morphic planes. You may cause any region on a Divinely Morphic plane to revert to its normal planar traits as a full-round action, with a Craft check opposing a level check or craft check from its original reshaper, if present (if not, or if the original reshaper doesn't oppose you, you automatically succeed). A day's work can allow you to change the magic, elemental, and aligned traits on any Divinely Morphic plane to a radius of up to one mile per rank of Craft that you have; doing so requires a Craft check with a DC exactly as if you were creating the plane in the first place.

And a spell, thrown in because the new demiplane rules mean it wants a rewrite:

Conjuration (Creation) [see text]
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wis 9
Components: V, S, M/DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 week (8 hours/day)
Range: 180 feet (see text)
Effect: A demiplane centered on your location
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a demiplane as per the demiplane creation rules in this book. The demiplane must be coterminous or tangent to the plane you cast it on, and this spell must be cast on the Ethereal or Astral plane.

The plane's traits may have a total trait value of up to the caster level the spell is cast at (see the section on creating demiplanes in this book. The spell's descriptors match the elemental and alignment traits of the plane it creates).

When this spell is cast, a local density fluctuation precipitates the creation of a demiplane. At first, the fledgling plane grows at a rate of 1 foot in radius per day to an initial maximum radius of 180 feet as it rapidly draws substance from surrounding ethereal vapors and protomatter.

The planar environment is decided by the caster: atmosphere, weather, composition (including amount and presence of water), and the general shape of the terrain, to no more accuracy than about a 20' cube. The spell cannot create life (including vegetation) nor construction; such things must be brought in or built in the plane. After creating the plane, this spell can be cast again on it after it reaches its maximum size to add another 180 feet to its radius.

Arcane Material Component: A snow globe.

XP Cost: 5000 EXP
Sites and Seats of Power wrote:
Creating Demiplanes
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
- Carl Sagan

Many characters of great elemental power gain the ability to create demiplanes; under Origins of Creation or Multiversal Fundamental elements, that's quite natural, as everything itself is made out of and by the elements, so creatures with power over the elements naturally have the power to create parts of everything else. They also have the power to destroy parts of everything else, which is handled quite effectively by the combat system, and so need not be addressed here.

When creating a demiplane, a number of choices have to be made. Sometimes, the method used may pre-decide some of these choices, but everything determined by either the creator or by the effect used is listed here as the creator's option.

Planar Links
The first decision to make when creating a demiplane is how to get to it. There are two major ways, here; the plane can be coterminous or tangent (mostly separate) to the plane it is created on. Some planes can also be created coexistent, so that will also be addressed.

When a coterminous plane is created, a wave of creation sweeps over the plane that it is being created from. A planar boundary comes into existence, which blocks line of effect, but creatures and objects can pass through it with ease. The existing area of the plane it was created from can be destroyed, absorbed, or cast into another plane (usually the astral, although sometimes the ethereal and rarely a plane with a more interesting environment, such as an inner or outer plane, shadow, or material). If it is absorbed, features, creatures, and things from the former plane still exist on the created plane exactly as they were, with the reality they exist in changing around them. Lingering noninstantaneous spell effects are usually absorbed, and creatures are almost always absorbed. If it is cast into another plane, generally the entire chunk of space, including most of the lingering spell effects and creatures on it, travel with it; the lost area can be another demiplane or simply a chunk of environment in another plane. Destroyed areas are destroyed utterly. This never happens to creatures, unattended magic items, or anything else that makes saving throws unless it has less than three hit points per caster level of the creation effect.

Whether something is absorbed or lost depends on the will of the creator (with the above-mentioned exception for things that make saving throws). Whether lost objects are cast away or destroyed is up to the DM. All creatures who would be destroyed by a creation effect may attempt Will saves against the creation effect's save DC to instead cause the area to be cast away instead of destroyed. When an area is cast away, creatures and so on capable of making saving throws may be sucked with it (Will save, DC equal to that of the creation effect, to negate). Except to those lost, an area being cast away and being destroyed are indistinguishable. Being cast away is harmless except for the environment they are cast into. The creator of the plane is never lost, always being absorbed, and may designate a number of creatures equal to the effect's caster level to also be absorbed.

Astral and Ethereal areas are never cast into more interesting planes, although they may be cast into a region on the same plane. Their objects and creatures may be scattered to random planes (usually arriving in groups, but not all together), instead.

Creating a tangent plane is almost entirely unlike creating a coterminous plane. The center of a tangent plane is coexistent to the place where it was created on its origin, but no other inherent links exist except to transitive planes; the tangent plane is fullly coexistent to a region on one transitive plane, at least. The creator can designate any number of creatures within close range to be drawn in to the plane when created (will save negates), and nothing else is brought over. Likewise, nothing else is destroyed or cast aside on the origin plane. At the creator's option (usually), a portal may be created connecting the two coexistent sites.

If created in a transitive plane, a tangent plane always connects to that transitive plane, only, with a coexistent region created for it. If created on the outer planes, it always connects to the Astral; on the Inner Planes, to the Ethereal and possibly also to the Astral (creator's option). If created on the shadow plane, it gains its own border shadow accessible from where-ever it was created (and an area around that shaped and sized roughly like the plane). On the material plane, it may have any one or two such connections.

A few effects can create a coexistent plane. Doing so is like creating a tangent plane, except that every point on the plane is coexistent to a point on the origin plane the same direction and distance from the point of casting as it is from the center of the new plane.

In some cases, a Demiplane is attached to an item. Such an item always exists on not only its primary plane, but also on planes coexistent to it, and any manipulation on one affects the item on the other, except that reflections cannot be brought to other planes. However, the item can be pulled on from one plane so that its main body enters that plane, where it formerly was becomes a reflection. This requires a DC 16 Strength check, or an opposed Strength check against the strongest person currently holding it on every other plane with a +2 bonus and aid from everyone else holding it, whichever would be harder. The demiplane has coexistent reflections of all planes coexistent to where it actually is. Entering that set of planes requires the item (the item cannot be brought within, of course), and deposits the entering character on the appropriate plane in the set. If a reflected plane is removed (by, for instance, taking an item that contains a demiplane to a place without a coexistent plane), then everyone and everything on that reflected plane is shunted into the main one, taking damage and being shunted out if they arrive inside a solid object, as per the Dimension Door spell. Exiting the bound plane(s) plants the exiting character by the item. The item usually can transport people in on its own, but a few cannot, and require their own Plane Shift effects, or similar. Creating an item-bound demiplane is extremely difficult, and they mostly exist as plot devices.

Demiplane Traits
Generally, the creator of a plane gets to determine its planar traits, with a few exceptions. First, no plane can be in opposition to its creator. This means no plane can have an alignment trait opposed to its creator; a fiend cannot sell you a celestial palace fitting for good, although it can sell you a neutral palace if it can create demiplanes. It also means no plane can have an elemental trait opposed to its creator's elemental subtypes, if any, unless its creator also has the subtype it is being created for. A water weird cannot make a fire palace. Second, under no circumstances can a demiplane plane have the Flowing Time trait, and DMs should consider carefully whether Erratic Time is more headache than it's worth. Beyond that, restrictions are fairly common-sense. Tangent planes can be self-contained, but pretty much all other planes are finite with boundaries. Creating a sentient plane requires simultaneously crafting an intelligent magic item as the plane, and adds the two times to create together.

If an Enhanced Magic metamagic abuse is found that requires creating a plane and doesn't destroy the game, go nuts with it. It doesn't really matter if you can make your Shapechange or Foresight persistent, if you have to create a universe to do it in. Seriously, you're a god at that point, go hog wild. You still can't stack the same metamagic effect multiple times.

Nonetheless, different types of demiplanar traits have a different value, which can determine how hard it is to make one. Exactly how making a high-value demiplane is harder depends on how the plane is being created. A demiplane whose traits match the plane it is being created on (except for some cases of gravity, see below) has no cost for its traits. Changes to its traits cost as follows:
  • Each elemental or energy trait added or subtracted adds 5 to the plane's trait value. Traits like the Plane of Ice's Cold Dominance, or a similar trait for sonic damage, use the same rules.
  • Objective or Subjective gravity add 5 to the plane's value, even if they match the origin plane. Origin planes of objective gravity grant normal gravity for free; those of subjective gravity grant no gravity for free. Other gravity traits increase the value by two.
  • Highly morphic, Alterable Morphic, or Static planes have a value increase of 5. Sentient-Morphic planes require that the plane be crafted as an intelligent magical item, regardless of origin plane. Being divinely morphic increases the plane's value by 10, or by five if the origin plane is itself divinely morphic (alterable morphic is free in that case). If the origin plane is sentient or magically morphic, alterable morphic is free. Magically morphic doesn't actually mean anything anyway.
  • Strong alignment traits cost 5, each. Weak alignment traits cost 2, each. A plane may not have contradictory alignment traits.
  • Each level of metamagic feat provided by Enhanced Magic costs 5. Each school or other division impeded costs 2. Each subschool, level, or descriptor limited costs 2. Each school limited costs 5. Wild or Dead magic costs 5.
  • Normal time is free, regardless of the time trait of its originating plane. A demiplane may also have erratic time matching its originating plane if its originating plane does. For a value of 5, the demiplane may be timeless with respect to hunger, thirst, aging, and so on (time still passes relative to other planes).
Demiplanar Environment
Demiplanar environments can be pretty much anything. They can't be created with life or anything similarly complex, at least not on their own without a sufficient amount of time. Most people don't have the patience to wait the billions of years it takes life to evolve, so life is generally imported or absorbed. Demiplanes can't be created with magic items or planar currency of any kind, either, so that has to be brought in.

Most effects can only create simple elemental matter: air, dirt, rock, water in its various forms, and fire, which only shows up for long on planes with the appropriate traits; you could make a demiplane out of shadowstuff, too, if you really wanted to. Despite having an Elemental Plane of Wood, there are very few ways to create demiplanes that allow you to make a wooden demiplane, without first making an empty demiplane and then bringing in wood. The elemental materials you are given, though, come in a very wide variety. Rock is not just your standard granite and basalt, but also includes coal and ores (or other naturally-occuring forms) of pretty much any mineral you could wish for. Some effects start from this and allow you to add a limited amount of complexity. Other effects might allow you to fill your demiplane with anything you might wish for, letting you have a plane of diamonds, or gold, or beer.

Expanding your Demiplane
Now that you're the owner of a brand-new demiplane, you can make it grow bigger by using any effect that creates a demiplane from the center. Instead of creating a demiplane, then, you can choose to expand the existing one's primary dimension (if it has no primary dimension, pick two and expand them) by the radius of the demiplane that you would create, or cause the demiplane to grow out from its edges if it has them, or, if self-contained, from either every point in the plane or in a region around the caster, by a length equal to the radius the new plane would be created with. Edge lengths are "worth" half as much as radii, so double all radius numbers before applying them as edge length, and halve all edge lengths before applying them as radii. If the new effect comes with a height, like a cylinder or prism (a polygon stretched into a third dimension, with two arbitrary polygonal faces connected by a bunch of rectangles, for anyone who needs a geometry refresher), you can add that to the height, too, if you want. A demiplane with edges can instead have the edges pushed out in one direction, adding the same volume as would be normally created (if the effect would create a new demiplane), contiguous to some edge of the original demiplane.

List of primary dimensions, by shape:
Spherical: Radius
Cubic or other polyhedral: Edge Length
Circular Cylindrical: Radius or height
Prismatic (regular polygon): Polygon edge length or height

Demiplanes and Plane Shift

A note has to be made of how Plane Shift interacts with demiplanes, since it's not even possible for a Plane Shift spell targeted on the center of most demiplanes to end up anywhere within the radius of the plane. If you Plane Shift into a demiplane with inaccurate teleportation that makes you arrive outside the plane, you instead arrive at a random point on the plane that can support you. Note that a tuning fork to use Plane Shift to get to any given demiplane without just getting it as a spell-like ability is generally extremely hard to come by (the dedicated can figure out the right one, though, with enough DC 30 Knowledge (the Planes) checks. "enough" depends on how much they already know), and it's impossible to Plane Shift to a demiplane with neither an item that uniquely identifies it (such as a proper tuning fork) nor a detailed description, nor having been there oneself (even if it's changed since), nor, at least, some unambiguous magical identification like a teleport trail, even with a spell-like ability.
Last edited by IGTN on Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by Vebyast »

This is win. Epic win. Can't wait for the rest of this to go up.
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1) Good design practices.
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Post by Hicks »

I don't really understand why a demiplane of wood is disallowed, as you can specifically have a plane of gems or gold or magma or whatever. Although I can see why a moratorium on creatures specifically, but trees, bushes, grass, and crops in 3.x are just objects that are as valuless as rubies in a Wish economy.
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Post by IGTN »

Mostly because none of the older demiplane creation utilities let you have wood. A creation method that lets you flood the place with anything you could wish for can give you wood and plants; one that just gives elemental matter gives a dead plane.

So, historical reasons, not balance reasons. Closest thing to a balance reason is that people might try to create new species of plants to their specifications, which, admittedly, is also worthless in the Wish economy, but potentially a hassle for the DM. Might change things to make it available, or introduce something that makes you a life-creating god or something somewhere else.

E: High Adventure section is up on the wiki
Last edited by IGTN on Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by Red_Rob »

Wow, great read, very thought provoking. Hmmm, that Planescape campaign I always wanted to run....

Two thumbs up!
Simplified Tome Armor.

Tome item system and expanded Wish Economy rules.

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Post by IGTN »

The general section on the inner planes is up on the wiki. Specifics on the environments aren't, yet.

@Red_Rob, Vebyast: Thanks.

Anything anyone is particularly interested in seeing that I haven't put up yet? If nobody asks for anything, I'll just throw stuff up on the wiki at random until I run out. If you want something, ask and I'll stick it up, either here (if it has a lot of formatting) or on the wiki (if it doesn't).
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Post by TarkisFlux »

Since you're taking requests, I'd love me some environment specifics, in no particular order.
The wiki you should be linking to when you need a wiki link -

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Ant: "Ethically, a task well-completed for the good of the colony. Experientially, endorphins."
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Post by IGTN »

TarkisFlux wrote:Since you're taking requests, I'd love me some environment specifics, in no particular order.
Last edited by IGTN on Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by IGTN »

Added two more planes (Fire and Positive) and the whole Sites and Seats chapter.

e: Magic Items, too
Last edited by IGTN on Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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For Valor
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Post by For Valor »

snowsoul and windseeker. What are they?

Also, Warmage belongs with the base classes.
Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by IGTN »

For Valor wrote:snowsoul and windseeker. What are they?

Also, Warmage belongs with the base classes.
Snowsoul (Another variant-themed Fire Mage):
"Is it cold in here, or is it me?"

An Snowsoul is someone who has frozen their own heart to gain the powers of the icy cold to use on others. Their control over the forces of cold allows them to impede and slow their enemies, and also gives them a degree of power over others' emotions.

Playing an Snowsoul: Snowsouls are control mages. They use their powers to control the battlefield and suppress their enemies. That said, every Snowsoul has enough destructive power to chip away at their enemies, although that goes a lot easier with a strong Knight in front.

Alignment: Snowsouls come in all alignments. The effect that working with the pure magics of ice has on the humanoid psyche makes some snowsouls tend toward evil alignments, but not all. Those with particularly hot tempers before becoming Snowsouls, indeed, find that it cools their passions, making them better at following up on their good intentions.

Races: Snowsouls show up in all races, but are most common among those that spend a lot of time in exceptionally cold climes, such as Dwarves and Orcs. In many civilized areas, most of a Snowsoul's power is actually illegal.

Starting Gold: 3d4x10 GP (75 gp)
Starting Age: Moderate (as Fighter)

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Cleric
Good Saves: Fortitude
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, The Planes), Listen, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Mod

Level, Special
1 Chill Snap, Freeze Mind, Ice Magic, Icy Skin
2 Impress Ice, Skate, Slick of Frost
3 Bonechilling, Iceworking
4 Heart of Ice
5 Chill the Temperment
6 Arctic Blast
7 Grasping Frost, Icesmithing
8 Freeze Wings, Ice Scrying
9 Frostrend
10 Freeze Vigor
11 Freeze Soul
12 Soul of Ice
13 Summon Blizzard Elemental
14 Freeze Portal
15 Crystalline Soul, Sending, Snowman

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Snowsoul is proficient with simple weapons and all martial picks, and with light armor, but not with shields of any kind.

Chill Snap (sp): As a standard action at will, an Snowsoul can cause a chill snap around a target of his choice, out to close range. This chill snap inflicts 1d6 cold damage per character level, with a fortitude save for half damage allowed (save DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Intelligence modifier). This reaches to Medium range at 6th class level.

Freeze Mind (sp): An Snowsoul can freeze a creature's mind as a standard action at will. This dazes the target (will negates, DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Intelligence modifier). This lasts as long as the Snowsoul either concentrates on keeping the creature's mind frozen (as concentrating on a spell), or successfully freezes another creature's mind every round. The target must be within close range for this effect to work; leaving this distance ends the effect.

Ice Magic: An Snowsoul is considered to have a spell list containing every spell with the [Cold] descriptor for purposes of using magic items. For purposes of scaling the Magical Artifice and Store Magic feats, the Snowsoul is considered to be able to cast spells of up to 1/2 his class level.

Icy Skin (ex): An Snowsoul's skin is always cool to the touch if not outright cold regardless of the Snowsoul's natural body heat or state of health. The Snowsoul also doesn't mind cold, and gains Cold Resistance equal to twice his level.

Impress Ice (ex): Every time an Snowsoul of 2nd level or higher inflicts Cold damage on any target, whether with his class abilities or another source of cold, he inflicts an amount of extra Cold Damage equal to his class level or his Intelligence modifier, whichever is less.

Skate (ex): Snowsouls of 2nd level or higher skate expertly on slippery terrain. They have no risk of falling on any slick (ice or oil), and do not need to balance on it. Also, any movement they make on such terrain counts for half for purposes of determining how far an Snowsoul moves on such terrain.

Slick of Frost (su): Any time an Snowsoul of 2nd level or higher inflicts cold damage to a creature or object, he can coat a square 10' on a side containing that creature with ice. The ice is slippery, as a Grease spell, except that it is a cold effect (save DC is 10 + 1/2 character level + Intelligence modifier). This lasts until the next time the sun rises.

Bonechilling (ex): From 3rd level onward, an Snowsoul can chill a creature's bones through its natural defenses. Any time he attempts to inflict cold damage on anything, no more than half of it can be negated by immunity or resistance to cold, and he bypasses the first five points of cold resistance a creature has, or the first five points of an object's hardness. Also, his cold damage deals 1/2 damage, rather than 1/4, to objects, full damage if the object has water in it (if a porous or permeable material is wet, it has water in it). The Snowsoul may choose not to use this ability on certain targets (i.e., himself)

Iceworking (sp): As a standard action at will, an Snowsoul of 3rd level or higher may freeze water into any desired shape of at most small size. This behaves like a Minor Creation spell, except that it can only make items out of ice and requires that the item's weight in water be provided. The Snowsoul can also harden this ice to the hardness of stone, at his option. Only one such item per class level may exist at a time; excess items, chosen by the Snowsoul, melt back into water instantly. Collections of smaller items, or multipart items, can be made, as can larger items (two items of one size category count as one of one size category larger for creation time and number of items in existence. Minimum creation time is one standard action). So a box of daggers could be made as a single action, but a 5' square of floor thick enough to support the weight of a big creature takes two actions. No moving joints are allowed.

Heart of Ice: An Snowsoul of 4th level learns a magic ritual to replace his heart with a chunk of ice. This gives him immunity to cold if he does it. It also gives him immunity to morale and fear effects. Once completed, the effects of this ritual are an extraordinary ability (the ritual itself is spell-like).

Chill the Temperment (sp): An Snowsoul of 5th level or higher can cool the temperment of another creature within close range as a standard action at will. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Intelligence modifier), or its emotions are cooled. Any rage and confusion effects it has on it are immediately ended, and all morale bonuses are suppressed for one round per level. Also, whenever it attacks (using the definition given in Invisibility) any creature that has not attacked it since this ability was used on it, it must make a will save against the same DC; otherwise the attack is unsuccessful, but whatever costs the attack has (ammunition, spell slots, etc.) are not paid; the creature does not act for that action. Once it succeeds at one of these saves, this effect is removed (morale bonuses are still suppressed). Also, once its morale bonuses are no longer suppressed, this effect ends fully; creatures that cannot attack now can. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Arctic Blast (sp): An Snowsoul of 6th level or higher can unleash an icy blast over an area as a standard action. This deals 1d4 cold damage per character level to all creatures and unattended objects in a 20' radius burst within Medium range, with a reflex save allowed for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Intelligence modifier).

Grasping Frost (su): An Snowsoul of 7th level or higher may, as an immediate action, cause ice to grip any number of creatures, entangling them and holding them in place. No saving throw is allowed, but these creatures must all be prone on an icy surface created by the Snowsoul and in the Snowsoul's line of sight. Breaking a creature free is possible; the ice has hardness 5 and two hit points per Snowsoul level. Attempting a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 10+1/2 level + Intelligence modifier) to break out is a standard action and protects against being captured again until the Snowsoul's turn if successful.

Icesmithing (sp): An Snowsoul of 7th level or higher's ability to create objects out of ice improves, allowing him to create ice with the texture of steel and wood, and frost and snow with the texture of cloth or even feathers (although nothing will make it feel warm). He can also craft simple sliding joints in his ice items, although no hinges. Thus, he could create a robe, or a bow, or even arrows. Weapons and armor created with this ability are magical, and weapons do one extra point of cold damage to everything they hit. In all other ways this is identical to, and replaces, the Iceworking ability. He may also condense moisture from the air to provide water, as a Create Water spell usable as a swift action at will (caster level = Snowsoul level); this works even when there shouldn't be enough moisture to do so.

Freeze Wings (su): Any flying creature that fails a save to halve cold damage inflicted by an Snowsoul of at least 8th level has its flying maneuverability drop one step (Perfect -> Good -> Average -> Poor -> Clumsy -> No flight). This effect stacks with itself, and one application of it can be shaken out as a full-round action. Creatures with no land movement mode cannot lose their ability to fly to this ability.

Ice Scrying (sp): An Snowsoul of 8th level or higher may use Scrying, as the spell, once per day. He needs a mirror made of ice as a focus (any mirror made of ice will do; it need not be valuable).

Frostrend (su): Any creature that takes cold damage from the Snowsoul on two consecutive rounds is fatigued. This can stack to exhausted as soon as the third round.

Freeze Vigor (sp): An Snowsoul of 10th level or higher may, as a standard action, freeze a creature's vigor, causing it to be Held. It may attempt a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Intelligence modifier) to avoid this. The affected creature is Held for three rounds.

Freeze Soul (sp): An Snowsoul of 11th level or higher may cast Curse of Crumbling Conviction (see the Tome of Necromancy) at will. The spell's save DC is based on Intelligence, and it is considered to be a 6th level spell. A creature under the effects of this ability is unable to feel its own strong emotions unless some ability or effect tells it to, until it is restored to its original alignment.

Soul of Ice (ex): An Snowsoul of 12th level or higher's soul is frozen away, giving him immunity to the harmful effects of negative energy, including energy drain. Undead Snowsouls instead gain immunity to the harmful effects of positive energy. Healing still works, for those healed by both (or the opposite) energy type.

Summon Blizzard Elemental (sp): As a full-round action, an Snowsoul of 13th level or higher may call forth either a Blizzard Elemental or a Huge Ice Paraelemental (described later in this book). A Blizzard Elemental is a Large Air Elemental with the [Cold] subtype added, continually surrounded by a Sleet Storm effect that it can see through perfectly, with the feat Elemental Aura (Cold) as a bonus feat and the ability to cast Ice Storm, centered on itself, as a spell-like ability at will (it is not affected by the Ice Storm). Either elemental can understand the Snowsoul's spoken commands in any language perfectly and obeys them, serving for seven rounds or until dismissed or destroyed before disappearing. Afterwards, the Snowsoul cannot summon an elemental again for seven minutes. The Snowsoul may only have one summoned elemental at a time. Any damage done by the elemental behaves as if the Snowsoul did the damage for purposes of Snowsoul class features.

Freeze Portal (su): Whenever an Snowsoul of 14th level or higher does cold damage to a creature, the creature is frozen to the plane of existence it currently occupies. Any attempts to move that creature via teleportation or planar travel before the Snowsoul's next turn must make a caster level check (DC 11 + Snowsoul level), or fail as though the target was dimensionally anchored.

Crystalline Soul (sp): A 15th level Snowsoul can crystallize the soul of a freshly dead creature he can touch. This creates an unmelting ice crystal that contains the creature's soul. The soul must be available, although it needn't be willing. Doing this is a standard action, and it can be done no more than three times per day. The ice crystal has Hardness 5 and 20 hit points, and, if broken, will release the soul it contains to the afterlife. The ice crystal can be used as a gem in soul crafting.

Sending (Sp): A 15th level Snowsoul can send a message, as the sending spell to any creature on any plane of existence with a standard action and receive a reply even if they are on different planes of existence.

Snowman (sp): A 15th level Snowsoul can create a Snowman over the course of a day. The Snowman has all the same stats and abilities as the Snowsoul, despite obviously being made of snow, except that it lacks all class features from the Snowsoul class that are granted at above 10th level, and all abilities from other classes that take more than a free action to activate. The snowman obeys the Snowsoul completely, although the Snowsoul must speak to it. Creating a Snowman costs 20,000 GP in planar currencies.
"Fear not, for I will scatter them to the four winds.

Air Magic isn't one of the first things people think of when looking for an effective adventurer. Most adventurers will grant that it's good for flying around and blocking arrows, but doubt that it has much use above that when they find themselves in combat. That view, though, is only the most shallow. Windseekers gain a large array of powers to master the air and winds; not only flight, but also the power to control others' movements and to rend objects apart with the blasting force of air.

Playing a Windseeker: Windseekers aren't subtle, but they aren't direct blasters, either. They use their magic best when they have someone else to clean up after them. Maybe a Fighter, Samurai, or a Fire Mage.

Alignment: Windseekers come in all alignments. Because air magic is not usually as directly brutal as, for instance, Fire magic, Windseekers are accepted into more societies.

Races: Races that primarily live belowground are seldom Windseekers. Half-elves for some reason have an above-average contingent of Windseekers, as do Air Genasi, which is far easier to explain.

Starting Gold: 3d4x10 GP (75 gp)
Starting Age: Moderate (as Fighter)

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Cleric
Good Saves: Reflex
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, The Planes), Listen, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Mod

Level, Special
1 Air Magic, Cyclone, Gale Blast, Feather Fall
2 Aiding Winds
3 Chains of Air, Double Jump
4 Wind Manipulations
5 Reap the Whirlwind
6 Shield of Winds, Fly (Single)
7 Hurling Gust, Wind Walk
8 Control Winds
9 Fly (Multiple)
10 Discorporate, Find the Windy Heart
11 Flash Gale
12 Repulsion
13 Control Weather
14 Whirlwind
15 Chain the Many, Zephyr's Speed

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Windseeker is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.

Air Magic (ex): A Windseeker is considered to have every spell with the [air] descriptor on her spell list for purposes of activating magic items.

Cyclone (sp): As a standard action at will, a Windseeker may form a tight cyclone with herself at the eye. This cyclone spreads out to 10' in radius per class level, and is twice that in height, but only extends into areas it can circulate through. It does not affect any creatures in the Windseeker's space. Those in the cyclone take 1d6 nonlethal damage per two Windseeker levels (rounded up), Fortitude save for half (DC 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier). Those who fail their save are knocked prone. Creatures not standing on the ground take lethal damage, and lose control of their flight on a failed save (effectively prone).

Gale Blast (sp): As a standard action at will, a Windseeker may send a blast of air with the force of a roaring gale at her enemies. This hits all creatures in a line out to Close range for 1d6 damage per two character levels, with a Reflex save for half (DC 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier). Those who fail their saves are pushed back 5' per damage die; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and ends if it becomes impossible (such as by being pushed into a wall, but not off a cliff). Flying creatures get no save.

Feather Fall (sp): A Windseeker can cast Feather Fall, as a spell-like ability at will.

Aiding Winds (sp): Whenever a Windseeker of 2nd level or higher spends her full round moving (a double-move or run, for instance, but not a charge), she gives a tailwind to those around her while at the same time lightening their step. When she does, all allies that she passes within 10' of gain +20' to their movement speed in all modes for one round.

Chains of Air (sp): A Windseeker of 3rd level or higher may bind a creature with Chains of Air as a standard action. The creature may attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier) to escape. If it fails, it is bound, unable to take any physical actions, and denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, taking 1d6 damage per round per three Windseeker levels, for as long as the Windseeker continues to concentrate, up to one round per class level.

Double Jump (su): A Windseeker of 3rd level or higher may jump while in the air. Once she does so, she must somehow stabilize her weight (typically by resting it on the ground, but anything that would allow her to use a movement speed she actually has works) before doing so again. When jumping from the ground, she may wait for the peak of her jump before jumping again. If falling, using this ability reduces falling damage to only apply from the point the jump was made from (which can negate it entirely, if the Windseeker jumps close to the ground).

Wind Manipulations (sp): A Windseeker of 4th level or higher may cast Gust of Wind, Levitate, Wind Wall, and Whispering Wind as spell-like abilities at will.

Reap the Whirlwind (sp): A Windseeker of 5th level or higher may, as a standard action, summon a whirlwind. The Whirlwind fills one 5' square and is 30' tall. It deals 1d6 damage per two levels (no save) to any objects it touches that are larger than it is, and lifts creatures and smaller objects into the air; a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier) can avoid this, although it will repeat on the next round. Creatures so lifted cannot move, attack, or cast spells with somatic components, although they may take other actions. The whirlwind moves 5' in a random direction twice on each of the Windseeker's subsequent turns, and lasts for four turns. If the Windseeker directs it as a move action, it instead moves up to 10' in any direction the Windseeker chooses. The whirlwind must rest itself on something, always.

Shield of Winds (sp): A Windseeker of 6th level or higher may, as a standard action, shield her allies within Close range with strong, deflecting winds. This causes all attacks against them to suffer a 20% miss chance for one round.

Fly (sp): A Windseeker of 6th level or higher can cast Fly, as the spell. Once she does so, she can't cast it again until the first spell expires. At 9th level, she can cast it at-will.

Hurling Gust (sp): A Windseeker of 7th level or higher may use Telekinesis at will as a spell-like ability, but may only use it for a Violent Thrust. The DC to resist is 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier.

Wind Walk (sp): A Windseeker of 7th level may cast Wind Walk, as the spell, as a spell-like ability at will.

Control Winds (sp): A Windseeker of 8th level or higher may use Control Winds as the spell at will, although only one such effect per caster may be active at a time.

Discorporate (sp): A Windseeker of 10th level may assume Gaseous Form, as the spell. While discorporated, she may not use any spell-like class features of the Windseeker class. However, she has damage reduction 10/- stacking with the 10/magic that the spell provides, can run whenever in an open square, and has a Fly speed of 20' (perfect).

Find the Windy Heart: Any reference to class level for determining the effects of the abilities of a 10th-level or higher Windseeker's spell-like abilities instead uses character level.

Flash Gale: A Windseeker of 11th level or higher may use Gale Blast and Gust of Wind as swift actions once per round.

Repulsion (sp): A Windseeker of 12th level may cast a modified Repulsion that works through roaring winds as a spell-like ability at will. Unlike the spell, it has a Fort save instead of a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Windseeker's level + Windseeker's Intelligence modifier), and affects unattended objects smaller than the caster, forcing them outside of its area. This gives the caster a 50% chance to ignore any ranged attack made against her.

Control Weather (sp): A Windseeker of at least 13th level can cast Control Weather at will as a spell-like ability. Each new casting ends the old one immediately.

Whirlwind (sp): A Windseeker of at least 14th level may cast Whirlwind at will as a spell-like ability. Each new casting ends the old one immediately.

Chain the Many (sp): A Windseeker of 15th level may Chain the Many. This works like Chains of Air, except that it binds up to one creature per character level.

Zephyr's Speed (sp): A Windseeker of 15th level may grant the Zephyr's Speed to her compatriots as a spell-like ability. This causes all allies within close range to gain the benefits of Haste and an extra move (not a move action; they may only use this to move) each round, and causes winds to deflect 50% of all attacks against them. This lasts for three rounds. Once she uses this ability, the Windseeker must wait one minute before using it again.
The Warmage isn't in the book because neither it nor the book gains anything by sticking it in, instead of just having it be a free-floating Tome class and the book not having it. The Fire Mage and Puppeteer aren't included for the same reason.

Also, throwing on the alchemist and shadowcaster. The Alchemist has been redone since I last posted it because it didn't work out the way I wanted it to, and the shadowcaster is my own take on the concept, not Frank's version.

"Sorry. Here, take this potion with every meal, three times daily, and you should be back to your normal self in no time."

Alchemists use magic by mixing rare and magical components. They make potions, oils, grenades, and all manner of other items, providing invaluable services to other adventurers. When drawn to adventure, they apply their unique talents, a combination of esoteric knowledge of magical components and a strong throwing arm, to solve problems, whether with subtle poisons or with a loud bang.

Playing an Alchemist: As an Alchemist, your niche is as a supporting magic user. You also have the ability to throw large amounts of alchemical substances at people to damage them, but your primary tool are your spell bombs and resins.

Races: Alchemists arise in practically any race that commonly produces its own goods, and even a few that don't. Alchemists generally live outside of the societies that support them, or in less dense societies, though, due to the dangers of alchemy. A good many Alchemists are gnomes, due to the race's natural talent. Among the savage humanoids, Goblins take naturally to Alchemy and so produce a disproportionate number of Alchemists, and many orc tribes have a halfbreed Alchemist member, never fully accepted but always needed.

Starting Gold: 6d6x10 gp (210 gp)

Starting Age: As Wizard

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Alchemist's class skills are Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All skills, taken individually) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis)
Skills/Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier and See Class Features
BAB: Average (3/4). Saves: Fort: Good, Reflex: Good, Will: Poor

A Note on Skills: Alchemy is listed as a class skill for Alchemists. With a class focused on alchemy, folding it into Craft is a bad idea, especially with Craft reduced to one skill. Also, the abilities it had to identify things in 3.0 come back online. Identifying a magic liquid, such as a potion, takes an hour and a DC 20 Alchemy check, and costs 1 gp for reagents. There is no possibility to misidentify it. Adepts, Wizards, Sorcerers, Beguilers, Dread Necromancers, Summoners, Fire Mages, Snowsouls, and Windseekers all have Alchemy as a class skill. This series will also eventually split Trapping off from Craft.

Level, Benefit
1 Alchemical Practice, Brew Potion, Spell List, Unstable Potion
2 Alchemist's Secret, Alchemist's Tricks
3 For Personal Use, Laboratory Testing
4 Alchemist's Secret, Superior Alchemy +1d6
5 Alchemic Aura
6 Oils and Elixirs
7 Crafting Prodigy
8 Philosopher's Stone, Superior Alchemy +2d6
9 Alchemist's Secret
10 Intent to Distribute
11 Alchemist's Secret, Memorized Notes
12 Transmute Universe, Superior Alchemy +3d6

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Alchemist is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor.

Alchemical Practice (ex): An Alchemist gains 4 ranks in Alchemy at 1st level, plus one more rank per class level, in addition to his skill points listed above. If this would put him over his maximum number of ranks for his level, any excess skill points are refunded to be put into other skills. When crafting alchemical items, progress is in gold pieces per day.

Brew Potion: An Alchemist recieves Brew Potion as a bonus feat.

Spell List: An Alchemist has access to a spell list. He can cast any spell on his spell list at will, but only to satisfy prerequisites while crafting items that aren't scrolls and to qualify for prestige classes. An Alchemist has a caster level equal to his class level, and has access to all spell levels up to half of his class level, rounded up.

Unstable Potion (su): Given an hour, an Alchemist may brew two Unstable Potions. This works exactly like brewing a normal potion, except that an unstable potion can only be successfully used by the Alchemist, loses its effectiveness after 24 hours, and it can be created out of scavenged materials for free, except for spell component costs. These potions don't count against the eight magic item limit.

Alchemist's Secret: At 2nd level, and again at 4th, 9th, and 11th levels, an Alchemist learns the secret to binding a set of spells alchemically, adding a group of spells to his spell list. See the Secret List, below.

In order to use secrets, the Alchemist must keep notes and have access to them. These notes are typically about one page per class level per secret (they may be kept separately or together). Unlike a spellbook, an Alchemist's notes can be written on normal paper in normal ink, and can be copied freely by any who understand them. If an Alchemist loses his notes, he can recreate them with a day's research work per secret. Doing this research requires a a lab. The Alchemist can only recreate notes for his own secrets, not for anyone else's.

Understanding another Alchemist's notes requires successful skill checks on at least two of the following skills: Alchemy, Decipher Script, Knowledge (Arcana), and Spellcraft, against DC 20 + the level that the Alchemist whose notes are being read had when he last had those notes. If he fails, the attempting Alchemist must gain a level before trying again. Once this is done, the Alchemist using the notes gains a +2 competence bonus to saves against the writer's alchemical items and spells per Secret in the set of notes. This bonus lasts one week, and can be regained by reviewing the stolen notes for one hour/secret (no skill check); it does not apply if the writer is at least four levels higher than he was when he wrote the stolen notes.

Additionally, an Alchemist can use another's notes (if understood) to create potions. The Alchemist using the other's notes may craft as though he knew most of the spells that those Secrets granted to the other Alchemist, limited slightly more strictly by his own level. If the note writer is higher level than the Alchemist using the notes, then the notes may be used to grant every spell except for the highest-level spell in that secret that the note-user would have access to. If the note writer is lower-level, then it grants access to every spell in that secret that the writer had access to, except for those of the highest level among them.

For example, Tedwin, a 5th level alchemist, steals Helbrim's notes for the Secret of Mortality. Even though Helbrim, being an 8th level Alchemist, can cast Enervation with these notes, Tedwin can only cast Ray of Enfeeblement and Ghoul Touch from this Secret. Were it his own Secret, he'd be able to cast Ray of Exhaustion. Later on, Tedwin's apprentice Halph discovers the Secret of Lightning. Tedwin takes his notes and tries to replicate his result, but can't, since Halph is only a 2nd-level Alchemist, and so only gets one spell from the Secret of Lightning. After Halph gains another level and the ability to cast Electric Ray, Tedwin can borrow his updated notes to cast Shocking Grasp.

Alchemist's Tricks: At 2nd level, an Alchemist learns to create two new varieties of spell-storing item:
Bomb: A Bomb is a flask of liquid that contains a spell effect with at least close range. The spell must have an area or an effect, not a target. Preparing and throwing the bomb is a standard action, like using a potion; it is a grenadelike weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. The spell takes effect as though the thrower cast it, targeted where it lands. A spell with a target line allowing more than one target within a certain distance of eachother can also be made into a bomb. In that case, all targets must be within half of the target-to-target distance of where the Bomb breaks, but the Alchemist can still pick targets separately of throwing the Bomb. A Bomb of up to a 3rd-level spell is priced as a potion.
Weapon Resin: A Weapon Resin is a vial of liquid that can be applied to any melee weapon, manufactured or natural, including thrown weapons. It contains a spell with a range of Touch or greater. When it is applied, the spell charge becomes held by the creature or weapon it is applied to; it may be delivered with a melee touch attack or a melee attack, as normal.
Bombs and Resins follow all the same rules for crafting as Potions do, including prerequisites, time and cost to create, etc.
The Alchemist may brew Bombs and Weapon Resins as his Unstable Potions. When he uses Bombs and Weapon Resins (regardless of their manufacture), they use his intelligence, not the minimum, to set their save DC.

For Personal Use: At 3rd level, an Alchemist can create a limited number of potions, bombs, and weapon resins for personal use. Such items can be crafted from common materials for no cost (except for spell components, if any). He may have up to three such items at any one time, and none may contain spells of his highest available spell level. Only he may use these items; they do not work in the hands of any other. A full set of these items can be crafted in eight hours, only two of which require active work (one hour each at the beginning and end), so they can be worked on, left to sit overnight, and finished. He may craft two additional such items of any spell level available to him, but if he does so, for each one that exists, he can craft one fewer Unstable Potion. These potions don't count against the eight magic item limit. Unstable Potions can be crafted at the same time as items made For Personal Use.

Laboratory Testing: Once per day, an Alchemist of at least 3rd level can cast Identify as a spell-like ability, caster level = class level. This requires the normal casting time and access to an alchemical lab as a focus.

Superior Alchemy (ex): When an Alchemist of at least 4th level uses an alchemical item that he made as a grenadelike weapon, he inflicts bonus damage as listed on the table above. Additionally, he may craft one additional potion, resin, or bomb per day per bonus die, in addition to the normal one per day allowed by the Brew Potion feat. This has all of the other normal costs.

Alchemic Aura: An Alchemist of 5th level or higher can share the effects of potions with multiple targets. When he does so, he may designate the spell's additional targets (he must always be targeted). The potion must contain a spell that has multiple targets in the first place for him to use this ability on it, and he is constrained by the same targeting limitations as the spell. If the potion is Unstable or made For Personal Use, it doesn't count against anyone's eight item limit.

Oils and Elixirs: An Alchemist of 6th level gains a limited form of the Craft Wondrous Item feat. He may single-use liquid wondrous items as though he had the Craft Wondrous Item feat (he must meet all other prerequisites). Such items include all Elixirs, Sovereign Glue, and Universal Solvent.

Crafting Prodigy: An Alchemist of 7th level can brew Potions, Bombs, and Weapon Resins of spells higher than 3rd level (continuing the standard potion pricing scheme). Their components may not be purchased for gold or created with Wish, although they may be purchased for very weak souls, very small amounts of Concentration or Hope, or in large quantities for Raw Chaos. Otherwise they follow standard pricing. Such items may be crafted For Personal Use.

Philosopher's Stone: At 8th level, the Alchemist discovers the secret of the Philosopher's Stone. Once he has created the stone (which takes a day and access to alchemical supplies, but has no associated cost), he no longer suffers penalties for aging (bonuses still accrue), will never die of old age, and may use the stone to to convert lead into gold, worth up to 10 gp times the cube of the Alchemist's caster level as a full day's work. A Philosopher's Stone is nonfunctional in any hands other than those of an Alchemist of at least 8th level. However, stones have been known to, when stolen by a character of at least 7th level, transmute that character into an 8th-level Alchemist using the level gain and/or rebuild rules.

Intent to Distribute: An Alchemist of 10th level can, as an immediate action, allow any one other creature within 30' that can see him and understand his instructions to use items that he has created For Personal Use for one round.

Memorized Notes: An Alchemist of 11th level may use the spells from his secrets, except for those from the highest two available spell levels, without notes. He may also reconstruct his notes for all secrets without laboratory experimentation given a day.

Transmute Universe (sp): An Alchemist of 12th level or higher may use his philosopher's stone to transmute the universe, casting Wish. This is useable once per day, and he may not transmute lead into gold on the same day. Any wish must be paid for, and, of the free wishes, he may only emulate spells, wish for power, or wish for transport.

Alchemist Spell List
0th level: Arcane Mark, Light, Mending, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st level: Alarm, Bless Water, Cure Light Wounds, Curse Water, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Grease, Inflict Light Wounds, Jump, Magic Weapon, Reduce Person, True Strike
2nd level: Arcane Lock, Blindness/Deafness, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Continual Flame, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, False Life, Find Traps, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Invisibility, Human Form*, Lesser Restoration, Levitate, Make Whole, Owl's Wisdom, Resist Energy, See Invisibility, Spider Climb
3rd level: Blink, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Inflict Serious Wounds, Keen Edge, Lycanthropy*, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Energy, Rage, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Slow, Suggestion, Water Breathing
4th level: Bestow Curse, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Fire Shield, Fire Trap, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Inflict Critical Wounds, Monstrous Form*, Polymorph Self*, Restoration, Stoneskin
5th level: Animal Growth, Break Enchantment, Passwall, Polymorph Other*, Raise Dead, Spell Resistance, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud
6th level: Animate Objects, Disintegrate, Fiend Form*, Flesh to Stone, Greater Dispel Magic, Harm, Heal, Stone to Flesh
7th level: Dragon Form*, Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death, Regenerate, Sequester, Wind Walk
8th level: Binding, Clone, Dimensional Lock, Iron Body, Polymorph any Object, Protection from Spells, Temporal Stasis
9th level: Freedom, Imprisonment, Meteor Swarm
*Described in the Dungeonomicon

Alchemist Secret List:
Secret of Deception: 1st - Disguise Self. 2nd - Alter Self. 3rd - Illusory Script. 5th - Persistant Image. 6th - Permanent Image. 7th - Simulacrum. 8th - Screen.
The item created for Illusory Script is properly called Ink of Illusory Script. It behaves as expected for an oil, except that it must be applied with a pen.
Self-targeted spells known due to the Secret of Deception may be made into potions despite their range. Creating a simulacrum counts as crafting (the Alchemist need not first bind the Simulacrum spell into a potion, then create one).
Secret of Emotion:: 1st - Charm Person. 2nd - Detect Thoughts. 3rd - Rage, Suggestion. 4th - Charm Monster. 5th - Dominate Person. 6th - Geas/Quest. 8th - Antipathy, Sympathy. 9th - Dominate Monster.
Secret of the Eyes: 1st - Detect Snares and Pits. 2nd - Detect Thoughts. 3rd - Arcane Sight. 4th - Detect Scrying, Scrying*. 6th - True Seeing. 7th - Greater Arcane Sight. 9th - Foresight
Alchemists who know the Secret of the Eyes may cast Scrying once per day at 7th level when not crafting, plus once per day per two additional levels (once per day for an Alchemist of at least 11th level if they only have notes to use). This behaves as the arcane spell. Alchemical items of Scrying are typically useless, but can be created.
Secret of Flame: 1st - Lesser Fire Breath*. 2nd - Flaming Sphere. 4th - Wall of Fire. 5th - Fire Breath*. 6th - Cloudkill. 7th - Waves of Exhaustion. 9th - Greater Fire Breath*.
Secret of Hallucination: 1st - Hypnotism. 2nd - Hideous Laughter. 4th - Confusion. 5th - Mind Fog. 6th - Feeblemind. 7th - Insanity. 8th - Irresistable Dance. 9th - Weird.
Secret of Ice: 1st - Polar Ray. 2nd - Glitterdust. 3rd - Cone of Cold. 4th - Ice Storm. 5th - Wall of Ice. 7th - Delayed Blast Coldball, Simulacrum (see Deception). 9th - Frozen Stillness.
Secret of Light:[/i] 0 - Flare. 2nd - Color Spray. 3rd - Daylight. 4th - Invisibility Purge. 6th - Undeath to Death. 7th - Sunbeam. 8th - Sunburst. 9th - Prismatic Sphere.
Prismatic Sphere can be made into a potion; it behaves as though the imbiber cast the spell.
Secret of Lightning: 1st - Shocking Grasp. 2nd - Elecric Ray (as Scorching Ray). 3rd - Lightning Bolt. 5th - Call Lightning Storm. 6th - Chain Lightning. 7th - Control Weather. 9th - Storm of Vengeance.
Alchemists can create Potions of Call Lightning Storm. They behave as though the imbiber cast the spell (they do not target the imbiber).
Secret of Mist: 1st - Fog Cloud. 3rd - Stinking Cloud. 4th - Solid Fog. 5th - Cloudkill. 6th - Acid Fog. 8th - Incendiary Cloud.
Secret of Mortality: 1st - Ray of Enfeeblement. 2nd - Ghoul Touch. 3rd - Ray of Exhaustion. 4th - Enervation. 5th - Waves of Fatigue. 6th - Eyebite. 7th - Waves of Exhaustion. 9th - Energy Drain.
Secret of Plants: 1st - Entangle. 2nd - Barkskin. 3rd - Diminish Plants, Plant Growth. 4th - Antiplant Shell. 6th - Ironwood. 7th - Transmute Metal to Wood. 9th - Shambler.
Secret of Protection: 1st - Protection From Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. 2nd - Protection from Arrows. 3rd - Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. 4th - Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. 5th - Spell Immunity. 6th - Globe of Invulnerability. 7th - Spell Turning. 8th - Mind Blank.
Magic Circle cannot be made into a bomb; Oil of Magic Circle can be made, and must be painted onto the ground.
Secret of Shadow: 1st - Cause Fear. 2nd - Blur. 3rd - Deeper Darkness. 4th - Shadow Conjuration. 5th - Shadow Evocation. 6th - Shadow Walk. 7th - Greater Shadow Conjuration. 8th - Greater Shadow Evocation. 9th - Shades.
Secret of Summoning: Nth - Summon Monster N. 2nd - Summon Swarm. 4th - Dismissal. 5th - Lesser Planar Binding. 6th - Planar Binding. 7th - Banishment. 8th - Greater Planar Binding.
Secret of Unlife: 1st - Chill Touch. 2nd - Command Undead. 3rd - Animate Dead. 4th - Desecrate. 6th - Create Undead. 8th - Create Greater Undead. 9th - Soul Bind.
Secret of Winds: 1st - Longstrider. 2nd - Gust of Wind. 3rd - Wind Wall. 4th - Air Walk. 6th - Control Winds. 8th - Whirlwind. 9th - Wail of the Banshee.
*Described in this book.

An Alchemist may also learn any Sphere as a secret. Spells are learned as spells of the highest level a single-classed Alchemist would be able to cast on gaining access to the spell. Spheres do not grant their granted abilities.

"Somewhere in the darkness, we are waiting. And the darkness can always find you."

Alright, the Shadowcaster. The Shadowcaster suffers from a lot of things, which is sad because it's a really cool concept. Multiple attribute dependency, lack of endurance (seriously, at best, it has two powers that are at all equivalent to level-appropriate spells, which it can use once per day each), and a lack of actual understanding as to what it's actually supposed to do are its worst problems. Fixing the last requires a complete rewrite, which can also fix the first two, so that's what I'm going to do here. The Shadowcaster is supposed to be a stealthy mage who is also the primary user of Shadow Magic. That means that they can sneak around and that they have magical abilities that make them good at everything Shadow Magic is supposed to be good at. Shadow Magic already, before the Tome of Magic, included creating quasi-real illusions and darkness effects, and was described in the Tome of Magic as being good at manipulations of other magic. So that's what the Shadowcaster will be good at, making them a kind of magic ninja with the option of taking powerful antimagic powers.

Shadowcasters enslave their shadow and force it to work for them. They are also able to turn others' shadows against them through their mysteries, and wield formidable magical powers. However, their endurance with their mysteries, their most powerful magic, is harshly limited.

Playing a Shadowcaster: Shadowcasters have a variety of powers, but have to play subtle to make best use of them. They have an advantage over other mages of being able to use their spells from hiding without giving away their position, and their magic allows them to hide in ways that others can't. They also have cool vision powers. This gives them a great deal of versatility as a scout.

Alignment: Shadowcasters come in all alignments. More align themselves with the Plane of Shadow than any other plane, although most are scattered across the Great Wheel.

Races: Shadowcasters come from all races. Shadow Genasi produce a substantial contingent, as do Gnomes, due to their affinity for illusion, and, naturally, Humans, on account their curiousity and greed for power. Goblins, Drow, and Tieflings also frequently become Shadowcasters, due to their affinities for darkness. Most Shadow Magic organizations accept all races, and many Shadowcasters live in areas where being a Shadowcaster is illegal.

Starting Gold: 4d4x10 gp (100 gp)
Starting Age: Complex (as Wizard)

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: As Cleric
Good Saves: Will
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier

Level Special
1 Gaze into Shadow, Shadow Weaponry (Arrows), Essentials, Mysteries
2 Scavenging Shade
3 Evasion, Shadowsight
4 Shadow Weaponry (Sword)
5 Attach Shadow, Stomach of Shadow
6 Umbral Eye, Shadow Guide (1/day)
7 Greater Mysteries
8 Shadow Weaponry (Two Swords)
9 Shadow Blood
10 Revealing Shadows
11 Penumbral Soul, Shadow Guide (at will), Lesser Mysteries (Supernatural)
12 Beshadowed Heart, Shadow Weaponry (Damage Reduction)
13 Improved Evasion, Deep Mysteries
14 Sorcerous Perceptions
15 Ubiquity of Shadow
16 Eternal Shade, Shadow Weaponry (Quality)
17 Greater Mysteries (Supernatural)
18 Eyes of Eternal Midnight
19 Speed of Shadow
20 Grand Shadow

Class Features:
All of the following are class features of the Shadowcaster class. Anything that asks for a nonspecific shadow does not refer to her own shadow. Nothing in this class refers to the Shadow monster.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shadowcasters are proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. They are also proficient with their Shadow Weaponry (see below). They are not proficient with any kind of shield.

Mysteries: A shadowcaster casts Shadow Magic mysteries. A shadowcaster learns one new mystery per class level, of a level up to half their Shadowcaster level, rounded up. Mysteries are spell-like abilities that, unlike other spell-like abilities, have somatic components. If the Shadowcaster is touching her shadow, then she can force her shadow to make the somatic components for her; otherwise, she suffers from arcane spell failure chance if wearing armor.

Each mystery of her highest two levels of available mysteries is usable once per day unless otherwise noted. Each lower level mystery can be recharged. A shadowcaster of at least 11th level may use Lesser mysteries as supernatural abilities at will, and a Shadowcaster of at least 17th level can use Greater mysteries as supernatural abilities at will. When used as supernatural abilities, mysteries lack somatic components. If a mystery can be recharged, it can be used once, and then used again provided that in between the uses the shadowcaster spends at least one consecutive minute not using any mysteries.

When the shadowcaster has her shadow make the somatic components of a mystery, others who aren't specifically looking for it but are aware of and paying some attention to her (being in combat against her is enough) can notice that she's moving differently from her shadow with a DC 15 Spot check. Those watching her directly need only make a DC 10 Spot check, as does anyone who makes a Spellcraft check to identify the Mystery being cast.

Mysteries are grouped into Paths. Every time a Shadowcaster completes a path, she learns a new manipulation of her Shadow Magic. Select a Metamagic feat. She may apply that Metamagic Feat to any applicable Mystery as she casts it. Each such ability can be used a number of times per day dependent on the number of Paths she has completed and the number of levels the metamagic feat would normally add:
No levels added: At will
One level added: Once per completed path
Two levels added: Once, plus once per two completed paths, or twice per three completed paths, whichever is more
Three levels added: Once per two completed paths
Four levels added: Once per three completed paths
Six levels added: Once per six completed paths

Essentials (sp): All shadowcasters know a number of essential mysteries that form the basics of their craft. All essentials can be used as supernatural abilities at will:
Eyes of Magic: As the spell Detect Magic.
Hand of Shadow: As the spell Mage Hand.
Shadows Recede: As the spell Light.
Vague Dimness: As the spell Darkness, except that it sets light levels to shadowy illumination even if they are already darker. While in an area of Vague Dimness, everything casts a shadow if a nearby surface is available.

Gaze into Shadow (su): All shadowcasters have low-light vision due to long hours of practice in the shadows. If they have low-light vision from another source, they can add another increment to the range of light. For example, an elven shadowcaster would be able to see 60' in torchlight as though it was brightly illuminated.

Shadow Weaponry (su): A shadowcaster can force her shadow to form certain kinds of weaponry for them out of other shadows. Doing so requires that she be in contact with her shadow, and that there be other shadows within five feet per level. At 1st level, she can create arrows that can only maintain their substance briefly. Creating such an arrow is part of the action of attacking with it; these arrows neither need nor benefit from any kind of bow or other launcher, although they do require a free hand. They require a ranged touch attack to hit, and inflict 2d4 damage with a x3 critical multiplier. They may inflict either lethal or nonlethal damage, at the shadowcaster's option. She can make multiple attacks per round with these arrows as a Full Attack action, if her base attack bonus allows it or she conjures them from both hands.

At 4th level, she may conjure a sword as a swift action. This sword hits with a touch attack, deals 1d6 damage for a medium shadowcaster, and has a critical threat range of 18-20/x2. It has an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls of 1/3 of the shadowcaster's character level. She may only conjure one sword at a time, and it disintegrates instantly on leaving her hand. At 8th level, she may conjure two swords as a single action. She may still not have more than two swords at a time. When fighting with these two swords or with her Shadow Arrows, she need take only a -2 penalty to allow her a full series of off-hand attacks and off-hand attacks of opportunity, the latter with the swords only.

At 12th level, all of the shadowcaster's shadow weapons ignore damage reduction as though they were made of any special material of the shadowcaster's choice. The special material they are made of is chosen when the weapon is created, or can be changed as a swift action.

At 16th level, all of the shadowcaster's shadow weapons gain a single moderate quality (see the Book of Gears) of her choice when she creates them. She may choose between Frost, Lifestealing, Sharpness, and Wounding. Different weapons can be created with different properties.

Scavenging Shade (ex): A shadowcaster of second level or higher can send her shadow to gather food and water for her from the Plane of Shadow, reducing her needs. She need only eat one meal per week, and may drink a tenth what she normally must.

Evasion: A shadowcaster of 3rd level or higher gains evasion, as the rogue ability of the same name.

Shadowsight (su): A shadowcaster of 3rd level or higher can see clearly through shadows. She can treat any area of shadowy illumination (even those that she can only count as shadowy due to her low-light vision) as fully illuminated. Also, her Gaze into Shadow ability becomes Extraodinary instead of Supernatural.

Attach Shadow (su): As a swift action, a shadowcaster touching her shadow may attach it at the point of contact (usually her feet). Such a shadow remains stuck to her even if there is no directional light to cast it or no surface to cast it on.

Stomach of Shadow (ex): A shadowcaster of 5th level or higher can sustain herself off the shadows within her body. She no longer need eat or drink, and a single hour of sleep provides her with the benefits of a full night's rest, although she still needs to not adventure for eight hours to recover her mysteries.

Also, her bodily fluids become inky. Her blood, sweat, saliva, and similar fluids are usable as black ink. At her option when releasing the ink, it may glow as bright as a candle in any sufficiently ominous color when in darkness. Sweat, saliva, tears, and similar fluids are water-soluble. The ink in her blood, however, is not.

Umbral Eye (su): A shadowcaster of 6th level or higher can see in any kind of darkness, even magical darkness, out to a range of sixty feet.

Shadow Guide (sp): A shadowcaster of 6th level can cast Shadow Walk once per day as a spell-like ability. Her group moves five miles per hour per character level of the shadowcaster. At 11th level, this ability improves to be usable at will and allow movement at doubled speed. She may also choose to arrive anywhere outdoors on the material plane, with perfect accuracy, when she exits the shadow plane. Finally, she may cast a version of Dimension Door that passes through the shadow plane at will.

Shadow Blood (ex): A shadowcaster of 8th level or higher needs not sleep and is immune to poisons and diseases that don't specifically target shadow creatures. She also has a reduced need for breath, and can hold her breath for a minute per point of constitution.

Revealing Shadows (su): A shadowcaster of 9th level or higher can see invisible creatures as though she benefitted from a permanent See Invisible spell. Also, her Shadowsight ability becomes Extraordinary.

Penumbral Soul (ex): Whenever a shadowcaster of 11th level or higher is not on the Plane of Shadow or a plane coexistent to it, a demiplane almost exactly like border shadow exists coexistent to her out to a radius of 10' per class level. The plane's traits are the same as those of the Plane of Shadow, except that it inherits the elemental and energy traits, and adds the magic traits, of the plane the Shadowcaster is on. This demiplane connects to Deep Shadow the same way as Border Shadow does and can be accessed by any effect that accesses the Shadow Plane. If the shadowcaster enters it or the Plane of Shadow, the demiplane remains where it is until the shadowcaster leaves for another plane, at which point any creatures still in it are deposited into the plane it was coexistent to. The shadowcaster can take this plane with her when Shadow Walking across another plane. If she dies, the plane remains around her body, grave, or the place where her body is destroyed, whichever is more workable and dramatically appropriate.

Beshadowed Heart (ex): A shadowcaster of 12th level or higher needs not breathe and is immune to negative levels and death effects.

Improved Evasion (ex): A shadowcaster of 13th level gains Improved Evasion, as the rogue ability of the same name.

Sorcerous Perceptions (su): A shadowcaster of 14th level can see magic auras, as the Greater Arcane Sight spell, permanently. Her Umbral Eye ability becomes extraordinary.

Ubiquity of Shadow (ex): A Shadowcaster of 15th level or higher is at home anywhere shadows exist. She is immune to any effect that targets an extraplanar creature as long as she is in a shadow. Additionally, if barred from a plane, she may still enter the plane as long as she is never in an area of bright illumination (which she can feel as if a solid wall). If she ever finds one forced upon her while in a plane she is barred from entering, she is immediately shifted to the Plane of Shadow, which is her home plane for purposes of all magical effects.

Eternal Shade (ex): A Shadowcaster of 16th level forever remains, as she is then, a immense shadow of her former self. She stops aging and will no longer die when she reaches her maximum age.

Eyes of Eternal Midnight (ex): A shadowcaster of 18th level's vision cannot be blocked out by magical interference. Her Sorcerous Perceptions and Revealing Shadow abilities become extraordinary.

Speed of Shadow: Shadows can move faster than anything else in the universe, and shadowcasters can exploit this effect. At 19th level, a Shadowcaster may cast a mystery usable as a supernatural ability as a swift action. Each mystery may be cast in this manner once per day.

Grand Shadow (sp): At 20th level, a shadowcaster learns a spell to cause shadow to become the ascendant force of the multiverse. If she uses this ability, the entire multiverse becomes its shadow reflection. Having the ability to decide the fate of the multiverse in a single action means the shadowcaster wins D&D.

Mysteries List
A Shadowcaster may take any Mysteries from Wizards of the Coast's Tome of Magic (Apprentice Mysteries there become Lesser, Initiate Mysteries become Greater, Master Mysteries become Deep), plus the following, which are designed to be sufficient to play a Shadowcaster for those without access to the Tome of Magic. The first spell listed on a Path is the lowest level in its category (1st for Lesser, 4th for Greater, 7th for Deep); the second and third are each one higher than the previous. Note that Mysteries are just an alternate way of accessing spells, and will be treated as such.

Lesser Mysteries:
Black Writings: Inscribe*, Secret Page, Illusory Script
*Described in the New Spells section.
Clouds of Night: Obscuring Mist, Blacklight, Blindness/Deafness
Draining Dark: Ray of Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Ray of Exhaustion
Flickering Spell: Greater Dispel Magic*, Touch of Idiocy, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Ominous Form: Change Size*, Human Form**, Gaseous Form
*Enlarge Person or Reduce Person, chosen on casting.
Penumbrous Force: Unseen Servant, Summon Swarm*, Phantom Steed
*Sumoned swarm is made of solid shadows.
Seek the Shadows: Short Invisibility*, Obscure Object, Greater Invisibility
*Described in the New Spells section.
Speed of Darkness: Expeditious Retreat, Blur, Haste
Treacherous Night: Minor Image, Mirror Image, Lesser Shadow Conjuration*
*Described in the New Spells section

Greater Mysteries
Arcane Shade: Slashing Dispel*, Feeblemind, Spell Turning
Cup of Shadow: Resilient Sphere, Telekinesis, Wall of Force
Deception's Hand: Illusory Wall, Mirage Arcana, Programmed Image
Dusk's Visage: False Vision, Permanent Image, Mislead
Eyes of Darkness: Scrying, Dream, Legend Lore
Furtive Grasp: Enervation, Passwall, Sieze Magic*
*Described in the New Spells section
Night Terrors: Phantasmal Killer, Nightmare, Eyebite
Twilight Mists: Solid Fog, Cloudkill, Arctic Fog*
*As Acid Fog, but does Cold damage instead
Unseen Way: Dimensional Anchor, Mage's Private Sanctum, Mislead

Deep Mysteries
Language of Darkness: Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Insanity, Power Word: Kill
Planes of Night: Banishment, Dimensional Lock, Imprisonment*
*or Freedom, chosen when casting
Sculpted Twilight: Greater Shadow Conjuration, Trap the Soul, Shades
Shadows of the Self: Project Image, Simulacrum, Astral Projection
Unsought Soul: Sequester, Mind Blank, Foresight
Last edited by IGTN on Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by Kaelik »

Snowsoul is called Icecarver in the Alignment section, Grasping whatever, and the Snowman class feature.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by IGTN »

Kaelik wrote:Snowsoul is called Icecarver in the Alignment section, Grasping whatever, and the Snowman class feature.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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For Valor
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Post by For Valor »

a) Eek! Too much bold! The alchemist and Shadowcaster are missing some tags somewhere.

b) Koumei's also got a shadow caster. These two seem different... I am conflicted.

c) What classes gain something by being added to the book?
Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by IGTN »

I fixed a couple tags. Not sure if I got them all.

I've only skimmed Koumei's shadowcaster; it looks like a similar concept, but more emphasizing spookiness than mine; mine is also more sneaky/ninjalike.

As for deciding what classes work well in it, basically, the only two classes that I decided to put in the book that I didn't write myself are the Elementalist (with some additions to the spell list; 'sides, it isn't on the wiki yet) and the Genie, which goes in since the original inspiration for the project was to complement it. The Warmage stands fine alone, and the book doesn't have anything leaning on the Warmage. Having this gratuitously eat other people's classes feels something like taking credit for it to me, anyway.

If there wasn't a definitive Warmage already floating around, I'd probably write one when I get around to writing the Book of Civilization. This isn't the Tome of Tiamat; the concepts that were going into Gears, Tiamat, Trees, and Virtue are being sliced differently here.

My plan is:
Elements: All of this
Wilds: Wildernesses, Druids and Rangers, Monsters, Exploration
Civilization: Civilization, Law, Social interactions, Civilization
Stars: Random stuff. Other planes (Upper and Bizarre), Wizards, Future-Prediction, Time, Religion, and so on. Everything that doesn't fit anywhere else.

The closest matches would be Elements/Tiamat, Wilds/Trees, Civ/Gears, and Stars/Virtue, but they're not the same. Playing dragons is a Wilds project, not an Elements project. Paladins are Civ, not Stars. Bards and Swashbucklers are Civ, not Wilds. The High Adventure sections match fairly well, though (Inner Planes, Wilderness, Urban (Gears had either nothing or Cordant Planes), Other Planes (Virtue had Upper Planes))
Last edited by IGTN on Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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For Valor
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Post by For Valor »

Oh! This isn't Tome of Tiamat.

I am fail for not reading.
Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by IGTN »

Stuck Elementals of Style up.

It has a few redlinks where includes should be. Here's what goes there (it's bbcode formatted on my computer, so I can stick it here easily, and on the wiki with a bit more work. I'm lazy, so here it goes for now. Anyone who wants to upload it is welcome to it):

Elements: Earth, Ice, Fiend
Ability: Three times per day, whenever you cast a spell or spell-like ability with the [Cold] descriptor, you may apply the Extend Spell metamagic feat to it for free.
1 Chill Touch
3 Gentle Repose
5 Hold Monster
7 Wall of Ice
9 Stoneskin
11 Transmute Mud to Rock ([Cold] descriptor; transmutes mud to rock-hard frozen mud)
13 Waves of Exhaustion
15 Horrid Wilting
17 Imprisonment
19 Simulacrum

Elements: Fire, Ice
Ability: You can cast Light as a swift action at will, and gain resistance to damage from [Light] sources equal to your character level. This resistance is subtracted from each source of such damage you take, to a minimum of zero.
1 Color Spray
3 Faerie Fire
5 Daylight
7 Continual Flame
9 Invisibility Purge, Widened
11 Sunbeam
13 Prismatic Spray
15 Sunburst
17 Prismatic Wall
19 Prismatic Sphere
Antimagic Field
Level: Cleric 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10'
Area: 10' radius emanation, centered on you
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: See text

The Antimagic Field spell creates a mobile area in which magic is suppressed. Spell lines of effect are blocked by an Antimagic Field, and areas stop at its edges. Further, all creatures and objects in the field are affected as by Antimagic Ward (no save or spell resistance), except that their dispelling abilities can and must be targeted on the field, not their own ward; this effect ends when they leave. Summoned creatures within an antimagic field are suppressed, not existing but with their durations still counting down, returning to existence when the field leaves them. Incorporeal creatures that can become corporeal do so; otherwise they behave like summoned creatures. Any creatures that would be suppressed by the initial casting of the spell may force a spell resistance roll; failure blocks the field from forming. Conjured objects with a noninstantaneous duration are also suppressed. Stationary force effects, and effects like Prismatic Wall and Prismatic Sphere are not affected if they were entirely outside of an antimagic field when cast; otherwise the antimagic field forms a hole in them. The field can be affected by Mage's Disjunction, although nothing in the field can be.

Arcane Material Component: A pinch of iron filings

Discern Portal Destination
Level: Bard 1, Cleric 1, Elementalist 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Summoner 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 caster levels)
Target: A portal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None or Will Partial (object, see below)
Spell Resistance: No (object)
You probe the portal, finding its destination

You instantly know the destination of the target portal. If the portal leads to another plane, it tells you which other plane it leads to, although it tells you nothing about the plane in question if it's one you've never heard of. If the portal leads to the same plane, it tells you the general direction (to within about 10 degrees) and distance, plus or minus 20%. You also know if the portal is one-way or two-way.

If the portal has multiple destinations, it reveals the one it would take you to were you to step into it. If something has just gone through the portal (within the last two combat rounds) or if the portal would not work for you for whatever reason, it tells you where the last thing to go through got taken. If it's random, it reveals one randomly-selected destination, which is not necessarily where it will take you when you step into it. For most portals, this spell examines them without disturbing them, although very sensitive portals may make a will save to be disturbed by it. On a successful save, those portals behave as if something went through the portal in response to the spell, changing destinations or setting off alarms appropriately. The spell doesn't actually reveal any of these traits of the portal.

Fire Breath
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Alchemist 5 (Flame Secret), Elementalist 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Half (see text)
Spell Resistance: See text
You take a deep gulp of air, holding your lungs full as you speak the incantation, then belching forth an enormous cone of fire.

When you cast this spell, you gain a breath weapon attack, and use it as part of casting the spell. This breath weapon is a 30 foot cone of fire that deals 1d6 damage per caster level, to a maximum of 15d6. It allows a reflex save for half damage against the spell's save DC. Any metamagic feats that affect the spell's area or other effects instead affect the breath weapon it grants, so it can be maximized, empowered, widened, and so on as usual. Unlike other breath weapons, this one allows spell resistance.

Material Component: An drop of alcohol and a bit of tinder.

Fire Breath, Greater
Level: Alchemist 9 (Flame Secret), Elementalist 9, Sorcerer/Wizard 9
A blazing inferno rushes forth from your lungs and lingers over the battlefield

As Fire Breath, except that the breath weapon deals d8 damage per caster level, to a maximum of 25d8, in a 60 foot cone. Also, after breathing, you may place a cloud of thick smoke, sparks, and floating embers in the shape of a 20' radius cylinder 20' high anywhere in the breath weapon's area of effect. The smoke cloud behaves like a Solid Fog spell, and deals 2d6 fire damage per round to any creature caught in it.

Fire Breath, Lesser
Level: Alchemist 1 (Flame Secret), Elementalist 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Spell Resistance: No
A puff of flame leaps from your mouth and spreads into a cone of fire

As Fire Breath, except that your breath weapon attack deals 1d4 fire damage per caster level, to a maximum of 5d4, in a 15' cone, but does not allow spell resistance.

Frozen Stillness
Transmutation [Cold]
Level: Alchemist 9 (Ice Secret), Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25' + 5' per two caster levels)
Targets: One creature per level, no two of which can be more than 30' apart.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You finish the spell, and freeze the horde of beasts in place

All creatures affected by this spell are paralyzed for the spell's duration.

Conjuration (Creation) [see text]
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wis 9
Components: V, S, M/DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 week (8 hours/day)
Range: 180 feet (see text)
Effect: A demiplane centered on your location
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a demiplane as per the demiplane creation rules in this book. The demiplane must be coterminous or tangent to the plane you cast it on, and this spell must be cast on the Ethereal or Astral plane.

The plane's traits may have a total trait value of up to the caster level the spell is cast at (see the section on creating demiplanes in this book. The spell's descriptors match the elemental and alignment traits of the plane it creates).

When this spell is cast, a local density fluctuation precipitates the creation of a demiplane. At first, the fledgling plane grows at a rate of 1 foot in radius per day to an initial maximum radius of 180 feet as it rapidly draws substance from surrounding ethereal vapors and protomatter.

The planar environment is decided by the caster: atmosphere, weather, composition (including amount and presence of water), and the general shape of the terrain, to no more accuracy than about a 20' cube. The spell cannot create life (including vegetation) nor construction; such things must be brought in or built in the plane. After creating the plane, this spell can be cast again on it after it reaches its maximum size to add another 180 feet to its radius.

Arcane Material Component: A snow globe.

XP Cost: 5000 EXP

Level: Cleric 1, Shadowcaster 1 (Black Writings), Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10'
Target: An object to be written on
Duration: Concentration, up to one round per level.

This spell causes a writing implement (the spell's focus) to begin writing or drawing on the spell's target surface at a rate of a page per round, as long as the necessary amount of ink is provided for writing implements that use it. It may turn pages in books as needed. It writes exactly as the caster dictates, or it may copy a work the caster has on-hand. If cast with a stylus as the focus, the rate of writing is cut to half in clay and a fifth in stone, but the words are carved rather than written in ink, and it needs no ink. This spell may not itself copy spellbooks. The caster may choose to change the object being written on; for instance, having covered one scroll, the caster may choose to begin writing on the next.

Focus: A writing implement, such as a pen, brush, piece of chalk, or stylus.

Investigate Portal
Level: Bard 2, Elementalist 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Summoner 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25' + 5' per two caster levels)
Target: One portal
Duration: Concentration, up to two rounds per level
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No (object)

You learn information about the destinations of the target portal. On the first round, this spell behaves as Discern Portal Destination. Each subsequent round, you may take one of the following actions:
  • Find a new destination: You learn of a randomly-selected destination that the portal has that you didn't already learn about this investigation, and begin to focus on it. If you already know of all of them, you instead learn that.
  • Focus on a known destination: You begin to focus on a destination you already know about.
  • Determine a piece of the key: You learn one piece of the key to the destination you are focusing on. You also learn if you have uncovered enough parts of the key to have a complete key. If you have uncovered all of the parts to the key, you learn that when you try to find a new one.
  • Determine a complete key: The DM secretly picks a random key to the destination you are focusing on. You learn which parts you already know about go to that key, and whether or not that is a complete key.
  • Project a sense through: You may project any one sense you have (hearing, smell, sight, or an exotic sense like tremorsense or blindsense) through to the destination you are focusing on. If you do this on two consecutive rounds, you get two senses on the second round. If your blindsense or blindsight or whatever is based on another sense, you must project the basic sense through first (it comes through deadened enough to deny you your better sense). Until you have spent three rounds probing with your senses, all creatures and objects on the other side have total concealment regardless of what senses you use, even sight or blindsight.
Locate Portal
Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 1 mile per caster level
Target: Nearest portal in range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No

You learn whether or not there are any portals in range. If there are, you learn the direction, to the nearest five degrees, to the nearest portal, and an approximation of its distance. If the nearest portal is more than a mile away, you learn the distance to the nearest mile; if it's between 600 feet and a mile, you learn it to the nearest 600 feet; if it's within 600 feet, you learn it to the nearest 60, and if it's within 60', you know the exact 5' square that it's in.

You may also specify a kind of portal. You may choose only interplanar portals, or only portals to a specific plane or list of planes. Portals that don't meet those restrictions will not be detected by this spell.

Predict Stability
Level: Cleric 1, Elementalist 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Summoner 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Long (400 feet + 40'/level)
Area: Spread over entire range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You gain information about the future stability of the plane's traits. You know for certain whether the planar traits of the spell's area are going to change on their own within the next one minute per caster level, and which minute they will occur in (to the round, if within one round per caster level). You also learn if such a change will happen at all within one hour per caster level, and if it will happen at all in a wider time interval of unknown length. The DM rolls 1d10 secretly; on a 1, the interval is one month per caster level; on a two or three, one week per caster level, on a 4-7 one day per caster level, on an 8, 12 hours per caster level, on a nine it tells you nothing you didn't already know and on a 10 it gives a false positive.

This spell gives a positive if a planar bubble or leeching is about to collapse, or if a doldrum or edge zone border is about to shift, or anything of the sort. Naturally, the whole place falling into another plane of existence also sets it off, but being shunted into another plane as a bubble doesn't.

Sieze Magic
Level: Shadowcaster 6 (Furtive Grasp), Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 caster levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 minute/caster level (see below)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell functions as a targeted Greater Dispelling. You may make a Spellcraft check to identify every spell removed by this effect, and select one of them. That spell now affects you as though you were the original target, lasting for the remainder of its duration or for one minute per caster level, whichever is shorter.

Shadow Conjuration, Lesser
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Shadowcaster 3 (Treacherous Night)

This spell functions like Shadow Conjuration, except that it can emulate spells of up to 2nd level, and they are only 10% real.

Short Invisibility
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Shadowcaster 1 (Seek the Shadows)
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 2 rounds

As the spell Invisibility, except as noted above.
E: The contents listing for feats is now up.
Last edited by IGTN on Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

I think the Elemental Siphon could be included in the classes section. I give my permission for it at least, but wait a little bit, because I'm probably going to be going over it pretty thoroughly working on same changes and improved wordings and extra features in the next month. But after that. Probably good for inclusion if you want it.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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