[Tome of Virtue] Soulborn

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[Tome of Virtue] Soulborn

Post by Username17 »

The Soul Born
Do you know what it means when a man has a sword made of blue soulfire? It means he can kill you with a sword made of blue soulfire.

A Soulborn is a character whose soul is on completely arbitrary blue fire. This allows them to wreathe themselves in magical energies that give them jedi powers as if they had a number of magic items that enhanced their abilities. They can also create a lightsaber made out of soulfire that they use to chop things up.

Necrocarnum Option: Some characters will want to be powered by Necrocarnum instead of Incarnum. That's fine. Such a character's soulfire is dim and spooky looking. Any references to shedding light like a torch are ignored for Necrocarnum Soulborn.

Playing a Soulborn: The Soulborn is a warrior whose weapon is as heavy as their soul. As such they can make a passable Strength Warrior or a passable Dexterity warrior. In addition they have a bunch of powers that work off of Charisma, so it is to be expected that Charisma would be their first or second best attribute. In most cases, a Soulborn's tactics are going to be to run up and smack things.

Starting Age: As Paladin
Starting Equipment: 5d6x10gp
Alignment: Soulborn can be any alignment, but they tend to be total douchebags about it regardless. Soulborn feel compelled to be "extreme" in their moral and ethical tirades and favor action and dickery rather than passively letting shit go. Even Neutral Soulborn get all tweaked up about "balance" and shit. They detect their alignment as if they were outsiders or clerics.

Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Use Magic Device.
1:Soulblade, Soulmelds1
2:Resilient Soul, Soul Smite1
3:Arcane Sight, Pressing Assault2
4:Soulfire Burst2
5:Better Soulmelds2
6:Endless Smiting3
7:Eternal Champion, Soul Arrow3
8:Blood of Soulfire3
9:Advanced Soulmelds4
10:Reborn Soul4
11:Parry Magic4
12:Stunning Reaction5
13:Astounding Soulmelds5
14:Castigation, Souleater5
15:Soul Cleave6
16:Stunning Critical6
17:Giant-Size Soulmelds7
18:Name of the Rose7
19:Eternal Revolution7
20:Inevitable Victory8

Class Feature

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Soulborn are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, as well as with Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor. Also with Shields (but not Tower Shields).

Soulblade (Su): With a Swift Action, a Soulborn can call into existence a weapon of blue soul fire. The soulblade generally looks like a culturally appropriate bastard sword, but it may appear otherwise in the hands of Soulborn characters from other cultures or with different combat styles. The Soulblade is a light weapon that does a d10 damage and has a threat range of 18-20. It has an enhancement bonus equal to one third of the character's level (round up). While out, the soulblade sheds light like a torch, and it vanishes the moment that it leaves the Soulborn's hand (though it can be recalled at a later time with a Swift Action). This weapon does Force damage and therefore ignores Hardness and is Super Effective against Incorporeal opponents.

Soulmelds (Su): A Soulborn has the ability to call upon a number of special blue glowing intangible wardrobe accessories that cause them to glow blue and gain additional powers. Each Soulmeld is unique, and should have its own name (check the Soulmeld chart below in order to name it). Each Soulmeld has a Basic bonus and a Special bonus. A Soulborn can only use a fraction of the Soulmelds they have at a time. At first level, the Soulborn "knows" 2 Soulmelds and learns an additional Soulmeld every time they gain a Soulborn level. Whenever they gain a level, they may trade one of the Soulmelds they know for a different Soulmeld. The number of Soulmelds that can actually be used at one time is the character's number of Chakras, which is 1 at first level, rising to 2 at 3rd, 3 at 6th, 4 at 9th, 5 at 12th, 6 at 15th, 7 at 17th, and finally 8 at 20th. It takes 1 minute of meditation to change which Soulmelds are available (up to the character's number of Chakras), but only a Swift Action to activate any or all of them. This activation can be combined with the action to activate a Soulblade if desired. Soulmelds shed light as a torch.

If a Soulmeld provides the ability to use an effect a lmited number of times per day, the amount is reset only by having the sun rise or set, not by simply rearranging one's soulmelds. If a Soulmeld allows the casting of a spell, this spell is used as a Supernatural Ability and the caster level is the Soulborn's Level.

Basic Bonuses: Every Soulmeld (even Advanced or Giant-Size Soulmelds) has exactly one Basic Bonus, which is defined when the Soulmld is learned:
  • Deflection bonus to AC (1/3 level, rounded up)
  • Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws (1/3 level, rounded up)
  • Enhancement Bonus to an attribute (1/3 level, rounded up)
  • Enhancement Bonus to a Skill other than Use Magic Device (Level + 2)
  • Enhancement Bonus to Natural Armor Bonus (1/3 Level, rounded up)
  • Spell Resistance (8 + Level)
  • Energy Resistance to one Energy type (3 points per level)
Special Bonuses: Each Soulmeld has a Special Bonus. At higher levels, a Soulborn can select their Special Bonuses from the Better list, the Advanced List, or even the Giant-Size list. But at first, they have to make do with this list:
  • Nimbus of Light: Sheds light as a Sunrod, once per day per 4 levels (rounded up), the Soulborn can use flashburst (SpC) targeted on themselves. They are immune to the blinding effects.
  • Displacement: The character has a 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
  • Levitation: The character can hover in the air as per the effects of the spell levitate.
  • Counterspelling: The Soulborn can, as an immediate action attempt to counter a spell they can see by making a Dispel check using their level as the caster level.
  • Wall Walking: The Soulborn can be attracted to any surface as if to the ground, allowing them to walk or run on walls and ceilings.
  • Enlargement: The Soulborn grows as if having been struck with enlarge person.
  • Shrinking: The Soulborn shrinks as if affected with reduce person.
  • Darkvision: The Soulborn gains Darkvision 120'.
  • Animal Summoning: Once per day per Charisma modifier, the Soulborn can summon an animal with a CR half their own or less as a Standard Action. The summoned creature lasts 10 rounds.
  • Bolt of Agony: As a standard action, the Soulborn can shoot bolts of soulfire at things within 60'. It's a ranged touch attack that inflicts a d10 of Force damage and forces the target to make a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + 1/2 level + Charisma Modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.
  • Silence: The Soulborn can cast silence on themselves at will. Each silence effect lasts until they dismiss it or the Soulmeld is swapped out, but they may only have one silence effect active at one time.
Resilient Soul: A Soulborn of 2nd Level or higher adds their Charisma modifier to all their Saves. If they are for whatever reason already doing that, they get +1 to all saves instead.

Soul Smite (Su): A Soulborn of 2nd Level or higher can declare themselves to be Soul Smiting as a Swift Action. For the rest of the turn, th Soulborn adds their Charisma modifier to their attack rolls and their Soulborn level to their damage rolls on all attacks. When a Soul Smit is declared, it can't be declared again for 10 rounds.

Arcane Sight (Su): At 3rd level, a Soulborn benefits at all times from Arcane Sight.

Pressing Assault (Ex):From 3rd level on, when opponents use a 5' step within the threatened area of the Soulborn this provokes an Attack of Opportunity from them.

Soulfire Burst (Su): At 4th level, as a standard action the Soulborn can emit a burst of soulfire in all directions. This strikes all other creatures (not objects) within 15 feet with a d6 of Force damage per level. Targets are entitled to a Reflex save for half damage, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma modifier. This cannot be used again for 10 rounds.

Better Soulmelds: From 5th level on, the Sulborn can select powers off the Better Soulmeld List when making Soulmelds:
  • Crushing Despair: The Soulborn exudes an aura of palpable ennui. All opponents within 30' suffer a Morale Penalty to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, and Saves equal to 1/3 the character's level (round up)
  • Soul Lash: The Soulborn's Soulblade provides Reach, and can still threaten adjacent opponents.
  • Winged Flight: The Soulborn is held aloft on energy wings or something, and gains a Flight speed equal to twice their land speed with Average Maneuverability.
  • Invisibility: The Soulborn can become invisible as per the spell invisibility as a Swift Action at will.
  • Startling Power: Once per turn, the Soulborn can force a target they have just struck for damage with a melee weapon to make a Fortitude Save (DC 9 + 1/2 level + Charisma Modifier) or become dazed for one turn.
  • X-Ray Vision: The Soulborn can see through things like they had a Ring of X-Ray Vision.
  • Blind Sight: The character has Blindsight out to 60'
  • Super Speed: The character's Land Speed is increased by 5' per level.
  • Force Armor: The character gains an armor bonus of 7 + 1/3 level (round up).
  • Mental Bastion: The character is immune to [Compulsions].
Endless Smiting: At 6th level, a Soulborn does not have to wait 10 rounds between using Soul Smites.

Eternal Champion: At 7th level, a Soulborn doesn't age and suffers no level loss when returned from the dead.

Soul Arrow (Su): At 7th level, a Soulborn can fire bits of soulfire out of bows or crossbows instead of arrows or bolts. This soul arrows have an enhancement bonus of the character's level divided by 3 (round up) and do Force damage. If they hit, they also cause the target to shed light like a torch for one round, negating the effects of things like displacement or blur as if they had been outlined by fairie fire.

Blood of Soulfire (Su): An 8th level Soulborn is immune to poison and when they suffer damage from physical attacks they cause 1 point of Force Damage to all creatures within 5' of them as Soulfire splashes out.

Advanced Soulmelds: From 9th level on, the Sulborn can select powers off the Advanced Soulmeld List when making Soulmelds:
  • Blink: The Soulborn benefits from blink, and his own attacks do not suffer the miss chance.
  • All Boogy-Boogy: The Soulborn can create an aura of fear as a free action. All creatures within 10' of the Soulborn need to make a Will save against a Fear effect (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier) or become panicked for 4 rounds. Creatures who save cannot be affected by that Fear Aura for 24 hours.
  • Dimension Door: The Soulborn can teleport up to 120 feet as a Standard Action as per dimension door.
  • Haste: The character benefits from haste all the time.
  • Time Ripple: Once per turn as a free action, the Soulborn can cast slow. DC 9 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier.
  • Mental Static: The area within 40' of the Soulborn is considered distracting, and spellcasters must make a Concentration check to avoid losing spells cast. The DC is 10 + Spell Level + Charisma Modifier. And if a spellcaster has to make a Concentration check for any other reason, the DC is increased by the Soulborn's Charisma Modifier.
  • Fireshield: Any creature who strikes the Soulborn in melee while they are wreathed in soulfire takes d10 + Level in Force Damage unless they used a reach weapon to do it. The Soulborn is also immune to Forc Damage while this is up.
  • Aura of Luck: Every ally within 30' of the Soulborn gets a Luck Bonus on Attack Rolls, Skill Checks, and Saving Throws equal to 1/3 the Soulborn's level (round up).
  • Telekinesis: The Soulborn can use telekinesis at will, with only the sustained force option available (no thrust).
  • Demon Summoning: The Soulborn can summon an Outsider once a day. The Outsider must have a CR two less than their level and sticks around for an hour as if having been summoned. The Outsider is of an alignment appropriate to the Soulborn.
Reborn Soul (Su): When a 10th level Soulborn has been dead for an entire day their body returns to life, with all parts replaced as if benefiting from resurrection.

Parry Magic (Su): If an 11th level Soulborn is aware of magic being cast that draws line of effect through their threatened area (including such spells that target them) and they have their Soulblade out, they can attempt to sever the strands of magic power as an Attack of Opportunity. They make a Dispel Check using their Level for the caster level on their Dispel Check.

Stunning Reaction (Su): If a 12th level Soulborn damages an opponent with an Attack of Opportunity, that opponent must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier) or be stunned for 1 turn.

Astounding Soulmelds: From 13th level on, the Sulborn can select powers off the Astounding Soulmeld List when making Soulmelds:
  • Incorporeality: The Soulborn is incorporeal.
  • Force Cage: Once per day, the Soulborn can trap an enemy in a forcecage.
  • Prism Strike: Whenever the Soulborn strikes an enemy with Soulfire, they also have to roll as if struck with a prismatic spray.
  • Banishment: The Soulborn can use banishment at will as a standard action. The DC is 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier.
  • Teleport: The Soulborn can, as a Standard Action, use greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of crap only).
  • Tentacles of Darkness: Once per day per Charisma Modifier, the Soulborn can use Evard's Black Tentacles.
  • Mind Blank: The Character benefits from mindblank all the time.
  • Antimagic Cone: The Soulborn emits a 60' long antimagic cone in front of themselves like a Beholder.
  • Missed Step: The Soulborn can, once per turn, teleport up to 60 feet as a free action.
  • Open Gateway: Once per day per Charisma Modifier, the Soulborn can open a gate (travel version only).
Casigate (Su): As an Immediate Action, a 14th level Soulborn can declare that their next attack within the following round hits. The die roll is merely a formality to see if it also critical hits.

Souleater (Su): A 14th level Soulborn can see souls hovering around dead bodies for about a week (or until that soul gets corrupted into a vengeful spirit or raised from the dead or bound into an object or whatever). They can choose to eat those souls, preventing them from being used for other tasks. Souls are delicious.

Soul Cleave (Su): As a Swift Action, the 15th level Soulborn can declare their next attack within the round to be a Soul Cleave, targeting the victim's soul directly. This attack is a touch attack, and also forces the victim to make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier) or die. A soul cleave is only a special attack against a target that actually has a soul.

Stunning Critical (Ex): At 16th level, any time the Soulborn inflicts a critical hit, the victim is stunned for 1 round.

Giant-Size Soulmelds: From 17th level on, the Sulborn can select powers off the Giant-Size Soulmeld List when making Soulmelds:
  • Word of Doom: Every creature within 60' has to make a Fortitude Save or die (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Charisma Modifier). This is a full round action.
  • No U: Whenever the character is targeted by a [Death] effect or Gaze attack and passes their Saving Throw, they may target the originator of that effect with the same effect.
  • Eternal Winter: The character gains the [Cold] Subtype and an area within 3 miles of them in all directions is reduced in temperature 3 categories. The Soulborn can cast frostburn at will.
  • Personal Sun: The character gains the [Fire] Subtype and an area within 3 miles of them in all directions is rised in temperature by 3 categories. The Soulborn can cast dessicate at will.
  • The Silence: A Silence Field emanates for 120' in all directions. The Soulborn can also cast silence at will.
  • Giant Size: The Character's size is Colossal, like they were the recipient of giant size.
  • Really Small: The character's size is Diminutive, like they were the recipient of miniature size.
Name of the Rose: At 18th level, the character is the Rose Champion and can select an area on the Great Wheel that becomes divinely morphic according to their whim.

Eternal Revolution: A 19th level Soulborn has a literal army of petitioners to call upon, and gains the Army of Demons [Leadership] feat as a bonus feat.

Inevitable Victory: At 20th level, the Soulborn wins D&D.

Soulmelds Table
Roll (or Choose)ColorAdjectiveThingy

Last edited by Username17 on Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I lol'd heartily.

By "super effective against incorporeal", are you using Pokemon terms to mean it ignores their miss chance/miss certainty and hits them as normal (assuming you roll a successful hit), or is there some other effect?

And if they hit level 20 and win the game, do the others get a saving throw to resist this?
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Post by Hicks »

Doesn't Open Gateway rob Teleport of its reason to exist? One clearly goes farther, more places, and with more friends without weight limits or off target shenanigans.
Last edited by Hicks on Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:I lol'd heartily.

By "super effective against incorporeal", are you using Pokemon terms to mean it ignores their miss chance/miss certainty and hits them as normal (assuming you roll a successful hit), or is there some other effect?
That's it, yeah.
Koumei wrote:And if they hit level 20 and win the game, do the others get a saving throw to resist this?
I... don't even care. It's 20th level, it's never going to matter.
Doesn't Open Gateway rob Teleport of its reason to exist? One clearly goes farther, more places, and with more friends without weight limits or off target shenanigans.
Not really. One of them is about 8/day and enemies can follow you, and requires you to use actual movement. The other is unlimited times per day and transports you immediately. Open Gateway will get your army from Acheron to the Borderlands, but Teleport will get you out of the stomach of a Space Behir.

Of course, the whole thing needs like 10 more Special Soulmeld Options at each level to make it so that Soulborn don't end up fondling each other's schticks. As is, by level 8 a Soulborn will have gained 4 picks off the Better List and have had the opportunity to trade up to 4 of their other specials for more known Better Specials. That means that could conceivably have 8 choices off the Better Specials list, and the entire list is only 10. Granted, each one is going to be pared with some sort of different regular bonus, but it's going to be wacky.

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Post by Hicks »

FrankTrollman wrote:Reasonable Explanations.

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shadzar wrote:those training harder get more, and training less, don't get the more.
Lokathor wrote:Anything worth sniffing can't be sniffed
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Post by Surgo »

I feel it's worth throwing out there that this is the first time I've ever seen anything Incarnum-related since that book came out. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
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Post by Tshern »

At least it's hard to complain that the class has a crappy capstone ability.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Perhaps it should be made explicit whether a Soul Baby can summon a demon, meditate for a minute, and then summon another demon.
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Post by Koumei »

Possible Giant-Size Soulmelds:

Noclip: the Soulborn can ignore all magical barriers and terrain, such as Forcecages, Walls of X, Antimagic Fields and Acid Fog. Additionally they can walk up and down as though the air is as solid as they want it to be.

Divine Static: there is a constant Purple Cloud* centred on the Soulborn. For reasons unknown, it is blue, and is not inherently evil - it is the same alignment as the Soulborn.

The Silence: a Silence effect spreads out 100 feet from the Soulborn, affecting everybody else and fucking with spells that have Verbal Components.

Eternal (Season): a 1 mile radius aura radiates from the Soulborn, either increasing or decreasing the temperature band by up to three levels (this cannot be changed once selected - hot OR cold). The Soulborn is likely to be the only person who finds this comfortable. Once per round the Soulborn may cause a (spell that suits that weather, I can't be fucked looking for the It's Hot/Cold Outside books) effect.

Thief of Souls: whenever anyone uses a [Death] effect on the Soul Born, if the Soulborn passes their save (or the effect fails to penetrate SR or otherwise fails to kill them), the creature who used the [Death] effect is slain instead, as if they had been hit with the effect, failed their save, passed SR and so on.

*Or whatever the fuck it's called. Book of Vile Body Piercings.
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Post by Midnight_v »

Koumei wrote:
And if they hit level 20 and win the game, do the others get a saving throw to resist this?
I... don't even care. It's 20th level, it's never going to matter.
:rofl: Frank Trollman: D*D's Mike Jordan.

Its so funny I kept thinking to bitch about the samurai's level 20 ability from the tome... except... it hardly freaking mattered it was level 20. Thusly vindicated I hold my action.
Last edited by Midnight_v on Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Catharz wrote:Perhaps it should be made explicit whether a Soul Baby can summon a demon, meditate for a minute, and then summon another demon.
Sure. No: you can't.

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

FrankTrollman wrote:
Catharz wrote:Perhaps it should be made explicit whether a Soul Baby can summon a demon, meditate for a minute, and then summon another demon.
Sure. No: you can't.

Good to know!

Now to shape my teal hat of depressive "no U".
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, NO U is a much better name. I was thinking in terms of Lucius the Eternal - where sure, the effect kills you, except you steal their life so as to not be dead, and this means they die. But just a flat out "You die." "NO U" reflection is simpler and funnier.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Where is Army of Demons (the level 19 bonus feat)? I didn't find it in my Tome PDF.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

"Crushing Despair" should probably be "Despair"; Crushing Cerulean Cape of Crushing Despair is a bit too redundant. Similarly, I actually rolled up Clutching Steel Wings of Winged Flight.

The best one I've rolled so far: Black Claws of Crushing Silence. Overall I'd say that the random generator is working quite nicely.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Koumei »

There needs to be a power called Repetition that causes the Encore status effect makes the target repeat actions.

That way you can have the Beryl Repetitive Hat of Repetition.

For some reason my d20 keeps giving me gorgeous hats.
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Post by Username17 »

Avoraciopoctules wrote:Where is Army of Demons (the level 19 bonus feat)? I didn't find it in my Tome PDF.
You know, that's a darn good question. I don't know where the other [Leadership] Feats like Lord of Death, Tyrant, Monster Rancher, Bureaucrat and Army of Demons ended up. Seriously: I don't know.

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

FrankTrollman wrote:
Avoraciopoctules wrote:Where is Army of Demons (the level 19 bonus feat)? I didn't find it in my Tome PDF.
You know, that's a darn good question. I don't know where the other [Leadership] Feats like Lord of Death, Tyrant, Monster Rancher, Bureaucrat and Army of Demons ended up. Seriously: I don't know.

Thrown by the UC system into the Deep Resonance?
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Orion »

I've been around these boards for a long time, and I've never seen these feats
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Post by Aktariel »

I don't recall those at all.


Do you still have original copies of RoW, Dungeonomicon, etc?
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Post by TOZ »

I don't get anything on searching the forums either.
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Post by Koumei »

Question re: Name of the Rose. So let's pretend we care at this point. But does the "area on the great wheel" mean a layer of Hell, an entire plane, or say their own private melon garden?

Possible Giant-size one:

Centre of the Universe: the Soulborn gets such a huge ego that the world practically revolves around them. They have a field of gravity as strong as the Vortex ability of an Umbral Blot (Joke Book) and can never be tripped, lifted, pinned, moved telekinetically or bullrushed. Finally all their strikes in melee carry the force of a planet hitting you in the face, and automatically deal (extra damage) and knock foes prone.

Yes, it's based on the utter bullshit Dicefreaks construct, the Neutronium Golem.
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:Question re: Name of the Rose. So let's pretend we care at this point. But does the "area on the great wheel" mean a layer of Hell, an entire plane, or say their own private melon garden?
It doesn't make any difference, because Morphic areas can have their areas morphed. So if you want to collapse it down to a private melon garden or turn it into a continent filled with deadly vampire yaks, you can just do that.

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Post by TavishArtair »

A layer and a plane are important differences, though. Does this let you select Hell and tell Asmodeus and the other 8 rulers of Hell that you're now in charge, or just Asmodeus (or, say, Dis, since you think he's a bit too prissy)?
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Post by schpeelah »

I'm pretty sure the intent was that you select an unoccupied area that will be as big as you wish on the inside. Asmodeus' palace is already under Asmodeus' divine morphing, so you'd have to wrestle that power out of his hands.
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